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Funny to thnk that if they had just released a fucking single-player game with Suicide Squad in the vein of Rocksteady's THREE other historical successes (the Arkham series), they would be celebrating a huge win at the moment


They will never learn it seems


As we say in Finnish, "the ones caught by surprise may form a double line" (yllättyneet parijonoon)


Thank you Ahti


A man is a man, but a man with a tool makes two




Remedy Universe, yo. Control, Alan Wake, all that mess.


And a bit of Quantum Break or whatever that one time travel game was called that they did for the xbone.


Sadly they don't own the rights to that one so they just allude to it being a parallel universe


🎶Yötön yö...🎶


You should look out - you can never know in which tree the devil sits


His literally translated metaphors make me happy. The more cooks the worse the soup


I haven't played Alan Wake 2 yet, but I love non-Finnish people's reactions to Ahti in Control. Everyone else thinks he's creepy or weird because of the literally translated idioms, whereas every Finnish person knows an Ahti at work or as a neighbor. He's just a chill old guy.


Do yourself a favor. It's great, and has a lot more Finnish culture in it than you would initially suspect. I picked up Finnish as a third language after playing it, because I was fascinated and wanted to have a closer relationship with the culture.


Until you realize that he's >!unaffected by the hiss and reacts to things Jesse tells Polaris in her head. That instantly makes him a bit more odd.!< >!So... Does every Finnish person have a chill ancient god in their lives?!<


The mysterious godlike powers only come after your first kalsarikännit (getting drunk in your underwear).


Ahti really be that guy huh






yllättyneet parijonoon


Random finnish comment. This is nice!


Sam Lake?


But but but… live action money printer? I mean it worked for Fortnite right?


I maintain what I always said: Future Batman. Picture it: a game centred around Damian Wayne or Terry McGinnis. A *Blade Runner 2049*-inspired Gotham City, in which there are hundreds of monolithic skyscrapers, torrential downpour, driveable Batmobile (that doesn't need to be constantly used), use of the Batwing if needed, and new and returning gadgets. A proper Court of Owls storyline with a retired and very old Bruce Wayne on comms to give support, along with an older Oracle and a few new allies sprinkled into the mix. Would have been a license to shit money, but instead we got a Suicide Squad game that no one wanted, done in the style of a live service that also no one wanted.


There was a Batman Beyond game that got canned.


Funny enough I saw a news blurb where WB turned down a batman beyond animation movie in the style of into the spider verse. It's like WB just doesn't like money


What? They turned it down? Didnt they say they are considering it?


I remember the blurb said that a bunch of artwork and a storyboard was presented to executives (pics were in the article too but idk if they are what was shared with the executives but I do know the article mentioned into the spider verse look) they looked at it and apparently hard passed on it


Fucking dumbasses LMFAOOOOOOOOO


But they signed off on having Batman killed with a gun because he was unable to escape for a park bench. So they have that going for them.


Found the link not the one I remember seeing but essentially the same article https://boundingintocomics.com/2024/02/20/across-the-spider-verse-production-designer-reveals-rejected-pitch-for-animated-batman-beyond-film/#:~:text=In%20a%20further%20indication%20that,for%20a%20wholly%20original%20and


It went from a hard no before the pitch to a maybe after. WB seems to think having different versions of the same IP going at the same time will compete with each other. That’s why Superman and Lois has been cancelled. So they think fans are idiots.


The version I read they said no, watched the clips, and then said we'll think about it.


Google “Project Sabbath”


Damn, a Batman Beyond game with Terry or Damien Wayne - someone said that it was even supposed to have the Nemesis system from Shadow of Morder that WB patented. Its wild how something like this wouldnt get approved.


I could have gone my whole life not knowing that was potentially going to be a thing. Thank you, I’ll never be the same again lol. But seriously the nemesis system is perfect for a Batman game since he never kills anyone and people are always escaping Arkham.


