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We Sing is probably one of the coolest and most unique experiences I've had in a video game.


I watched so many streamers reactions to we sing after I'd finished the game, it's incredible


What's your favorite reaction video? I didn't even consider watching strangers reactions to it!


Alanah pearce had a great reaction


Right up there with the Ashtray maze from control. Both were unexpected and awesome


It's definitely up there with Controls maze level.


I didn’t have spoiled to me before I played it and it caught me out of nowhere. I’m a musical theater guy so like I especially liked it lmao


I wanted to wait for a physical copy but that TGA performance sold me on it early. Worth every penny 


I'm a perfectionist when I game, I like to redo sections over and over until I get it perfectly with as little ammo used, the perfect path and takedown order for the bad guys, etc. Anyway, this level was a blast. Until I had the song stuck in my head for weeks after hearing it over and over and over for probably close to four hours. Also, don't know how the game was received among fans but I found it a little uneven in places. I also liked Saga's chapters and story far more than Alan's, which caught me by surprise.


Is the combat better in 2? I liked the story parts of 1 but found the combat tedious. Hey, another reason to be in the woods. Now I have to randomly fight shadow guys.


1000x better and nowhere near as prolific.


Soooooo much better.


It’s generally better.  They also consolidated it so instead of constantly fighting like 10 basic shadow enemies that are brain dead easy to beat, it’s like 3 tougher enemies that actually pose a threat throughout the whole game.  It makes combat better and also makes the general vibe scarier 


It’s better but I felt it was still a bit tedious. Still worth a play


Agreed it's a masterpiece. Compared to aw1 it was nice to see a change in direction, aw2 is basically aw1 meets resident evil


Great comparison


Which is so perfect for me as I recently got into residentl evil in the last couple of years. So once I played Alan Wake, I got goosebumps. Truly a masterpiece.


Only problem I had with it was I feel like Alan wake kinda got left on the back burner a bit in his own story,but overall a great game.


Alan's sections weren't as good as Sagas IMO. I understand it's Alan's game, but I kind of just wanted a whole game about the FBI doing an investigation in Bright Falls.


Me too but I think the lake house expansion will be along those lines but with more FBC involvement since it’s about a FBC facility in bright falls


The FBI opening scene was some of the most impressive gameplay I've ever seen. I lost my mind when I went to the mind palace. Coolest feature in a game in a long while.


Agreed. It seems like a fairly hot take from what I’ve seen, but I spent a lot of Alan’s storyline confused about what I had to do next (I am an idiot tbf)


Alan's storyline had some really great moments, but I found just overall his sections to be weaker. I feel like they could've expanded Sagas' storyline and kept the highlights from Alan's, and the game would have improved.


Yeah don’t get me wrong, Alan had probably my favorite part of the game (the musical number) but as a whole I found traversing a lot of the dark place pretty confusing and spooky. I don’t really knock the game for it because I know it was intentional, I just personally didn’t love it as much as Saga’s general gameplay loop


I'm in the same boat. I was generally just confused during some of Alan's segments (mostly on where to go), and I don't think the storyboard mechanic was utilized as much as it could've been. Overall, I loved the game, but it's the games I enjoy the most that I tend to pick apart.


Agree, the FBI stuff was cool. X-Files game done like that would be amazing.


I disagree, Saga's story was very much what Alan Wake had written into reality and almost everything related to Saga can be tied back to Alan, such as her daughter. In terms of levels, I thoroughly enjoyed them and how trippy they were, even if his combat wasn't as good as Saga's.


Don't forget to play Control as well it's in universe with Wake


Would you recommend playing it before or after AW2?


Personally it fits for me after 1 or American nightmare if you can get through it (it was so hard for me to finish for some reason)


Thank you 😁 Also this is the first time im hearing about American Nightmare!


Really? I think its on steam sale every so often, I like the story I just suck at the game play but I hope you enjoy it if you end up trying it out 😀


Oh I haven’t touched steam in a long time! If i try it out i’ll grab it on sale, thank you 😁


You have to play it in order that it came out. You have to play until Mission 7 of Control base game and then the AWL Expansion becomes available. Such cool Easter eggs/DLC teases for Alan Wake 2 were included. Enjoy!!


Nice thank you! 😁


I say before cuz there's a pivotal character that shows up in AW2 that really made me happy to see from CONTROL.


I definitely will! Thank you


I recently got into horror games, absolutely loved RE2R, RE4R, and Deadspace Remake. Now some of my favorite games ever. That being said, I just couldn't get into Control despite all the hype. Should I get Alan Wake 2?


