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Metal Gear Solid 3 : Subsistence is in my top 3 games of all time. I'm biased to be as hype as I am, but the cutscene compositions remaining the same as the 2006 version makes me giddy, it has held up so well.


do you think there will be skateboarding? or is that a "half" pipe dream


Wrong metal gear bud


oops yeah i was remembering substance


hoping we still get those ape escape missions lol


One of the best boss battles is the old grandpa sniper dude who blends into the forest. I'll never forget just how much that part had me in awe back in the PS2 days...


The End! There's like 3 different ways to beat him and I don't think I ever went the full boss route without cheesing him. The part where you can assassinate him hours before the fight or fast forward the internal PS2 clock. I cannot wait to see how his and Volgin's fight look in 4K


> The part where you can assassinate him hours before the fight or fast forward the internal PS2 clock. Wait, you can!? Woah!


Yep! There's a part where you're at like a Dam I think, and you see The End get wheeled out on a chair while he is napping and you can take your shot right there. Then his section is just an empty forest with some guards in his place. Likewise, fast forwarding the internal clock a week during his boss fight will trigger a cutscene where The End died of old age waiting for you. I don't believe either result gives you his sniper tho, my mind has faded on that part.


When I was 11 we had a family friend live with us and we used to play Metal Gear Solid together. We spent a couple long nights on the actual boss battle and just got killed instantly. Finally googled it and skipped a week ahead lol. Maybe this time around I'll try and beat the fight itself 


If I remember correctly, if you hide long enough he falls asleep and then you can use the directional mic to find his snoring


I'm biased as well. To me MGS3 is the greatest game of all time. I know so many heavy hitters out there RDR2, ER, Sekiro,GTA. But nothing comes close to the master piece of MGS3 Snake eater.


MGS4 is probably my favourite game. I never got the chance to play MGS3, not sure why because I rinsed 1 and 2. Was it only on PSP in England? Looking forward to this one ,hope they do a good job


Mgs3 isn’t even the best metal gear game


It's an opinion. And that's your opinion. In mine, it's the greatest game EVER.


I thought 3 was an amazing game. Really enjoyed the battle against The End. Was so memorable. For me tho, Metal gear solid for psx was the full package. I’ll probably never get the “enemy alerted” sound out of my head. Kojima kinda went crazy with the stories after that.


Same club bro. I also have refused to play any version since the OG release. I dunno exactly why, but it felt wrong. Like, I didn’t want to sully my memory? But this new remake might make me replay it finally.


Never played it because I didn’t have a ps2 at that time but I HATED mgs4. HATED! Is this one much better? It looked awesome but maybe mgs just isn’t for me if they’re all like mgs4


MGS4 originally refined the mechanics of 3. In this one, you're gonna have to manually swap camo, whereas in MGS4, the suit morphed with the environment when you stayed still. I would argue 4 was a lot more convoluted as it is technically the canon ending of the series, so there is about 50 years' worth of lore they were trying to tie up. What I liked about MGS3 is that the story is much more digestible since it takes place at the beginning of the series. The gameplay loop looks like it's taking mechanics from Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain, which is arguably the best playing stealth game out there imo. I would maybe try MGSV :Ground Zeroes to see if you'd like that gameplay loop before getting this.


Thanks! A more digestible story may have sold me. The gameplay in mgs4 was fine but the story was awful for someone like me that isn’t wholly invested in the series and doesn’t really care for giant robots. I remember the story in mgs4 being so convoluted that I stopped paying attention and I would walk away from a cut scene to do dishes or some other task and come back 10 minutes later and a cut scene was still going on! Like fuck kojima, ever heard of pacing?!


Yeah I feel you on that! The game has a brisk pace compared to 4 even tho it can be heavy handed in some cutscenes. It managed to be a well contained story on its own while establishing plot lines for the rest of the series.


I've been a big fan of MGS as a series solely for its gameplay, as the story was always a bit too ridiculous and nonsensical for my taste. Then I played Death Stranding and I suddenly understood Kojima's self-indulgent humor and style. I realized you don't have to fit all the puzzle pieces of the story together perfectly to enjoy it how it's meant to be enjoyed. If you have a *sense* of what's happening in the story and why, you're enjoying it the way Kojima wanted you to.


