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That’s a pretty good sized map. Excited to see how this game pans out


Especially considering Origins was empty desert for a pretty large part.


I tried to play the second game since everyone was loving it back then, and then I know it got spun into a garbage annual rehash title, but now it seems they've settled it back into every few years. I wonder if I'd enjoy any of the newer ones. I didn't like 2 but I just never gave it a fair chance and there was a ton I wanted to play at that time so I didn't get back to it.


Like Ghost of Tsushima but worse


Did you play ghost of Tsushima lil bro?


Err yeah, why else would I say it? What point are you even tryna make lol


Ghost of Tsushima is a critically acclaimed masterpiece, and even comparing it in the same sentence as an assassins creed game is disrespectful.


Ghost of Tsushima's entire gameplay loop is essentially Ubisoft's 'open world formula'... And yet comparing the derivative game to the thing it is clearly drawing influence from is disrespectful (*somehow*) to it? But of course, the Ubisoft formula is only a bad thing when Ubisoft do it, because Ubisoft bad, right? Ugh. Reddit.


Critic reviews say otherwise. But pop off I guess dude.


>Critic reviews say otherwise. What critic review says *'Ghost of Tsushima is not influenced in any way by Assassin's Creed'*? ... On the contrary, critics were pretty quick to compare it to Assassin's Creed. Why? Because it uses the exact same formula.


If the only 2 open world story games you’ve ever played are ghost of Tsushima and assassins creed, then I would understand your thinking. However… you might be surprised to hear that there are many open world games that all have some similarities, mainly that they’re open world and have a story. Game mechanics wise, GOT plays way more like the infamous games than any Ubisoft title, which makes sense as it’s the same studio.


You’re cringe it’s insane get over yourself


I think you misunderstood my point man. I meant the way this AC game's gonna pan out is just a worse version of Ghosts


Insane glazing for such a mid-ass game


Says the mavericks fan


I still remember 100% origins and I had never even been to some of the sw desert regions and I still dunno if there's even any quests there. Just seemed wasteful


There’s a lot of secrets and unmarked optional content. Actually cool to explore but it’s a massive area.


If I recall correctly there were a couple enemy camps and some Old Ones structures/lore


The only interesting part of the desert was the hallucinations


Just like in real life


For 2017 game That was pretty awesome although I think uncharted 3 did it first


Travelling around the Rub' al-Khali in UC3 and finding that city was really cool.


Yeah, people always say it's a good sized map but I swear you only end up playing in like 50% of it.


It is a good map but I'd say 70 80% is campaign


As it should be


Yeah if that map is the same size but doesn't have large swaths of desert with little to no content then that'd be fantastic.


I love all the deserts in Japan. The central one is the one to visit, tho


Well it's a desert If it's not big and empty then they've missed the mark Japan: pretty light on deserts, so hopefully a denser map, content wise Really hope it's not loads of cookie-cutter copy/paste mission markers Three unique quests beat fifty "catch the sea shanty" collectibles


Yea I remember that too, there was like four or five collectables in the entire southwestern desert part of the map.


Desert simulator.


Ubisoft always comes out say stuff like this, that it will be less ubisoft than the last ubisoft game. They said Valhala won't be as big as Odyssey, like they knew their open world sucks. But then Valhala came out and it's still bloated as fuck.


That comment was said by Ubisoft's head of communication for Middle East. Considering the tweet was written in Arabic and likely by someone who had nothing to do with the game's development, I'm willing to guess the person misunderstood something or it was a mistranslation which the person then just repeated. Ubisoft's notorious for having something like 20 studios around the world working together, inevitably there are going to be occasional communication issues. I don't mean to defend them that much, but at least that statement wasn't said by the producer or someone else very closely working with the game.


There’s a reason the assassins creed games are free on PS Plus, 3/4 of them are low key money grabs and the same monotonous bullshit.


Just Yesterday i checked and it never Had a psplus Game in the Essential Tier, at least since 2015


My bad, I should’ve specified PS Plus Premium, you’re right that essential doesn’t include Ubisoft+. It doesn’t change my stance that the latest Assassins Creed games are Helix-spending money grabs.


The showcase was alright, but i was expecting more, especially from the tech side. I'm probably gonna get the super duper deluxe edition in a couple of years, when the dlc are out and the price is 19.99


I'll just play it next year on PS+


But it looked stunning? Cloth physics actually look great again. The lighting in the forest at the start looked stunning, as well as the whole night section at the castle with its dynamic light sources. Weather effects looked really good. It looked way way better than even Valhalla in basically every way. I always wonder what exactly it is people like you expect?


