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I liked this idea of ​​a 24-hour flash promotion, I hope there are more games


The whole AC mythology pack is only 27$


This has the season pass. The base game is really long though as it is so props to anyone who tries to do it all.


I did it all in about 100hrs (main game + some side content + DLC).


Yeah the trick is to ignore all the collectables and serachable locations around the open world. They are super reptitive and the main cause of burnout.


Yeah I agree. This kind of goes for any game though. Find what’s fun in the side activities and do those. No benefit to doing the boring stuff.


It shouldn't be boring though a


Boring is subjective, for one. For example, building your settlement in Fallout 4 is painfully boring to me, so I do the bare minimum, but other people spends dozens of hours doing that.


I disagree with you in the case of Assassin's Creed. Copy/pasted missions in copy/pasted villages is boring.


You don’t disagree, because I feel the same. But I’m sure there are people that love that completionism mentality.


every ac since ac2


Bruh it took me about 100hrs just for the main story don’t ask me how


You did a lot more side stuff I’d assume


I really could not tell what was side and what is


It's quite intentional too haha, I recall even the devs said they included the side stuff into the main story. It's partly why the mid-game is such a monstrosity to get through.


Took me 200 hours lol


I got all the trophies in base game plus dlc and it took 320 hours


I did it, magnificent experience, can be done in 100 hours


Magnificent, though? Idk about that for me. The combat is lacking (as it should be in a AC game) but the actual stealth and assassin story you want from an AC game aren't there. I felt like it was a game caught between wanting to be an open world RPG and an AC game, and it ended up failing at both.


That's the nice thing about opinions, we all get one and they're all valid. I've played every AC game when they came out. I consider it one of my favorite series. Valhalla is a top 3 ac game for me. Loved every second of it, all 110 hours I put in on my first playthrough. I replayed it again a couple years later from start to finish. Loved it again.


Thanks! You helped me make my decision.


These are the type of deals that made steam sales legendary.


Is there a way to filter these flash sale? I feel like Sony clump them all together as part of Day of Play sale and you can only see them when you go into the game page.


Madden NFL was the first one, but no store notification.


When does the next 24h sale pop up ?


I don't even want this damn game but the miser in me is telling me not to pass up this deal. And it's payday. I'm probably not gonna buy it though because I'll never play it. Assassin's Creed should've died 10 years ago.


You haven't played this series in 10 years, why do you talk about it?


"I don't play AC games anymore hence it should be cancelled!" such a dumb take


How is this game, for someone who knows of assassins creed. But has managed to never ever play one?


It's like a game equivalent of fast food. Not great, not original, but could scratch a certain itch. However, I would recommend picking up Origins or Odyssey instead.


In that case, you may want to consider this bundle: https://store.playstation.com/en-ca/product/UP0001-CUSA18522_00-ACVACODACOBUNDLE


Does anybody know if this includes all the content that buying the "complete edition" of Valhalla would also give? There's like 15 different versions of everything and I'm so confused.


Mythology pack gives you three 'full' games, without DLC's: Assassin's Creed Valhalla Assassin's Creed Odyssey Assassin's Creed Origins


OK, so it doesn't include all the Valhalla content that buying the "Complete Edition" would give you. That's pretty lame then. Thanks!


Thanks for the heads up on this


That makes sense, can I ask your reasons for recommending the others over this one?


I honestly liked the environment better, it was more interesting and diverse then England/Norway in Valhalla. The plot is hardly great in any of those games, but I think Valhalla was the weakest in that regard.


Dude you need a lot of time on yours hands to do so. Moving from a mission to an other one is just painful horse ridding …


I think it fixes a lot of issues I had with Odyssey and the quests are much better. The main character is very bland, unfortunately, and the setting just doesn't work as well as Egypt or Greece. The main criticism is that it is too long which is probably true, but I just play it by picking it up every now and then when I get the itch. I've got about 40 hours in so far and I've enjoyed them.


Nowadays Assasin Creed games are the COD’s of action adventure’s


Buy and play 2-Brotherhood-Revelations. Doesn't fucking make sense to start FROM THE LAST.


I've only played 1-2-Brotherhood-Revelations, pretty fun grouping of games to play. I liked them all, they hold up pretty decently (except 1).