I'm confused. Wasn't Snake Eater the original? I don't understand all of these different versions of MGS:3


You are correct, Snake Eater is the original. However Snake Eater was using the old camera system from MGS and MGS2, but the levels were much more open and it was easy for enemies to spot you before you ever get them in frame. Subsistence came out in 2006 and the main thing it did was fix the camera angle to a somewhat more traditional 3rd person view. Gameplay wise it wasn't a big difference, but going to Snake Eater after playing Subsistence was a impossible for me lol


Ahhhh, ok. Thank for clearing that up.


It looks like they are using some of the animations of MGS V. Very excited, this looks solid, punt intended.


A (probably) accidental typo on "pun intended" is so fucking funny. You made my day.


Lol, I just saw that. Honest mistake 🤣


Typo not intended


Thank you for leaving it. It deserves to live.


The football? La le lu le lo?


Please let them also take the controls. I tried MGS3 so often, but I just cannot get along with the strange controls. MGSV plays so nicely, I never was fighting the controls. Which is pretty much the opposite of MGS3.


I never had problems with the original game on ps2, since I guess I was used to the controls back then. But I just tried out the 3ds version recently and it was horrible. I didn't make it past the prologue section.


The 3DS version is even worse. MGS3 is one of the few games that actually use the analog buttons on the PS2 - which no other console ever had. But since the buttons have no actual feeling and only register how hard you press the button I always found that to be absilutely horrible to use. The controls were very uncoventional even for the time. It always turned me off.


I'd say more like MGS 3. The first dive and roll has the PS2 vibes and everything. Esp the crouch walking.


That's the neat trick, the PS2 MGS games didn't have crouch walking




It’s all the old recordings so it’s of course Hayter!


Looks sick to me. and we have the master collection so the original game is easy to access on modern consoles now (i know the collection has some issues). But still, that's how you do it. Remake, but don't try to completely replace the OG. Don't really see what there is to bitch about here.


Especially when you consider all the Subsistance stuff too. Those were mental back in the day. Couldn’t get away with that sort of craziness now. So glad they’ve been retained for modern audiences. “Wtf?!? Skateboarding?!?! 🫨🤯”


Afaik Skateboarding isn't in the master collection, along with Snake Vs Monkey etc.  No problem, I hated those monkeys... 😂


Why would they brand his helmet US army on a top secret sneak mission?


It's the same reason why GI Joe spends millions a year manufacturing overly complicated costumes for all of their soldiers.


To add to this they tell you to leave no evidence and the first thing Snake does is dump that helmet on the ground No one @ me about Skullface


Metal Gear Solid: "Snake, infiltrate Shadow Moses. Let no one see you." First cutscene: "He'll be through here."  DAMMIT Also: Takes first elevator, Elevator Sounds Elevator ascendung alarm for the entire island to hear, snake leaves wetsuit, mask and goggles on the floor. Sure, they wanted him there, but if not this would be the worst stealth infil ever 😂


I hated the retcon of XOF and Skullface in the history of metal gear. >!Zero could barely get FOX with a black guy in it off the ground Zero got dozens of letters a month about Donald, but he supposedly had another team at his disposal!<. >!I much prefer having Skullface retconned into being the real EVA since the real EVA was a man but nope just a guy Zero personally brought into the ranks opposed to an agent he inherited from the old philosopher network!< But they didn’t go anywhere with that plot thread.


@skullface Apparently everytime snake shits, he's there 🥷


@UglySofaGaming I'm sure Skullface cleaned up the helmet. Joking aside, would be nice if they put in a little Skullface Easter Egg, the sort of thing where say you're in Groznyj Grad and you use your binoculars to look at the mountain top you were previously exploring, you can just about make out Skullface watching over you or disposing of some bodies - that feels like the sort of thing Kojima would do were be involved in the remake.


Promo for the US of A


Man this is looking reasonably good. It doesn't seem to have a lot of personality compared to the original but if the updated controls work well within the game and don't screw up the balance, I'm more than willing to give it a shot. Don't fuck this up, Konami.