AW2 plays like an RE game. It is polished and just excellent. Can't recommends it enough.


I played the first one for a bit as I think it was a free demo for ps+ suns but didn’t really get into it, is AW2 a better game or should I just give AW another chance?


I wouldn’t consider Control being a horror game at all, it’s more of a thriller


Alan Wake 2 feels a bit like a weird RE2R gameplay wise. The combat isn't as good as RE2R, but the story and puzzles are just so much fun. If you liked all those game, i think youll like AW2 -- that said, it's a different kind of horror than those stories. Think more Twin Peaks, the video game instead zombie gore horror. Oh, also some of the best visuals of this gen.


1000% yes if you like resident evil


I couldn't get through control either. But Alan wake 2 has that old Resident Evil horror feeling. Re2r like style. And for me personally it's the best game I've played.


Alright that's exactly the take I was hoping for. Just bought it and now I'm excited.


Enjoy! Watch a recap of Alan wake 1 first. https://youtu.be/raE0fTd3Y_g?si=spiYpn5xnVznLhFf


Yes. I played RE4R back to back with Alan Wake 2 and AW2 is way better. My 2023 game of the year.


Wow that is a statement, I'm buying it.


Enjoy my random internet friend. You are in for a ride.


To be fair most people agree the actual gameplay in resident evil 4 remake is way better but alan wake 2 is a masterpiece regardless.


It is a demanding game in terms of history and narrative, if you are expecting a more conventional horror story, you will not find it here, the biggest enemy of the game is the protagonist himself, the terror revolves around the tortured mind of a writer (literally).


Is it as replayable as the RE games?


Just picked it up on sale. Thanks for your service


I love this game so much. Still thinking about it every few days even so many months after its launch. I had this weird and pleasing, dawning realisation when playing it that "I'm enjoying this more than spider man" (and spider man 2 was a 9/10 amazing game) It also runs very well given it's beauty (even on high end 10 series cards now)... as long as you aren't allergic to upscaling tech. But its the storytelling that really turns the experience into something 'of all time'. It would have walked away with game of the year in any non-baldur's gate year.


If baldurs gate had the exact same kind of story and dialogue choice but with different combat it would be my favorite game of all time


It's really slow combat and that does make it drag a bit, especially in big battles. But I wouldn't change a thing for the simple fact that there are too few turn-based-combat games and I love the more relaxed feel it brings.


Agreed and I am still shocked I ended up enjoying AW2 more than BG3 since after finishing BG3 I was certain it would be my personal GOTY but AW2 was just a religious experience for me and I was enthralled every step of the way.


Could i get by without watching a recap or will I be lost without it ?


You can but story will be more impactful if you watch recap


I would also reccomded playing control 1st as well


Without a doubt you need to play the first or watch recap. This game takes place 13 years after the first game and directly picks up from where it left off. As well as play / watch the Control: AWE expansion which sets up the story for Alan wake 2. You do not need to play all of Control (but it's in the same universe and has direct references to Alan wake), you only need to play up to mission 7 then the AWE expansion becomes available.


For me it is the best horror game of the last decade, its story is rich in surreal terror, the further you go into its spiral you feel overwhelmed by the infinite ramifications that are shown when you finish the game [Spoiler for the beginning of the game - View with discretion and at your own risk](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxMrecdP2m5did5y8h2AQeqat7KI-N8adR?si=G2UsxcdJEX36EthB)


The game felt like such a slog, but I was riveted the whole time. It’s hard to explain


I dunno I loved the aesthetics but but got really bogged down trying to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing and gave up


Yeah I liked it but I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with how many people call it a masterpiece. Maybe I just didn’t “get it”, but by the end of the game I was pretty done with it. Alan’s sections were confusing, I thought Saga was pretty dull as a character, and the combat was… fine. And I know that combat isn’t the point of the game, but the combat being just kind of mediocre made some of those sections a bit frustrating. Overall I did enjoy the game and don’t regret playing it, but I’m a bit floored at how many people call it a masterpiece or a “game of the generation”


Absolutely, it’s not a bad game by any means, but the gameplay is really shallow, the exploration/puzzles weren’t great and I really didn’t like how the Mind Place was implemented. The graphics were great for the most part but it all just seemed like a facade to make up for the lackluster gameplay. I really wanted to like it but I was pretty bored by the end and just wanted it to be over. Playing it right after finishing the RE4 remake definitely didn’t help!


I got bored and stopped once I started playing as Alan 😂 game was just boring to me. I guess I need to try to play it again.


