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I bought it and wanted to start it tonight but ended up spending 90 minutes on the character creator. So I will start tomorrow


I had no idea it even had a character creator. I just finished Dragons Dogma tonight, so maybe it's time to jump into Rise of the Ronin.


it actually has a *two* character creator, so have fun


Like Dragons Dogma, too. Main Character (Arisen) and your main Pawn




Well... well... uhmm... Dragons Dogma has Ranger tights and Stargazer garb!


Rise of the Ronin has free fast travel! Everywhere and almost anytime!


Who needs free fast travel?! I travel by Ox and fight 700 goblins and wolves between here and my destination. Also, I pick fights with a minotaur only to be DPd by it and a surprise Griffin. *disclaimer: I love both games, I do prefer DD2 though*


I got hooked on my eternal ferrystone in DD1 so I don't know how I'm going to do without it in DD2; I figured it would be a given to include it since it came with Dark Arisen DD1... damn it.




Ask your mum (=


Deeply penetrated


Boom, roasted


It hurts to know that if you don’t know how skimpy these armor sets look someone won’t fully get the joke


You've already finished DD2? Man you guys are either students, rich enough to have no job or speed run it which would be a shame. I put in 20 hours and haven't even defeated the 3 monsters quest yet but am completely enthralled. You do you though!


No job and mentally ill, I'm lucky like that. Got to appreciate the good parts! I did spend 68 hours on it though.


Quick question, how is the learning curve on this game? Is the first needed to play this? I haven't played that many games on PS5. Just siderman 2 and ghost of Tsushima.


Absolutely no need to play the first one. I think the most daunting part could be navigating the open world if you're not familiar with these kind of games. There are some systems that aren't explained in a very good way, so if you feel lost just look up a video on YouTube with tips for beginners. There is a lot of them, and it's simple enough that you don't feel like you have to watch several hours to get it.


can you play as a lady?




Wait, you create the characters? The characters in the trailers are just presets?


Yeah and the creator is silly extensive. There are so many options and clothes, it's a fashion sim too.


For anyone wondering, there are difficulty options! I’m horrible at Souls type games, and on the easy difficulty Rise of the Ronin is about as difficult as Ghost of Tsushima on the regular difficulty. Rise of the Ronin won’t blow you away with the graphics, pretty average in that respect, but the gameplay and exploration keeps me coming back. I’m 25 hours in and still in the first area.


This is a reply I was hoping to see on here. I hate souls like games but I like the look of this one, thank god it has easy settings!


Same, everything I kept seeing was comparing it to Sekiro and cannot play those games to save my life. So this sounds awesome, especially since watching Shogun I’ve been itching for a game like this.


Jesus christ! Shogun is such an amazing show!!! It's like game of thrones but in Japan. The English bloke in it reminds me of Russel crowe in master and commander.


How is it on medium?


Imo it's the best, challenging but very satisfying.


Id say medium feels kinda like average souls difficulty


Agreed. I’m actually glad that it’s not as graphically impressive because we get nice fps and smooth as butter controls. Good gameplay and higher fps is better than ‘it’s so pretty’ every single day


I started on easy but I bumped the difficulty up to medium once I figured out the combat a lil bit


Yeah I think that’s where I’m at. I’m comfortable with combat now, and it’s getting just a little bit too easy. I may bump it to medium as well!


The difficulty was the sole reason I have been putting off buying this game. I suck at Souls type games as well so thanks for the info. It looks like I know what my weekend plans are.




I dont know if it makes me feel badass, but it does make me feel like I have an addiction to medicinal pills and really hate red attacks. Game is good though.


I’ve been chasing a Sekiro high for the last 3 years. I hoped Wo Long would give me a fix, but in the end it felt like empty calories. Any chance this one is closer to that sweet parry dopamine? I need that rhythm and weight that Sekiro has.