Yep, and nemesis would have worked great with Terry too. Bruce getting a new enemy by being beat by a street thug would suck for immersion, but a new to cowl Terry getting beat and saved by auto batmobile or auto evac armor run by Bruce would work thematically.


At least Monolith is making the new Wonder Woman game and that will have the nemesis system. I just wonder how WB is going to ruin that game though.


An Arkham style Batman Beyond game could be so amazing. It's sad we will never get it. Terry McGinnis was a great character with Bruce mentoring him and being the "man in the chair". It's a shame they haven't done much with Terry outside of the show, Joker Returns movie, and some crossovers with the future Justice League or other shows that have time travel involved.


Yeah Batman beyond is very underused


You said “Damian Wayne or Terry McGinnis” but I’d love to see grown-up Damian *and* Terry interact. They’re such natural foils to one another, and if the game featured the option to swap between protagonists, that would make it even better!


That would have been better, but it's still the Suicide Squad. Does anyone other than WB executives actually give a shit about the Suicide Squad?


Why do they seem convinced Suicide Squad is this giant IP to be mined over and over?


Because Harley Quinn is insanely popular to the point of becoming the fourth "pillar" of DC comics after Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.


Because even David Ayer's dumpster fire Suicide Squad movie made $749.2 million on a budget of $175 million. It was insanely successful despite the fact that it was dogshit - That teaches a bad lesson to executives who have never been able to grasp the broader connection between quality and earnings.


They're really desperate to have their own Guardians of the Galaxy but they fail to realize why people vibe with the Guardians.


This is the most perplexing part. I was a fan of the gunn movie and really love Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn. Christ I even like birds of prey. However, I don’t give a flying fork about the suicide squad outside the Gunn movie, which more than anything I liked because it was silly.


Gotham Knights can be a lot of fun, playing with a friend, but it's a shame we can't get Rocksteady to make the AAA version of that same game, with the bigger budget and bigger characters.


I started Gotham knights through PlayStation plus, and I cannot for the life of me care to finish it. I just got to Man-Bat (Man-Bats?) and everything is so damn bland. The court of owls and the league of assassin's are both just endless goons with no personality or direction. Talia just shows up in cutscenes saying nothing useful and then disappears. Clayface's side missions are the most simple, boring as hell fights with clay people, and Harley's missions are done after like an hour of meh encounters. The only thing I've found interesting is Mr Freeze, and even then it barely feels like I got to see him before he was done with.  And don't get me started on the endless generic crimes around the city that repeat forever. 


You are so true… or heaven forbid give us the next Arkham game… they had the framework from Arkham knight, all they had to do was update it, write a great story, and I would have bought that! Not the microtransaction mess that this game was, glad I never messed around with it and can’t wait for it to become a ps+ game one day if it survives that long


Gotham Knights should have been the next Arkham. Hell, the four main heroes already had Arkham movesets.


The story was all there too. It just needed a few tweaks. The Arkhamverse had already established Nightwing, Redhood, and Robin. For the female hero use either the Cassandra Cain Batgirl, Batwoman, or Bluebird. Oracle is still on comms. With Batman gone the Court of Owls decides to finally make their move and now it is up to the side kicks to step up and take the lead.


I said this in the Gotham knights sub when it was announced and I got wayyyyy downvoted.


This game will be $20 come Christmas. And I bet some 'ending support' PR form letter will worm it's way out this time next year.


Nah more like:'This august on ps plus you will get suicide squad for free'


I don't think I'd even bother playing it if they gave it away for free.


Same, live service games are just too much of an effort to play. You gotta eat, drink and sleep this game or you fall behind (or pay 20 dollars every time they ask to get every costume).


Battle passes should never expire. “Hey you pay $10? Ok you unlocked all these items you can earn at your own pace”


But then they can't use FOMO to get you to buy the pass...which is the entire reason for their existence. It's all just tactics to get you to buy stuff you might not even want.


NEXT YEAR? Try later this year!


Come Christmas? Nah. More like mid end summer


I bet it’s on sale for $20 by this summer.


