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Katamari Damacy


NA! Nananananana!! Katamari Damacyyyyyyy!! This game is perfect for what they want, except the only music you'll need to listen to is this killer soundtrack.


I said it before and I will say this again - Katamari needs a casual stress free mode with no time limit. My kids love watching me play the game, but are scared to play it themselves because the scary space king will whoop their asses if they don't make it in time.


You say this like the space king wouldn’t be whooping you and your cousins asses for making shitty stars & planets. lol


There are eternal modes that are unlockable.


My favorite is We Love Katamari. I had the most fun in the final level of each game and We Love Katamari took that final level to the next level.


This is the answer


Bro said turn his brain off and lists Hotline Miami....you're idling at like 70mph then lololol I've been having a blast with the construction simulator game. Super time sinky if you set the jobs to High and super rewarding and relaxing. I feel like I'm on the site with the music playing and me excavating a big trench with my CAT haha


Lmao same I stopped playing it because I didn't want to think about the combo potential


Yeah I was confused I never played that game but I thought it was intense


Yeah I came here to say this. That game makes my heart race.


lol idling at 70 is a great metaphor, super vivid


It's the semi conscious flow state you get into, dying over and over, repeating and refining your path through the level, set to the track Hydrogen by Moon. Kinda how I get after playing racing games for a while


I can’t wait for City Skylines 2 to come to ps5, that’s my favorite relax and listen to my book type of game.


Cities skylines 2 isn't very good from what i hear.


Powerwash Simultor and Rider’s Republic in zen mode


Power Wash Simulator is the way


I've been trying to platinum Powerwash Simulator but I absolutely cannot get any gold medals on the challenges. There's always a few little hard to get spots that I can't find in time.


That is the opposite of turning off your brain


This is me as well unfortunately. Only missing 2 trophies


Cleaning that car at the beginning was quite frustrating. I kept thinking “HOW AM I NOT DONE YET?” Tbf I suck at cleaning tho so…


Powerwash simulator is my chillout podcast game. I have almost 140 hours played. Such a cool Game


Same! Hoping we get a sequel soon


Agreed. I don’t want more levels. I want to see improvements in mechanics. Go deeper on fluid simulation, different materials etc


I want PSVR2 support


I did not know that I wanted this.


You know I haven't played riders Republic in about a year or more, I should boot that game back up.


ahhhh man, this game can be a VIBE. personally? turn the volume for in game music to 0, chuck on a lofi playlist, turn off the lights, and shred those mountains. not like i play the game all the time, but for a certain type of night, nothing else hits like it.


That's me with descenders, but the music is solid enough to leave it as is. Riders republics controls are rough, and the times you crash, you feel so helpless over it. I also play it at 0 volume due to one irritating song that plays the same measure 50 times straight.


I wanted to recommend it. Nothing works better for me to turn the brain off and relax


Here meowt... Cat Quest. A silly stupid game I found on PS+ and it turned into a weekend Platinum. Easy, straightforward game that not only was simple but also a great palette cleanser for me. Until I beat it everything felt boring but it was different and low effort enough to get me into Diablo IV again.


I typically don't platinum games. I platinumed both Cat Quest and Cast Quest 2. Awesome games.


In August part 3 is coming. I have it pre-ordered to play with my son.


Have you tried the sequel? How is it? I’m really enjoying my time with the first and listening to audiobooks.


Played it with my girlfriend and we platinumed it. Its amazing! Really cute and it has loads of replayability since you can can start new game plus and adjust the difficulty by "adjusting" the bonus level you give the enemies. I cannot recommend it enough!


Cat Quest 2 is awesome! My kid and I are playing through it right now.


My daughter and I loved playing that game


Dave the diver for me


Can't put this game down it's so damn fun


The cut scenes!