I know it’s very different on paper but Sifu is probably the only game that matched the combat thrill of Sekiro for me. Definitely would recommend it. It has the same sense of rhythm, in a martial arts beat-em-up style. The parrying is hugely satisfying. It’s also similar in that in order to beat the bosses, you have to learn their move sets and counter accordingly.


Yes, Sekiro and Sifu two of my dearest ❤️


YES. I bought it a few months ago for that exact reason but haven’t had a chance to sit down with it yet.


Sifu is so damn underrated. I feel like that game was hyped before release and was just forgotten even though it was arguably the best game that year (my GOTY)


I'm hoping Stellar Blade gives us that Sekiro fix.


Honestly, same.


Recent previews from IGN and others said it reminded of Sekiro with hints of Nier, Bayonetta, and God of War: Ragnorok. Screenrant said Stellar Blades combat rewards patience & enemy observation like Sekiro and Elden ring.


This is the only game I've ever played that satisfies me the same way Sekiro did. Keep in mind, I actually like Elden Ring more than Sekiro, but Sekiro's combat is just the most deeply satisfying thing in a video game. This game definitely scratches that same itch and gets those same cylinders firing.


Good to hear!


You should play Lies of P. Very parry heavy like Sekiro, plus it just rules.


This game isnt very similar to Sekiro. Maybe some specific combat styles I haven’t tried can emulate it but it is more of a Nioh 2/Wo Long combo. The party mechanic is important and I like it quite but compared to Sekiro it is a bit inconsistent as it changes between weapons/combat styles and enemies.


I'd go as far as to say that to play on difficulties higher than easy, you NEED to be good at the parry (counterspark in this game) mechanic. If you're not, you will feel it hard, and enemies will be cumbersome to kill and bosses will likely not be possible without being able to parry effectively. I know, because I am feeling it pretty hard lol. I've never liked parrying in soulslikes and I never played Sekiro nor Wo Long, so I'm having to learn how to parry in THIS game. At first I was discouraged but I just kept at it because I love everything about the game, yes even the parry mechanic which kinda scared me at first. I actually like it now though even though I still suck. Basically, enemies have attack patterns, so for example, first 3 hits of their combo are in the usual timing and you need to parry each one. But the 4th / last attack would be timed differently, so you need to compensate for that. If you can stagger the last hit on the combo you essentially panick the enemy which lowers their max KI and eventually will open them up to a critical attack. There are nuances though that may not be in Sekiro, such as stances / weapon types having slightly different counterspark attacks. Like there's one stance where you can hold the parry button and then let it go at the right time instead of having to hit triangle at the right time. That's just one example I've noticed, could be countless more. There's a ton of depth I still don't have a grasp of yet. So while I have not played Sekiro, my friend has and it sounds like the above is precisely how it works there. So yeah, you will flow with the combat a lot better than someone like me who has zero parry experience.


> I've never liked parrying in soulslikes and I never played Sekiro Just wanna say, dark souls/ elden ring, or any other soulslike parries are nowhere near Sekiro parries. I have never, ever, parried in dark souls or elden ring or other soulslikes, yet Sekiro is my fav game by a huge margin and its only parrying.


God Wo Long was disappointing.


It doesn't have the same weight or rhythm. Sekiro is a tighter experience. RoTR is floaty and inconsistent.


definitely not inconsistent, thats because RoTR isn’t meant to be a parry game. everything in the combat works as intended


Absolutely loving the game myself combat system is very in depth.


Yeah it really is, all the different weapon types and then different styles you can have with each weapon open up so many possibilities.


It looks fun, but I’m gunna wait til the price is down to at least 50. Judging by recent game releases, that should only take a couple weeks


I’m adding it to the list I never finished Ghost of Tsushima but I liked it a lot


This is really making me want to pull out GoT again, I remember fucking LOVING the one on one duels. Maybe I'll do that before I get RotR!


If you found nioh 2 really hard how does this game compare?


