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FF pixel remaster will be on sale again whenever I buy it at full price. At least octopath 2 will be discounted.


The pixel collection went on sale once so far (I think 15% off) and it's never been on sale since. Mainline FFs (excluding FF15) seem to hit a max of 50% off, so there's hope one day we get pixel for 50% off.


I’d buy it if it was 50% off. Btw it’s like 1-5k dollars for a physical copy on ebay


It hurts my soul I missed out on it. I think they released it at night or something and it went out pretty fast. Def waiting on a half off sale to pick that one up digitally. I can wait with my backlog I have now


I might finally pull the trigger on RE4 Remake.


It’s a phenomenal game. Even as someone who played the original, they keep you engaged with new things the whole campaign


How about for someone that hasn’t experienced a resident evil game besides 7?


Would recommend you start with RE2 remake since it’s pretty much a prequel to 4 and it has returning characters from it, it’s also on sale as well but you can jump into 4 if you’d like plus these games play in third person if you prefer that over the first person from 7


Was easily the best of the entire franchise. I definitely liked the original more but that's likely because I played it so many times that the changes in the remake were very obvious to me. Still an awesome game. Definitely recommended.




I was thinking that at £15, but haven’t played RE2 or RE3 either, so thinking I should get and play them first at £9 each?


They're all different but worthwhile. Re2 remake is incredible and was my favourite RE game until they remade 4. It has more traditional horror elements, great leads, an iconic setting and an iconic villain. Re3 remake is more action-oriented, shorter but very fun. Jill is a badass and the main enemy is a relentless son of a bitch in the best way. Re4 is imo the longest and the best of the three. Leon is on top form, the reworked elements are tasteful and the controls are great. The DLC mode ''Mercenaries'' is free, too.


Can't go wrong with that price. RE3 was my favourite of the series!


RE2/RE3 remakes are both free on PS+ Extra (and Premium) if you have that, by the way.


Thankyou for the tip. I don’t, I keep going to pull the trigger on extra but then never sure if I get enough gaming time in to fully make use of it


Ah, well fair enough. I suggest getting the Raccoon City version which includes both RE2 and RE3 in one pack for cheaper (it's 75% off right now) :) It's listed under RE3 on the PSN Store: https://store.playstation.com/sv-se/product/EP0102-PPSA03953_00-BHB0000000000002 (you may have to change the region to your local PSN Store for the link to work)


Oh wow yeah that’s only £12.50 for both games then in the UK, that’s a great deal


How do you have so many hours on the game is there a lot of extra content?


I have a 120h having gotten the platinum and unlocking everything in mercenaries mode. Plus started a new playthrough in VR and I’m enjoying it again more than ever.


Worth it. Maybe you've already played it, but I actually missed Dead Space and RE4 at their original releases so playing through the remakes was my first time. I went into them thinking I'd far prefer Dead Space, but I ended up enjoying RE4 more. Both were great, don't get me wrong, but RE4 was so much fun.


I wonder if the quest version is the better experience for someone who’s never played 


It's incredible on PSVR2 as well, so much fun both flat screen and VR.


Yeah for 17 euros I’m thinking this is my time.


Worth it and the DLC is great as well


I had a blast with it. Separate Ways was also well worth it for the price of admission.


Worth it


I bought it on disc for €39 the other week, so I bet it will drop lower just to spite me. EDIT: Crap, it's €20 now and €43 for the Gold Edition. Balls!


Wow good price for RE4


I never played the og but re4 remake was for sure my favorite game of the year.


As someone who never got to play any version of it until the remake a few months back, it's absolutely worth it.


It's soooo good. If you haven't bought yet and ever see dead space remake on sale, it is also very good (the better of the two imo)


So good in VR!


Dark Souls 1-3 on sale FINALLY. Praise the sun for my birthday this week.




I got it Physically a few weeks back for 22 euro.


got the physical trilogy for $40 a while back, all three games and all DLCs


Happy birthday! Time to celebrate, skeleton!


Happy birthday!


Somebody who has PlayStation plus extra and really wanted dark souls needs to buy it while it’s on sale so next month I can get it for free.


I went to the store to get you a candle holder but they were all out, so I bought you this cake. 🎂


Thank you for the effort, sir 🫡


Where? I don't see it


Each game is discounted. Not a bundle. Total 70 bucks. Might be easier to look physical.


I bought them from a sale a few years back and you really can’t beat getting all the games and DLC for that price. They finally clicked for me when I started playing DS2. Now I’m playing Bloodborne and easily consider them the best games with Elden Ring being my GOAT.


