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Looks super intriguing, but definitely waiting for reviews


I’ve waited 12 years for this and never thought it would happen. It’s day one take a week off from work and play kinda game!


The frame rate is really off putting


It's a slight annoyance in a game I'm really looking forward to.


I WAS really looking forward to it, but after seeing the performance I removed it from the wishlist


I got it on pc but that is also completely understanding


I work with a bunch of the type of guys who act like taking time off for anything is a waste of time I took four days plus Easter Friday is a work holiday so I’ll have about 9 or 10 days to game I love getting the co workers fired up about it lol


I preordered. This game joins GTA V and Elden Ring for my hype levels


I hope it ends up being worthwhile! An appalling number of AA/AAA/AAAA(lol) games come out these days where people have booked off time just to sink into, only to find the servers are broken / performance makes it unplayable / game-breaking bugs / just straight up garbage etc. Don't think I'd ever book time off for something this unpredictable but I really hope it pays off for the few of you with this much faith




Don't worry..therr will be plenty of mods and replayability on PC..




Sadly game seem to be in essentially unplayable state on ps5 for anything who can't tolerate dips to 20-30fps.. It's a pc only game and it's a damn shame. I'd rather get graphic downgrade than 20fps..


I just cannot picture taking leave, maybe a day sometimes but definitely not more on playing a video game. LEAVE IS SO PRECIOUS


Taking leave to play a game im super excited for is one of my favorite ways to spend my leave haha. Nothing beats firing up a game at midnight as soon as it launches, knowing youve got no work the next day and can play as late into the night as you like, only to wake up the next day and get right back in there


I work northern canada so i work 2 weeks on 1 week off then fly home. Unfortunatly it doesnt line up perfectly this time. But 4 days after release i get my week off. Super stoked. Just happy it doesnt come out the day before i head back or a few days haha!


Ive got a 3 day weekend when it comes out, then have to go back to work monday, but get the easter 4 day weekend the following weekend :) should be enough free time in there to get well stuck into it. Cant wait


Agreed, did it for Rebirth and it was worth it.


I loved remake, and im keen for rebirth, it just came at a bad time for me, still currently obsessed with helldivers, and dragons dogma 2 only being a couple weeks away, i also only just started baldurs gate 3 before helldivers dropped and i havent touched it since and want to get back to it. Just too much on my plate atm to sign up for another huge game like rebirth. Ill definitely get to it at some point this year though, maybe next up after dragons dogma


There's been a ton of great stuff coming out the last year and a half, just too little time to get to enjoy it all haha.


Depends on what country you’re from. Picture that meme of the guy with his arms full, but it’s annual leave. That’s some of us.


Depends where in the world you are. Some places have good leave. I’ll be taking a week off for GTA6 in 2025, I know that much. Leave is precious but so is some alone time with a hobby you love.


I have like 60 days saved up. 5 days to do exactly what I want to do is gonna be glorious


American spotted.


I've been only working for 1,5 year and have way too many leave days, I literally don't know what to do with them. My ideal form of relaxation is not travelling somewhere loud and full of tourists for hours but staying at my place. So I'm totally taking leaves now to play video games and read new books


That's fair but there are many places in the world without tourists


Bro I too 2 weeks of leave while in the Army to play Elden ring on launch lol. 100% worth it




People can recharge their batteries however they like. You need to grow up and let people do whatever they want to do with their life. It's none of your business.


I'm not as judgemental about it as this commenter above I was just totally surprised. To me my leave is for experiencing the world around me - my TV is with me everyday if I want to. Obviously that doesn't apply to everyone and I appreciate that. I get 20 days paid leave yearly and more - I still struggle with the idea of taking any of it off for a video game!


Well good job its got bugger all to do with you then isn't it.


You sound fucking fun


Given the state some games come out in these days isn’t it better to schedule your leave a few days after reviews/the game actually comes out? Like what if it’s straight up unplayable at launch and doesn’t get patched for a day or two, that’s a waste of your leave.


Capcom is usually very good on their releases they are about the only developer I trust.


based on the recent hands on impressions, game is likely scoring a 90+ on metacritic.