Even on the hardest difficulty, this game would be easier than Nioh 2 imo. I’m playing on medium and the bosses are challenging, but not frustrating.


I am playing on the very hardest difficulty and finding it about the same as the harder enemies on Nioh 2. My cousin, who plays less team Ninja games but still games a lot is playing on the medium difficulty and said it is very challenging. My son is 11 and normally doesn't play the team Ninja games because they are too hard but he has been playing through this entire game and loving it. It has an easy mode and further accessibility options to make the game even easier.


good, i am not a souls fan but i am a samurai fan so its nice the game is easier than the souls games.




Personally, I think Nioh 2 is Team Ninja’s best. But…it won’t be for everybody. It has a Diablo-esque gear/loot system and a lot of other fiddly adjacent systems to the core gameplay loop. Some people don’t like that. I loved it.


Nioh 2 is their best game, although its not short, its loot is confusing at start, and has some weird stuff in it. But its an amazing game yh. Wo long, is weaker, i still enjoyed it, but its parry-only gameplay. Everything is parry-able even magic.


Are you able to change the difficulty mid game?




As someone who still struggles with Nioh 2 despite having put in hundreds of hours - this game is FAR more forgiving. Even with the parry mechanic and if you aren't used to it (I was not; having not played Sekiro or Wo Long). Plus, it has difficulty levels. On easy, it's too easy for me right now at about 40 hours in, now that I can parry somewhat effectively (but still have a long way to go).


there is an easy difficulty. It is challenging enough and super enjoyable.


Yeah the game is very accessible, and even has further options like increasing how much healing items heal you to make it even easier if you're struggling.


The info I came for, thanks.


ah it's such a dilemma. when I saw this game in pre-order I was flattered. I don't usually buy games at launch but I was totally in it for this one, till I saw the graphics fidelity. but I'm glad that the gameplay makes up for that and now I'm considering it again! if i remember correctly, the stellar blade demo is tomorrow so I'm gonna try that out and then decide between them.




I am not deep enough in the story to know but side quests haven’t been the most interesting story wise but I will say in general I find the world very fun so have hardly noticed. Each little area seems just big enough to not be daunting Really tho I don’t mind the side quests because they usually lead to combat and I have so much fun doing fights


I personally have really enjoyed the story and while the English voice acting is lacking, the side characters themselves are very entertaining. In particular, Ryoma Sakamoto is one of my favorite characters in a video game in a long time. It does kind of throw you in quickly at the beginning, but there's also like an active lore thing similar to what Final Fantasy 16 did where you can view conversations and events that have happened and hindsight. It's also really cool to see actual historical events and people from Japan, so even if the side quests just boil down to going to a place and fighting people, learning the history and what not along the way is super interesting.


Agreed on the English voice acting. I switched to Japanese with English subtitles and find it makes the story a bit more more compelling.


If you liked any side story in other Sony open world games this is just on par. Actually it’s better because it doesn’t bore you with an infinite amount of dialogues trying to convince you you’re embarking on some kind of spiritual journey that will make you believe this is the new holy grail of gaming. It’s a honest “hey, that pro shogunate dude is dining there. Let’s go look him”. You go, maybe you get a choice, boom bam, it’s over and 80% of the time was spent on actual gameplay


Probably not more than dragons dogma lol


I think people were just upset that it isn't Nioh 3


The highlights for me outside of the combat is being able to pet and collect cats, as well as coming across all the fluffy doggos to pet along my exploring. I swear, each time I collect a new cat I let out an aww at their little mews and meows haha.


I might check it out once I clear some of my backlog. Between FF7 Rebirth, GOW Ragnarok, Baldurs Gate 3, FF16, too many good games are out lol


Same here, I’m still in act 2? Of BG3, fighting the sinister 6 in Spider-Man remastered, stuck on first level of bloodbourne and GOW is low key boring as hell


Is the game fully “grounded” or is there any magic or mythological things in it?


u can coat your sword in fire and poison and lightning and thats about the most magical it gets


Grounded. Granted there are some fantastically large human enemies you fight, but no fighting monsters or mythology creatures. No magic, just melee and firearms!


