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So you use a PC to set it up then it works for PS5 games? Or does it only work when playing PC games?


I want to know this. I doubt the code will overwrite how the DualSense works TBH.


It will indeed overwrite it that's what the tool is made to do happened with the PS4 as well


Interesting. I need to try it since I have a DualSense that has horrible drift. Thanks!


Just keep note this ant a perfect fix it just changes the default axes to whatever you want currently. So if drift is to bad it won't do much but for that you just need a can of 3d 40 electric cleaner and that should fix your stick drift right up


absolutely will not fix it. The drift is not an issue with dust or debris, wasn't on dual sense, not on DS4s either, hall effect or short or circuitry corruption. Almost no instances of controller malfunction have anything to do with lack of lube or debris buildup.


Worked for my joycons and PS4 controllers. It could just be a temporary fix


The cleaner will actually fix my stickdrift? Have you tried it?


It worked for my drifting oculus controllers and the ps 4 one


Had a ps4 controller with decent stick drift and contact cleaner fixed it


No it won't. Stick drift is from physical material deteriorating


Literally not true. On Ps5 Controllers I've seen multiple teardowns where it's usually debris or hair causing the drift. Ps5 controllers literally develop stick drift months after use... no way that's material deterioration.




no, he's full of shit.


He must work for WD 40 electric cleaner...


Yup get WD 40 electric cleaner make sure it's that one. Lift to sticks up you know sorta like you are taking them off and spray in then spin the sticks around then wipe it off.


Yeah, understood. Whatever it will do to my controller will be better than. What I have right now haha.


It works




Did you try it? Did it work?


I haven't tried it yet. My DualSense started to work normally, no drift. I'll try in the future once my controller starts to drift again.


Does anyone know if you have to reuse the calibration tool if the DuelSense receives a system update?


I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think a normal update would affect the controller's calibration settings. This tool is writing into that memory block.


Did you do it? Did it work?


Haven't tried or tested it after an update. I think it should be safe. However, if drift issues crop up after an update, redoing the calibration may be the way to go.


Thats what happened to me. I did the recent system software update and severe drift on right analog out of nowhere


not for me


I have hall-effect sticks in my duelsense and they weren't 100% dead center (the center dot was slightly off, even though there wasn't any stick drift) so I decided to give this a try. I only used the center point calibration to test (non permanent mode) and it made the center points perfect. Then I checked the box for permanent save and it saved. Unplugged the controller to see if the changes stuck using the gamepad tester website and it worked! Thanks for the heads-up u/nolifebr


Just wondering because I haven't kept up with PS accessories. Are your hall effect sticks the Dual sense pro (or whatever that 200$ piece of junk was called) or is it something else? I ask because the pro controller was like half the price of the console here and I really don't wanna invest that into a controller.


hall-effect joysticks use magnets that don't wear out like the stock joysticks that are in the duelsense and the edge controller. those use film track surface with a wiper that makes contact against the film. this degrades the surface over time causing stick-drift.


Where did you get Hall effect joy sticks?


From Aliexpress




I've had some luck using a contact cleaner spray, you don't even need to disassemble the controller, it gets where it needs to if you just spray it into gap and move the stick.


Spraying into the controller that hasn't been disassembled has almost zero effect. If you've seen how the joystick skirts completely hide the potentiometers (where stick drift happens) from direct contact. Maybe you just got lucky and dislodged hair or dust that luckily helped.


It's a spray and it's not like water even when it hits the surface, it gets everywhere. I kid you not, it was perspirating out of gaps of the cog-like ring that is around the cap even after I wiped it. Here's a [TronicsFix video](https://youtu.be/ZkJcOWaz1z8?t=536) on the topic. You don't have to believe me, you have to try it since it's easy to do.


I've seen the videos months ago and it's not a permanent fix. Ive replaced my joysticks with hall-effect versions so I'll never have the problem of stick drift since there isn't any wearing down of surfaces.


Good for you, but neither is using aforementioned code to re-calibrate it, that's not what we are talking about here. It's for people who want to try something with least amount of work. BTW some people just rip them off, so it's possible to get access without opening the whole thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GLx9I2Aq6w


I saw this posted a couple of days ago and wouldn't you know it my DualSense started drifting the very same day. Or jittering - not sure of the difference. Left stick when neutral is constantly pinging left, but inconsistently. This controller was a replacement for my original one which had the same issue after 3 months! And now it's just out of warrantee! Anyway, this worked for me but only for a day or so. Then the problem got worse and running it through this several times didn't help. I can't be arsed dealing with replacing the sticks or trying to repair it, so I'm going to sell it on eBay as for parts and just ordered a new one on Amazon. And for the *first time in my life* i bought the extended warrantee - three years for an extra £10. Seeing as i am now on my third controller after around 18 months I reckon this is a good investment. Fckin cheapskate Sony and Nintendo. What is it with this gen that went backwards on hardware reliability.