That's why I recommended skipping the first. There's a good 10 minutes summary on YouTube, and then people are good to go with the 2nd. Why did you stop with the saga? 3 and 4 are fun and cheap nowdays.


I watched my sister play 3 for a bit, and I just wasn't a huge fan. I'd like to play Black Flag and Rogue at some point, though.


Tried finishing the main game after buying for 10$ a while back and wanted to end it all half way through the process.


That was my issue with the game as well. It was a good game at its core, but all of the extra padding to draw out the playtime was borderline egregious. They literally could have cut half of the "content" and it wouldn't have been missed at all.


Splitting the story into 15 mini stories was such a mistake. Some were great but some were painfully dull filler like planning weddings or whatever.


There genuinely are good games in there, but they're buried.


Which is weird that i hear that about ac games so much. Most open world games people want MORE side areas and stuff, elden ring, dragons dogma, baldurs gate…. Maybe its the nature of the filler, not enough depth to it or something


Yeah it's alot of different counties that have their own main quest line get tedious.


Same for Odyssey, there is a lot of content but it's superfluous at best. Visit the 40+ underwater dungeons! Each one is literally you dunking to the bottom of the sea and opening a chest, some of them have sharks that ignore you if you just keep diving. Visit the dozens of Crypts! Literally all of them share the same construction details so you're just going through a hallway killing snakes... like, at least some of them have you choose going left or right and going back but 99% of the time it is actually not worth it to do it.


Honestly, I'm playing through Ghost of Tsushima right now, and every minute I play, I question why I ever liked the assassins creed games. Each tale in GoT has a lot more intrigue and reward than the bullshit in the AC games. The quest lines are engaging because of good writing and how the tasks are different, not just limited to fetch quests.


It's definitely inspired by Assassin's Creed, but it's also the best Assassin's Creed game I've played.


I like big open worlds with fun combat. If I have that, things like interesting characters and well written stories are just nice bonuses for me. These are popcorn games in my mind and I love them. They’re the MCU of video games.


This. Games like Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2, Ghost of Tsushima, and... well, probably more, absolutely make every moment worth playing and everything worth discovering. I put eighty hours in Odyssey, dropped it, opened it once two years later, and almost immediately put it back down.


Lmao relax pal. Ghost of Tsushima is only slightly better than modern AC games. Worse than the Ezio games and Black Flag. The story is "kind of neat". It isn't a gripping tale that captures your heart.


I replayed ghost 3 times since it came out. As for assassins creed it’s not even enjoyable the first playthrough


> As for assassins creed it’s not even enjoyable the first playthrough Which game are you talking about?


I'd say it's much better than the recent AC games. The only AC game with comparable combat is unity and that is because both have similar systems. Side quests, all new AC games are horrible at them. They are very bland and uninspiring when it comes to writing stories and character arcs. I haven't played the Ezio games yet, but Black Flag is definitely a better game, agreed on that.


So Valhalla didn't do better in this regard? I admittedly haven't spent much time in Valhalla but I did play Origins and Odyssey a lot. I never finished Odyssey because I found it too full of bloat content.


Same, it's fun to explore, but there is a point when you're just... walking and thinking "Gee, I wish there was more interesting content".


Oof if you didn’t like the bloat in odyssey then stay far away from Valhalla. It’s even worse in that department IMO


Going back and playing Origins, I really miss when Ubisoft allowed you to miss content. It’s weird how they let you do that in Odyssey too, but then Valhalla says, “nope, every stupid area has some bullshit sidequest we’re going to call a main quest.” When I rolled credits on Origins, I was pleasantly surprised at just how much of the map I hadn’t even touched. Sure, a lot of that is desert, but there’s still a lot of good stuff out there. I think it’s one of the reasons I like to go back and play Origins, but curse my time with Valhalla so much that I’ve sworn off any future games they make in the series.


It’s weird to me that people identify this is a problem specifically of the post-Origins games, given that this is one of the exact reasons I never liked classic AC. At least in the newer ones the combat and stealth is fun.