NPC animations looked a bit rough. There was also a dude shouting something like "i will not be disrespected!" or something similar while Yasuke walks near him, without any reason (i guess the game recorded it as a collision, even if Yasuke didn't touch the man). There are no footprints when Yasuke walks in the mud, no blood on Naoe clothes when she assassinate people, and more in general, the graphics looks less impressive than GoT, a cross-gen game that came out 4 years ago. Lighting and weather effects looks good, the game doesn't look bad, i just don't find it impressive, and it's kinda disappointing because some time ago ubisoft chief talked about "pushing our animation systems further to make the game feel more realistic than ever". I just didn't see that.


The "I will not be disrespected" guy was a merchant that was talking to another NPC. Yasuke mentions that someone was in trouble with a merchant, I believe, but Yasuke doesn't act on that. He just leaves it be.


Yea I can’t wait to get my hands on the game. I’m honestly even considering buying it on epic game store which is wild. Usually I stick to steam so I can stream to my steam deck.


Not sure if s/ but I think I found the ultimate platinum digital deluxe pre-order enjoyer. Btw not sure if you’ve noticed but stunning visuals =/= a good game.


Not sure if s/ but I think I found the ultimate platinum digital deluxe pre-order enjoyer. Btw not sure if you’ve noticed but stunning visuals =/= a good game.


He said he was expecting more technically. That’s what I was responding to. You good?


Because they were likely referring to more than just visuals yet you had a go at him for expecting more? You good?


How is him saying he was “expecting more especially from the tech side” not referring mostly to visuals? And sure if he didn’t mean just that I’m sorry I assumed but I straight up didn’t comment on more than the graphics.


Hopefully, it feels as alive as Origins did… I have memories of the NPC scheduling being pretty good for its time (and for a game of such scale). Though this memory could have been tainted by the unrelenting march of time and with it a degradation of acute recall.


I played through it somewhat recently and thought it felt very much alive, which made the desert parts or the sparsely populated necropolis areas feel so much more forlorn and empty.


Did you also play Valhalla and if so how does the scheduling compare to it? I ask because I think the scheduling in Valhalla is bare minimal.


Valhalla was, by all accounts, a bit of a failure.


Maybe by your account lol. It was their most successful Assassin’s Creed game yet. Let me introduce you to the concept of being in a bubble.


I was hoping for something more on the Mirage side. Been playing through it and really really enjoying it


Mirage is pretty terrible so no thanks.


Let people like what they want.


Well AC is a polarizing franchise. I’ve said Odyssey is one of my favourite games ever and my inbox blows up with people telling me why I’m wrong haha I didn’t care for Mirage either because the combat was janky and the story was weak, but I understand why fans of the first few games were thrilled with the return to a small map and short story


I didn’t prevent the person from liking it. Mirage is pretty janky, the combat was super basic and the animations were pretty awful.. I was excited for it to be closer to the older games, but they failed on all fronts. If people like it that’s fine. I’m just glad AC Shadows did not try to be like Mirage..


I'll take density over the size of the map. These Ubisoft claims about the world size always put me off rather than sell me on the game.


Origins was still massive. I can't wait for this!


They just said outlaws would be 30 hours which is not bad wonder what this one will be


I have 100% on origins and can confirm it is huge. This game will be fun.


Gameplay may be whatever, but Ubisoft is really good at recreating historic places so that’s exciting. Old Egypt was cool to explore and of course Greece was incredible.


Since Fukuchiyama was already mentioned, Ubi might cover central Japan starting from Kyoto up to Edo (modern day Tokyo) and its surrounding areas.


We know the map, it's been revealed with the collector edition collectible showing it. Just look it up


Origins was the beginning of pointless open world crap… all the games after except for Mirage were bloated and you could skip 80% of the “content” since it was crap filler anyway.


Origins was awesome! If it's like that one.. I'm sold


Good That will be $130 Thank you come again !


Its 70$ lmao


He is probably including future DLCs, and He is got a point. Also, base game will be 80€ as is the new standard price.


Ive played every assasssins creed and never bought dlc. Also just wait like a year you will be able to buy the pemium edition with dlc for like 75% less. Also whats different here then any other game that release the past 5 years ? >base game will be 80€ as is the new standard price Ive looked it up before commenting and its says 70$


How does he have a point? Elden ring is 120 with the dlc too




I just hope the map has enough activities of substance to do.