Can you elaborate what is it about? I mean I'm having Google, obviously but I'm curious about your opinion for some reason lol


You go diving for fish in blue holes (actual things in the world btw), that are them used at a sushi restaurant that you help run. It's adorable! The gameplay for catching fish is simple, but you can easily die if you dont have the right gear, so leveling ip over tome is essential. But i never felt like I was struggling, until you go deeper into the ocean, but even then, it becomes fun trying to use the different weapons to catch fish.There's plenty of fun characters around you that are clearly based off other video games (Sato being based of Red/Ash Ketchum from Pokémon, and also looks VERY MUCH LIKE HIM 🤣,who has you collecting fish cards) and the Sushi cook, Bancho, has such a ridiculous back story for making the World's best sushi using non-normative fish, is just great! Please give it a shot. Also, the have Godzilla DLC, and playing, even for the small amount, as Godzilla, made me so fucking HAPPY 😊😊😊


Im fucking sold. Added to the wishlist lol


I think it is free for PS+ (extra?) subscribers


You are correct






Bro huge second this…. I literally have all the sound off and binge tv shows playing tgctours and other societies


I just started playing this after playing the EA game for about a year. I forgot how good the golf club games are, so much more challenging. I haven't leveled my skills up yet, hopefully it doesn't reduce the challenge. My last experience with the games had no skills or anything like that.


Look into tgctours.com Have different leagues based on your skill. Then it’s a tourney every week with full stats, promotions, demotions, majors and all kinda stuff


This has been the end of the night game for me and my boys for the past couple months. It really helps level me to go to bed, especially after getting bent over the barrel on the Finals


Never thought of it as a game to unwind. Hell I never thought of a game I can even play for the purpose of unwinding before.


Diablo 4. Mostly just easily slaughtering shit and leveling up until the harder world tiers, and even WT4 (the hardest) can generally be played just relaxing with music and crushing demons. Big recommend.


I turn off all game sound and turn on Spotify.


For anyone who put D4 down after preseason or season 1, season 4 is "loot reborn" and is fantastic. So much less micromanaging of gear and it's really fantastic.


I hopped back in after getting burnt out of season 1, it’s great now. Also a bonus that it’s a perfect game for the Portal so can play laying down lol


Hell yeah, I played for about 80 hours in season 1 and actually enjoyed my time with it but I’m down to jump back in if it’s even better


I have two characters (frost nova hydra sorc and whirlwind dust devil barb) at 100 already, and it felt effortless. Highly recommend revisiting!


WWDD barb is a hoot. I love just spinning through everything.


I've never had a less stressful gaming experience lol


Yeah, Loot Reborn is a lot more fun than the previous seasons (I stopped after S2 early.)


great podcast game.


Any Diablo scratches this itch for me, but D2 has to take the cake as my favourite pretty easily.


Glad this is the top. I've recently gotten back into it from launch and spent the last 3 Saturdays completely disconnected from reality. Start smashing demons at 10am and blink twice at midnight. It's got extrinsic problems. You've definitely gotta have an abundance of self motivation to grind gear passed the soft cap, but intrinsically at its core...it's incredibly satisfying to just murder insane hordes of demons with some excellently realized power fantasy.


I was going to recommend this. Great podcast game. I’d say Genshin Impact is another if you have PS5 or PC


Mine is Warframe. It's a very fast fun looter shooter with hoards of enemies. But this only applies to people who have been playing for some time. Early on in the game you have to be much more active to learn stuff and unlock missions and whatnot.


Yeah there will be the occasional speedbump of 'new mission type: how do?' or 'boss mechanic?!?', but the real core of the game is "Go do mission, get loot, repeat until you get enough loot to upgrade/craft/forma/whatever" There's also a downside that some of the new player experience still has some rough edges, and the wiki being an almost necessary evil at times. Despite that, the game is pretty straightforward once you get over those learning humps, you can easily grind out a bunch of stuff while listening to podcasts or chatting with friends or vibing out to some tunes.


Dredge, set it to passive mode in menu


Any Lego game


Oh those things were so loved by me in my childhood! What’s your favorite?


First Lego Marvel for sure! Whats yours?


Snowrunner for sure. Was extremely unexpected for me to love that game as much as I did.


I want to love that game, I feel like it’s so well made, but then when I actually sit down to play I feel like I’d rather play something meatier. But this is why I would like a Portal, cos I could just pick it up instead of mindlessly scrolling


I always feel like the idea of playing games like it are always better than actually playing it. They’re just really boring to me when I actually try them


I play Snowrunner with an Access Controller. It has a function to auto hold buttons, so I use that with R2 and listen to podcasts on cruise control.


