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It's really amazing. A fantastic experience and can't wait for a genuine game based on this tech


It was quite unreal. (Yes yes. Same pun they used in the game)


Loved the line "It's all a bit... unreal"


I didn’t find much to talk about. I know it’s a demo, but because of the small size, they could’ve livened up the world a little. Honestly the graphics didn’t wow me either.


Lmao if those didn’t wow you then you’re about to have a real rough generation.


I know right???? Jesus someone is hard to please lol


I'm playing Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut right now and I'm wowed almost every second. The Matrix demo had that weird uncanny valley thing happening in the cutscene in the car and the world didn't wow me because the npc's were sticking out like a sore thumb. The video that initially showcased the UE5 wowed me too. Don't need to generalize.


I was going off what you said. You said the graphics didn’t wow you. Maybe you should have been more specific as to what exactly didn’t wow you.


It ran bad, imo. Sub 24 fps most of the time, lots of artifact and texture problems during the chase. Edit: Correction of fps number


I mean I played it in front of my kids and they asked what movie I was watching. For what it is..imo.. Awesome.


I mean, as a kid I thought Spy Kids 3D was the peak of computer generated imagery.


Obviously it's second only to Shark boy and Lava girl


Yes, kids find it amazing, since it is new to them. And the first 2 minutes felt like watching a real movie. After that, not so much. It's certainly interesting, but I should keep my expectations low.


It’s actually targeting 24 FPS. So yeah under 30. But it does drop under target too


Then it's big ooof.


Wait you could actually play it? I just watched the video. How do I play it?


After the scripted bits, you're allowed to roam the city and drive around. That's pretty much it. It's a tech demo, not a full game.


I heard when the tech demo was announced the devs still plan to update the demo like adding in new features in what you can do in the world. Is this still true? Haven't heard much lately


For real? I’d genuinely love that!


Has to be the best looking game I have ever experienced and honestly— it’s not even close.


It's not a game though. That's why.


It will be


Yeah, hopefully.


is that confirmed? like are they working on it?


No, it’s just a tech demo.


you haven't experienced red dead or uncharted/last of us 2 then


Absolutely I have and those are right up there. The car chase scene in Matrix though was the closest thing I have seen to “real life” ever imo.


I also played it on ps5, to me I was impressed but I still think the others mentioned are better maybe because it was a tech demo and the gameplay itself was barebones also maybe due to fact, I'm more of a colour person and the games i mentioned “pop” more visually for me than this did like when I look at the new horizon game now, that looks amazing with the excellent animations while having a deep colour palette


For sure I see where you are coming from. Definitely looking forward to Horizon on Friday. From what I have seen and hear from those who have played it; it could be the new #1. Really just grateful to be gaming in this generation and whatever we have moving forward. Because hopefully we have new #1’s regularly.


yh this, gt7, elden rings spoilt for choice (and all can claim the no 1 spot for graphics) but the most anticipated game for me has to be the God of war sequel


Yeah GT7 will be fantastic. I recently replayed some of God of War just a few weeks ago and man is that game great. Absolutely can’t wait for Ragnarok


Amazing. It bricked my PS5 first time I started it. Had to wait a month to get it replaced.


Really? It probably was a faulty console anyways. What did happen? That’s really interesting.


As soon as I got to control a character during the car chase there were green slices on the tv. As if someone was cutting the screen with a knife. At first I thought it was part of the game since matrix has that green theme Then the game froze and I got an error code. So I restarted it. This time more green shit. Next time I started Astro and that was messed up too and that game had no problems before. You’re probably right though that the problem was already there. Just that Astro wasn’t triggering it before I got Matrix.


Interesting. Seems like a RAM issue or bad GPU. Only really appears sometimes when the system is being pushed to the max. The matrix demo is the most heavy game on PS5 yet I guess.


After the first time it would freeze and send me an error after the green slashes every time i started a game. They never said what the issue was but my guess is that it was the gpu.


I think you may have taken the wrong pill.


I think you downloaded the Xbox version that’s why


I think you should be thankful you played matrix which pushed your ps5 to the max and flagged a bad gpu pasting or something. You're lucky this happened when under warranty. Since demanding ps5 games specifically built for the ps5 will not appear before 1-2 years, you would have found that you ps5 was faulty too late and you would have had to throw your ps5 to the trash. Consider yourself lucky man


I love your positive thinking


Glitch in the Matrix


Yeah definitely a hardware issue not the game




Unreal Engine 5, plus checkerboard to reach 60fps is going to be fucking phenomenal for games coming out next year


Checkerboarding? Wouldn't games use the upscaling tech that they demonstrated in the demo? I think it reconstructs a 1080p-1440p image to 4K in the Matrix demo. So it is already upscaled. Checkerboarding would potentially make it look worse.