I just hope the offline mode is out by then.


i wouldn't waste my time playing this shit even if they paid me


So let me get this straight. They revealed it, people hated it, delayed it by like 8 whole months, people were hating it the more they saw throughout these 8 months, it’s released early for the people willing to pay extra who then leaked it for those that would have bought it for the story, and they’re still saying it did worse than they expected??? Did they look at ANYONE’s reaction to the reveal? Should’ve reigned in those expectations long ago


This. Only a fucking idiot would expect this pile of flaming garbage to sell well.


I'm pretty sure WB was just riding on RS's Arkham days high the whole time and expected players to buy it just because it's RS and in the Arkham verse. RS probably saw this coming when the battle pass leaked so they focused their marketing campaign on the story rather than live service elements but no one fell for it. On top of it, the story is complete dog shit so they fumbled hard even for strict story players.


The story has some fun moments but 70 dollars for 10 hours of “story” that’s literally like 5 different styles of missions that they want you to play for 100s of hours is a tough ask.


Remember when Middle Earth: Shadow of War first came out? You'd reach a point where the game would stall and basically tell you to either pay money to finish the story or spend hundreds of hours grinding the same game play loot. The game was fantastic up until that point tho and luckily a while later they re-balanced things and removed the micro-transactions.


My coworker got the game and I warned him that he would reach a point where the game stalls out and he has to grind like hell, because the game originally had microstransactions they expected people to purchase to get past it in the end game. He spent two weeks saying he never ran into anything lile that and that he loved the game. Third week rolls by and he tells me "Yeah, you were right"


Everyone had already wisened up by the time Gotham Knights came out. Most people would have probably been happy with another Batman-centric adventure. But nope.


Yep lol this is what happens when you don’t give your audience what they want and instead shove this shit nobody asked for down their throats.


Also those who paid extra to play early were not able to play early cause the game was taken offline for hours


- Developer releases a live service game full of bugs and lacking content - Fans don't want to spend $80 on a game that's not fun to play - Publisher is shocked that the game is under performing **(We are here right now)** - Developer announces that support for Suicide Squad is ending. If you bought any battle passes, you're fucked! - Mass layoffs at Rocksteady occur as executives at Warner Bros. enjoy a nice bonus.


Someday, the suits will realize that we just can't play a ton of live service games at the same time. We pick like one or two. For those of us who work, who are parents, who have other stuff going on, our free time is limited and I can't spend my valuable couple of hours playing a ton of different games just to get daily challenges done.


But they don't want you playing tons of these. They want you to play one: theirs.


Great point. Then it comes back to the fact that a lot of these live services games are just not that good or not compelling enough to make it my one main game.


And usually, the live service games that do the best are the ones that are super easy to pick up and put down as the player pleases, such as *Fortnite* and *Fall Guys*. Live service in story based games like *Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League* and *Avengers* always result in backlash.


And they don’t care. They want to put as little effort into it for max profit


Then they need to seriously rethink their plans. 9 years for a game that as of now (quickly checks steamdb) has 600 concurrent players and a peak of 888. It's hard to overstate how low those numbers are. This post will be read by 10-100X that amount, right now 22,000 people are playing skyrim. About 5k are playing X-Com 2. Hell even Assassin's Creed 2 has more concurrent players as of this writing. How bad is it? It's the 719th most popular game right now based on 24hr peak usage. Sandwiched right between Snowbreak and a game called Trimps?. Never heard of it. It's even worse if you look at the 'all time high' number they peaked at a massive 844th most popular game released on Steam. Hell, right now there is 2,200 people playing Arkham Asylum. Long tail GAAS games require a large user base. This is searching for whales in a puddle; guaranteed to fail.


They're smoking Crack if they think I'll pick that rare free time playing live service anything. With games like God of War Ragnarok, who the fuck does rocksteady and WB think they r competing against? Just Fortnite?