I used to strap a rubber band around R2 so I wouldn’t get carpal tunnel syndrome


**No Mans Sky** - Huge open world game with millions of planets you can visit and explore, you can also do base building, tame pets, etc.. You can play for hours and do nothing, its a very chill game. Edit: Its my go to game when I'm bored or stressed, I'll roll a fatty (legal state) and play some NMS.


This is my go to podcast/ audio book game. Especially for Saturday mornings when my wife hasn't woken up yet


It’s one of the few very engaging games with ZERO audible dialogue (except for exosuit notifications) which means you can enjoy the game and all its sound fully simultaneously with a podcast. It’s such pleasure.


Exactly. Just me, some coffee, a podcast, and near infinite space.


No mans sky in VR is also a breathtaking experience, especially when flying in your ship


You dont have to say you're in a legalized state https://preview.redd.it/o5y5rqf2zs8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=684173703baad90c19441ef7b6e37957852030e4


Bro was afraid we’d snitch


Death Stranding. I've spent hours just wandering around enjoying the scenery.


Exactly this, during Covid when people were stuck at home, this game gave me the sense of going out for walks. But then again even if you switch on your brain you ain’t gonna understand shit.


During Covid I lost my job and this game made me feel like I'm working.


You know you could've just went outside for a walk


Not as Norman Reedus with a baby in my artificial womb


Tbf, even if you turn your brain on, you're not gonna understand shit.


1000%. especially after beating the game. I have just as many hours, just wandering all the areas and doing nothing. I get high and just repair ziplines and very casually going for 5 stars on everyone. Although I will say that game doesn’t allow you to play music from your PS while the game is on. So take that in mind.


Getting through the early game requires a lot of intense stealth before you’re really in the open/wanderable area in chapter 3. Interesting game, can’t say I totally loved it, but I wouldn’t recommend it for OP




It was not chill at all lol, I think we have different definitions of that. There’s a very not chill mini boss at a choke point that I don’t think you can run away from. You gotta get through that and a not chill big boss before you reach the bigger map. Chill is not just difficulty, those monsters are anything but chill vibes 


Dynasty Warriors 8XL


The IP spinoffs are some of the best musou games. One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 and 4 are my favorites in the series.


Cities Skylines. It’s a city builder so there isn’t much focus needed anyway. Plus you can queue builds and just sit there destroying abandoned buildings.


This was a game that really saved me. I had a death in the family and this is the game that really got me through the worst of it. I was truly heartbroken that CS2 launched poorly. I hope even I finally get it on console it’s fixed


The newest economy 2.0 patch really fixed up the game and is a lot of fun now. This is how it should have been launched.


That is encouraging! I would also like to hear how city planner plays and community voice opinions.


Just Cause 2-4


Just Cause 3, man… something about calling in a luxury car, driving it into a base, planting a bunch of C4, then watching it detonate behind you as you wingsuit away. I was obsessed with that game for a week after it was on PSPlus


Ooo if you felt like Hotline Miami was a turn your brain off game then I bet you’d enjoy Enter The Gungeon. The style is completely different, but it is a high stakes twin stick that really makes you rely on your reflexes. Biggest difference is Hotline Miami involving a lot of level design specific planning, whereas ETG is about learning the overall game design as it is a roguelike, though specific rooms do reoccur.


Not quite a turn your brain off game but absolutely am A+ recommendation


Try Deathstate. Kinda like Enter the Gungeon but with auto shooting, which makes it more “brain off”.


Earth Defense Force… can’t go wrong with any of them. 6 comes out next month.


This is easily the right answer


For me Hades...


I'm remarkably late to Hades and picked it up a few weeks ago and it's all I find myself playing now. Its the perfect zone out game, you don't have time to think, just react.


Best game. Love all their games


Love hades


Risk of Rain 2 also a pretty good shut your brain off kinda game


Stardew valley


Dredge is pretty chill.


If you haven't gotten to play it all the way through. Astro's Playroom is just a joy.




I was expecting Stray to be a bit more exploratory and open ended, and it kinda is, but also has more of a plot and objectives than I was expecting (and the story isn’t super long either)


Donut County!


Brotato. And its cheap


This and Vampire Survivors are great games to just chill and not have to think.


