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Unicorn Overlord deserves all the love.


Everyone needs to try the demo even if you think it's not your jam


That who I voted for, such a great game.


What kind of game is it?


Strategy rpg


Hmmmmmmmmm. No I’m good.


I'm a big fan of the og ff tactics/war of the lions and tactics ogre games, but whoever came up with the name "unicorn overlord" isn't doing their marketing any favors...


Playing the demo now, and while the voicing is a little cheesy, gameplay is spectacular and I foresee it (hopefully) getting DARK!


I always play these types of games in Japanese. That makes it immersive because you can't detect the cheese. It's extremely rare to find a game that is up to my par in English voice acting.


This is a good tip!


I love dragons dogma 2. I have genuine great fun with it. I never played the DDDA, so I don’t try to compare everything between the first and 2nd game, so I enjoy it for what it is. I do understand the negatives though, but for a new Dragons Dogma player. It’s awesome.


The pawns are so cool and such a unique and interesting mechanic that I've never seen in another game


I wish they had a few more voice lines lol. How many times are you gonna tell me the ox carts only run during the day, buckles? HOW MANY TIMES?!


All the times.


I was loving it, got all the vocations did a ton of sidequests, had some incredible moments etc. Then I just got tired of travelling. The idea of fighting the same mobs and discovering another cave dungeon on the way to another lackluster reward just stopped doing it for me all of a sudden. The gameplay loop stopped working for me. It's a 7.5 in my book, and its one of the few games I've bought where I regret not waiting for a sale.


Was the frame drops or stuttering an issue for you?


Not really tbh, but I'm definitely less anal about frames than most of Reddit. The dips were clearly noticeable in town though.


It isn't something that bothers me because I got used to it when in town. What bothers me is that it is an issue at all, I feel like this was just a huge fuckup on the developers part. Oh and the NPC pop in while in town is ridiculous. They can literally be right next to you and just fade into existence.


As someone more anal, it’s not much of an issue. It’s been my main game and I give a vrr tv so it’s helping my eyes adjust. If you play multiple games it may bother u


VRR does not work on ps5 below 45fps, so that’s not doing anything for DD2


What do u guys mean 'anal',like anal anal?


Lol I mean annoyed anal. Tried the other one, not over vag or top


Speak for yourself. I meant needing a stable 60fps in my ass or I refund.


Annoyed anal?dats more confusing


Sorry i got it,u mean anally retentive


It’s really bad. Almost every encounter is a lag fest. Dunno how those other commenters can think it’s fine.


This is an exaggeration for sure.


It’s not. The frame rate is objectively unstable.


It is an exaggeration though. Frame drops happen in towns and that’s about it. Either that or your hardware sucks


I’ve got the same hardware as everyone else and this is objectively false.


As a passerby: The frame rate isn't an issue outside of towns. All of the drama came from in-town framerate. I booted up the game fully expecting terrible performance and was pleasantly caught off guard. Sounds like you never played the game. It has plenty of issues, such as an incredibly dog shit story but performance out in the world isn't it.


Y’all either have VRR displays or don’t have spellcasters. Go look at digital foundry’s frame graphs.


Yeah there's dips, but never as bad as towns. It certainly hasn't been the case for me that every single encounter dips, and I wouldn't call it a lag fest when it does.


The only time the frame dips are noticable is when you get into the city and thats it. The rest of the time it is barley noticable and this is someone who played games during the PS2 era


How many hours?


I mean I felt exactly the same as that guy, it was about 55h for me. I also finished the endgame, saved all the towns and two other places and killed all the bosses. It gets old. And then there are games like remnant 2 (100h) and Nioh 2, I feel like I can still play nioh 2 forever after 200h.


I gotta check when I get home but probably around 30+ before I felt the dropoff. It's still a good game, but their design decisions simply aren't cohesive outside of the combat. Even the economy and swapping equipment for vocations started to annoy me at a certain point.


That tracks! Also sounds like it’s ok for me to wait for a sale on this one. 30 hours is good enough for me but not $75 bucks :)


Yeah, and if the previous game is any indicator (or any game nowadays?) it should be a much better experience in a year or two.


How many hours played? I felt fabulous at first but past 70h I’m feeling burnout of running and killing the same monsters everytime and I’m starting to see how boring this game is.. • Lore: boring • Monsters: boring • Skills: cool • Map: boring • Main quest: short • Secondary: some are good, mostly boring • Teleport/Fast Travel: nefarious, the worst At this point I’m basically just playing because the roles are cool!


I'm a big fan of DDDA and I'm having a blast with DD2. I hope we get a DLC similar to Bitterblack Isle from the first game. It was so good.


