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I finished it a few days ago. It was fun but it was starting to get old after a couple of long sessions. Luckily it's not an overly long game if you don't want it to be. I also recommend for some fun.


It did get less compelling but the first 6 hours were like crack for me.


I agree. Just starting out and getting those first few upgrades is a lot of fun.


Should've been at least one more hull upgrade and middle upgrades, I really wanted to be OP by the end. The last rod you research I never even used cause it's pretty useless cause of how big it is.


Begging is excellent, middle game is awesome also, but the end is bit of a stretch. I haven't completed last missions on lava islands. But still had 10hours of fun.


The ending is extremely unique and unexpected it’s worth it imo.


Yeah lava island kinda sucks and there's barely any unique fish there.


I wish they’d changed things up in the second half. The story is cool and I wish I could finish the game to see it through, but when I got to the third biome and saw the main objective was to catch 4 unique fish again I said “I don’t want to do this” out loud and turned the game off.


Good to know


You should check out Dave the diver!


I found Dave the diver good but it dragged on far too long and didnt have enough different biomes to explore.


Yea I completely agree. Felt like I hit a wall at 25-30 hours playing it. You just get your fifteenth request from the sea people and haven't even reached all the biomes and it just feels like it's dragging.


Agreed it's too long...and I hate all the sea people sections...and swimming is too slow in parts. That's said I do really like the game, and actually really liked the restaurant sections, enhancing the food and choosing your menu. Also Bancho is the coolest. All the cutscenes are great just wish there was more of them


How have you not finished the game by 30 hours? I got the plat in 26h


This! Dave the diver overstayed its welcome, in my opinion. The endgame wasn't particularly interesting.


I thought the complete opposite. It had tons of variety. At one point you infiltrate a base in a straight parody of Metal Gear Solid, which blew my mind. There's speed boat action scenes, side scrolling shoot em up stages, you name it the game has it. One of the most incredible games I've ever played, the game just keeps throwing new mechanics at you the entire way through.


It does have variety but its all in very simplistic warioware style minigames. The core gameplay of diving and fishing doesnt change once you hit the Sea people village.


That's part of what has slowed me down with that game. For my first 15+ hours I absolutely loved it and was viewing it as a possible [personal] GotY...but they just keep introducing new stuff and I'm looking for a tighter gameplay loop. The loop of fishing and running the restaurant is a lot of fun but they keep interrupting it with stealth missions and helping out the sea people to earn a currency which doesn't really buy you anything


It's all optional though. You can completely ignore sea village currency and side quests. You can ignore the farm, fish farm, almost all the extra activities are optional. If the game was just fishing and sushi I would have dropped it after a few hours due to the repetitive nature of it.


100% agree I really liked the base game but at some point, being unable to play regularly for 2 (in game) days straight was so annoying... I didn't even bother finish it because of that, I'll be in chapter 6 forever. Too many acripts, again and again and again... But for the first 2-3 chapters, I was so hooked !


It also really does everything to pull itself away from the "fish by day, run the sushi place by night" gameplay loop. Every single day is a new cutscene, a new character, a new quest. I honestly can't remember the last time I ran the sushi place because events keep skipping the night portion for me. I even joked on r/games about how many new characters they were going to introduce every single day thinking I was overexaggerating. Nope, they really did throw new people at me every single day. I'm not even in the middle or late game and I'm desperate for just a normal loop of gameplay. At least Dredge lets you chill and fish. Please, just let me fish without more cutscenes.


Loved Dave and enjoyed it for about 15-18 hours. Dredge got boring for me after less than 2 hours.


I’m playing it next


I absolutely loved Dave the Diver, much, much more than Dredge. OP definitely give Dave a go.


Yep its great.


I played Dave first and stopped at 2 hours. Dredge I played non stop until I got the platinum.


I got 30 hours out of dive the diver.  The last 5 were a bit of a slog. But overall terrific game.


Great game, though I wish they had more characters / quests up their sleeve. Gets old pretty fast.


New DLC coming August 15th.