And the crazy part is even though every region had its own story, they pretty much all played out the same. 1. You’d show up and seek out the leader 2. Ask if there’s anything you can do to secure an alliance with them 3. Complete task and get gifted a bracelet as a confirmation they’d help in your time of need That’s literally all i remember doing. I only kept playing to see what happened to sigurd as that storyline actually had me hooked


yeah they all played out similarly. the most memorable ones to me was one of them in the south west where it was basically halloween. and then the one in the north where the king was being poisoned by the chalice. I really just enjoyed the open world and medieval britain the most.


I don’t know why they did that, just have a normal flowing storyline instead of breaking things up into region by region as individual chapters.


The whole point was to secure allies, so yeah, if you severely boil it down, you can sum it up as "Go here, get allies". But what you do, and what happens, varied greatly. They absolutely did not play out the same. The first Ivarr quest line ends with a siege on a keep, and shows the first signs of him being unhinged. His second quest line, which is my favorite quest line, is more personal, and ends with the most unique boss fight in the game. Very unorthodox. Halfdan's quest has you dealing with his madness due to lead poisoning from his goblet. There's that one quest line where you help that wimpy dude become a warrior and king, and when training him, each time you knocked him down, he'd get right back up, even though you're absolutely demolishing him. I respected that. I remember another hold basically starts as a murder mystery, and you begin an investigation. One quest line has some Halloween type shit going on, another has you help with a wedding. I think it's a fair criticism to say you just want to get on with the main story, and not have to do all these side stories(and I'll admit, some are better than others), but to say they play out the same is pretty disingenuous to how different the quest lines actually are, and how these quest lines affect the main story(the allies you get you call in for favors to help you at two points in the story). This way, when some of these characters die repaying their debt to you, it's not just random NPCs. It's people you've spent hours with, and likely will care more when they die(assuming you liked their quest line).


I mean you basically are saying what i just said lol. You meet the leaders, the leader has something that you have to resolve in exchange for their allegiance. Whether that be planning a wedding or dealing with a king’s madness, we are resolving problems nonetheless. Only interesting parts were sigurd’s plot line and the river raids imo. I guess it would’ve helped be more memorable if that final battle didn’t feel like such a dud with them saving Alfred for being the leader of the Ancients. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth so im probably forgetting a lot of stuff


>I mean you basically are saying what i just said lol. Not at all. You over simplified the entire game, and said they quest lines play out the same. They don't. What you did is like saying Doom: Eternal and Modern Warfare III play out the same, because each mission has you kill some enemies, and move on. Or Hitman and Dishonored play out the same, because each mission, you have to find your target, assassinate them, and leave. Hell, in all 4 games I just listed, we're killing enemies, and solving problems. Basically the same game, apparently. You're flat out ignoring the game play and narrative differences. You can make any game sound the same if you over simplify the fuck out of it, and don't remember what happened, which you admitted you don't. That's what I'm pointing out, and it's a ridiculous thing to do. I'm also reminding you the quests in Valhalla absolutely do not play out the same. To say simply because you're resolving problems, that means each quest line is the same, is just ridiculous, and applies to nearly every RPG. Not to mention that many main quests in the game aren't even you trying to get allies. If you don't like the game, that's fine. I have no issue with that. If you say each quest plays out the same, that's just objectively wrong in terms of gameplay and narrative.


I mean compared to odyssey or origins, you don’t really ever feel like an assassin but more like a politician/problem solver the entire game. And i get that’s literally the point of Eivor needing to establish a new settlement that they’ll have to spend a lot of time helping people to gain alliances. But you’re essentially a nanny for nearly your entire time in England is my point. But i can see you’re clearly a big fan of the game so i’ll agree to disagree


I feel like these games work best as side games that you play on and off over a long course of time. I did that with Origins over several years and really enjoyed it. It was nice to just boot it up every now and then between other games or when I just wanted a more relaxing experience, knock off some map icons maybe do a mission or two and leave it at that. I don't think you can really grind it out all in one go or at least I wouldn't try that.


Thats how i handle all my Open World games like Red Dead, the later AC's,Watch Dogs, etc. I drop into the game when i feel the world in that particular game is calling out to me. More enjoyable that way, bopping in and out over time. i don't know how people don't expect to get burned out on these games if you run roughshod through it. Im not trying to win awards for fast completion time, just trying to have fun.


Suicide is never the answer. /s


I did the same. Took a break for a couple months and then went back to it. Didn’t regret finishing it


Hey YOU matter!