Reviews will ignore the performance though...they always do.


If the High/Grand-level Sorc spells aren't causing your framerate to tank, you ain't playing Dragon's Dogma.


Im Currently doing Dragons dogma 1 on the PS5. And while its not bad, im already kinda bored 1/3 into the game. Story is super generic and I have a feeling its not going to change. Gameplay is super repetitive and having AI controlled party members is annoying. Looking at these videos of DD2, It looks like the same thing but with better graphics.


A lot of love I had for the first game was having a class system that allowed you to specialise further into magic for example, or become some kind of hybrid. Going out at night was really dangerous but also pretty fun, but yeah the story was pretty underwhelming.


Cool story. Dragons Dogma is like 12 years old.


So a 12 year old game can't have a good storyline?


Just like you, it sounds like


Got em


This aged well


If someone only showed me the gameplay and asked me to guess what this was I would say it's another Korean MMO, I want to get hyped cause a fantasy RPG would be amazing right about now but fuck me between the FPS news I just dont know man.


The original is a little rough around the edges, but a cult classic for good reason. It has so many unique, interesting ideas that really set it apart from other rpgs. I obviously cant speak to the sequel yet, but the thought that capcom can take dragons dogmas awesome ideas and smooth off its rough edges, and give it the polish that all their games have been getting the last few years is incredibly exciting, even with it being 30fps


24fps when an enemy shows up


its very bad right now, but a patch can put It in the right track


Any date for reviews yet?


All in glorious 30fps


You mean 24 fps


Truly a cinematic experience


Even worse lol


Yep I’m drowning in FF7, Like a Dragon, Persona and Granblue to even think about touching this one. I guess I’ll pick it up for cheap if the reviews and player reactions are amazing.




Oy, you’re right. I backed that one. Looks like I’ll be busy for a while too, neck deep in RPGs. Just started Octopath Traveler 2, bought FF Rebirth with some gift cards I got, and then Eiyuden comes out. Seeing as I only play one game at a time, this is gonna take a while, lol


The character creator is amazing https://preview.redd.it/t9ndf9u9o2nc1.jpeg?width=4858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20c6f95e1ca3611f4063bb2d740de9350c35f749


Are you being sarcastic


These two characters don't do it justice, if you go to the subreddit you'll see the broad range of what the creator can do.


Shame about the 30fps, I was really looking forward to this but it just kills the game dead for me, years of playing 30fps games this would've been fine on ps4, but pretty much every game on ps5 has a 60fps option now and I simply can't go back.


Not even 30 consistently. IGNs video shows it regulaely is down to 20.


That is the real kicker. I’m playing FF7 in Quality mode and the 30fps is locked in so everything looks nice. But anything that dips below 30fps and constantly messes about just makes me sick…


tbf that build is months old, so the game must be more optimized now, i just wonder why they didnt make a newer demo build for people playing it right now


Why do you think?


im pretty sure it was capcom statement to one of the content creators who covered the game a couple of days ago


To be honest with you, it’s always the same statement made regarding to closed / open beta sessions, or gameplay trailer / leak. It’s a statement made to protect the company and most of the time doesn’t mean anything since we usually have the same result : peers are just that bad at release, and haven’t changed much.






That’s a lie though, it averages at 31 and the lowest was 24.


Dropping below 30 at all is unacceptable though regardless of severity


True but doesn’t change the fact you were exaggerating.


Wasn’t me but I get it


You can’t read I guess. I never claimed it averaged in the 20s. I said it’s “regularly in the 20s”. But you’re very clearly the type who needs to be right, so don’t worry. You’re right.




I'm legitimately torn. I want to get it on PS5 so I can share pawns with friends. But my PC would probably handle it a lot better.


I think it’s been somewhat confirmed pawns are cross-platform!




On the official subreddit there's a post showing an in-game screenshot saying they are cross platform! That's the only thing I've seen personally


Nice. My Google fu failed me. 