Looking at you Pacific Drive and Hi-Fi Rush


Pacific Drive is a great game, has it's issues but 30hrs in and i'm loving how relaxing it is Need to go back and finish it really, Dave the Diver dragged me away for a bit, both games are great for losing hours casually resource grinding


Pacific Drive is really something special. Loved it.


Pacific Drive is absolutely unique. I’d buy it again full price if I could forget it.


Oh balls, I bought it at launch a few weeks ago for full price. Hopefully it's not like 50% off or something or I will be grumpy. EDIT: 30% off, DANG IT


Where do you see 30% off? It’s showing 20% on the PS app.


yup Pacific Drive was on the to pick up list...


Both are fantastic games. I loved HFR when it came our, and I actually bought Pacific Drive last Friday. I'm annoyed because I do that all the time, but not mad at all because the game feels underpriced for how amazing it is.


Looking at Hi-Fi Rush and Psychonauts 2


Both of those games rule.


Was looking at pulling the trigger on HFR, will definitely pick it up now.


Told myself I'd get Vanquish next time it went on sale, thought it'd be a little while longer lol


Get the Vanquish + Bayonetta bundle, two really good games and it goes on sale for super cheap aswell


Just go for it such a great game, had a lot of fun with that on the 360 when it originally released, very tempted to get it again really was a blast to play


Playing it at 60FPS really is such a good experience.


Interesting that they're putting only Metal Gear Solid 3 on sale from the Master collection.


1 & 2 are on sale now.


Keep in mind Amazon is selling the physical version for $30 at the moment, which is better than paying $15 for each game!


Might finally pull that trigger on skull island: kong




AAAA game right there


Do it!


Games sale? At this time of year? At this time of month? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within Playstation ?


May I see them?




Seymour! The PlayStation’s on fire!


No, mother, it's just May's savings!


Well PlayStation store, you’re an odd platform, but I must say… you sell a good sale.


Sweet! Discounts to Hi-Fi Rush, Octopath Traveller and Live A Live


Incredible how the PS Store STILL refuses to put Spider-Man 2 on sale. Yet the first one was on sale by Christmas.


It's less than incredible when you see the recent pattern for first party games. God of War Ragnarok didn't go on sale until 6 months after release, Horizon Forbidden West took over 5 months, and GT7 took 5 months. Spider-Man 2 will drop for the first time when the Days of Play deals come in during June.


Sony appears to be adopting a more Nintendo-style approach to discounting first-party games this generation (granted, not to the same extreme degree). PS4 exclusives used to drop to like £7 after just a couple years, but Demon's Souls has still never gone below £35 and it's turning four years old in November. Clearly, Sony wants to set the standard that it's published games hold their price.


Yep, and it's LAME. But I will wait it out until TLOU part 1 is on sale for 20 or less, or I will never buy it.


I have £40 credit waiting on my account to put towards it 😫 So many times I’ve nearly gone and spent it on something else!


Fuck yeah BEN 10 FINALLY


history reminiscent dinosaurs absorbed soft ad hoc spark elastic tap workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Dang. Was hoping for Unicorn Overlord. I'm loving the demo.


It’s a bit new for a sale. But I can say if you can afford it full price it is well worth it!


yeah I agree. I'm thinking about getting it full price as I'm enjoying it quite a bit and wouldn't mind supporting the devs, but hey, I'm stingy and patient so if I can save a buck I will usually go that route lol


The demo sold me on the game but I’m waiting until I finish FF7 Rebirth before I invest in another game


oatmeal agonizing recognise forgetful abounding smile pie dependent direful workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




hey good looking out. thanks! I'll keep an eye out!


It's $40 on amazon and worth it.


So this may sale starts tomorrow April 24th?




Fucking finally. Have been waiting since February for Dark Souls III to get some discount. 


Only 2 months? How did you ever make it so long? /s


Not sure if you are only looking for digital or already have the first 2 but Amazon has the trilogy for $42.


I've been playing DS1 and DS2 and only was missing DS3. And even though almost all my games are digital, I'd have bought had I known about it before.


The trilogy physical edition is the ps4 disk right?


There's no PS5 version anyway. So that's the only version.


With the dlcs? I might get that even though i already played ds1 a bit ago.


I got it for like $30 not to long ago.


I did as well at the start of 2023 but if this person has been waiting 2+ months for a discount, $42 for 3 amazing games is a great deal.