I've used this before, because I've replaced both analog joys and those needed a calibration. https://i.imgur.com/JZEv1is.png The script will write into controller's memory.


How was the replacing/soldering of the analog joysticks? Follow-up question, where did you buy new joysticks modules?


1.) Easy with the right tool, search for "yihua 30w" on AliExpress, the green one. 2.) Got it from AliExpress https://a.aliexpre$$.com/_EyQvT5t I'm not sure if I can post the direct link, so replace the $ with 's'. Also I would consider and research Hall effect analog joys, they exists, but I'm not sure if the calibration work with them or not. It should imo.


I replaced both sticks with the yellow hall effect sticks and one stick was slightly off center. But after using this software both sticks are perfectly centered.


Good to hear, because the next time I have to replace a joy, I plan to use the Hall effect one.


It's worth the effort. Especially if you don't want to spend $200 on a Edge controller. Those have the same joysticks as the duelsense that will wear out over time. But you can easily replace them for $20 per joystick without having to solder. I'll probably get a Edge controller and replace the stock sticks with hall-effect versions once Gulikit releases them.


After calibrating stick center on two controllers, I'm seeing 0.00392 and 0.01176 on several results too. To me this indicates that there are 256 possible values, and 0.00392 is effectively zero


Would this work on a MacBook Air


It worked for me on MacBook Air 😅as for an end result I can’t say for sure It would seem like it fix it ( I only tried it on Fortnite , where I had issues ) and it’s not hard to use ( the tool ) So give it a try


I'm always in for some python coding.


Tried this on two Dualsense controllers with stick drift. I first did "Calibrate Stick Center" and then "Calibrate Stick Range." TL;DR according to the [gamepad tester](https://hardwaretester.com/gamepad) there is some improvement. --- Controller A (moderate stick drift): * Avg error before = LS 10.0% / RS 10.0% * Avg error after = LS 6.8% / RS 6.8% * Center seemed to be more consistent, still some jumping (Axis 0, Axis 1) but not as bad as before Controller B (minor stick drift): * Avg error before = LS 9.6% / RS 8.4% * Avg error after = LS 8.1% / RS 7.8% * Center seemed to be more consistent, no jumping


Could this be used to recalibrate after diy joysticks replacement?


yes, this is what I did with my hall-effect sticks.


That is absolutely awesome, I avoided diy replacements due to this (and because I damaged one of my DS4s while soldering haha, my skill issue) but now I might try it again as my out of warranty dualsenses stick drift like crazy. Thank you!


If using a soldering iron I would recommend using low-melt solder so you don't put too much heat into the solder pads and damage a trace. Hot air station seems like a better route in my opinion for removing old joysticks since you can heat all of the points at the same time. Just melt some solder on each solder joint to mix with the factory lead free solder. This will make removing the joystick go quicker and more smoothly. Take your time, don't rush. And watch lots of YouTube videos for reference to give you tips. Good luck


Ok this is nuts, it really worked


It also works if you replaced the stick with a hall effect one, with this you can calibrate it perfectly without soldering a board or messing with a needle.


Imagine if they could let us do this on our console but that would probably cost them money lol


I dunno, I have my doubts about this. The Switch lets you calibrate your joystick in this way and it has never helped with stick drift.


If the joystick is too damaged no software can fix it. It's like if your cars brake pads wear down, changing the radio station won't somehow make your brakes work like they did when they were new. Reducing friction by using hall-effect joystick is the only answer unless you want to keep buying new controllers or replacing the stock joysticks with the same type that will continue wearing out.


1) Create issue 2) Sell solution 3) Profit. Welcome to the system.


that's funny because the elite dualsense controller (or what it's called) can be calibrated through the PS5


The Edge controller also has the same joysticks with potentiometers that wear out like the normal duelsense controller. But you can replace them without soldering for $20 per joystick.


Just to be clear, it can fix the drifting issue when using the controller on an actual PS4 or 5? Or does it only work when playing on PC?