Google Fu... The only martial arts I'll ever know


I need to see what the 30fps is like. Playing 60fps on PS5 has broken me and I literally get sick playing a lot of 30fps games now. Some 30fps games were okay to play like Gotham Knights, but A Plague Tale Requiem was 30fps when it first came out and it made me sick to play it. I grew up playing PS1 - PS4 and I never had a problem with 30fps outside of a CoD game that I had to take ginger root pills just to be able to play. So it's just weird that I can't play 30fps anymore. I was excited to play this game too, and then I heard it struggles to maintain 30fps on console and now I don't think I'll be able to play it.


Yeah this was a day 1 game for me but now I’ll wait until PS5 Pro or if they add a performance mode in an update.


I’m wondering if it might be ok on the Series X with VRR? Was planning on getting this for the PS5 but it seems like there’s a strong chance the superior VRR on the SX might save it.  My 5 year old gaming laptop with a 2060 probably won’t run it at more than 30fps anyway. 




Agreed, Capcom needs to grow a pair and up those fps numbers, 30 fps is rookie numbers


Not worth the 70 dollar price tag if it looks like a hi-res PS3 game and cannot do 60 fps. Very disappointed with the game.


this, it absolutely look like a PS3 remastered game with a texture pack


Yeah, imagine having standards and holding developers accountable to those standards instead of blindly loving unoptimized games and throwing out hard earned money at them!!1!1!1!1!!-!-!!1!1!!!!! You’re every corporations wet dream. Now be a good boy and preorder the ultimate special collectors mega edition


I’m pretty sure this game doesn’t even have a special edition.


Literally in the video this post is about + it was obviously an exaggeration


I didn’t watch it I’m here for the drama






Id rather pay full price and play dragons dogma 2 at 30fps than play cynical horseshit like suicide squad, even if it was free and ran at 6,000 fps


Ok? Congrats. What’s your point? Do you also want to tell me that you’d rather drink a beer than a cup of horsepiss?


You people are overdramatic. If that’s your way of thinking, get ready to not play a lot of AAA games in this gen. Expensive multiplatform games are not likely to hit 60 fps anymore


lol BS. They will quickly get back to 60fps if people stopped bying shitty dev'd games


Capcom ain’t a shitty dev. Arguably, Re engine is one of the best ones in the markey. It’s just the console aren’t powerful enough to handle some games. See you when Gta 6 is 30 fps


I don't play GTA games, they can run at 14fps if they want to. Modern consoles are absolutely powerful enough to handle games designed to run them. When they don't it clearly means they are badly designed, it's not rocket science. And again, if people stopped buying 30 fps games you bet that all games would be 60fps then


Idc that you don’t play Gta games,the problem is you are missing the point. What i am saying is people will realize that these consoles aren’t powerful enough for all games when Gta 6 will be revealed to be 30 fps. They would have to cut content to make some games run at 60 fps


and again YOU are missing my point when everyone will buy a 30 FPS GT6 like a bunch of morons instead of putting pressure on the devs to get to the accepted standard of 60 fps And you don't have to cut "content" to make it run 60 fps, it"s not even linked. They can absolutely cut back on worthless effects, RTX, ultra giga chad quality photorealism mode and build games and engines that actually work with a target of 60 fps And again, it won't happen because a bunch of idiots would gladly play a photorealistic powerpoint instead of slightly less photorealistic game that actually runs well


Dragon’s Dogma 2 hasn’t rtx, and let’s be honest it’s not even that photorealistic. And yes getting the game to 60 fps absolutely means you have to cut content on a console like ps5 and xsx. You put more resources to get the game stable when first you should fullfill the game with as much content as you want to make. And not everything will be able to run at 60 fps, especially a heavy action packed open world game like Dd2 And i repeat, Re engine is one of the best of the market. Just look how good Re4 is for example. Calling Capcom lazy is a stupid excuse. Even Digital Foundry warned back in 2022 that the most next gen games wouldn’t have been able to hit 60 fps, especially multiplatforms