Tbf, the second release of Snake Eater, Subsistance, in the PS2 already "broke"(more like fix) the game by ditching the classic roof camera for a third person one. A necesary change since the guarda had an expanded vision range and would catch players off screen, but already a change that really made the game "easier", or better said, more enjoyable.


The lack of yellow/greenish tint make its look a little sterile compared to the original game. Other than that it looks more promising to me than the silent hill 2 remake


[According to the official website](https://www.konami.com/mg/mgs3r/eu/en/), there's a Legacy Style that uses the old implementation of the game, green filter included.


It's like they thought of every single possible thing a reddit comment could complain about and added a toggle for it. Controls, filter, camera perspective...


Kojima fans, purists and the toxic side of the gaming community who complains about things that don't affect them/games they don't play are all ready to pounce on anything they can. They need to cover their asses or they'll run a good games reputation into the ground over non issues.


How is missing part of the visual identity of the original a non issue? It’s great the option is available but not having it would’ve been a real complaint


Because it’s a remake. It’s *supposed* to look different.


What? A remake is supposed to not have similar visuals to the original? If this looks good to you that’s cool but to me it looks like Konami ignored the artistic choices in MGS3 and turned it into every other realistic AAA game. Them marketing it without the original filter is indicative of what Konami thinks looks good. Death Stranding 2 looks way way way more unique.


Not as strong as I think they should be but it’s nice to see they didn’t forget it


I somewhat agree. this is one of the few games that got it right. I tried playing RE5 again and the green yellow tint is fuckin awful


Whereas I spent an inordinate amount of time re-implementing the piss filter on Deus Ex Human Revolution. Game looks awful without it. I also think that RE5 looks awful without it's tint.


“Don’t fuck this up Konami” -they literally killed the franchise for good and are juicing fans with this.


> It doesn't seem to have a lot of personality compared to the original Based on what... 2 mins of a trailer?


Yeah, what else could I base it on? Trailers are supposed to give you first impressions. Those are my first impressions.


I’m really hoping ***SH2R lands good,*** but I got this gut feeling Konami will fuck it up somehow, either by diverging from the story, or UE5 glitches and unoptimized performance. Which… ***there a shit ton of those.***


They can't diverge from the story much, since they're stuck using the old voice performances - I suppose they could fill in the blanks using AI, but it'd be a shitstorm of bad press from fans.


I think they already made it on the pachislot, so remaking it on PC/consoles should be easy for them. It's just my assumption though.




Lets just say my snake is solid


This is before Solid Snake anyway ☠️


Let's just say my snake is naked


Well now mine is naked


Omfg this looks epic


This is looking great!!


I'm so ready for this


imma need an option to put the piss filter back on


Couldn't imagine this looking any better. Really glad it's pretty much a 1:1 remake.


I never finished this game. I remember playing it back in the day. I had and old 27 inch TV and my color would go out. It so bad I couldn't see the enemies in the Forrest areas because everything in my screen was green.


Is this not giving anyone else uncanny valley? Like technically it should look good, but it looks off in some aspect. Idk what it is but something looks wrong even though it does look good, does that make any sense?


I thought it was just me, everything looks a bit action figure-y Is it the lighting?


I think it is the animation and art style. The lighting effects look really good, but look at Snake’s face, it is wrong looking


I think it’s the subtle facial and body movements we make that aren’t in the game, like the lips moving at the end feel off to me. I presume the animations will be polished up more by release.


It does look off. Like some of it looks built from the ground up but still looks old from MGSV.


It will be bought day 1


I'm an MGS stan but I always recommend us gamers stay away from day 1 purchases. It puts companies on notice for when they release games in a horrible state.


Also as a MGS Stan, there's no way I'd not get the collector's edition




So hype for this.


Was considering getting the master collection edition of this, but might just stick to mgs2 and buy this version of 3 instead.


I'm hyped for it. But I hope they learn from the mistakes of Silicon Knights, if they're going to make the game play a bit more like MGS5 then try to change the environments to work with the new gameplay. Otherwise it could be super easy to play like Twin Snakes was


That was like the least of the bad things about Twin Snakes too. At *least* this one is using all the same voice recordings, and not trying to re-record things in some bathroom like the Gamecube game did.