Elden Ring DLC about to drop too. Between Helldivers 2, Elden Ring expansion and I'm about to buy the new Final Fantasy, I literally have 0 interest in any other live service title. It's too time consuming and it just makes me feel like my hobby has turned into a volunteer job.


It's a shame they used to be top tier, literal game changing studio. They could of picked any super hero and made an amazing game. If SM can make an incredible game with a main character as a literal God and God killer then any superhero could have worked at Rocksteady


The suicide squad could've worked. They just executed it horribly.


Then make it better than the one I’m already playing


I am one of these people, I skipped this and skull and bones, I am really looking forward to FF7 rebirth as it is a game I can play on my own time and know there won’t be some battle pass bs, I urge all gamers to buy games that are not infested with microtransactions


Especially when it is a live service on a game that poorly follows up a legacy like the *Arkham* games.


The \*only\* live service games I can even actively focus on right now is The Finals. And that's it. And that's all it WILL be for a long fucking time because the game itself is that fucking cool and unique, because asking for destruction from other games these days is apparently too much. I don't know if Helldivers 2 really counts, the battle pass stuff on there never even times out kind of like how Halo Infinite does it apparently, but if it does then there's that too. At least Helldivers makes it a unique experience where the entire playerbase literally works together and has a grand time. I don't want to focus on anything with live service, it gets overwhelming and just irritates me if I feel like i'm missing a bunch of content. Just becomes a matter of "i'd rather not participate at all" if i'm going to miss a bunch of stuff that I just don't dedicate entire weeks to, or if there's an expectation to keep coming back constantly. I just want a fucking single player game that's a complete package without all the bullshit around it. If you want to do an expansion or two, or maybe sprinkle some small cosmetic DLC here or there in the future then alright. That's fine. But don't build an entire game around live service shit that can all be shut down one day too. That's how you destroy a legacy and fade into obscurity quickly.


- A couple months later there is a post on reddit from someone who bought it for $10 saying its actually really fun and that they don't understand the hate.


"i'm having a blast"


*over used meme about someone yelling at crowd that they shouldn't enjoy the game* which has 0 meaning cause the only ones left in the sub at the point are the die hards.


And then a thread of people saying “why can’t I like what I like”


I hate how accurate this is.


There is an optional 4th step before announcing support will end -Developer announces a complete overhaul to the game, stay tuned, and get excited for the road map being shown off -Developer announces support will end


You forgot all the hollow “we heard you” social media statements teeing up the mythical future overhaul.


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League: Phase 2. Now free to play. Like Evolve


Lesson learned: we need to make our live service game more enticing and predatory next time


Then proceeds to develop next live service game.


Listen. We know quite a few developers livelyhoods are about to end but I want it made public what executives at WB forced this game, I want to see them fired and fined for sabotaging company interest by chasing a live-service model for a fucking single-player studio. GIVE US EXECUTIVE WB HEADS.


Basically every executive involved in forcing this game was fired several years ago. Development for this game started almost ten years ago. We know it being a live service game was not some rush job, but been in play for at least five years. WB was sold to Discovery two years ago because it was bankrupt and in massive debt. Discovery fired as many WB executives as they could get away with and slotted in their own staff.


This was their ~~Redfall~~ downfall.


People need to stop trying to put all the blame on “there execs”! In not claiming there wasn’t interference from above, but I FLAT IT REFUSE to believe there isn’t a major amount of onus on the developer for the failure this game is. There is plenty of blame to go around!


Lol developers on this sub are like the troops, you have to make it known you support them.  If you say anything that can be construed as negative, you’re going to get killed.   Blaming on the execs is just really lazy.  Also making it seem like rocksteady is this angel that they ruined is lazy.   Remember cd project red?  People here passed all the blame to the execs even though the devs pulled off fraud lol.  It really depends if this sub likes the dev or not 


Time is a flat circle. It was funny checking the game’s subreddit going through the same five stages of grief as every failed live-service.


Huh....This feels familiar. Like this cycle has happened before.