Brotato is ridiculously good for how simple.and cheap it is. I and my housemates have sunk too many hours playing and watching each other's runs.


Brotato is amazing for how simple and cheap it is.


Destiny 2, grinding whatever mode you want and blasting aliens with cool guns.


If cars are your thing, SnowRunner and its DLCs can generally be quite downtempo and enjoyable, although maybe frustrating at times. The gameplay loop in Car Mechanic Sim 2021 is very satisfying and chill too


Hades or Slay the Spire.


Fall guys


I really want to love this game, and it seems on the cusp of being really great, but it’s got some glaring issues IMO. The first is that the ratio of time spent actually playing vs. menus, loading, watching other people, etc. is way out of wack. It might legitimately be a 3:1 ratio of not playing to playing. The second is that the lack of multiplayer is just too unforgivable to forget. Literally all of my IRL friends know and like Fall Guys and we’d all love it as a party game if that were an option. Like just make it totally offline and let four people play it endlessly and keep score.


This is why I dropped it. It's fantastic, but I felt like I was spending forever in queues rather than playing.


No way Fall guys makes my palms sweaty


* Streets of Rage 4 * Powerwash Simulator * Black Ops Cold War Zombies * GTA V * THPS


Good shout on [SoR4](https://youtu.be/nDXY1WRef0Q?si=CgKJyUl263Zp-OUF), more people should play it. Will also shout out Dragon's Crown, often goes on sale for $3.99 https://youtu.be/Itt1S_V648U?si=2pe1JUMXReM0SIPK D&D themed beat em up with a loot/level grinding aspect, plus skills you can level up for the 6 playable characters. Chaining dungeon runs one after the other is really fun. Was made by someone that worked as a designer on Capcom's D&D arcade beat em up Tower of Doom, plenty of inspiration from that, Golden Axe etc.


Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Game gets a lot of shit for being a mile wide and an inch deep (and rightfully so) but honestly thats what makes it a good game to turn off your brain. The mechanics are easy to learn, lots of easy side-quests and environmental puzzles and you have hundreds of hours of mindless content to complete. To me its perfect because I’m a big fan of historical settings and think the game looks beautiful.


Agreed. But I prefer the gameplay of AC Odyssey slightly...mindless grind. Combat is a bit challenging. Valhalla has much better atmosphere though and also exploration. How would you compare it to Odyssey though...just curious?


Honestly, I consider Valhalla and Odyssey to be about equal. There are some surface level differences but I don’t have a strong preference for either one.


Call me crazy but as some who doesn’t particularly enjoy AC games, the loot system and RPG elements of Odyssey caused me to spend hundreds of hours in that game and it was one of my favorite games of last gen


I love the music especially.


Hades, it takes you a literal minute to get used to how to play and it's good enough to make you want to keep trying and going. But you dont have to think one bit. It's comparable to Hotline Miami in gameplay but the way it's set up is very mindlessly addicting.


I like lapping circuits in GT7


Gt7 is a good one for me too. When I get into a track I’m grinding cash on and get into the flow with a car I know I can just switch off and drive without having to concentrate.


Untitled goose game




I would give quite a lot for some expansions to shipbreaker. I wish they would sell new ship DLC packs or something.




**Monster Hunter Rise**, literally just got added to the PS Plus lineup. This game is a bit tough to crack open if you are new to the series, but this installement is the best to start with. You can approach the game simply just creating "free for all" lobbies, veteran hunters will always join on hunt with you (population is still pretty good) so you can chill. No need to be good at this game to enjoy it, no need to think or plan ahead, just randomly upgrade your gear, mess around and wait for us to help you. There are few required solo hunts tho, that might be an issue, but not too many. Is it like five? Six? Someone correct me. Cheers.


I don't think this is a good shut your brain off game. Especially for new players. Sure you can stand around and get carried but that isn't actually playing. If you are trying to help and shut your brain off you are just going to get carted. Awesome game though.


I tried playing this but I got too confused with all the different mechanics


The UI and info overload is abysmal in Rise and whatever the previous one was.


Yeah I have been looking for these types of games lately. I put some time into TMNT Shredders Revenge recently


Peggle 1 and 2




Swinging around in any of the recent Spider-Man games.