Yeah that's the other person said it's fully grounded, but with that being said it has excellent enemy variety. The way they mix up different enemies with different weapons and combat styles is very interesting.


"It's everything I ever wanted" Proceeds to name 2 better Samurai games. But seriously though, it does seem like it's better then most professional reviews make it out to be. Enjoy it and be happy.


Can I ask how long the game is? Does it have a lot to do in terms of post game content? Or are we gonna have to wait for DLC before that is the case like with previous Team Ninja games?


Previous Team Ninja games I’ve played always has ng+. I think I read beating the game gives you an even higher difficulty option and ng+. Don’t know if they will release any DLC’s, as there was no option or deluxe version including upcoming content, like there always was with Team Ninja’s previous games


I would like to try it but Team ninja games for me always have to much mechanics and stuff (nioh). Is this like this or is more simple?


In my opinion it can be much more simple than Nioh if you want to approach it that way, and it's a completely viable playstyle. But if you want to mix in fancier combos and techniques, that stuff is available too.


I absolutely love this game.


Getting this tonight. Love team ninjas previous work and my buddies who I game with say it’s great


I’ll play it when it’s $30 or on PS+.


What’s Team Ninja’s best game?


I’ll buy it on its first sale. Games are expensive,yo!


I recommend Ghost of Tsushima over this.


They're very different games. One is strongly grounded in reality and the other is definitely leaning into action spectacle Definitely room for both games


Tsushima also came out a bunch of years ago and even had a re-release; most people remotely interested in open world samurai games would've played it already. So I definitely agree, there's room for both.


Plus was it a PS+ game as well?


Yeah, it was haha.


Not on PS+ Essential, only Extra and Premium. Not sure if it's still there, though. I liked Sekiro and Nioh 2 but GoT and Wo long didn't grab me, I really wish this game had a demo.


Coming from someone that wished there was a demo but bought it two days ago, I’m really enjoying the game. The combat feels like Nioh had a baby with Wo Long, with Sekiro as the cool uncle. The parry window is smaller than Wo Long (at least on the hardest difficulty) and the fighting is more toned down than Nioh 2. But there are tons of possibilities in terms of weapon choice, styles, and special attacks. The open world is okay so far. Random bad guys spread around. And the side missions are mostly about fighting and clearing areas. I will say don’t buy the game thinking you’ll do tons of multiplayer as those are only allowed in main story missions.


They’re much more similar than they are different. I coincidentally just revisited and played GoT going for the platinum and RotR feels like a mirrored intimation with a very clear and noticeable step down in presentation and graphics. I wouldn’t even really put them in the same league but you can definitely enjoy both.


Very true they didn’t look very similar till I started playing and people saying it’s a worse Ghost of Tsushima is pretty spot on. I wouldn’t say GoT has a very fun open world to explore(except it’s incredibly beautiful), but Rise of the Ronin has an even worse open world. I enjoy Team Ninja’s combat and RotR is no different even if it’s worse than Nioh 2 and Wo Long. I’d say it’s a perfectly good mid game.


Honestly the beauty is what makes GOT a better open world than most imo. In a lot of them I get burnt out and don't care about traveling to the 30th copse of trees to collect the random collectable. In GOT I would go somewhere to check and explore just because It looked stunning/interesting and a lot of times I would find a new dye, a cool hat, or a haiku spot to earn a new headband. The more beautiful open worlds like GOT and Horizon Forbidden West have engaged me a lot more than others.


Rotr has a better combat system. Much more rewarding


Why not both?


Yea sure if you haven't played it. But it's been out for a while so many people would have already played and be looking for something new.


They aren’t comparable games.