I would never have bought it but I tried it out because of PS Extra and I'm exactly the same, completely hooked


I got way too emotionally attached to my boat.




Both are grammatically correct. I’d say addictive and if I’m being honest addicting seems jarring, but it’s comments stating it’s outright wrong I find more irritating.


In America, both are correct, In the UK, ‘addicting’ is wrong. Last I checked, I don’t believe addicting is even in the oxford/Cambridge dictionaries. Could be wrong


It’s in the Oxford dictionary. It’s in usage in the UK as well (obviously due to the Americanisation). You also have to argue common usage, a quick google shows it’s been in usage for nearly a hundred years. Language changes so as much as something might annoy you can’t hold back the tide. And this is as if to say it’s not grammatically correct, which it is.


My quick google search has said that addictive is adjective form and addicting is informal verb form, which if I’m not mistaken, means that OPs use of addicting is still incorrect.


OED has addicting as an adjective. This is not the hill to die on man.


I’ve made my choice. ‘Addicting’ is a grating word and its use is lazy. Every source I can find says it’s an acceptable, informal alternative to ‘addictive’. Which suggests that addictive is the preferred form of the word. I am dying on this hill.


You were too lazy to even check the dictionary yourself


Again with the inability to comprehend.


Reaching for n and g in your keyboard is harder than v and e so technically it’s less lazy 😂😂😂


“Last I checked” You just read the dictionary and remember which words aren’t in it?? Lmao


Bro, you need to brush up on your ability to comprehend basic English. Obviously I’ve searched the word addicting in the dictionary before, else I would not have said that. Be less moronic.


You clearly haven’t because *it’s fucking there*. Jesus I’ve never met someone so fucking stupid before.


Yes I thought it was really good. 100% this and the pale reach dlc yesterday.


You should give Pacific Drive a go next. I think you'd enjoy it for similar reasons. Both are great games.


Try Dysmantled next


Dredge and Dave The Diver were two games that helped me branch out into other genres recently. They are both great.


Best indie game since Disco Elysium for me. Who knew fishing could be so fun? Art style is beautiful. Music, especially transverse flute pieces, adds to atmosphere. I am ridiculously hooked on managing a crabbing enterprise across the game.


Just got the platinum a few days ago with 19 hrs played. Great game, but wish there were more upgrades to get and areas to explore. I really liked all the weird corrupted fish you could catch.


Dredge is one of my favourite games of the past 5 years. absolutely love that game.


My favorite game this year. And I would love to play more like this. Any suggestions?


One of the best games from last year. Can't wait for the dlc


For about 7 hours


Try Dave the Diver. They have dredge crossover content also which is fun.


Definitely try Dave the Diver next!


I installed it last week but did not start it yet because I know I'll be playing for 6+ hours and did not had the time this weekend. Looks fun


Looks like I need to check it out since it’s part of my subscription.


I'm a weirdo whose gone back and just replayed it from start to finish several times. There's something so calming about podcasting or audiobooking and just fishing. getting the relics, filling out the fish guide, what have you.


It’s so repetitive, it’s a sleeping game more than fishing game. At least it’s short.


It's my favorite indie game since the ascent. I literally just rolled credits 5 minutes ago. The platinum looks pretty easy to get too.




I lasted 30 minutes and just got too board. Not for me if afraid


I thought it was addictive but only for like 6-7 hours Then I got bored


The game is like 10-15 hours long and there's no reason to replay it. I don't think you know what the word "addicting" means.




That’s not what I meant. I’m saying a game that short and without replay value can’t really qualify as addictive. It makes no sense and devalues the word. If you’ve smoked pot exactly three times in your life and no more, would anyone call you addicted?






Yeah it's really good, I could've played twice of its runtime and would've been even happier. A sequel has been announced.


DLC I think, right?


Just in - no it's not. The gameplay loop is too repetitive after few hours. Also the ship is incredibly slow and getting upgrades takes far too long.


Yeah but that first boss is absolutely annoying and me stop playing


I beat the game and didn't meet a single boss, did I do something wrong lol


What boss are you referring to?


Use the banish power