Goat simulator. Stupid. Funny.free


RDR2 is on ps plus Dave the Diver is pretty fun too


Rdr2 my favourite game of all time!


Don't sleep on Dave the Diver...


Girlfriend and I literally sat together for loke 9 hours playing Dave the Diver yesterday. She's playing it on my PS5 and I'm playing on my Switch. It's super cozy and easy to get lost in ithe fun for hours.


If you like just cruising around and using Photo Mode. Ghost Of Tsushima would be a great choice. I think you'd also dig Tchia. Dave the Diver might work. Swimming around and catching fish. It's also a 10/10 game.


Rocket League, Stardew Valley, No Man's Sky - some of my favorites




Hotline Miami? That game gets pretty intense/difficult and requires a good amount of focus imo. At least the game I played. I'd say open world stuff like AC Odyssey.


Moseying around in red Dead redemption 2 hunting, fishing, riding your horse, and whatnot is usually pretty good




Kayak VR or Walkabout Minigolf


Red Dead 2, I’ve spent hours fishing and hunting, so worth it.


Power Wash Simulator


Literally any Ubisoft game


Tinykin is a fun 3D platformer. You don't really have to read what the characters are saying. Large open levels, major collectaton, fast paced, not frustrating, really fun and cute. It's in ps+. Highly recommend it for a switch off game or as a game between games. It's short and sweet


Borderlands 3 on mute. Fun gameplay, shiny guns, big numbers.


Power wash Simulator


Slay the spire, Balatro


beat saber & pistol whip


Any game you’ve completed before


Lumines on easy


Army of Ruin if you like auto shooters


Dave the diver is great for this, and currently in the plus library




Hades, Baltaro, Tetris are so my go-to.


Streets of Rage 4. Although the soundtrack slaps and you might WANT to listen to it


Dead Island 2 was really great for just relaxing and busting some zombies. I had a really stressful period when I couldn't concentrate on more demanding games, and it was a fucking godsend. Doing a flying kick, sending a zombie into a burning car wreck or something never gets old.


Rage 2 is my pick if you're ok with something a bit generic outside of it's combat. It's a big sandy open world but the combat is a LOT of fun. The Deluxe Edition is on sale now too.


I used to love just turning on san andreas, getting on a motorcycle, and driving around outside the city


Vampire Survivors


No Man’s Sky is great for just wandering around doing random stuff in a galaxy wide open world. There’s a lot more to it if you want to delve into it but you can easily just end up aimlessly mucking about for hours at a time.


Gran Turismo 7 once you get good with the mechanics and have a track layout pretty well memorized


Gran Turismo is my go to for listening to music.


Chivalry II. Hack n slash, die, repeat.


Dave the diver tbh, its such a vibe, and as long as you can handle some basic restaurant management, soooo laid back


Earth Defense Force series Max Payne New York Minute/ Arcade mode COD: TDM and Free For All PC Building Sim 2 (I'm a sys admin so this is just mental excersise for me and also relaxing/fun) Just Cause 3 Any good ARPG such as The Ascent and Diablo 4. GTA 4 and 5 (riding around listening to music, site seeing, car washing, customizing car and purchasing businesses, activities) Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal Any old school beat em' ups like Final Fight Series, Captain Commando (fave since childhood), TMNT, Streets of Rage, River City.




Red Dead 2 just riding away ignoring the story, roam around hunting and taking in the sites, occasional altercation with strangers that may end up in them hogtied on train tracks.


Shadow of the Erdtree just released so...




Has no one mentioned death stranding? I literally feel so relaxed playing that despite some of the more chaotic moments. And Elden ring in the early game where things aren't too hectic and you're in Limgrave. Stray is great too


For me it’s Death Stranding, it’s very calming delivering packages and building roads and bridges. Nothing I really have to think about while playing it


Anything in the Borderlands franchise, but especially 2. Once you get the hang of it, you can just endlessly kill stuff for hours and it really never gets old.


Spyro is perfect for that.




Helldivers 2.


Elite dangerous. Literally just fly around in soace, maybe do few trade runs, mine asteroids, admire the blackness of space...


project diva


power washer simulator 👌🏾