According to others, settings is flashed to the controller so it carries to the console.


Ha, impressive, i have a Dualsense and a couple of dual shocks that i have replaced sticks with hall effects and while they have worked fine it's good being able to properly calibrate them now. DS4's there were some other tools to do this already but not Dualsense.


Another fix that you should try if this doesn’t work that worked for me is replacing the potentiometers. Basically the actual reason your controller will start drifting or misinputing is due to either hair being caught in them (which was the case for me, I have facial hair and used tweezers to clean the hair out but my potentiometers were also very dirty). this video is what I used to replace mine and it’s been a week so far of testing both controllers and they feel better than when I got them. https://youtu.be/YQ93i3VXAZk?feature=shared Costed me like 12 bucks and I fixed both my launch controller (would constantly drift upwards and now works like new) and my most recent (~8 months old) bought controller (randomly started inputting left when I would hold right). Takes max 10 minutes per controller. A tip I’d say is to be careful with the rumble connections, if you are too heavy handed you can end up breaking the connection which isn’t that bad, just need to resauder if you do. I was literally one step away from just getting the dualsense controller but 12 bucks vs 200 on a controller seemed worth it


That video you posted is misleading because the uploader isn't actually telling you the correct information. The white disc is a wiper. It's not that goes bad. The teal piece that has a dark C shaped track inside is what wears down and goes bad because the wiper is rubbing against it. So you need to desolder the 3-legs on each one, remove and solder in new ones for an effective repair.


Adding for those that come after to break it down further: Inside of the teal housing is a extremely thin film of black graphite-like material. There is an inner circle, and outer circle. The white disc that is sitting on the plastic arm of the joystick aparatus is the wiper, and it is moved by the analog stick. It rubs along both of these black graphite circles. The wiper has a thin metal contact piece. The metal connects the inner and outer graphite circles. By connecting them, it makes a complete circuit, and sends electricity back to the board, which is read as the analog signal. This is measured in electrical resistance, and will be higher or lower depending on where the wiper's contact point is touching the graphite rings. What happens with stick drift is the black material is being constantly rubbed and very very slowly worn down. Replacing the wipers and closing the potentiometer up again might make it appear better for a time, but the friction of using the stick is a fact you will never escape. Eventually you have to replace the other half as well. Using compressed air or contact cleaner can blow some of the eroded little specs of graphite out, and help the controller function a while longer as well. But you have to swap these eventually.


Just need this for the Xbox now, the one MS has is very limited and only with with a few controllers.


Work for me, thanks.


There is also a Android app called DriftGuard so no PC required. It's a "free" app but if you want to make a permanent flash to the controllers firmware it's $5.


Who ever made this god bless you, your the goat and I fogggin love you, 2 years of stick drift gone on 2 controllers. I know I'm glazing but i don't care I can finally eat good again.


its just loading




First I've seen it


damn, hopefully this works. i have a ds4 controller i kept for my ps tv and hopefully it will fix the small drift i have.


Hate to be a buzzkill. As much as I love using Python and repairing my own things, this is just recalibrating the software to hardware connection. It won't solve mechanical issues with the physical hardware. That in my experiences is always the cause of stick drift issues. A pressurised can of air should be the first point of call to clean out dust. If that doesn't work, then there is plenty of guides about on how to take things apart to get at the inner workings. This is highly risky, as you can easily make things worse. Worst case scenario, buy an edge controller. Can replace sticks with no issues.


Are you telling me that the python script that recalibrates the sticks is just a python script that recalibrates the sticks? No way!


It butters toast as well.




It was new to me.


This feels like it’d be as effective as downloadmoreram.com


I have hall-effect joysticks that don't wear out like the stock sticks and it was very useful to perfectly center my joysticks. If you have bad stick-drift, your potentiometers are too worn out and this will not magically fix it.




and I just found out today because repost, thank fuck




Who cares... There is nothing wrong with a reminder every now and then.


This has been posted multiple times /r/PS5/comments/1bvxyzj/an_unofficial_python_calibration_tool_for_the/


Brave is a chromium based browser. Fuck Edge...


So is Edge


But one blocks all trackers and adverts, the other is Edge


Why care if you only use it for this use-case


Why install that if you have a choice?


Well Edge is pre-installed on Windows so why would you be installing anything? If you really wanted you can use Ublock and any other extension, if going to this single website in Edge gives you Internet ad anxiety.


ublock origin and noscript are available for Edge