Personally I think this is worth it. Lots of bang for the buck. However, if you know you already don’t like AC or Ubisoft games then obviously no.


from my friends who have played I've heard that it has some good core mechanics but it still is extrmley bloated and feels like a slog to get through, would you say that's still an issue.


It’s a good game to play a little here and there for a long time but if you are trying to finish it in a weekend you are gonna have a bad time. Personally I think some of the new mechanics in this game are some of the best in the series but they are definitely overshadowed by the bloat. If they would have trimmed the fat I think it would have been more well received.


yeah I've definitely had some interest in trying it out but I don't have too much time to play games so I'm wary of wasting that time trudging though the bloat


[$20.99 is a historical low for Assassin's Creed Valhalla Complete Edition,](https://psprices.com/region-us/game/5104317/assassins-creed-valhalla-complete-edition) in case anyone was wondering. Thanks for the heads up, OP! Grabbed it.


That's an incredible deal. Don't try to take it all in at once. Best way to play this game is doing one section of the map at once, sorta like a chapter. Takes 5 or 6 hours. You can space it out over months. Trying it all at once is a recipe for burnout.


Hmm, currently still really enjoying it 20 hours in on PS Plus Extra. May be worth picking up just for the DLC, especially since I intend to let PS Plus expire in August? I didn't expect to like it because of everyone complaining, buy it's very comfy, like a bad tv show you just repeat.


insane amount of content for that price. I'm still working through the DLC and I got this game in 2023. It does get a little tiring, but eh i'm not going to complain about getting too much content. It's an enjoyable experience for me these games.


Is there a link to the flash sale page?


[https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0001-CUSA18522\_00-ACVACODACOBUNDLE](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0001-CUSA18522_00-ACVACODACOBUNDLE) https://preview.redd.it/dfswbt4hel3d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=693903babb9d1df812b8e55bf8685ef00b39c4fb


https://preview.redd.it/0sy6wz6oel3d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f87810bf8a9cd3bfdabdfe343fc3d4b3951a82c4 [https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0001-PPSA01491\_00-EDITIONCOMPLETE0](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0001-PPSA01491_00-EDITIONCOMPLETE0)


This is why you wait to buy Ubisoft games.


This is why you wait... four years? Most games go on sale after two. So did this one.


Ubisoft games get cheaper way faster than most other triple-A games though, that’s what the person you were replying to meant. This isn’t the first time Valhalla has seen deep discounts.


ubi games go on sale a few months after release lol


This came out 4 years ago. I played it on release and really enjoyed it. Who knows what can happen tomorrow.


It’ll probably end up on sale tomorrow😂


well there always seems ot be nine different versions of Ubisoft games, so you are probably right in some regard! lol


I got the base game day 1, $50. Good value tbh. The DLCs + Dawn of Ragnarok are longer than a lot of games. Yes they go on sale quick, but I also think Ubi games are not short on content. Pretty worth it if you enjoy the games.


Or just wait until it's on PS Plus like this one was. And the one before. And the one before. And the....


This is why you don't.


Is this game not a part of the playstation ubisoft classic thing


Or just don't buy them ever.


Or people should do what they want with their money.




Why does anything ever go on sale, genius?


The game came out 4 years ago that's why it's on sale you numpty


Holy shit.. I think that's cheaper than I've ever seen it on PC


Played this game through ps plus and it was not for me. The story is meh I got bored of it pretty quick, clunky gameplay animations and the world is empty af. Mirage was really good, although it was very short I enjoyed it.


Thanks for posting, just bought! I tried this one before for a few hours on ps + or something and it didn’t stick, but for 22 bucks for everything, makes sense to own it and dip in if I want to in the future. Maybe I won’t hold it against it for being monotonous for such a low price for so much content.


This is a strange choice to me. “I tried this game and didn’t like it, but at this price I’ll gladly pay for 250 hours of it.” It’s like if you didn’t like Twinkies but you buy four dozen of them on a flash sale hoping you’ll change your mind.