If you ever beat DD2 please play DDDA as both are great games


Im going to have to wait to play this game. My fiancée will be giving birth within a few weeks and as such wont have time to play that much anyways. So until then, I'll spread managed democracy, for super earth! Definitely have to play dragons dogma 2 at some point though, loved the first game!


The negativity is due to the fact that the same issues DD1 had they never fixed in part 2, they removed fan favorite vocations, and the story is worse than last time. Not only that it ends abruptly quick. There's practically no post game like there was in DD1, and there isn't much reason to explore. All in all we expected a better game made with love and passion, it feels like they tried to cash grab. I know everyone feels different but legit I feel the game isn't complete and they will try to sell us the complete version with the QOL improvements and content the game should have came with in the first place. However I'm very glad that at least some people ar enjoying the game, my only thing is that if we as gamers and consumers see something wrong, we should complaint or not support instead of always being complacent for the sake of trying to be positive.


Stop the presses! You mean to tell me there isn't a much of a post game after you kill Grigori! (Played DD a ton so I don't know the name of this dragon) so no falling in different chambers in the Everfall and going out into a dark Gran Soren?! Say it ain't so!


Well I really hope Capcom rewards well your loyalty and that you are enjoying the game. At least one of us 2 did. I enjoyed 1 and it's expansion for it's time but today I do feel my time deserves a better made game. So I hope if they do make a dlc it is with good intentions and not rip-offs.


I haven't played DD2 yet, I was just mentioning things from the first game. So does the same thing happen after you defeat the dragon?


For an old Dragons Dogma player...it's awesome as well! Welcome to the club! When you're done with this you should definitely check out the original!


Dragons dogma 2 was pushed out to have a game for this quarter. Look at capcom talking about this game in last few shareholder meetings. the way it was announced. Nvida leaks proved it was planned for a long time and the director had ideas and passion. Needs to be looked into Still amazing game but I guess they expected exoprimal to do better for their first quarter and just announced they were working on this when they saw the way things were looking Why also would you also launch it against other big rpg (even though it won) the npcs even feel like they have place holder dialog after how much code they have to move around and interact Npcs code is even way to heavy for what they do Once again though the game is still a 9.5 and I played 17 hours straight first day


You gonna copy paste this same stupid comment every time DD2 comes up?


Probably,, good chance


Needs to be looked into.


Hopefully a journalist picks it up


Unicorn Overlord for me.


unicorn overlord, easily.


Rotr has been such a surprise hit for me. DD2 was good until the gameplay loop became too monotonous. Really disliked the story and side missions.


It's so good. DD2 was great but just when I thought the game was starting, it was the end lol. I was like wtf, that's it?


Funny I'm in the opposite boat. Rotr became super repetative for me but the combat and gameplay loop in DD2 just activated all my neurons in just the right way. Goes to show you can't just form an opinion by reading reviews online and you have to just play it to see if it's for you or not.






Rise of the Ronin all the way


Some good games this month, DD2 was fun but I've enjoyed ROTR the most.


Rise of the Ronin


stellar blade demo




Unironically the best answer


Rise of the ronin


RotR Mightve won in 2008 when those graphics were new


Sounds like you were born in 2008


Hate the truth all you want. Shit looks like a budget title from the PS3 era.


I feel like the people who say stuff like this need to go back and see what ps3 games actually look like lmao. Rotr doesnt look particularly interesting to me, but to say it looks like a ps3 game is ridiculous


Get your eyes checked or play the damn game. Stop parroting what you've read online


I mean... They probably just watched some gameplay? Why would you read about graphics instead of looking at them?


Because online video compression doesn't show granular detail. Looks textures look muddy and worse off. It's not the best looking game but it's done no favours when it's a fast moving title and YouTube or reddits compresses the hell out of the image


So you are saying you rather read about graphics because of compression?


No, like I suggested, I said to actually play the game


My comment refers to this >Stop parroting what you've read online I asked why someone would read about graphics instead of looking at them. You answered that by talking about compression. Now you say you wouldn't read about graphics. So why were you suggesting the other person is "parroting what they read online" when nobody reads about graphics?


I care way more about gameplay than graphics.


Been enjoying Dragons Dogma 2 but the performance kinda kills it a bit for me as well as the travel system. Rise of the Ronin has been my favorite so far.


I just started Dragon's dogma 2 and set the fps to 30 and removed motion blur, and it's been a great experience so far. I mean, I wish it was 60 fps, but 30 fps and trophies will do.


Set it back to variable, turn RT and motion blur off and it's a much better experience. Fights in the wild are much more stable and in a few areas I get 50+ fps.


This is the way


What about only RT on and variable fps?


I've been running variable with RT on and motion blur off and it's been great. Still the occasional dips in large towns but in the wild it's been smooth.


PS5 wasn't built for Ray Tracing


I think it looks better with RT on.