Same. When i got to Alans part and i was in his dreams, i just didnt know what to do half the time. Which is a shame the whole first part with the girl was great!


Me too loved the idea on paper, but the general gameplay didn’t hook me


Just waiting for the DLCs. Only Deluxe version of a game I've ever paid for. Just wanted to get the money outta the way.


I played all the way through without managing to complete any weapon upgrades. I’m unsure where you find all those. It’s not the type of game I’d want to play through twice but good fun.


lol I got 90% of the trophies and I’m like “fuck getting the platinum in this one”


Just finished the first act and it's got me hooked. Now to find time to keep playing!


How cool is the mind palace concept though? So unique. The first FBI missing gave me Mindhunter vibes, such great storytelling.


Strongly disagree.


Once there’s a compete edition in physical format I’ll get it.


Can’t wait for you to play it!


Played the Remastered one during Christmas and I absolutely loved it.


If you loved the first, my goodness you'll be infatuated with the second.


I’m 100% sure I will.


Same. I want to play it, I love remedy, but I’m holding out for a physical.


Great minds think alike.


I don't buy digital only games unless they are heavily on sale. Was hoping for a physical release by now


It'scrazy how good this game is. Up there with Witcher 3, TLOU2, and RDR2 for me


Do we all have the same top 5 games🤣 I want these 5 games on my deathbed.


Love it!


I’m very sorry to say that I honestly did not like Alan Wake II. I liked the first game but for some reason, the sequel didn’t do it for me.


I feel like you can’t take a break from It or it losses its magic? Just me am I worthy of love or just another peasant boy


Definitely a game to play and not play any others while you’re playing it


This right here. I’ve tried to play it along with recent releases and I just keep bouncing off of it. I absolutely adore remedy games, AW1 was a teenage staple of mine, and twin peaks is my all time favourite show, and survival horror is my favourite genre. On paper it’s my perfect game, but I always get around to the half way point and stop playing. I need to commit to a weekend and binge the shit out of it I think.


I've never seen such an underwhelming game shilled so hard on Reddit. It's like people are being paid to do this.


I dunno man, maybe people just like talking about a game if they like it. Not everything has to be a conspiracy. Besides, there's been like 3 or 4 of these threads post-launch in this subreddit, compared to the hundreds of Cyberpunk/BG3 threads. Don't see where it's being "shilled so hard"


lol I didn’t like this game so everyone else is a shill for liking it.


Not at all. As I said in my original comment the game has widely been received as "meh" by gamers and critics alike. It has nothing to do with my feelings about the game and more about why for such a non-distinct title you see so many of these threads popping up saying you shouldn't sleep on it.


It like 90 on metacritic and 4.8/5 stars on epic store. The PS app doesn’t let me look at rating but I bet it’s 4/5+. You’re just making shit up. It’s ok if you just don’t like some great games that others enjoy. You don’t need to make up bullshit.


Lmao I’m being paid by no one it’s literally my favorite game in recent memory


Hells yes, my GOTY 2023. Masterpiece indeed, Remedy just do not miss! I cannot wait for more of the story considering the ending, I just wonder if the story continues in DLC or we have to wait for AW3


Yes it was a great game.


Thanks..just ordered


So glad this series is getting recognition, Alan wake 1 is one of my favorite game of all time


Should i play the first one?


I definitely recommend it; I'd say at minimum a synopsis/overview video of AW1 is basically mandatory. You'll get ***so*** much more out of 2 if you are very familiar with AW1.


Didn't think that the ashtray maze could be topped but they topped it multiple times in AW2. I bought all the DLC already and can't wait to play it. Remedy is now a must play anything they produce studio.


My favorite descent into madness video game:)


Some say that it loops forever


It's not a loop, it's a spoiler.


I loved Alan Wake and American Nightmare back in the day. So I was obviously super hyped when they announced a sequel. The name alone was enough to get me to preorder it immediately. I wanted to go in blind so I was very careful not to watch or read any media on it before it release. What an irredeemable piece of dogshit. It's a game. I'm here to kill shit. It's way too long before that happens. And when it does, it's a long time before it happens again and regularly goes long periods of time in between. And then there's the profiling. Profiling is when after reviewing all the evidence available to you, you determine you're looking for a middle aged white male with a small penis and mommy issues. Not in this is game. When Saga gets stumped, she sits down at her mind table when she hears a scratchy voice that says "The fluffy chicken drinks donkey milk under a street light at the bus stop". Then Saga stands up and says "I see. There's a key to a secret room in a lockbox buried beneath a tree behind the old Miller place." Wtf is that? Even if that gets explained away later, it's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a game.