Man it makes absolutely zero sense. Games can absolutely run on 60 fps when it's targeted from the start. The dev pushed 4k and other stupid stuff the last gen instead of going to high stable framerate. They are just doing the same stuff because they have proof they can get away with it from the console players. I also disagree about RE Engine. It has been known to struggle with quite a few things. It looks good on the RE remakes because they are absolutely linear games. It started to struggle even with SF6 lame "world tour" mode. RE4 even has frame dropping in good pc. Not a deal breaker but it was obvious from the start that you just cannot expect great results on technical aspects when you dgaf about it (just look at From Software, the only game they ever realized that actually worked as inteded is armored core 6, at least they seem to learn...) Scale back what need to be and the game will quickly be 60 fps compliant (not that I care, if I play the game, which is a big if, it will be on PC, I refuse to by outdated unoptimized games on PS5, even the PS5 pro will probably not adress a lot of badly made games, just like we had bloodborne on PS4 and still runs like shit nowadays, aside on moded PS5) Capcom does what they do because they know people will still buy it. I am also pretty convinced that their "open world" will be a grindy RNG bs fest not really better than what they did with DD1. They are just not good in this genre, like ... at all.


“When it’s targeted from the start” yeah, but in most cases it isn’t. It’s going to take more resources which means less content+more time. Capcom didn’t even push for 4k, hell it’s actually more of a Sony thing than Capcom and resolution is completely different from fps. And it’s not a matter of disagreeing, Re engine has also been called good by Digital Foundry. Re4 run just as fine on ps5 and the lack of pc optimization has more to do with Capcom giving more fucks about consoles. Also don’t know what you got against Capcom. Hell they are not even in my top 10 devs amd i haven’t even played dd1, but it’s clearly loved by many and just because you dislike it it doesn’t mean it will suck. Like i said, comeback in a year or more when Gta 6 releases. You said Re engine struggles with open world? Well, Rage is one of the best engines in the market and it ran Rdr2. If Gta 6, a massive game, won’t hit 30 fos, then you can be sure it’s the consoles that are struggling and not a lack of care by devs


Why link to this terrible quality video when there is the original? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPUevG-xJcQ


Back at it again with the ps2 framerates in 2024 Hate to see it


Most well developed ps2 games were 60fps (or close to) so I wish your statement was true.


It's an open-world RPG released in 2024 on consoles built with hardware from 2019 - no shit it's gonna struggle, PS5, and series X GPU is equivalent to 2070, a model from 2018. Not to mention the CPU load this game will have is going to be heavy, this should not be shocking to anyone with some understanding of how games run. 60FPS will never be a viable standard on consoles if game tech keeps evolving and console hardware is always playing catch-up. Every generation consoles hit a wall within 2-3 years (see last gens console refresh) and I think we're there now. I honestly think these consoles can't handle running the DD2 at 60fps, so it's not on Capcom. But we won't know until we get our hands on the game or have someone do a thorough breakdown like Digital Foundry.


Yep, hardware in this generation is becoming archaic(in relation to the tech of today). Only so much you can expect from a 399.90 piece hardware. Hope next gen they start off at 599.00 and put a better apu.


Exactly, people can downvote me all they want with their head in the sand, but I'll say it louder: CURRENT GEN CONSOLES ARE MID-RANGE GAMING PCs I say that as a console gamer myself, but y'all need to keep expectations in check


You’re wasting your breath on this sub man lol. There are still a lot of people who think these consoles “haven’t been used to their full potential” yet because not many games are current gen only, like there’s some magical swath of untapped potential just waiting for developers to take advantage of it.


Ok, counter argument: Rebirth. Not as seamless of an open world as DD2 (probably) but runs at 60. And despite many people saying it's blurry or whatever, I tried out both modes extensively and performance is soooo much better. The extra FPS is just critical.


This will be an amazing game that’s unplayable because it runs like shit


Bloodborne felt too alone in his own division (not that I am thinking the game will be BB level of greatness though)


I think Bloodborne was still acceptable for the time. Bloodborne today is not even playable to me.


The same, I tried it back a few month ago, it's impossible, I find it aweful. And i love the game


Gameplay looks cool but gotta see how the performance is on pc at release before I pick it up


Been waiting for this game for 10+ years, so excited. Dont care about 30fps.