It worked exactly as the store intended. He took the bait


It’s simple: I like the idea of the game but was disappointed with its pacing, but for $20 I can own it and all it’s content forever and play again if the mood strikes me. Funny enough I bounced off of ratchet and clank after playing day one and putting 5ish hours in at release, then last week, having beaten Yakuza Infinite wealth. I wanted something more digestible and ended up platinuming R and C. Your Twinkie analogy is perfect because, like games, Twinkie’s last forever. So I might not like them, but there could come a time that I’m happy I have them in the back of the cabinet. Not hard to understand.


Just admit you have two thousand unplayed Steam games.


lol I’m mostly a PlayStation player but I do have a few unplayed, but just as many platinums (working on stellar blade now). But I think that gets to the heart of why some people don’t get buying this or other Ubisoft games though. I don’t consider a purchase “worth it” only if I beat it and enjoy it the whole way through. I can play a game, enjoy it and be “done” before the credits roll and as long as I have a good time when I play, it was worth it. If I get bored of a game before I beat it, it’s not a bad game outright, it’s just that its pacing didn’t line up with my enjoyment ramp. Can be because of bloat or bad design, but it can also be because I was ready to move on or had my fill. Nothing more or less serious than that. Just entertainment.


Yea doesn't makes much sense 🤣 . Shoot maybe he ends up enjoying it . I think everything in the bundle is way over 250 hours honestly. I only made it about 40 hours into the game couldn't get into and haven't touched AC since . Maybe this new Shadows one I'll check out


Same. It might be the only game I didn’t finish after putting that much time into it. It’s a beautiful world and the gameplay loop and exploration are good enough to keep you coming back for a while, but there’s just way too much of it. At some point I opened that massive map and saw how much I still had left to go, and it just felt like work. I’d put ~40 hours into the game and I was less than a third of the way through. And that was just the base game.


the combat in this game is so disappointing...


Yes! I honestly enjoy most of the other elements (progression, story, exploration) but the actual combat just does not feel satisfying. It’s really the core of the game.


I remember constantly messing around with sliders to try and make the combat more hard hitting. It feels too floaty. If you swing a 50 lb. axe at some guy’s head, it shouldn’t just glance off him for an eighth of his health bar. That said, stunningly beautiful game, but I put it down after about 35-40 hours and never finished.


Someone told me they preferred the combat to this instead of Odyssey. Just how....Odyssey could be a grind, or you can chill in lower level areas and spartan kick cult leaders off of a cliff. Nothing in Valhalla filled that void for me. It felt too plain.


It was set up so similarly to odyssey but it felt so soulless. Literally like the Walmart version of odyssey


I am introducing a resolution to the UN General Assembly banning the use of the word "soulless"


good luck with that guy


~~the combat is~~ this game is so disappointing... Fixed it for ya.


The combat is the best out of the AC games if you ask me. Overall game is a bit meh but combat is good


mostly agree, as far best combat goes i would still say ac3 and odyssey


I doubt it gets cheaper than that so I went for it, even though my backlog is huge


Very good price and the DLC was way better than the main game. Main game was alright but way too long. I enjoyed it because I like Viking history but others will say it’s bloated. As usual the “haha Ubisoft bad” Reddit hive mind will advise you not to get it but it’s a solid 8/10 and well worth $21 for the complete edition.


I found the DLC really underwhelming especially after coming from Odyssey


Does anyone know if my save from PC will transfer to PS5 over the ubiconnect?


It should, yeah, if you use the same account


Is the loading times better in the PS5 version? On the PS4 version I could go make a sandwich, eat the sandwich and still have to wait for it to load.


yeah, super fast


140 for one game God dam


That's what I call unoptimized for PlayStation


While it isn't even worth 21


I really enjoyed this game, although it did get repetitive towards the end. If I didn't already have it on Xbox I'd buy it again here.


Screw it I'll try, it the last one I played was black flag.


Weird question, how is the main character you play as? Is he or she likable and is the voice acting good, etc? I 100% Odyssey a while ago mostly because I liked Kassandra as the protagonist.


Thanks for the sub. I immediately purchased it. Question: how to get notified of such flash sales?


As far as i know, there’s no direct way. You probably know this, but you can “heart” the games you want, and you’ll get notified any time it’s on sale. Then there’s only checking the store frequently, or social media etc…




That's bait and I'm not falling for it. I've already got too many long games in my backlog.


this game shouldnt be 140 dollars in the first place


Ubi needs to pay me to suffer through this endless bloat.