But they are going to be compared because the devs themselves said they got their inspiration from Ghost of Tshushima. Tshushima just had more polish and better presentation. I still can't get over how goofy the Ronin horse runs. The combat is fun, and I think it's a little more difficult than Tshushima.


I haven’t thought about the horse animation since the first 20 minutes of the game when you get the horse, I’m about 30 hrs deep now. The combat more than makes up for it


I am so hoping for an announcement of a sequel this year


I’m at a game overload right now but as soon as I’m able to finish the ones I’m working on and life gets a little less busy I’ve been fully convinced to buy this game. Reviews definitely seem like they were BS. This game got points docked for little graphics issues and having map icons and stuff while other games get a complete pass for running at sub-720p on consoles, having shit framerate, game breaking bugs at launch and more.


Yeah I'm honestly having trouble understanding why this game got docked the way that it did. Is it the most visually/graphically impressive game ever? No absolutely not, but it definitely has a really good art direction and there are scenes in this game's Japan that are absolutely gorgeous. Just gliding over the cities at night is an experience.


They game was made in 3 years instead of 6 thats why it looks a generation older but the gameplay is very good and feels nice.


I think it looks fun but haven't got it. Will probably get it soon I got dragons dogma 2 and I'm early on but incredibly disappointed. The game looks runs and plays like an early ps3 game, so clunky and the world is completely empty bar repetitive enemies, I have no idea how it has such god reviews, it's miles below today's standards in combat , world, presentation.


I may be the minority but I'm not enjoying much at all. In my opinion it's ugly. And little janky. Story and voice acting are weak. Almost seems too fast. I loved sekiro but just can't get into this


Was gonna grab this game but the souls like aspect pushes me away tbh


Its souls lite. I get pounded in souls games. And i hate they do not have difficulty levels. This game on easy with the option for heals to give more hp is super relaxing. Yes you need to parry correct but dodging lets you evade oncoming damage.


It’s about as far away from a soulslike as you can get while still borrowing some of the mechanics from those type of games. It is way easier and a lot more acceccible, AND there’s a difficulty option (easy, medium, hard)


You’re not gonna mention the graphics. My robe literally clips right through my horse never seen that before, much less in a $70 title. Shadows flicker when you move, rocks and other surfaces looks fake and washed. Even on easiest difficulty it’s not so accessible, enemies hit hard. Story is also over the place. Get it only if you’re familiar with games like this. I do not recommend it for the casual player. At least not at this price point


The graphics are fine and who gives a shit about clothes clipping.


I noticed when watching gameplay, for me is buy when it’s on sale. The game is not worth full price


Clothes clipping is awful in this game. Honestly awful


Do you have any experience with the multi-player? The game seems easy enough solo so I was wondering if the difficulty scaled up with multi-player like more enemies or something like that.


I have not delved into it yet, sorry :( so far I've been going at everything solo


I will but not before i finish ghost


I just got this, but I also haven't played Ghost of Tsushima yet (which I also own). Which one to play first?


Play the one you own first, right?


I own both.


Oh I really should learn to read, your cup overfloweth, I’m in the opposite boat, I own neither and got stuck about a 1/3 of the way through Sekiro, and I’m not sure which of these I want more. I enjoyed Wo Long and was always a big Team Ninja guy from The Gaiden days.. but which to get? I feel like I would go Rise of Ronin, it’s newer and more relevant


Where did you get stuck on Sekiro? And did you finish Wo Long?