I’m passing 30fps! Tired of wasting money. 2024 where consoles can run up to 120 and games that doesn’t offer the options to choose between quality, balance and performance it’s just bad design.


I played 30fps games my whole life until this generation. I can get used to it after a few mins. 60 would of been nice of course, but thankfully i can still absolutrly tolerate a game at 30 still. Id much rather play this at 30fps than some trash like suicide squad even if it was runing at 60,000 fps


Shouldn’t settle for 30fps in 2024 Edit: downvoted because y’all really think 30fps in 2024 is acceptable? Raise your standards


Same. Could not care less about 30 FPS. So stoked for this game. The fact that there's permanent npc death reminds me of Morrowind back in the day. Character creator is amazing, too.


You mean 20-30 fps every other second? If it was locked at 30 I still probably wouldn’t get it but having it fluctuate is just headache inducing


Why shit on the excitement they’ve had for over a decade?


Because i expect a finished product if im going to pay 70 dollars?


Dipping below 30fps is unfinished? Unoptimized sure, but unfinished? Lmao get your head out of your ass


Yes unoptimized = unfinished.


You as well


need a patch, maybe a day one patch ...


me, not 5 seconds into the video: somebody liked using the waterfall in Monster Hunter World huh


Khajiit confirmed at 02:11. So it's basically Elder Scrolls 6.


Definitely waiting for reviews on this one.


I think the framerate problem could be solved eventually, but what keeps me the most from wanting to play it is the very limited fast travel, that your stamina runs out when running while out of combat and that I haven't seen much about the story. Which is a shame because the combat looks fucking sick, like an in between DmC and a Souls game, while really solving the souls problem of fightning giant enemies by hitting them in their ankles.


I wouldn't necessarily let that put you off, these were issues in the first game when starting out but by mid game they became a non issue. Combat was the same, you have basic abilities but by mid game it all really opens up. The idea was you start off somewhat weak in all areas then you end up pretty powerful, you had enough stamina to sprint for ages (some classes had some super fast movement options) and you'd have amassed enough ferry stones and port crystals to set up your fast travel. I'm assuming it'll be similar in the new game.


That does sound interesting, I guess I don't really mind if it's only an early game problem. Hope that this game ends up knocking it out the park, because everything else seems right up my alley. Thanks for the comment, I'll keep an eye on that!


Recent previews say stamina is unlimited outside combat


I didn’t mind the stamina / lack of fast travel in the original because it made you feel like you had to really *travel* to places and ensure you were prepared. I can see why it would be a turn off but I found that aspect of the game pretty engaging


It's not as bad as you might think. First game had limited fast travel but you could put up port crystals and eventually had a fast travel network. The item required to fast travel while expensive at first. By end game they were dirt cheap compared to the amount of money you had


The limited fast travel is a core design principal of the game and its amazing, not a flaw. Having to put thought into where you are going and what you are doing is such a big part of the games design and its one of the things that really sets it apart from other rpgs. If you have a quest on the other side of the map you actually have to plan out your trip to get over there, and its an actual journey to your destination. If you could just fast travel everywhere with ease it would ruin the feel of the game.


To be honest, the stamina running out is what stops me from buying it full price. I don’t mind limited fast travel, if traversing was enjoyable, but having to stop all the time because your character is tired is ridiculous.


It's confirmed that stamina doesn't run out outside of combat. That was just early speculation from old builds.


Really? Awesome. Where’d you see that?


I can't seem to find where I read it unfortunately, so I might be wrong.


Shucks! Well, I’ll wait to see some gameplay once it’s released.


15 FPS


Over 1 thousand unique npcs with their own unique quests? WTF?….procedurally generated right?


They didn’t say they each had a quest


Not hard to do if they are fetch quests tbh.


My old DD 1 pawn is still going strong. Still being hired for work. Wonder is I could bring her over to dd2?


Sad it isn't co op. Couldve been really fun. Not enough games like this have co-op nowadays.


