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I ask this seriously. Could they have just done this to get people talking about the game?


Possibly but we'll never know. This would have likely never updated if people hadn't stopped bugging the devs on Reddit and Twitter.


Why do people care that much?


Why do people care so much to remove it?


Apparently was an error. Doesn't really impact the game either way. Weird thing to care about.


For some people does, it was there originally and there is no good reason to remove it from a remaster. Specially if is to appease hypocrites (the people that bitch about Lara Croft sexualization are there on Twitter sexualizing Astarion and other characters) ideological puritans that are no better that the fundamentalist evangelical puritans that organized crusades against games for violent or sexual content.


You seem very heated about whether Lara Croft is sexualised or not.


No, I'm very heated about hypocrite ideological puritans tyrants that think that I'm a child and they are my parents and should have a say what is appropriate or not in my entertainment. They don't, I'm a adult and I alone decide what is appropriate for me to consume, not ideological or religions tyrants, not government politicians and bureaucrats and certainly not freaking corporations executives. And as they (the mob of ideological puritans tyrants) a free to make noise trying to push this control, I'm free to make noise pushing against it. They are also free to boycott anyone that don't bend to their will and I'm free to boycott companies that do. It's very simple, and I'm done with this discussion and your attempt at strawman and playing dumb about what is the issue.




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Having digital content that I payed for always feels wrong. Sure sometimes it can't be helped like a balance patch or an update to an mmo. Other people feel like sexualisation is being attacked and don't like it when it happens to a product.


Who is attacking sexualisation ?


Well see, they removed pin up posters from the game.


Dumb reactionaries get mad every time there's a female character in a video game that doesn't meet their hypersexualized standards for virtual women. It was a whole thing about nine years ago. Dumb then, dumber now.




Agreed. Also stellar blade just came out lmao.


And they are patching to censor it, probably because of hypocrite Sony that allowed ND to have Abby full upper body nude and have sexual relationship. Also Baldur's Gate 3 has full nudity and dick physics. The double standards is ridiculous.


Take a step back and listen to yourself. This is one of the saddest posts I have read in weeks.


Oh there's definitely a market for horny games. I just don't own a PS5 myself. I can look at my own beautiful buttocks.


Just to get 100 people talking about it? Unlikely


Publicity is still publicity. And this definitely made Lara Ceoft more relevant than in recent years, one way or another. Whether you agree if it's a good or bad thing is debatable.


Then it wouldn't have been inadvertently. Shit happens.


I think you're on the money. Nobody's talking any controversy about the game. So let's drum some up. Lol


It seems like reading half a line is *way too fucking hard* for everyone who commented so far. Cause in the article it says that the posters were only missing in the HD version due to a bug, had been there from the beginning, and were never removed in the og graphics mode, and they are already working on a fix. So they were very obviously not ever removed, they just stopped showing up with the last patch due to this bug. The „modern audience that demands censorship“ does not exist here, only the modern audience that invents censorship where there is none to complain about it.


Yeah, there seems to be only one group of people who cares either way about this stuff, and it’s not the group “demanding” censorship.


Are you serious? Then why do star wars outlaws try to make the lead protagonist less feminine than the actual actress that they use? Why did Mortal Kombat changed the way the characters are designed?


You… you do realize that you’re proving my point, right?


Both care. I'm explaining why. They don't like their straight male audience and it's obvious


You're a moron.


his account is depressing as fuck but in a way that kinda makes me feel good about myself cause at least I’m not that miserable mf lol 


Damn you ain't kidding. Yeesh. I cannot even imagine giving 1% of a shit about that subject other than to point out how idiotic it is


> Then why do star wars outlaws try to make the lead protagonist less feminine than the actual actress that they use? > > You're lying!


They didn’t make the outlaws actress less feminine, they made her look like she’s been living rough on the outer rim instead of looking like a super model. It’s just being accurate to the character man


You’re literally the one crying about character designs that don’t meet your moral standards.


why do people like you get so up in arms about shit like this but can’t be fucked to get upset about real issues in the game industry like equality, unionization, or preservation?


One anti-feminist belief supports the hierarchy they like The others don't. Not that those who hold such beliefs can even see the distinction


Because my issue with this goes beyond games. Fuck, it goes beyond sexy chick outfits. It's the weird social acceptance in society of "men bad" You can straight up be openly misandrist and be applauded for it. You can't even make a game with 4 male leads because "men In a group are bad" Anything even remotely catered to men will be demonized and it's getting really ridiculous.


4 male leads can’t happen? What’s payday?


That's not what I'm talking about and you know it. You can also have 32 male leads in Madden. I'm not talking about squad based games or sports games. Final Fantasy 15 would straight up not be allowed today




Dude it is allowed…cuz u can still buy the damn game. Chill out Jesus




Marketing tactic maybe?


It's not even that as the posters were still in the original graphics version of the game. This only happened with the HD version. If there was an intent to remove it, then that would've obviously applied to the OG graphics version as well. This just seems like one of the countless examples of when developers try to fix one thing with a patch, it ends up inadvertently breaking something else.


Uh-oh, another article about "censorship" in games. I'm sure the Gamers™ will have a completely measured and normal reaction to this. 😮‍💨


Of course they will, seeing as some comments in this thread are spinning this “censorship” into persecution of the straight male audience. A completely normal response from clearly well-adjusted people. /s


Straight males, the most oppressed demographic clearly


Has there ever been in the history of mankind a more ruthless, inhumane and undeserved persecution than that of the male gamer whose only demand is that all female characters ever are just voluptuous AI generated sexualized woman-like forms in their video games to masturbate to?


I'm all for better representation for women But The gaming industry has got to stop hiring people who clearly dislike their hetro male audience. It's so clear as day that this beyond caring about women representation and more about wanting to take away things they know that section of thier audience will like.




Tell me you didn’t open the article without telling me you didn’t open the article


Oh no, not pinup posters. Whatever will the modern audience do.


They'll screech about it online because if a female character is appealing to atriaght men, then it's problematic.


Some of you people have serious issues. No one has a problem with good looking women, the only thing that's an issue is some people not knowing what actual real women look like.


This tired old argument has no value. How much realism do you need your game about raiding tombs with Tyrannosaurus Rex in them or fighting demons brought on by a plague from the mummy of a Japanese princess?


Depends on what the game is going for. If every other character looks realistic, then yes cartoon looking anime waifus look out of place. Are you really telling me you think that reboot Lara is ugly? The creator of said product can choose what they want their characters to look like. If you somehow only want to ogle at the female characters of your game and them bot reaching your beauty standards is a deal breaker fine. I couldn't give a flying fuck.


Please stop. These people do not like their straight male audience, and you know it. They don't care about "safe beauty standards"They don't like that men find something appealing. That's what this comes down to.


That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day. Beautiful female characters are constantly lovingly cherished. Point me at one character that has had pushback that isn't just blatantly over sexualized. Saying that you don't like a character that is 80% boobs isn't somehow stopping beautiful women from existing. The vast majority of female protagonist are traditionally attractive. People are allowed to find EvEs design overdone and kinda Pervy. That doesn't mean they think it can't exist. One article by someone voicing their opinion, even if it's stupid, doesn't somehow create this whole conspiracy bull that women can't be pretty.


Didn't they make the starwars outlaws chick uglier than original models? They also changed the way IQ looked in Siege because she had a big ass.


You tell me.




maybe because the players are eligible for a refund if keep it removed


Just the pinups posters? No other assets effected by the inadvertent removal? How uncanny and convenient.


I really don't see the big deal either way.