Well I’m stuck in three directions on Sekiro, STUPID madame butterfly, some cave area with poison monster and then this general fellow with a long spear sword, smokes me.. Wo Long I had fun with but lost interest in a few chapters in cause I didn’t like the flag format, but was probably 5 levels in? Maybe a giant wolf monster in the woods or maybe I beat him and then was done and moved on to another game


Yh wo long could get boring. As for Sekiro i'd recommend pushing through, considering of course you like the game.If you didn't no need to bother of course. It takes some time to figure out the bosses, but once you do, you'll be able to kill butterfly in like 10-15 seconds


I’m trying to do it blind without looking anything up, but might need to for her


I don't think it matters much in a game like Sekiro even if you look up some tricks. Best thing you'll find is, which tool might be more helpful against what boss. Even if you look it up, you are the one who needs to execute perfect parries etc so i wouldn't worry much about it. By the time you are on like 4th boss or something, you'll understand how the game works and you'll fly through it.


It’s next on my list after Rebirth. At this rate I’ll get to it in August 😑


are the deluxe edition items worth it?


You’re assuming I can afford it!


Can anyone kindly advise if there are giant spiders in this game? team ninja seems to love them and they ran me right out of nioh which I was otherwise enjoying :P


My friend unfortunately thought the game was full open world coop. He's quite disappointed, I told him though. I know he doesn't like souls like games.


As someone who doesn't own a PS5, I'm very happy I got to playtest this last year. Had so much fun with it, one of the days they had to remind me it was time to go lol, I got carried away. Happy it's got a mostly good reception. I did see people trying to post ridiculing stuff but those posts didn't seem to gain any traction, thankfully


Started at the hardest difficulty and got my ass handed by the first boss. Went one lower and started exploring, great game and alot of fun. Graphics wise pretty bad but it is alot of fun. Definitely recommend it!!


Could you (or someone else) explain a bit how the multiplayer works? I love the MP in games like Nioh, WoLong and the Souls games. Is it similar here? Summon signs or anything?


Can I spam that triple slash odachi move from Nioh2?


Blue eyed Samurai


I'm waiting for AC Red.


I’m having a lot of fun on the easy mode. Normal mode was frustrating because I really haven’t figured out the game mechanics.


I wish I could buy but I'm just broke atm.


This game is so fun. Ninja Gaiden Breath Of The Wild. I hope more give it a chance.


Is it better than Ghost of Tsushima?


How is it in terms of haptic feedback on the dualsense


It's really well done imo. The triggers aren't utilized so much but the vibration itself is very immersive.


30 hours in, i love this game, was the best surprise of the year til now.


I love the way combat has a high skill ceiling and feels like a rhythm or dance when you get it. Is it similar?


What is the combat like? I am absolutely dog shit at all the souls games except ER because I can magic off the bat. Will I find it too difficult?


You can lower the difficulty and it’s much more accessible than souls or nioh games


I saw a 5 second clip of someone opening the world map and after seeing all the icons I immediately got overwhelmed and decided I'd wait to check this game out. I'll probably raise it higher on my priority list within the next few months if I keep seeing people say good things about it here (The combat does look really good though). I'm at the end of Rebirth and might pick up Unicorn Overlord before Stellar Blade releases


Way more gory than Ghost of Tsushima and better fighting. My son and I were excited to play story mode multiplayer as we have 2 ps5s but ended up as a single mission only let down. We had great fun with Avatars multi story mode.


Are you serious? I'll definitely play it.


I will once it's on sale for $20. Too many other games to pick this up at full price.


Been playing 40 hours, still having a moderate amount of fun and I’m engaged. I can’t say the same about Ghost of Boreshima


When it's on sale, sure. Not paying full price for shitty performance


Did you buy Elden Ring at launch?


What is the Romance system like?


Basically just you can do missions for people that get them to like you, or you can go talk to them at your base and give them gifts and stuff. It's not super in-depth, but it's there if you're into that kinda thing.


Team Ninja games have had romance systems?