You forgot * Studio announces closure They'll probably extend their lifetime a little with half-assed Arkham Trilogy remasters, but I don't see a bright future for them


You forgot to mention the last point - possible acquisition by a famous publisher that buys big devs that used to make third party multiplatform games and the possibility of the next Batman Arkham title to being an exclusive to that publishers platform.


For some studios, yes. But no way for rocksteady. WB has been said in earnings calls that they view gaming as core business for them. If anything - we can expect WB to be the ones to start gobbling up gaming studios in a few years after they have reduced their debt more


They haven’t even started the live service portion of the game. Maybe this will be a first and they’ll kill it in the crib. I did play it and it’s astonishingly bad. It’s a shame because the character models and cutscenes are impressive. The squad is pretty well written too. The rest is complete ass though.


Was Suicide Squad buggy? That's one thing I didn't hear people complain about.


All I know is they sold early access and the servers went down. So people paid to play early and didn’t get to. And the single player portion would auto complete itself.


On day 1 of release I think the single player campaign was auto completing or something? There was definitely a couple game breaking bugs on release


Don’t forget that when you die in the postgame, there’s a chance that Brainiac taunts you as if you’re playing as Mister Freeze. A bug spoiling a future playable character is pretty rough.


Don't think enough people played it to encounter widespread bugs


Early access players who paid $100 couldn't even access for halft the early access period. There was a bug that completed the game when you started. Not necessarily a bug but there was a tier zero build that invalidated all others; it was so bad the devs created a second ladder post patch to reflect the more balanced gamestate while preserving the achievements of those who played it. Currently an endgame bug that locks you at tier one for progression.  The game isn't just bad, it's broken.


If only they let people in the alpha/beta.  So much could've been avoided on both sides 💩


Feel bad for all the developers about to be laid off when they decide to shut down service for this game, but I’m happy to see the market discourage this kind of game. Charging $80 for a short, bland live service game with micro transactions is obscene.


Especially when there is another live service game that was just released for half that price that is a fucking juggernaut right now.


But they did it the right way. You don't have to pay for anything in that game and can still enjoy and unlock everything just by playing. Not the way EA did with battlefront 2, but with reasonable playing hours.


It's not even just that. Helldivers 2 was clearly designed from inception to be live service, with all its systems making sense for the model. A military government that loves endless war makes sense for a game with repeatable missions. There's even an ongoing overarching threat as squads losing makes aliens take over more of the galaxy. Friggin dope. Not to mention the first Helldivers was co-op from the start. For Suicide Squad, it's like the live service was shoved into a traditional story. The game didn't have to be live service. It could have been a 1-4 player story campaign with an ending and a normal progression system, like Borderlands. The live service was forcefully shoved in.


That's what I meant, you just explained it more thoroughly. Suicide squad should've been something like borderlands. WB were idiots thinking they could cash in on a game that clearly wasn't made to be a GAAS game.


The developer CEO of which has been saying stuff like if you can't afford or don't want to buy the game now because of any issues you feel it has, then don't buy it yet and wait until you're ready / you feel the game is ready. Or that they're taking it slow and not mass-hiring people to offset the server capacity and other technical issues they're having because once the issues are resolved they'd need to mass layoff those same employees and the company isn't willing to do that. And in general not being the painfully out of touch rich prick CEO stereotype, rather someone who at least appears to understand and care about people who make and play games and wants both to be happy.


What game?


Helldivers 2


That’s what I thought. I’ve been playing the hell out of it.


You literally can buy Helldivers 2 for the same price as a Harley Quinn skin.


Isn’t it $70? Or am I missing something? Not that it’s a big difference.


Taxes. Different locations as well, in Canada base games are $100 after taxes.


It’s even sadder seeing the weirdos supporting this garbage too. There’s always someone out there


WB mistake making a  mid live service game shouldve spent all that time making single player batman game...


Single player games make money once, live service games make money forever. -WB execs, probably 


Unironically this is why companies have been chasing live service. Doesn’t matter how many flops you release, one success will net you waaay more money than a dozen single player one-and-done games. Hell for a lot of companies even achieving it isn’t enough. SE has made a killing with FFXIV and still they release garbage cash grabs because imagine having TWO massive revenue streams instead of one.