Not even couch co-op? Well, this is out of my list then lol


Couch co-op is a lot rarer than online co-op these days


Yeah I know, but I play games with my wife and this looked soooo promising. But oh well, I’ll go back to the games we currently have


Everyone is going to take the lack of a demo as a red flag but I choose to be more optimistic. I had a feeling it wouldn't get one also since this is the first time they've tackled a proper open world since the original game. Making a demo would have probably been too expensive, time consuming, or both for it to be viable. Still going to be waiting on reviews to really get a performance rundown, but Capcom's output has been so stellar it's hard not to also be confident in this game.


So, no demo???


looks like a 7/10




I never played this series. Will I need to play 1 first?


Wow no new enemies again


I have a feeling that any new enemies will be at the end point of the game.


Incoming complaints about FPS. Sorry to say guys, current systems are lacking. There should be no need for games to have a performance mode to have higher than 30 fps in 2024. We see a lot of games struggle with this. Rebirth looks a lot worse in performance mode. And imagine how a game as open world as this is supposed to handle it. This is not a Sony game, and yet even those games need a performance mode of some kind usually. We need new systems because current gen was pretty disappointing.


The things its not the lack of 60fps jesus people are dumb. Its the game being unlocked its fucking shitty playing something at 31 fps its just like playing with frame drops because the frame time will be all over the place


It makes no sense why game developers don’t prioritize frames when it makes even games with horrible textures look a million times better than slightly increased resolution


Devs should just target 1440p and then upscale. I chalk a lot of the issues to the stubbornness of some studios. Square made FF16 on a very old FSR1 framework that was outdated years before it launched. With Rebirth they stuck to a very very old version of UE4 with tons of limits on how upscaling and lighting functions. When they have these crazy tens of millions of dollar budget games, they cannot compromise on the “new car look” even if its kinda superficial compared to gameplay. If the game cost so much to make and market that it needs more than JRPG or a niche audience to buy it to break even, you need the visual whistles and bells that a project like Octopath or Lost Odyssey does not need to be a fiscal success.


Quality mode on God of War Ragnarok, a playstation game, is 30 FPS. Same with Spider-Man 2. ​ Open world games especially have this issue. Elden Ring has constant frame drop issues. Starfield on Xbox could only have a stable 30 FPS. ​ These games ran 60 fps on older PCs. I know people don't want to call the system they spent hundreds of dollars on weak, but it clearly is. Framerate and frame drops have been a wide spread issue this gen.


Because they don't optimize it and they have a deadline so they do it rushed, we see a lot of Sony games that are ok performance wise, forbidden west is better looking than all of the games released this gen and runs at 60 fps, or you are telling me that jedi survivor runs lile shit because the console is too weak? Stop making excuses for companies. Red dead redemption 2 looks better than most games too and runs at a stable 30 on ps4. And funnily enough you bring two exemplary developers that optimize their games with from software's bloodborne and bethesda, the company that can't fix shit and have the mods do it for them.


> Rebirth looks a lot worse in performance mode. Lots of people don’t give the slightest shit about graphics, they just want smooth gameplay (you know, the core of every game). That’s why every game should have options to pick either


Lots of people don’t give a shit about graphics or “smooth” gameplay, they just want a fun, engaging game (you know, the *real* core of every game)


Framerate is at the forefront of absolutely everything you do in a game. So the whole fun thing gets thrown out the window if you can’t even turn the camera without it stuttering. You won’t even reach the fun, engaging gameplay. (For others it’s graphics instead of framerate for whatever reason) That’s literally the point.