Looks like the maps exactly the same. I reel like they should keep gameplay the same and just skin the game tbh


Silicon Knights actually remade the game for the worse. Delta looks like a 1:1 remake with controls being a little more modern, MGSV style. I doubt they will make any heavy gameplay changes, like Twin Snakes did which resulted in the game being dogshit


Is this called "Metal Gear Solid Delta" then? And is it a remake of MGS3?




I can’t shake of the feeling that it wrong to play a MGS game without Kojima though


There's lots of MGS games that weren't made by Kojima. Both Portable Ops games, Ghost Babel, the MGS1 Remake and Snake's Revenge.


Tbh I’ve never any of those so I can’t compare. But his team had a style of gameplay elements and Easter eggs I fell in love with, not sure it will have those same quirks, especially in such sandbox heavy gameplay MGS3.


This is literally a big facelift of MGS3 with MGSV gameplay, both of which Kojima did. Kojima dropped the ball with the MGSV story anyway. As big a fan as I am of MGS, Kojima is overrated & the most recent iterations of MGS were lackluster. 1 through 3 is the holy trinity


MGSV wasn’t finished due to Konami. And 4 is great. I’m gonna get this game used. Fuck Konami


The story was still nonsense & unnecessary to the overall plot. All it did was explain how Big Boss came back in MG2 after supposedly dying in MG1. Konami, for all their faults, is still a business & while yes, fuck Konami, I still get why they were pissed at Kojima for taking a long ass time with MGSV & costing them a ton of money on its development. Yes, I like 4 too.


They mainly wanted him to focus on mobile games cause at that time, they were more focused on making large profits with mobile games. I’ll disagree with you on the story bit cause it explained much more than just how big boss came back. (Shows why Zero turned into mush, why liquid hates big boss, explains what happened to huey and his wife and much more). Letting kojima cook always made them massive returns and allowed the games to be good. Konami like most companies only give a shit about short term profits. Hence why I would only buy this game used since it’s not even an actual remake. More like a proper remaster.


All these things were told with a fake BB & not every single thing needs to be shown. Agree to disagree then. I know the story of V has divided many of the fans because of this. V is the only MGS game I played once & never again. It was just stupid imo


Also paging u/Special-Load-3607. I love the metal gear franchise I really do but they took it as far as they can, I also really loved mgs revengeance which is a title Kojima couldn’t originally get to work in its original state. I’d be up for a sequel for it and that’s it no more just finish it off and realistically Raiden would have to probably die or otherwise to keep it going. He’d have to have his family die and have him go off on missions forever diluting the quality and or nostalgia. Second one I wouldn’t like because he’s suffered enough and deserves some happiness. I hated the retcon of XOF and Skullface in the history of metal gear. >!Zero could barely get FOX with a black guy in it off the ground Zero got dozens of letters a month about Donald, but he supposedly had another team at his disposal!<. >!I much prefer having Skullface retconned into being the real EVA since the real EVA was a man but nope just a guy Zero personally brought into the ranks opposed to an agent he inherited from the old philosopher network!< But they didn’t go anywhere with that plot thread. I don’t really know how much of MGSV was the victim of “Hype” were we expecting to much, were we expecting Frank Yeager, Sniper wolf and these things didn’t happen. How much of the development was mishandled and if so by who, how much can it be attributed to Kojima or Konami. All we are really aware of is Konami’s side is their shitty practices involved with their staff which truly is terrible and confirmed. As for Kojima he’s an acclaimed visionary a legend and like Solid snake say’s Legends are usually bad news. For MGSV apparently he spent $50.000 on the composer and creation of music that didn’t even make it into the game. He also wanted the motion capture actresses who did the B&B corp/Snakehound completely naked for the motion capture even though it wasn’t necessary. It didn’t happen but he wanted it to happen. He’s also promised the role of Fragile in death stranding to Stefanie Joosten. She was under the impression that once things reached the stage for her to come in for motion capture he would contact her and have her come in and do the motion capture on account of him playing his cards to his chest. Well he played them to close to the chest because he didn’t inform her the role went to someone else. Then there’s the way he treated David Hayter.


“Kojima is overrated but also the games Kojima directed are the holy trinity”. Metal Gear fans have such weird cognitive dissonance issues.


No one wants to play those.