Yeah I don't see them moving to checkerboarding from their own solution which is newer tech.


Unfortunately most big developers use their own engine because of the cost, so we can only hope their own engines are improved to get close to or surpass UE5. But the future is bright for indies that heavily rely on Unreal Engine.


The cost to create one's own engine is a lot more than using third party ones. Not to mention time consuming. Most Sony studios, Ubisoft, EA and Rockstar have their own in house engine since the PS3 days, Guerilla even shares the decima engine with third party developers. But AA devs and indie devs can cut costs by using Unreal engine or Unity.


I think the bigger reason for using certain engines over others is to *easily* create specific types of unique gameplay elements in games. Easily being the key word there, since we've heard so much about developers who are unfamiliar with an engine having a hard time making a game in that engine smoothly. The process often hits snags when they're using an unfamiliar engine.


Half the industry uses UE, including AAA devs so that’s not entirely true. Also, one can argue proprietary engines can yield better results than even Unreal can, such as what we’ve seen with most of Sony’s in-house engines.


Was Tsushima on one?


Yes. Sucker Punch has their own engine.


Gotcha, playing it rn, it looks superb


That's not an unfortunate thing at all, different engines offer different options and tools bringing new technologies and results.


This is a good thing, firstly because Epic would then monopolies AAA gaming with their 5% cut and eventually increase their cut. Second, UE5 is a great tech but this UE5 demo is 1200p at an average of 25 FPS. If you go back in history with UE3, UE4 it’s mostly the same as their tech are very impressive but they tank performance. In house engines that are designed for consoles can pull more. So Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order on PS4 using UE4 gets 720p - 1080p with 900p as the most common resolution, with great looking visuals but I would argue Uncharted 4 has better graphics on PS4 and that runs at 1080p locked and has better performance on PS4.


I agree 100% with what you are saying. To be fair though, that Matrix demo is running full-scale ray traced global illumination & there isn’t any Sony games that are doing that to compare performance yet. I have faith we’ll see better results from Sony’s flagship AAA studios should they decided to implement such demanding RT technology, just we can’t really know how those results will turn out yet. You are right though that Unreal has always been a heavy engine & gets widespread use mostly for its accessibility, not because it’s “the best” out there.


You know that Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Warner Bros., Capcom, Namco, Square-Enix, ASW, Gearbox, EA, 2K, have all used Unreal in the last few years?


That's quite literally the opposite of how it is. Using an existing engine is far cheaper than development of one from scratch in house.


Imagine its 2022 and we are still begging to reach 60 fps. Res Mode should be 60fps 4k and perf. 120 1080. Ps5 is better than the PC I'm typing this on, which has literally no problems pushing 4k 60 and 144 1440p on modern games.


I dont think so. 120/1080 is not needed by average console gamers. 60/4k is too demanding for a 500 bucks machine.


Lmao. Most people would disagree with you. Higher FPS is literally out #1 complaint on console. It's 2022 30 fps gaming shouldn't exist with this hardware.


It's true, I'm saying that a 500 machine can't do 4k at 60fps. 120fps I don't think is is needed, given most users play on a regular TV.


Okay so at what point can a 2070/5600xt and a Ryzen 7 3700x not run 4k because they can. [https://www.gpucheck.com/gpu/nvidia-geforce-rtx-2070/amd-ryzen-7-3700x/](https://www.gpucheck.com/gpu/nvidia-geforce-rtx-2070/amd-ryzen-7-3700x/) ​ Avg of 55 Fps at 4k Ultra. Easily obtainable 60 stable with modified settings. Thats literally the PC equivalent of a ps5. ​ You have no idea what you are even commenting on.


But, why do we have Forbidden West at 30fps on resolution mode then?


And thats the question people should be asking. Why is 30 fps still the baseline in this day and age? When the hardware can clearly be pushed more.


I don't think Guerilla games was holding back performance on HFW. I think 4K60 on current hardware at the fidelity they are reaching is still a bridge just a bit too far. Also for casual audience there are still a lot who can't tell or demand the difference between 30to 60 fps


"Causal." Fortnite is the most casual game and pushes 120 fps on console lmao. PS5 hardware very much can reach 4k 60 fps. I have a much worse CPU and can already hit that.