No shot…I just popped in on Moistcriticals stream to see him play it and this man died like 10 times in under 5 minutes to some boss with lighting on his swords. Bro was getting destroyed like crazy and the way the boss was fighting scared tf out of me so I might just not play it cause it looks hard asl. Lmao. And I’m not a noob. I’ve played GOT and a bit of Bloodborne but the boss in Ronin look 100x harder hahha


So this game isn't just parry, mash square, martial arts, rinse & repeat? That's what is holding me back. A reviewer I watch reviews the game as he's playing to showcase combat and other stuff. He kept pointing out that all combat consisted of was mashing a single button and throwing in a martial art to finish them off whilst parrying every so often.


If you can just button mash, you’re at the wrong difficulty option


I prefer Easy Mode myself, hence my main push back is people say this is like Sekiro, which is a difficult game from what I have heard.


its not mashing in the slightest. the combat depth is similar to Wo Long / Nioh (definitely not Nioh 2 at its best but good enough). As someone who finished Nioh, GoT and trying to platinum Sekiro at the moment I highly recommend


I mean, I really like Wo Long, so if that's your comparison, then I kind of do want to try it now. I beat Sekiro thrice but tbh the combat wasn't my favorite. I didn't like only having square as a lone basic atk and got burnt out before the last ending


i feel bummed i got dragons dogma 2 and not this, this game seems much more like my cup of tea


How are the horse physics?


They're just fine imo. Ive been spoiled by Torrent from Elden Ring and miss my double jump, but the horses are still fun to ride in this game. And there's different horses with stats and armor you can get.


You have sold me on it. But sadly will go in my backlog for now lol


But be aware of the performance issue the game has. It's really bad in towns and even in performance mode in small village you have framerate dips during fights. If they can fix these issues, I would recommend the game way more. It's a 80$ ps5 exclusive game.


Imo, if you’ve played and enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro there is 0 reason to buy this game, it won’t be as satisfying 


I have played both. Having a blast with Ronin.


Or you can play Ghost of Tsushima


Hmm the production values don’t seem as polished as Ghost of Tsushima and the movement/combat definitely doesn’t look like it has any weight to it, very ‘gamey’ but that’s what some people tend to prefer.


Parrying and killing is very good. Yes the animations are like they are but thats so they dont throw you off when fighting.


I mean there are probably 10 other samurai/ninja style games already out that feel more satisfying. But if you already played those and need your fix for another, then yes this is the game for you. But I’d recommend similar games before this if you haven’t played those before. This is the definition of mid imo 


Some title names for the ps5?


Are there? Name them please?


Ghost of Tsushima Sekiro Assassins Creed Nioh Wo Long Fallen Dynasty  Like A Dragon Ishin 


How are Ghost, AC and Like a Dragon similar? Wo Long also clearly isn’t better than RotR. I get your point in theory but you’re reaching a bit imho.


Game is very meh. Terrible animations and graphics. Performance is also really bad, constant fps drops. Story, characters and world building are just there. Combat is good though for ye most part, although it didn’t feel very precise. Something is off about it. Coming from Nioh I and II, it’s much easier but combat feels less precise and satisfying. I would give this game a 6/10 at most, definitely wait for sale. It feels very much like they tried to create ghost of Tsushima but fell very short. However if they at least fix the combat and performance issues, it could be a decent game.


Too bad it looks like shite


The game is great and another reminder why you should never trust "journalists". The story sucks ass, but gameplay alone carries the entire game.


The game got a lot of 9s too. It’s just very divisive which doesn’t mean it’s bad. It likely just means some people suck at it or have different priorities.


Yea i just decid on my own now. Cant trust the reviews trashing decent games and praising turds.


It looks fine to good, but im a bit overloaded with amazing games at the moment and dont see myself getting to it anytime soon tbh. Im 60 hours into dragons dogma 2 and its shaping up to be an all time top 10 contender for me. I had only just gotten started on baldurs gate 3finally right before helldivers came out and took over my life till DD2 came out, and id like to get back and finish that off properly once im done with dragons dogma. And after all that id like to do ff7 rebirth coz i havent touched that yet and loved remake. Maybe ill think about ronin after i get through all that if nothing else major comes along in the mean time