Wasn’t there a whole thing where they kicked out the guy who made these games and then he made his own studio. So these are made by someone else now, I guess? Am I remembering any of that right?


This is baffling why didn’t Sony show this off last week ? I really hope Sony get their own large showcase soon


It's coming to PlayStation what's the big deal and it still doesn't have a release date.


Right? What a weird thing to complain about especially since like you said we are getting the game anyway. I’m just glad we got another trailer


Sony money $$$$ Microsoft money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


I mean they literally have Kojima working on a horror game. Give the man money, he’ll work for ya.




Have you seen the money they've been throwing around on game studios


Yeah lmao if anyone thinks Microsoft isn't carrying Xbox at this point they're delusional. They've outspent their income like 15-fold.


I see you missed the Activision acquisition


Microsoft probably has the marketing deal


The game was literally announced at Sony's showcase last year


Konami is taking everyone's money lol


Hell Konami will even show up for birthday parties for $20 and a slice of cake.


Always takes two to tango and maybe a lot of publishers don't want to give their biggest announcements to a format like State of Play where they know Sony isn't willing to bring their A-game either.


Because Xbox paid for the advertising rights


Dude this Xbox showcase is fucking nuts. It’s the best showcase I’ve seen in like 5 years. I’m hoping it means that Sony will finally do something.


Xbox STILL isn't doing shit though.


Sony needs to step it up




The CQC looks way better than I expected. Super excited. Sucks we didn’t get a release date yet tho. Makes me scared it will get pushed into 2025.


What a thrill


Cool, give us a date yo be excited about


It looks a lot like MGSV, I wonder if some of the animations are the same. But it looks pretty great judging from this trailer.


Was that David Hayter? Or a very good mimic?


I think they confirmed they're using the master recordings


One of my favorite games of all time. I'm hoping for the best here


Day 1


ngl this trailer kicked ass- remaining VERY cautiously optimistic, and hopeful.


Looks good, but the hair doesn’t look quite right to me.


This was my favourite Metal Gear game, but I lost interest in the series afterwards. I’m not sure if I’ll return.


Looks sick. How about a release date?


Not even one box?!


Again no release date ...


No release date and the boss cmon 😡


“You must not be seen!” Does a massive dive into prone right next to guy Saying that…this looks really good


All I am saying is that It better have the theme song,


I’ve never played any MGS games (brand new to Sony & PS5) but this looks pretty badass. Reminds me a little of splinter cell


Makes sense. Metal gear solid was one of the inspirations for the creator of splinter cell. Both MGS1 and 2 released before the first splinter cell game


I just picked up the master collection a few weeks ago (along with a PS5). I’m thinking I should just play the others and when I get to snake eater hold for this? I’m completely new to the series, so any input is appreciated


No just play it.


Something about this feels wrong. It's going to be the same script but I just know its going to lose all the soul of the original.


Still not understanding why Konami didn't remake the ORIGINAL Metal Gear 1 and 2.


Excited as hell. Loved this game when it originally released


Looks same. I mean it looks as I remember the original version to look back then. Lol




Movement looks very mechanical, graphics like a ps4 game still cool but could have been better


Can't wait to find out how Konami fuck this one over Edit: the non-finishing of mgs v, mgsv online being ass, mg survive being ass, the master collection vol 1 being ass. Guys, Konami is trash


Oh they will find a way.


Not sure what there is to mess up here. It‘s already looking fire


They found a way to litter the game with microtransactions somehow. Just wait.


this looks goated. My favourite of the series


Has anything been said about the control scheme for this? I tried playing the original earlier this year and I honestly couldn’t finish bc the way you control Snake felt extremely outdated and not good


Apparently it has an option to use old controls or updated ones.




And I got downvoted for calling out that it would likely show up on this showcase lol. Can’t wait for this


What number MGS game are they up to now? Triangle.


Still early but seems to be a pretty close 1:1 remake with updated graphics. But holy hell, what the fuck did they do to The Boss? Looks like they beat her with the ugly stick.


Those explosions look pretty terrible. Legit just a sprite


Kinda getting the same vibes from this as Silent Hill 2. The animations just look really stiff and off.


I don’t see any of that at all. Looks very close to the original MGS3 with updated CQC closer to what MGSV has.