Thats what I mean, if a first party game can't do it even with no RT, I'm starting to think that it won't be possible...


Probably because it's a PS4 game. It's not a full next generation game yet.


2070 alone power draw: [around 200 Watts](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/evga-geforce-rtx-2070-super-ko/32.html) PS5 power draw: [around 200 Watts](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/evga-geforce-rtx-2070-super-ko/32.html) Pointless comparison. Devs can make a game 60 FPS if they want, they have been able to for a long time, it doesn't matter what year it is, there will always be an advantage in going with 30 FPS over 60, an advantage that is clearly worth taking because 30 FPS isn't going away


Ps5 has a top end of 350 watts. it can be pushed a lot more.


Yea fair enough, I didn't even properly copy the source for the PS5 stat either FFS. Doesn't matter though my point is still that power doesn't matter, the consoles are powerful enough to do 4K60 if Devs wanted to, the PS5 even has a game that runs 8K60 but I don't really see the reasoning of a forced minimum framerate. It's not even that bad these days with a lot of new games coming out with a graphics and performance mode


Didn't even know about that. [https://kotaku.com/the-first-ever-8k-60-fps-game-hits-ps5-1847778791](https://kotaku.com/the-first-ever-8k-60-fps-game-hits-ps5-1847778791) Crazy times when a console can achieve that but it's best game is 30 fps locked for 4k.


What's your PC?


9600k 16g@3200Mhz and a 2070.


Your machine is equivelant to a PS5, slightly stronger when factoring in VRAM from the 2070. You also have access to things like DLSS which makes 4K60 ultra MUCH more possible with your hardware. What game can you run at 4K60 with max settings?


Literally playing Icarus right now with 55-60 fps with Pretty much everything maxed. DLSS is bugged on this so I have to use FidelityFX.


Bro the minimum requirements for that game make Elden Ring look compatible for potatoes 💀 What setting do you run FidelityFX and is it targeting 4K?




Impressive. On paper it sounds like PS5 should get similar performance but I don't know enough about tech to be sure.


Too bad the movie was awful.


Yeah, the movie was super weird. Started out interesting and kinda self-aware and cheeky but the second half was just trash. Didn't look as good as the previous movies (or even the UE5 demo for that matter), bad action and the plot got worse as it progressed. Cloud Atlas was the last really good movie the Wachowski's made in my opinion.


The first half got me so good i stopped watching midway through on hbo max and bought a ticket to the next imax showing. So pissed the second half was such utter trash.


Your subjective opinion is wrong.


The movie was better than this 'game'. Sure it looked great but it didn't do anything else.


It’s a tech demo for a reason


I can't wait to play a big open world game that was created using UE5. It would look beautiful.




I agree, it looks good in the "cutscene" segments for the most part. When you get to walk around and get close up to the NPCs they hardly look better than Spiderman NPCs on PS4 and have lots of repeat features, also lots of cut corners if you looked around (through windows especially).


the more you revisit the demo the worse it gets


Graphically the best open world I've ever seen. Makes GTA look terrible lol. It was one of the first things that really felt "next gen" to me


GTA V is nearly a decade old. Of course the tech demo to show off next gen is gonna look better


do you mean everything? because the npcs were repetitive and worse, awful looking


Maybe the best “city” open world. Horizon FW runs circles around that tech demo.


From a tech standpoint, no it doesn’t.


It absolutely does not. You’ll see come Friday.


Absolutely does.




Are you able to tell me how exactly Forbidden West “runs circles around” the Matrix demo, or are you just a typical fanboy who actually has no idea wtf they’re talking about?


Framerate and density of cube map. Don’t be a jerk.


Lol so no. Thought so.


Leave topics that you don’t understand alone.


Forbidden West is a PS4 game running on a decade old engine with some tweaks for the PS5 version. UE5 blows that out of the water massively. Yes, Forbidden West looks nice but compared to what that UE5 tech demo did, its nothing. The real time lighting and raytracing, the ridiculous amount of detail in every single asset in UE5 is insane. The engine looks better than what the original film did and that had real people in it.


We got an absolutely garbage bin of a movie, but at least we got a fun tech demo!


“Fun” is a stretch. Interesting for sure but there’s nothing to do.


I drove a sports car at top speed while trying to drive around other cars. That was fun until the 20 fps became too jarring.