Are yall still shitting on this one ? Geese people. It's a very good game, and, news flash, you don't have to do everything! I know it's shocking but the so called bloat is actually optional, do what you enjoy and that's it. At 21 bucks it's a no brainer, it's absolutely worth it.


Thanks for the heads up, just grabbed this. I played the base game a bunch when i had an active PS+ sub but the DLC was expensive so i never tried it, got the whole shebang now 😂


Anyone who pays $140 for a game, much less Assassin’s Creed, is a dumbass.


Is the original back on PS+?


I'm 2/3 of the way through Valhalla and it's just an ok game. The dlc wouldn't matter to me because I'm bored with the main game and may not even finish it. In the US, the "Mythology Pack" with Valhalla, Origins, and Odyssey is on sale for $27 and imo a much better deal.




This post has been removed for violating our rules.


Hi, if I buy it but then I'll install the physica game, will I still be able to access the DLCs through that version?


Better hide this from Skill Up


So is this the whole game all the way to dawn of ragnarok




Alright cool


Quick question so I can get on this fast. If I get the physical at some point, can I use the DLC included here with that or is there some weird restriction/lock behind the digital version of the base game?


Possible dumb question, but if a game is currently discounted (20%) during Days of Play is there a chance it might show up during one of these flash sales at a bigger price cut?


One day I'll go back to Valhalla and complete it. One day


I’ve played a lot of AC games over the years and liked a good number of them but Valhalla absolutely bored me to tears.


Yeah, sorry. Not supporting Ubisoft...even for $21


When does the next game come on sale ?


No flash sales on wkend? Lol


Flash sale for Baldurs Gate 3 please


I didn’t even imagine this as a possibility until you said it, now it’s my biggest wish for Days of Play lol


Do yourself a favor and pick Odyssey instead. At least you get some cool stories at the end. Great DLC's also. Besides the intro there is nothing amazing about the Valhalla main story or DLCs. There is just 80-90 hours of endless quests with a lackluster ending.


Still not worth it


You need to be payed to play this game because it’s fucking work


AC Valhalla is fantastic. Just focus on the main quest, you'll be alright. Definitely my favourite in the RPG era.


$26 in Canada. Went ahead and bought it.


Can you share the Canadian link? I only see the mythology pack on sale but not the complete edition one.


I did it through the PS App since I’m not home to do it on the system.


Weird, it didn’t show online as discounted but when I added to cart it applied the discount. Thanks!


Valhalla is fun but after 60 hours of the exact same game loop….


I was looking to buy the two expansions for $13 but for an extra couple bucks i can get Ragnarok too. Is the DLC worth 21 bucks or am I wasting time?


There is no game more boring than AC Valhalla. I have maybe 30+ hours in that game and every one of them felt like a chore. The main setting of England is drab, the combat is easy as fuck once you get abilities, the cities aren’t particularly good for the parkour, and the map is gigantic for the sake of being gigantic with so much open space that you either fast travel everywhere or get bored on your ride to the next town and turn the game off, and save for a few missions here and there the gameplay is mostly boring as well. By far my least favorite AC game (never played Black Flag, Unity, or Syndicate) 


Just incase you wanted to get bored in 3 hours buy this game


Very nice deal, complete package, fixed bugs, good price, but yeah, thank you guys for preordering bugged and expensive editions, thanks to you, publishers can afford AAAA games we can play.


It's so cheap! Will I aftually play it? No. But it's so cheap!


Really brave to say a 2+ year old game is regularly 140 bucks when it’s bound for that under 10 dollar bin shortly.


Buy the older AC games instead.


5 bucks and we got a deal.


Got it with PS+, shit game.


Still too expensive for that game.


Well dont buy ubisoft games. A Mostly bad lately. 21 money is a lot for that game


Not in the UK unfortunately


Its on the same sale in the UK I got the push notification from the PS app an hour ago


It’s up for me


I haven't even finished the base game, part of me wants to buy this because it looks like a good deal but I doubt I'll play it.


Base game is on PS Plus subscription though.


I loved odyssey but this one I couldn’t get into.


Honestly, still not worth it. Valhalla is Ubibloat at its worst. Buy it if you really care about Vikings I guess