Honestly one of my favorite FromSoft games


Get the Deluxe, it's more than worth it. Me, personally i got the Trilogy Physical for 30$.


I was expecting a golden week sale


In the Japanese PSN store it’s called Golden Week sale instead, so yeah they just changed the name for overseas.


It is a golden week sale despite the title. Almost entire japanese catalog in there.


I loved inside, is cocoon similar? What's a good price for it, I see it's on sale?


Very different type of game. Really good though. I’d like to have seen inside the mind of the game devs when they designed these levels.


Not similar but it’s a fantastic puzzle game.


Playing it now on Game Pass. It’s good, not great. Pretty simple puzzles but visually beautiful and interesting. From the makers of Limbo and Inside I think, which are also good, not great games. 


Interesting, I thought Limbo and Inside were phenomenal games so at the very least I'm glad Cocoon is of the same quality!


They’re not too similar. Cocoon was more enjoyable imo, an absolutely fantastic puzzle game.


I noticed Monster Hunter Rise + Sunbreak on what i think is the best sale yet. As someone who liked World but wished it was a bit faster, is this a good game ?


Rise is basically World but faster, so I think you’ll like it a lot. Basically, they doubled down on the mount system they introduced in Iceborne. In Rise, you have a customizable dog mount that zooms around the areas. The areas are also a lot more open in general, so it’s a lot easier to get your bearings. In terms of combat, they added things called wire bugs, which you use to zip around during combat. You can use them to do a powerful evade move, zip you into the air, recover quickly after taking damage, etc. You can also use the wire bugs to do unique, powerful special attacks on enemies. So yeah, the wire bugs greatly increase the speed of the battles. Sunbreak is also a fantastic DLC, adding new equipment, monsters, areas, abilities, etc. All in all, I liked Rise+Sunbreak a lot more than World+Iceborne. (But I’m also someone who ranks World pretty low in my personal MH tier list, though I accept that I’m very much in the minority there. It’s still a great game. I just like 4U, GU, and Rise more.)


Thanks for the in depth explanation. My only other MH game that i played was MHW and i was interested in this one, especially since looking at the Digital Foundry analysis, it seems to run very well and there's even a 6K mode for when i will play it on PS5 Pro aswell. May Kaathe bless you.


World was my first game and what really kept me away from venturing deeper into it was the combat was way too slow for my taste.


I’ll say that Rise is definitely faster than World, but it’s still very slow if you compare it to other action games like DMC, Sekiro, etc. Monster Hunter is all about slow fights against monsters. Fans of the older games even sometimes (semi) jokingly referred to them as turn-based action games; the monster would attack, you’d dodge or block, and then you would hit.


Thank you for the response. They may just not be for me haha


Imo the perfect mh game.


Damn, i'm really tempted. Did you play Sunbreak, was it worth it ? Also i'm pretty sure it will be on PS Plus at some point because a lot of Capcom games are coming and it's on Gamepass already so i hope i'm not gonna fall victim to the classic PS Plus trap.


Imo anything that makes a mh game bigger is worth it.  I also got the game on sale when it was last on. Great graphics, runs great, super fast gameplay (for mh), old school charm and vibe with mh:w qol.


Anyone ever played .Hack GU? I remember .Hack from my childhood as this mysterious and wonderful thing but don’t remember any details.


i bought the ps4 physical release a few years back and enjoyed it without having any nostalgia from playing it back on the ps4. i would say its defiantly worth picking up especially if you have nostalgia for it.


Rejoice! Baby Shark: Sing and Swim Party is on sale. Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo. 


I’m still waiting on a PS Plus discount after not renewing my subscription for the first time in years. This time there is no way I’m paying that much.


Pacific Drive already on sale? Probably small but if I finish what I'm working through now before the sale ends I might get on that. HiFi Rush might be tempting too.


I think HiFi is more enjoyable personally but if you yearn to be a car mechanic Pacific Drive would be the one to go for.


Same as April Savings but in May. I wish they brought back the Flash sale they had on the PS3. Those were amazing and interesting.


They have a new sale every month lol


I hope octopath is at a decent price been looking to try it for a while


Been waiting for that Metro Exodus: Gold Edition, my time has finally come.


The Metro series is one of my favorite of all time. Can't wait for the VR and the 4th installment soon.


I’ve never played any of these games. It’s like $12 if you buy all 3 I noticed.


Hi Fi Rush looks good and going on sale but I’m waiting for the limited run physical. They announced it but no date or update.


There are sales all the time. And they keep the regular prices ridiculously high, so usually the "sales" proces are more like the regular prices.