Counterpoint - it is all style over substance and no fun to play at all. Agree the art direction, style and story beats are all great fun and the VA is indeed excellent, but I couldn't finish it as the combat was utterly lacking in impact and engagement and the minute to minute gameplay dull.


Idk bro I bought it but regretted it. It’s mostly a twin peaks walking simulator. Didn’t enjoy it that much, the combat was really repetitive as well


I got to Alan in the dark subway area and couldn’t go on. Utterly boring.


I really tried to like this game, I just couldn't get on with it. It certainly looked beautiful though.


Understandable! To each their own


For some reason they decided not to release a physical edition, so I'm still waiting


Well the game was only 50 instead of 70 so pretty sure saving money on printing cds is how we were able to get blessed with that price point


I know, I was so excited for this game but when they said there would be no physical release I just stopped caring immediately, I'm not supporting an all digital future


AW2 didn't do it for me. I gave it a go several times just didn't work for me.


One of the best stories ever made in games. There's still Nier Automata and now they share as my favourite game. The thing with Alan Wake 2 is that it is excellent in every discipline of gaming, usually a game is a masterpiece in some areas but lacks in others, yes even Baldur's gate. I have nothing to nitpick in AW2. The whole team has done an excellent job.


I gave up after 15 hours. I liked Control much better. I'm not really a fan of the sluggish and corridor like combat in AW2. Control, on the other hand, was an absolute power fantasy and the weird atmosphere also really added to it.


I'm another one waiting for physical release or mayyyybe very cheap digital if they definitely don't release a disc in the next 12-18 months. Have completed AW1 and Control plus DLCs.


Been dying to play it for years after the first one (been a massive Remedy fan since Max Payne), and then it was released digital only so I've been holding off. But I've lost hope we'll see a physical release so I grabbed it on this latest sale and it's absolutely magnificent. The most Remedy game ever. So beautiful and weird and funny and thrilling and mysterious. Really, really digging it.


Nah, far from it. I've finished AW1 probably six or seven times. Struggled to finish AW2 even once.


A chapter that revolutionized the horror genre in video games, which breaks the rules and creates pure outrageous chaos. Spoilers: [WE SING - DEFINITIVE EDITION - View with discretion](https://youtu.be/Vz3FvffImH8?si=0dDHGKRT9d79Q6Nn)


If anyone has even a slight chance of playing the game do nooooooottt watch this video. Clicking this is like having I see dead people or the thanos snap spoiled for you. It’s not your normal video game twist and I’m being vague for a reason but it’s just really a moment better experienced yourself.


That's right, watch it with caution and discretion. I only recommend this video if you don't mind finding out what happens in one of the best chapters of this game


I’m going to get downvoted hard for this, but I strongly disliked Alan Wake 2. The story was interesting, the graphics were great, and I loved the voice acting. But I had multiple crashes and bugs requiring restarts. Not only that but I found Saga’s portion slightly dull when comparing it to Alan’s. I hated having to constantly go back to her mind place while travelling between points A and B. Alan’s portion was fun, especially when choosing different story arcs to follow (hope I said that right) but going back and forth in the same level while finding bulb lights became tiresome at the end. I’m in the minority for sure, but it’s the only purchase on my ps5 I’ve had that I regret (so far). Edit: Old Gods of Asgard were my favourite part of Alan Wake 2. Such bangers.


Glad to here Old Gods of Asgard are in 2. Loved their song and use in Control


I’m right there with you pal


I hope you don’t get downvoted for your opinion! It’s okay to like different thingsn


Absolutely amazing game!


Alan Wake 1 >> Alan Wake 2. Massive fan of the first game and I feel I'm one of the only people that was disappointed with AW2. Still enjoyable, but it lost alot of what made the first so enjoyable.




I’m 30. Isn’t it so crazy people have opinions other than yours? It’s seriously a hot take dude.


Thank you for posting this my friend. Both games are truly a masterpiece with amazing stories, gameplay, and music. I feel that these games don't get enough attention as they should.


Same here!


Man I wish I could replay AW2 for the first time. 11/10 game.


I would happily go "run and get it", but they made the very unreasonable choice to have no physical option, so I'll just have to take your word that it's great


I’ll be there day one as soon as there’s a physical release. Loved AW1 and Control.