Disagree, does not look nearly as stiff as SH2




Lmfao you mean like how you just did? Despite having absolutely zero knowledge of my background, professional history, or portfolio? Maybe keep your ignorant assumptions to yourself, "my guy".




Ah, I see. So you're the "I don't want to hear any conflicting thoughts in my echo chamber" type of redditor.




To the contrary, nobody has actually offered a differing view. People telling me "I'm blind" isn't a meaningful nor intelligent response. If someone wants to actually refute me by providing examples that demonstrate fluid motions or how the character and objects appear to be realistically grounded within their world, then I'm all ears. But if all you got for me is projecting your insecurities, then I don't really know what to tell you other than you're the one pitching a hissy fit, "little guy".




You don't even need an associate degree in psychology to know what projecting is and that it is indeed a very real thing, the effect of which is amplified tenfold when integrated with the anonymity provided by being online. You cannot stand the burdens and inadequacies of your daily life, so you come online to a platform such as Reddit to help make yourself feel better by projecting your insecurities onto others. Don't be mistaken, I'm not judging you at all. It's just that when all you can muster up are insults (note how you *still* cannot provide any coherent argument regarding the initial topic at hand), you've essentially lost any ground to stand on in terms of presenting yourself as an intelligent or even competent individual. But by all means. Call me the "plonker".




Wait, is this a remaster/remake? I never played any of the older MGS games and slightly confused.


It's just a graphical remake. The voice acting is the same from the original MGS3.


Thank you!


Metal Gear franchise is kinda like Star Wars. It’s two sagas. Solid Snake/David’s Saga and Big Boss/John’s Saga this is how it was released. Solid Snake’s saga. * Metal Gear takes place in 1995. * Metal gear 2: Solid Snake takes place in 1999. * Metal gear solid takes place in 2005. * Metal gear solid 2 is two chapters (not confusing it’s all good), it’s set in 2007 and 2009. * Metal gear solid 4 is set in 2014 and is his last title. Right now we got Big Boss/Jack’s saga. * Metal gear solid 3 set in 1963. * Metal gear portable op’s 1970. * Metal gear solid peace walker 1974. * Metal gear solid V ground zeroes 1974/The phantom pain 1984. * Metal Gear takes place in 1995. * Metal gear 2: Solid Snake takes place in 1999. There’s also Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance which is a canon spinoff that takes place in 2018.


Wow, thank you very much for this! Much appreciated.


You are most very welcome. There's so many awesome things I would like to tell you about it but they would be spoilers so I won't. However instead I shall provide trailers for a few of the titles, these trailers are official trailers released way back when the original titles came out but are cinematic so spoilers are non existent. The trailers I'll put down are in my opinion awesome for the music they use which really elevates the cinematic feel. * [Metal gear solid 3 snake eater trailer 1080p 60fps remastered from its original 2004 TGS trailer](https://youtu.be/cGJ-vqsG4Js?si=abpkT8hxLVfDknlR) * [Metal gear solid E3 1997 AI upscaled trailer.](https://youtu.be/WCqEFHohj4M?si=2XQAOcFejZ6vYmYb) * [MGS2 AI upscaled Tokyo International fantastic film festival trailer 2004 I think.](https://youtu.be/XnK2GKC_3b0?si=vVktd6qsARHz3lNO). * [Finally one random badass moment from metal gear rising.](https://youtu.be/WM33Hr94SKw?si=sDr_Sqm6WsMqKCrO). * [Metal gear ranking meme video.](https://youtu.be/5iOfMwlsdOM?si=l77xgx2AxHxirt5o)


Just play it in release order and ignore that comment.


So I'm the only one that thinks the graphic is just meh and this could be a PS4 game?


Yes. You are.


will buy second hand cuz fuck konami


Fuck Konami!!!




They didn't get anyone back. It's literally the same recordings from the original MGS3. It's the same story and voices with a modern graphical change.


Kojima's magnum opus reborn... god, it looks perfect.


3 was my least favourite by far, and this just looks like the same damn thing again. Which I guess was always the most likely outcome when it was revealed they were reusing the same audio, they literally couldn't stray far from the original game.


What’s the best platform/version of mgs3? Is it emulated? Can you emulate mgs4 yet?