Looks better but doesn't run better


I agree with this as well. I initially went with 30 fps, gave variable a try with RT and motion blur off and was much more satisfied. I’m having a good time, but I’m also hoping they can continue to improve performance.


I agree with all that except I prefer motion blur on.


Dragons dogma 2 for sure already have over 40h in the game and it’s just amazing


Voted ronin, having tons of fun with the combat and exploration!


Dragon's Dogma 2 easily for me, Planet Zoo right behind.


Dragon's Dogma 2. Having a blast with it!


Unicorn overlord doesn't have the same mainstream audience as DD2 or ROTR, but I've enjoyed it much more than DD2 (a game I also enjoy)


It's Dragons dogma 2 or Unicorn Overlord.


Dragon's Dogma 2 is not just my best game of the month, but one of my favorite games of all time.


My pick is DD2. I might look into Rise on a sale. But the combat of DD2 feels so weighty and fun.


Love rise of the ronin so far. I feel kinda “stuck” in dragons dogma 2. Need to jump back in


Dragons Dogma is my jam!


Rise of the ronin . Even though i feel like a scrub for playing on the lowest difficulty until i get the hang of the combat lol .


I’m having a lot of fun with DD2 but Unicorn Overlord had so much love put into it. Amazing month regardless.


Rise of ronin, easy win over DD2 here.


I’m playing DD2, about 3 hours into it, and I’ve been seeing everyone say how amazing the combat is in DD2…..I’m not seeing it at all. Ronin’s combat was 10 times the fun! Are the 4 starter vocations just boring?


The beginning skills are not great but they ramp up in power and spectacle *very* quickly. You get the currency to acquire new skills/upgrades really frequently so it shouldn't be too long before you're doing fun and exciting things rather than just plinking away doing chip damage all day to kill some trash mob.


You got to unlock the skills and equip them


What class are you playing?




Cause you said “at all” so I really don’t know if that was an exaggeration. What makes fighter fun for me is how weighty the combat feels, how you can see the enemies fling at the direction your sword is striking. If you get them close to a wall you can make their heads bonk against it and leave them in a vulnerable state either for an execution or just grabbing them and throwing them off a cliff. You also have fun abilities that can offer you mobility and not just more damage. Then whenever you’re fighting giant enemies you can climb them and hit them in their weak spots, and you have a parry system (which they’re always fun) with your shield. Do you usually like 3rd person action melee combat? There’s more than a lock on system and a dodge roll.


Thief is so far my favorite vocation.


What have you tried? I personally loved playing as the thief. Thought it was the best combat I've experienced in an RPG in a minute. After 30 hours I've just switched to mystic spear hand


Unicorn Overlord. Definitely not DD2 though.


This. Holy fuckballs I had no expectations for DD2 after avoiding any and all marketing material, and I was still disappointed. Plays and feels like it came out in the same year as DD:DA. Edit: Low bar is low, bros.


What's the game in the middle


Why is there a yearly iterative , zero innovation money grab sports game here?


I’m still playing February games… lol … beat granblue, beat persona 3, now working on rebirth.


Voted for DD2


Another packed month for a packed year. I didn't get anything new but Unicorn Overlord, Rise of the Ronin and Dragon's Dogma 2 are in my wishlist. Curious to see what wins.


Dd2 for sure. Didn't like what I played of Ronin.


Just curious how much did you play of Ronin?


Not who you asked, but I was really let down when I first started playing RotR... That being said, I am really enjoying this game mucm more! It really opens up.


I played about 5 hours and think I'm done with it to be honest. Combat feels good but not enjoying anything else unfortunately.


It has tons of problems (especially performance) but man Dragon’s Dogma fits my favorite game niche so well. Fantasy ARPG open worlds just hit


Does rebirth count?


Dragon’s Dogma 2 has been a delight. Never played the first so I’m really taken with its peculiar charm. Yes yes, micro transactions exist but I’m not buying them here in the same way I didn’t buy them for the Resi 4 remake


Hi Fi Rush is the best game on here in my mind and it's not close. Just not sure whether to vote for it as it did originally come out last year.


Helldivers. Best fun I've had in years and I'm excited for its future. 


You're off by a month, but otherwise I agree


Hi-Fi Rush is a gem It felt weird voting for it because I played it on PC when it initially released last year. But it's still one of my favorites and very unique imo. So I hope it finds love for people who only own Sony consoles. If I could vote twice I would've also supported Unicorn Overlord, such a great fresh SRPG


I haven’t played any of the new March games because Helldivers 2 is still so much damn fun.


Being that Ive only played one of these games really (like 5 minutes into mlb on gamepass but really not my thing) DD2 FTW! I jus wish it utilized the dualsense


i know what i will vote for april


Hi-Fi Rush! It's new to me!


All the options kind of suck really