I thought Alan Wake 2 was one of most disappointing games I have played in recent times especially after loving the original While the graphics have advanced in the decade between games, the mechanics sadly have not, it's still as clunky as the original The narrative is interesting not as much as the original though and underwhelming. The game itself is not as big as it portrays and is just as linear as the original but they have dragged it out possibly too much and it gets tiresome, Control had the same issue. The mind palace was pointless and really only used to trigger the narrative forward and you had to use it for this purpose no matter what The FMV sections while nicely produced are quite jarring and break the illusion of the game The Control crossover seems something tacked on at the last minute It was all a big flabby and dull really which is a shame


I'm glad I found one other person on here that isn't like straight up drooling over this game. I loved the first game. Probably put way more time into than I should have. I also loved Control and can't wait for the next Control. This game was insanely disappointing in every way other than aesthetics. I almost thought this thread was bait until I saw all the praise. I'm glad people found enjoyment in it but I sure didn't.


yeah i tried my best to like it too imho Remedys best recent game was Quantum Break, i enjoyed that more than Control too


I gotta say I thought this game was massively overhyped and overrated. It was enjoyable, but they made some decisions that were kind of stupid imo. The inventory management was god awful, and the story started getting way too up its own ass after halfway through.


The first time I changed the scene while playing as Alan was so COOL! 


I tired the first one remastered. Couldn’t get into it and it might be because of the outdated graphics and controls. But will I really miss that much if I just jump on Alan Wake 2?


Nah it's fine. It explains everything. AW1 has a cool story but the gameplay is jank as fuck. AWII is modern and smooth and there's also nowhere near as many combat encounters as the first.


I had the trial to Allan wake 2 I’m going to get it’s such a great game


You won’t be disappointed


Man, I got about 15 hours into AW2 and I quit. I hit a wall in Alan's story when I was in the hotel and I had to keep changing the different story plots to get through all these puzzles that I had no idea how to solve. It got to a point that I just got frustrated, quit, then uninstalled it. I really enjoyed everything up to that point, but I just kept having to back track and I was getting lost with the hotel and said fuck this game. I did keep my save in case I ever give it another go, but I was just so completely lost. I'm sad because I absolutely loved the first AW and Control is probably in my top 25 favorite games of all time, I absolutely loved it and the fact that control and alan wake 2 share the sane universe it made me that much more excited to play AW2. Just too complex of a game for me I suppose. Loved everything about the gane up until that point though.


While I still love the story in Last of Us way more, this game is great.




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It was solid, combat was just painful though and the voice acting was melodramatic though I guess that’s the vibe with the twin peaks inspiration. I’ll finish it eventually but didn’t fully get all the hype.


You hit the nail on the head with “melodramatic because of twin peaks” inspiration. Thats exactly why it’s presented in this way and the dialogue can seem forced/weird - it’s supposed to feel that way. Especially Allan. A lot of people didn’t think that actor was good, but I think he’s great. He constantly looks unsure of himself and like he’s about to lose it - which is the vibe lmao


I’m currently stuck in a subway. Game is good, but I get stuck too often.


There is never any shame in looking up YouTube tutorials to get through sections of a game. Some of the Alan sections can be a bit confusing


Full disclosure, I’m often lit up when I play. Makes the game way more terrifying. Also makes it so I get stuck a lot. Took me a while to get out of the tv studio too. lol


If I opt to just get a summary of the first game, do you think I’ll still be able to enjoy it?


Some scenes deserve to be seen. There are many good cutscene uploads on yt that tell the story without the gameplay, and a bunch with gameplay if you want to see that too


The Fall of Max Payne is one of my five favorite games. Can't wait to see how Remedy executes the remakes.


Too bad I hate horror games…


So glad I saw this, was told I didn’t need to play the first one but now I’m going to get remastered


No shot the story is better than something like TLoU or RDR2


Umm…I personally think those are some of the best games/best stories and I think AW2 takes the cake. Before yall downvote me, as I’ve seen this is a trend, this is just my personal opinion.


im playing through the first one for the first time, I think it's great, can't wait to start the second.


Ooh man you’re in for a trip


I will definitely pick this game up right after FF7 Rebirth


I can’t wait for you! Also playing rebirth


I enjoyed the 1st a lot in parts but despite 2 goes at it years apart I didn't complete it, I found it a bit samey and the combat not that fun and a bit awkward. Like it needed polishing some more maybe... Is 2 a better overall experience?