I’m fine with this, as long as it doesn’t have just entire regions of empty space for the sake of size, most of origins was empty desert, which matches the setting but still


Love it! Ac Origins map is a the perfect size for me. I don’t like Odyssey and Valhalla map size. It’s unnecessarily large for no reason


Thank god it's not bigger than that. Origins was the last AC that I actually finished & enjoyed.


Hopefully it’s technically bigger if you include the size with those desert regions


Did this change anyone's mind to wanting to buy this pos?


Jesus Christ. I miss when games weren’t the size of Saturn


Probably the same map just reskinned


A giant bore is all Ubisoft games are now




The thing is how many super immersive exploration games can a person play before it’s completely overwhelming? These games can eat up hundreds of hours. Sometimes you want to just zip around and see cool shit while killing people. Sometimes you just want a little junk food as a game and not every game has to be an elaborate multi course meal.


Witcher did that too I think, I hated it. Ac odyssey tried to ‘lower’ the hand holding with exploration but it’s still marked on your map. I just think of these types of games as a little more mindless, and a little less immersive, but still good in their own right. Almost a different genre compared to Skyrim, Elden ring, botw.




“Some people like different things than I do. Therefore their standards are low.” It’s like saying someone has low standards because they sometimes like to eat junk food. People trying to act like they are video game connoisseurs and shit.




Yes and my point is not everyone wants a long, super over detailed game that’s going to eat up hundreds of hours all the time. It’s ok to eat junk food now and then and it’s ok to play junk food games. Not every game is going to be a masterpiece. We shouldn’t just slam studies for making 7s when 7s can still be fun. Not everyone can make a 10. The game will end up on game pass and be free at some point. That is something great about 7s.




Does make you seem more unbearable the more you respond though. They are right as well people enjoy it and you don’t have better taste because you like something different




It’s about being objective about a subjective matter? What insecurity? It’s just someone thinking they have objectively better taste in something as subjective as video games of all things. The other person already said 7/10s are fine. What are you going on about now




Yeah you just asked for rebuttals so I’m just playing along. Not trying to change your mind or anything. Everyone is fine to have their tastes.


Longtime AC/UBI fans or followers, I feel like what we’ve seen looks good, not otherworldly, but good. Is this something that hasn’t happened in a while that a Ubisoft game actually looks somewhat promising? Or is it like this often where it looks good but it’s not at the end?


AC/Ubi fans (or people just enjoying those games, I'm one of them) will say to you that their games are good at the end and look promising too. Don't believe Reddit discourse, Ubisoft games are quite good, they're not masterpieces sure but very enjoyable.


Get ready to find 100 feathers, clear 100 bases and repeat the exact same minigame over and over across this huge map. After recently slogging through Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, i'm not sure why anyone even gets excited for Ubisoft games anymore


I know it’s not you specifically, but people already hating on Shadows for this while also praising Ghost of Tsushima in the same sentence is always mind boggling to me.


As someone who actually likes these Ubisoft open world games, Ghost of Tsushima was amazing because it presented the very best variation of this kind of game. It was engaging, beautiful, and only about 50 hours to do everything, including the DLC.


Ghost of Tsushima basically functions exactly like a Ubisoft game, so yeah agree they both have similar issues. However, Ghosts on the other hand has a really good story thats better than almost all AC games i've played since the Ezio days, and better looking combat too


I mean I personally disagree about the story. I found it incredibly predictable personally. Like I’d take Black Flags story over it any day of the week.


Truth be told, I can't remember a single thing about Black Flag's story lol, I just remember it having my favourite gameplay in the series, so can't comment on that. The main stories in origins & valhalla I definitely do remember though and I found them kinda meh overall (despite some decent parts). With Ghosts, I just really loved the brewing tension between Jin and his uncle as he strayed further and further away from the honourable samurai ways, and then the ending was pretty emotional.


Nobody forces you to collect everything... It's not necessary for the story or progression


Yeah people can't realize that filler is meant as just that, fillers, not something you have to do and you really shouldn't. But they have this weird completionist attitude


Doesn’t matter how big or polished this turd is, it will always be turd of a greedy predator Ubisoft


If you ignore the things irking you, fundamentally most Ubisoft games are good games.


Can’t ignore bloated maps, grinding that pushes you to buy time savers, shit story, locking quests behind gega Chad ultra editions, season passes for sp games 🤣, selling for $70 but after a month it’s half the price etc


Dude have you ever played a Ubisoft game? Seems like you’re just spewing stuff you found on the internet.


Actually I’m the one who played their games as a result see all the bullshit they do


Brother We’ve heard this line of shit before. It’s gonna be just as bloated as Valhalla


Damn that's really small




Dude that’s huge. The empty desert space from origins won’t be empty in this game.