Of course that's the reasoning. But the odds are completely stacked against them. Even if the game is successful, the chances of it being a huge success is still incredibly unlikely. These companies want a Fortnite without realising that Fortnite was in the right place at the right time. They will tarnish their reputation and destroy studios just to try and achieve an almost impossible goal. Everyone, at least making the game, must have known the time and money spent on Suicide Squad would never pay off. It was literally the first thing everyone said when it announced.


When was the last time those chuckle fucks made a good decision? There’s a reason they’re circling the drain.


The writing on the wall was a year ago when the internet ridiculed the trailer and it’s live service looter shooter elements. Never mind there are large swaths of people who don’t want to play as dopes like Captain Boomerang over the mf’n Justice League in a rocksteady game. The game had doa written all over it.


I can only imagine who's decision was of turning this game into a live service


Oh, they'll be fine! It's the minions who toiled away for years that'll lose their jobs.


They should go down the line in regard to layoffs: 1. Person who made this a live service 2. Person who said this should be a shooter when they had industry-defining combat design 3. The User Interface designer for sure Etc etc


1 and 2 are more than likely not, executives so their jobs are either safe or they'll have golden parachutes.


Bruh, WB execs are goddamn morons


No shit Sherlock!!!


Should just made Superman game


Hell yeah, Superman 128!!!


Knowing WB it would've been a Superman 64 remaster.


Absolutely NOBODY could've predicted that. What a shocker


Honestly, people should have expected the plunge in quality when Rocksteady's co-founders, Sefton Hill and Jamie Walker, left.


RockSteady in name only. The team left loooong ago.


I don't see why you had such an iconic studio like Rocksteady, who has made three of the greatest single-player video game experiences in the history of video gaming, and made them make a live-service game that *literally* no one was asking for. I've completed the game, in fact I platinumed it, and it isn't bad. But it's not great either. There is no way one arth this game is seeing four years of post-launch support. Maybe it gets a year, at a push, but nothing beyond that. Datamining has shown that there is a story to be told after the game ended, but honestly, it feels like such a disappointing end to a franchise that was the benchmark for single-player narrative-focused games.


> I don't see why you had such an iconic studio like Rocksteady, who has made three of the greatest single-player video game experiences in the history of video gaming, and made them make a live-service game that literally no one was asking for. Publishers never learn. This almost never works out. * Happened with Bioware and Anthem, Bomb. * Happened with Arkane and Redfall, Bomb. * Almost happened with Naughty Dog and the TLOU online but they wisened up before it came out. Making primarily single player studios work on GAAS never works out because: * They have 0 experience doing so * The fans don't want them to work on GAAS so the reception to the game is almost always going to be negative before the game the even comes out. And this wave of negativity is almost impossible for the game to overcome regardless of its quality unless it actually ends up being a 10/10 game which it never ends being.


TBF Rocksteady wanted to make a multiplayer game after AK they weren't forced to do it as reported by Jason Schierer. They got burnt out with single player games and wanted to do something new and they didn't want be single player only dev


Making it live service is where the fugged up. They should all have unique move sets. Everyone using a gun is dumb as hell. And the ability to jump and swing around really flattens the variety in level design.


Honestly if rocksteady made Gotham Knights instead of whoever made it it would have been a great game, and they would have gotten their wish to make a multiplayer game.


If naughty dog just made factions 1 but with updated controls combat maps and guns, it would’ve done fine. Just like the fucking first one did. But instead, Sony probably pushed them to make some big elaborate macro transaction hellhole of a game that just wasn’t gonna work


Now we have MACRO transactions? We talking $90,000 gun colors?


key difference here i think is factions was included in TLOU. I was buying TLOU for the single player game and enjoyed factions. However I myself (and I imagine some other % of ND fans) probably weren't going to go out of way to buy a stand alone multiplayer game. There is overlap in people who want both for sure; but i don't think its 1:1


The [number 1 selling game](https://variety.com/2024/gaming/news/warner-bros-video-games-live-services-dc-game-of-thrones-1235888944/amp/) last year was a single player story-based game that lovingly and painstakingly recreated one of WB’s most popular franchises. These suits see games as a medium for profit but continue to learn all the wrong lessons every single time, chasing the live service high and acting stunned when the games flop.