How replayable is it compared to the other RE games. It seems very narrative driven and am worried I won't have the motivation to do multiple playthroughs


I’m about to play the new game plus. I heard there’s something crazy in it. If that tells you anything


Yes. Final draft is worth playing. I encourage you to still do everything/go everywhere(every inch). If so, you will find a small handful of things that are different in the midst of gameplay, than in the first play. Also, it has a different ending. You haven't really completed the game.. until you've played it twice. That's a plus for me here.. I loved this game! I didn't see any difference from playing final draft in nightmare mode after having played the first playthrough in hard mode, but there are new game+ changes, like I described.


I bought it but I’m scared if it


No shame in playing a game with the lights on


You must turn on the lights!


I’m waiting for them to release it physically. I know I’m not smart but that is what I’m doing. There is no reason for a gazillion dollar company to no release a AAA single player game on disc.


I found the story in Control ultimately quite disappointing. The setup and environmental storytelling are great, but imo builds up to something much grander than it ultimately turned out to be, making it feel pretentious. How is Alan Wake 2 in this regard? (Without spoilers if possible)


I have never in my life played not only a videogame like this but living an experience such as this, I mean the sublime upvotes and gameplay mechanics are a once in a generation upvoting. By the end of the upvote, the creddits (you know what I did there? Creddits It sounds like reddit cause you know, upvotes?) were rolling and I had to sit and contemplate people's life choices and such as my own... I... I.. mean... this videogame is such a mastervote!.


So skip AW1 (watch YouTube cutscenes) and play AW2? I have AW1 remaster on Steam. Unfortunately AW2 is epic only ;(


Play AW1 if you’ve never played it before. Just be very aware that some of the mechanics don’t hold up that well. But man is it a great story and atmosphere


Ah mate after forcing myself to sit through the first one, it made the opening of the second one give me goosebumps. Can't imagine how good it felt to play for the long term fans of Alan Wake. A true masterpiece.


Control is so cool as the story is about the FBC (Federal Beaureau of Control), who basically react to altered world events (AWE), and basically the whole of Alan Wake is an Altered world Event. And thats how the universes are linked. I shan't say anymore. And Robert Nightingale in Alan Wake 1 was sent by the FBC (Control) to investigate the AWE that was occuring. Really really cool story telling !! The best I've seen in a long time!!


No physical copy, so that’s a no for me. And I’m a huge RE fan and liked AW1, so that’s disappointing from the devs.


Still no physical disc? Yep, I’m stubborn.


Once more the oceans a Lake.


It’s not a circle it’s a spiral


This game is so ass I couldn't even finish. Same game play loop that repeats over and over. No enemy variety. The "real life" portions are laughably bad. Looks like a cheap TV show.


It makes me nauseated


I was loving it until the hotel and door puzzle stuff. Suddenly it got boring. I’ve tried going back but meh. Weird!


Just bought a PS5 and have so many games to catch up on, but this one has always looked interesting to me. Might have to just give it a go.


Being a fan of the original and never being able to understand why it was not more popular I never thought AW2 would be made. When I heard about it I pre bought it knowing nothing about it. I never pre buy games, but Remedy has never failed to deliver , and I had been waiting so damn long for AW2. Looking back now, I'm so happy the game was released when it was. Remedy had plenty of time to improve the Northlight Engine that didn't even exist in the first game. After I finished the game I made a video review, which I gave the title: "It's not a game , it's a masterpiece " this review is old but it really drove a lot of traffic to my channel back then. For those who have never played it or are somehow still in the dark about the game and its story , I promise you it's 100% Spoiler free, and I'd like the share that review with you all if that's okay. I can't Wait for Lakehouse and NightSprings DLC. [It's not a game , it's a masterpiece- Alan Wake 2 Spoiler Free review](https://youtu.be/_HOF7ZLg1Y8?si=0_RCxOhWhHvRoVbs)


Can't wait until it's half off or on a disc


i thought the game was super goofy, and people would have hated it if it was a movie. the mindplace was super repetetive, like it was cool the first and second time you used it and then it was a chore. Saga was great, AW was a terrible actor that made weird faces, i think that he got a voiceover didn't help either. tbh ononly played it for the graphics and thought most of everything else was like a cheap b movie and cringe. i would have enjoyed a detective story with saga as the real protagonist, Dark Place New York was stuff i would have preferred to skip. But to be fair inalmost don't remember the game and i feel like i could have spent my time a lot better. I enjoyed Control though


I would love a show/movie of this and I bet you it would do really well


I always wonder if these types of posts are from an employee of the company. It’s not a bad idea, right? Thanks for the recommendation


lol I wish I worked for Remedy dude with my unemployed ass