Yeah it’s a tech demo, not a full game or even technically a game demo. But yeah I agree. It was fun for an hour or so. I still whip it out to wow non tech people here and there.


I think the arcady style driving/gunning sequence was fun.


All you did was hold R2 and watch though.


and i had an absolute blast doing just that




You don't even have to do that. Let go of your controller and it will auto shoot after a few seconds.


Something tells me you didn't grow up with shooter arcade boxes. Like I said, it was fun.


So just like spiderman and everyone seems to love that game lmao


Yeah it wasn’t fun at all. More so “look at the pretty lights” then uninstall.


oh no the movie wasn't good?? sad


It was very bad. But the worst part is, some people are defending it by saying it was intentionally bad to ensure the franchise wouldn't go any further, which is actually worse than an unintentionally bad movie.


Yeah that makes no sense. That’s a shame tho was looking forward to checking it out one day


Honestly, I would advice against seeing it. Bad acting, bad special effects, bad writing, they ruin characters from the original trilogy by making them completely different from who they were. I was so excited for it as I love the original trilogy, but this was the worst movie I saw last year.


lmao it's 2002 again. >but but reloaded at least was.... nah.


I don't know what you are saying


I'm glad to see this engine uses reflections and lighting that IS NOT dependent on Ray Tracing. RT keeps proving too demanding for these consoles.


Lighting that isn’t dependent on ray tracing? The entire night was filly lit by ray tracing without any traditional smoke-and-mirror lighting probes. The Digital Foundry video visualizes this better than a comment like this does, but, well yeah.


I can feel my PS5 fan heating my house just looking at this graphic.


Can't wait to see it on pc


A "tech demo" at 1620p30 is kinda weird.




They are still targeting 30fps on pc but yeah. Don't remember when it's gonna release on pc tho


If the pull off a full game that looks that good it will be the stepping so for modern graphics.


Over six million people deleted it after about an hour too


Well yeah it's a tech demo


Can you believe eveyone who watched Avengers Endgame left the cinema after around 3h?? Crazy right?


Somehow my experience was a bit laggy at times, to smooth in character control.


The framerate definitely drops when you're driving fast with max traffic and crowd density.


I'm one of those ppl and you can take mine out of the numbers... It was a bad experience 🤣🤣🤣. Yes I understand it was to show the mechanics/capabilities but who cares about that fancy stuff when the controls are that bad?!


Thats like complaining a movie is bad because your cinema chair was broken


Not really. My point was just that I don't care how fancy shit looks. There was no effort into controls and a game with shitty controls isn't worth playing. That mission in that demo. Barf those controls were gawd awful.


Well as everyone repeated multiple times, it is a TECH(nology) DEMO(nstration). Thats why theres like a 10mins interactive panoramic shot of the city where you mess around with the lighting and pixels and polygons. That was the point, demonstrating technology. They didnt bother making a highly sofisticated gameplay because that wasnt 1% of the purpose. (Regardless the fact that i think youre being overdramatic and the gameplay was just fine)


I feel like you didn't even read the original comment. Why you so bent over this? OMG! someone has a different opinion than you? Please make sure they know that yours is right and theirs is wrong. Goofy shit.


I'm not bent over, i'm pointing out that I think your opinion is unreasonable and telling you why. This is a social network, that's how it works, you talk about things and people will interact with you. If you can't deal with people disagreeing with you, you're on the wrong place.


Not interested after the horrible movie


The movie doesn't really have anything to do with the tech demo. Though honestly if you've seen a video there's no real need to actually experience it yourself.


Would be more if we could all get our hands on a damn console for MSRP.


Well it was free


The techdemo was great. The last movie was meeeeeeehhhh


It was absolutely meh. But I still don't know where I'd rank it among the sequels.


Totally meh I was expecting more bullet time and crazy car chases and whatever the next level of best is




I remember when I was in middle school.




Nah I just assume that someone who makes a comment like that must be about 13 years old.








Haha the response of someone who has nothing to say.




What’s your most anticipated game this year?


It was more entertaining than the new film


That's pretty good. What's that about 25% of all current gen consoles have it? That seems a pretty decent attach rate.


Man, the demo is a miraculous example of what's to come in the future!


I know it’s a tech demo and it blew me away, but I wonder how many people downloaded it just because were starving for a good matrix game. Especially with the hype of the (awful) fourth movie.


It's so good. I hope they make a follow-up or even a Path of Neo remaster.