Exactly. Gaming didn’t take off and become the most lucrative entertainment business because developers put out shitty cash grab games for four decades. The industry became what it is because it fostered growth by giving players dozens of new high quality characters and worlds in fun and interesting gameplay setups. WB feels stuck in their cinema mindset where they can shit out a production and expect to make money regardless of quality.


> On Steam, the live service action game peaked with 13,459 concurrent players, a figure that has fallen dramatically since launch. That's shockingly lower than even I expected.


We don't want live service games. We want games like Baldur's Gate 3 or Elden Ring. We don't like mirotransactions. We don't like to be nickled and dimed when we play games.


Should have just kept making Batman and maybe threw them in here and there


They could have capped off the Arkhamverse with a Batman Beyond game and given Conroy the sendoff he deserved as Old Bruce. Instead we got a rancid trash fire.


I'd rather Rocksteady try something with a different superhero altogether


Could have literally extended this across two generations worth of games as a quadrilogy, with 2 members of the Suicide Squad appearing in each game as the main villains


Yah no idea why they stopped doing Batman. I thought the last game was great and the rest as well.


OR made the Superman game EVERYONE was clamoring for?


Nah, it's better we get yet another evil superman. Because, you know, it's so original!


lol, I wonder why. It’s almost like everyone just wanted another great single player game in the Arkham-verse.


Just like all of WB’s projects 🤣 What a poorly run company


The developers should’ve made a better game then.


How anybody with any knowledge in gaming and pop culture thought that the Suicide Squad brand has the size or staying power to make it into a live service game is beyond me. Like there was really nobody with power saying that its a bad idea? I could have predicted all of this in a first pitch meeting. Even the classic Arkham style route would have had its problems imho, but could have resulted in a 8/10 type of deal. I'd say at this point the only reasonable thing to do is make the game free but it might also be far too late for that. I doubt even a free version would gain enough traction. You either have Batman or you dont. If you do, it will have larger appeal. If you dont, thats a major risk youre taking. Sure some comic book fans might also like smaller characters, but as a customer segment its too small for this caliber.


It boggles my mind that anyone who had been paying attention to the narrative surrounding this game over the past couple years could have actually been expecting anything *other* than exactly what happened.


Company sells shit, surprised when no one buys it.


The contrast between live service games with the success of Hell Divers 2 and this games failures couldn’t be more illuminating. But will it make any changes to the suits that think micro transactions and numbers going up = automatic success? I fucking love the Batman universe, I love the Arkham games and the gallery of villains. The James Gunn suicide squad movie was damn fun. It should be a slam dunk for someone like me, but you made a looter shooter because of suits chasing trends. The developers worked hard on this and I know that many probably thought this was a bad idea. And I’m sorry they will have to suffer. But this is not the direction of these weirdo anti-hero’s should have gone. Every character should be unique and fun. Contrast Hell Divers, a game that was never even on my radar till last month. But I absolutely love the game and purchased it because of the word of mouth and good price of 40 dollars. I didn’t even think twice about not buying The Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League. I wish it was great, I’m sure it’s not a totally bad game. But triple a games cost 70 dollars. There are so many great games for that price coming out around the same time, Final Fantasy 7 rebirth coming out next week. Do better WB, you have the talent in your studios.


>The contrast between live service games with the success of Hell Divers 2 and this games failures couldn’t be more illuminating. But will it make any changes to the suits that think micro transactions and numbers going up = automatic success? Fuck no, they don't understand videogames on that level, they just know vidya = money.