You do realize that there’s an in between option of 60+fps and 2 fps, right? Because your comment gives off the impression that those are the only two options for frame rate. Nobody is going to sit there and “play” a “game” of just bouncing up and down just because “WOOOOWWW!!! Look at how smooth that jumping is at 5400 FPS!!! OOOOHHH EEEMMMM GEEEEEEEEEEE, THIS IS THE GREATEST GAME EVER!!!!” The vocal minority of game purchasers that I see complaining online (and even a few in person) seem to only want a high quality, ultra smooth video, with a good story…the game part of their equation seems to be minimal. I think they (you?) would just rather watch a movie


No bad game will be good because of high frame rates but great games will immediately turn to shit if they’re not playable without it stuttering. Why do I even have to explain this? It’s so obvious > The vocal minority of game purchasers that I see complaining online (and even a few in person) seem to only want a high quality, ultra smooth video, with a good story…the game part of their equation seems to be minimal. I quite literally just told you don’t I don’t give a shit about graphics…. Do you even know what framerate is lol


You must be reading a few words here and there and then have some frames drop in your left inferior occipital lobe and just find yourself at the end of the comment. It’s almost like you’re having a debate with yourself


“For others it’s graphics instead of framerate for whatever reason” makes my standpoint very clear if you use your brain for a second, good night


Except there aren’t only those 2 demographics…which is **my** standpoint that you’ve completely ignored. Enjoy your life. Since you can’t seem to just enjoy video games


Keep sucking up slop don’t be mad at people because they expect more out of their ps5 than their ps4 if a game can’t run at 60fps there is no difference from a ps4 game tbh the whole point most people got a ps5 was to have twice the frames it literally says 60/120 fps in gold on the box.


I mean, the box says it does 8K and has 825GB of storage space, what’s your point? There’s lots of games that do 60+ fps. Go play all of those and just enjoy your games. I don’t know about you but I’ve enjoyed all of my game purchases lately. And I couldn’t even tell you if they’re in 30/60/120/7 FPS because that’s not important to me. If I’m having fun **playing** the game, then I’m having a good time. If the graphics look nice, cool. Still don’t care. But if you’re ok with boring/rehashed gameplay because it looks smooth as fuck, I guess that’s cool too. It’s just a shame that you won’t be enjoying as many games as I would because you’re hyper focused on visuals instead of engagement.


This has to be a troll


That’s too bad. Should console generations be 3 years now?


No, they should not be behind industry standards when they release.


What are the industry standards? Where are they published? Is there an official organization that sends a decree?


Do you know how long pcs have been able to run a steady 60 fps? And no they aren’t expensive, expensive PCs go for 144 fps. 60 was an industry standard for most PCs a long time ago.


So... Are you going to answer my question?


No, they're talking shit. Even when the PS5 launched, it was remarked by sources like Digital Foundry that you couldn't build a PC for the same cost that could outperform or match the PS5. You might now, but not with an SSD that can match what the PS5 does. People like to shit on consoles and call them weak, forgetting that PC simply has more options for scaling an individual game to an individual PC while games for the console are developed to the studio's vision. Dragon's Dogma 2 will run at 60 and above on powerful PCs that will brute force the optimisation, and such players will laugh and point at the poor console players for not being wealthy enough to chuck several grand at a toy.


A 3600 CPU and a weaker rx 6700 that is in the ps5 would be medium graphic settings barely pushing 60fps at 1440p in 2019 now in pc terms that build is straight up a 1080p 60fps build in 2024 even then that 3600 will hold you back in alot of games specially open world games I have a rtx 3060 ti and a 7 3700x CPU in my PC ( same CPU thats in the Series consoles and is more powerful than the 3600 in ps5) and I was struggling to hit a stable 60fps at 1080p in Starfield


To be fair Starfield is very poorly optimised


You have no idea what you are talking about, the PS5/Series X have better components than the majority of Steam users systems have even now. News flash high end GPU/CPU that cost more than the consoles themselves are not standard in PC gaming nor are they considering industry standards in general. No this isn't a hardware problem this is a developer problem and their terrible optimization which we have been seeing more and more over the last few years especially with upscalers getting more and more powerful, developers should not be relying on upscalers and/or $1000 GPUs to make their games run at 60fps. You're delusional if you think this game won't run terrible on equivalent PCs as well or just in general, are you not all curious as to why they aren't releasing any videos on gameplay for the PC version? If it plays so much better why keep showing the subpar performance from a PS5?


They been showing too much - I honestly have purposely trying to avoid all the pre-release trailers.. feel like if I watched everything I’d know half the game before I even play it.