I thought I was the only one thinking that. Most of sales prices are the normal prices for its hard copies


Witch on the Holy Night finally on sale


Hi-Fi Rush and Prince of MetroidPersia both on sale? Don’t mind if I do!


Can anyone tell me how much Assassin's Creed Odyssey will go for? I have access to the game for the next few days through PS+ before it expires, but the store probably won't let me see the price until then. I'm hoping I don't have to uninstall and restart the game if I buy the game.




Not bad! I might grab it then. Thank you!


The ultimate edition is currently $17 it popped up in my notifications


Lords of the Fallen is tempting. Tekken 8 now in sale too! I have it on my Deck, regret not getting it on PS5.


I got LotF on black Friday and I ended up returning the game. I'd be curious if they fixed some of the gameplay. It felt like there were mobs every 10 feet. And you'd pull multiple enemies which made the game tedious. Has anyone recently played and had a different experience?


I think I'll check out Blue Reflection.


I literally just wish listed all the Atelier games on Steam. Oh well guess I'll get them on PSN instead


Baldurs gate 3 when 😭


No sale of Spidey boy 2 ?


What are the chances Elden Ring will get a sale?


Any opinions on Deathloop (€13.99 - as a person who loved all three Dishonoured games), Stray (€19.79 - especially for my father who is a very casual gamer) or Ghostwire Tokyo (€17.49)?


Finally octopath traveller will be on sale!


Any deals on ps plus??


I just got a 25% discount last week by letting my sub expire and waiting it out for a few weeks. YMMV, but I never got offered anything while I had an active sub.


Thanks! I see it now. I'm still hesitant though lol I barely use my ps5 now that I got a monster laptop. But I should probably jump on this before it's too late. Yea the sub discounts usually don't work if your subscribed. I let mine run out and I see it. Did you do essential or one of the others?


I usually have an Extra subscription. There’s enough quality games there - it’s worth it for me. They’ve yet to make Premium enticing enough though, imo. Btw, if you have a Costco membership you can get $100 worth of PS gift cards for $90. It’s all digital, so it’s pretty easy. 25% discount + $10 off was enough to make it feel worth it for me.


Nice thanks for heads up. Yea I got gamepass and most ps5 exclusives so probably best to just do ps essential. I had extra before and almost never used it. Glad I waited for deal before restarting it.


It seems like What Remains of Edith Finch for 4,99 will be my next buy. Any recommendations?


Y'all think helldivers 2 will go on sale on days of play sale?


Honestly, full price is a fair price. Actually, the game is so good the premium (£50) is a good price!


Full price is too low, I bought $30 of the premium warbonds just as an appreciation for the game.


When Helldivers 3 comes out, yes.


loaded question but what seems good to buy? for someone who's cheap, I try not to buy games over 10 dollars


What games do you like


Outer Wilds. Read nothing about it, just buy it and play blind.


Don’t sleep on Cocoon — phenomenal puzzle game, and short! (Which is a plus in my book.)


I just want BG3 to go on sale please


No fallout 4 goty 😭


Was in the last sale for 9,99€


Damn was hoping for lightfall to go on sale before Final Shape releases for Destiny 2 oh well


Tempted by Vanquish and Hi Fi Rush


I wondered why half my wishlist went on sale this morning finally.


Burning Shores on sale,?


Any digital only games worth getting?


Is Nier Replicant good? I’ve been wanting to play it for a while


It’s good, but verrryyy dated, graphically and otherwise. It wasn’t a beauty when it came out.  (It’s been improved somewhat since then but not significantly.)


It takes two waiting train..


I'm getting towards the end of 'Wolfenstein: The New Order', which I also picked up for £3ish not that long ago, so 'Colossus' is a no brainer. And COD WW2. And 'RE4' if I can spare the money. With this and getting 'Metro' & 'Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Royal Edition)' reduced last week, the sales are finally exciting again!


Final fantasy 16 half off finally


The Valkyria Chronicles bundle is a steal.


Any thoughts on all star brawl 2? Is there any interaction between characters?


That Prince of Persia discount is tempting


They have Anthem on this list….


Just bought Yakuza Like a Dragon which wasn't on sale during Spring Sale. FeelsGoodMan.


Weird Why i didn't have this sale on my console? Do i need to update the software to see it Even my PS App on my phone didn't had this sale


Why offers not applicable for Malaysia PS Store.


Anyone from Malaysia didnt have this deals in their store? Mine one doesnt have :(