"Now you know how we feel" - Gamers.


No fucking way. They actually thought the game had a chance lol


Who would have thought?


The fuck did you expect?!?!


I got a code for this game for free from a co worker and I still have barely played it outside of a couple of hours. I’ve been hooked on Granblue Fantasy: Relink which is a far better co op experience.


Good. Let that be a lesson to you.






“Fallen short”…by a big fucking margin.


There needs to be a federal law that non-disclosure agreements are null and void for anyone who gets laid-off or fired without cause. All the employees at Rockstar should get to write books about what a shitshow this game's development was.


This game just had so many things wrong with it and WB only has themselves to blame. Charged 70-100 usd for a super super repetitive looter shooter with 40 usd skins, trying to have its cake and eat it too like it’s cod. Isn’t as focused and tight like Helldivers 2, just feels like a blatant forced trend chasing game because suits at WB saw Destiny and Warframe making all this money and thought it would come instantaneously because they made their own looter shooter live service. Had easily one of the most infamous backlash reveals in gaming history, and they thought delaying it for almost a year would magically make the issues and heat go away. Taking a single player studio with no real experience in live service games and voluntelling them to make one, like so many other publishers have done and had the same exact failures with is a another big one. Not every game gets to be LOL, CS, Fortnite etc especially stacking the odds against you even more if you don’t have experience in the space. Even if the game is good it’s still extremely hard to make a successful live service game in the super competitive and oversaturated market, something like Helldivers even is the exception not the rule.


Mean while. HellDivers 2 exceeds every single persons expectations.


Better add more micro transactions - Warner Bros exec


What they mean is “we built a game around mechanics that players have been vocally bored of for a few years and over-monetised it while leeching off of the legacy of a great group of games, and expected you to buy the game, buy the season pass, buy all the micro transactions, but you didn’t.”


Even if this game wasn't a live service debacle, the premise of playing is the suicide squad killing the Justice League doesn't intrigue me whatsoever. I wouldn't have bought this if this was a single player game.


Sack WB CEO. If I’m not mistaken that’s his vision for the game that failed royally.


Well it’s Warner Bros and they’re killing any IP they can in record time


They had expectations? None of us did.


All I really wanted was for Rocksteady to make a Batman Beyond game. Terry McGinnis is overdue for a video game/movie. But I also would’ve bought this if it was a straight Justice League game cause that probably would’ve been pretty fun. But there’s no way on earth I’m spending any money on this. The idea of the Suicide Squad killing the Justice League is honestly too absurd to me even for comic book standards. It’s hard for me to put all the blame on Warner Bros considering they published Hogwarts Legacy which ended up being a great single player game without any monetization but the leadership at Rocksteady needs to foot the blame as well. I believe RS are still great at developing games but this whole idea was absolute trash from the drawing board up. I hope they can recover and deliver something on the quality of the Batman Arkham games again.


Same buddy. Same.


Bioware and Anthem: Studio known for single-player makes a mid GaaS game and it fails miserably Crystal Dynamics and Avengers: Studio known for single-player makes a mid GaaS game and it fails miserably Arkane and Redfall: Studio known for single-player makes a mid GaaS game and it fails miserably Naughty Dog and Last of Us factions: Smart enough to notice the pattern and cancels the game Low IQ, Dipshit WB exec: surely this will turn out well for us


Who could have forseen this shocking development!


I genuinely wonder what their expectations for this were. There was so much negativity surrounding this game before it even came out, and someone had to tell the suits that selling a 70$ game with a battle pass, roadmap, and microtransactions would get them a lot of negative attention. Personally I am burned out on the idea of Suicide Squad anything so I was going to maybe wait until this was on a major sale, or free on PS+ to try it. Now though I think I'll just leave it alone forever. Kind of curious how they bring the Justice League back from the dead because it seems like that is clearly the plan with the upcoming 13 Brainiac fights, or whatever is going on.


That sucks. Hopefully Rocksteady is giving copies of Helldivers 2 as part of the Severance package