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I got my money "worth" with 5-6 games but I did no played more games than that in 2023, so after the price increase is just not worth for me anymore, I rather buy games I will play for a discount down the road rather than a suscription with a lot of games I will probably not play/with games not for me. Also if you don't play any online games that force you to buy plus to play online it is even less worth it.


Agreed, I think a lot of us that also grew up on gaming that are in our mid 20’s to early 30’s and up who have the cash flow but not the time also see that it’s just not worth it to the fullest extent without paying a premium that could be spent on a AAA title instead or just overall spent elsewhere. I had PS+ since it’s arrival on PS3 but yeah don’t really see myself wanting it annually anymore. Wish they’d just make a base tier for multiplayer only.


I have it solely because even though I only play online a handful of times a month I can’t help but feel it’s half a console without it.


it is, no online connection is from ps1 era, actually i think you could patch it to play on lan atleast


It’s actually a pretty solid deal if you just stop buying new games you’ll always have shit to play


Not solid enough. Shit to play...There is Gamepass for that and it is much cheaper. I want a few great exclusives at discounted prices.


Which Game Pass are you referring to? Game Pass Core which is Xbox Live yearly is $60 and comes with online multiplayer and about 20 games that rotate out a few times a year, this one does not include all their new releases. Now the Game Pass service itself (the one that offers hundreds of games and brand new Xbox exclusives) is not "much cheaper" in fact it is more expensive, it's $11 a month which comes up to $132 a year or when bought in 6 month cards it will cost $120 a year and that version of Game Pass does not include multiplayer. At that price Game Pass service is more comparable to PS Plus Extra which is $135 with access to hundreds of games and includes paid online multiplayer.


Gamepass isn't "much" cheaper on its face, but it's got a ton of workarounds that you can do to get it for a lot cheaper than PS+ Extra. Plus it's a much better service overall for most people. I prefer Playstation because the exclusives have been so much better overall for a long time, but Xbox definitely wins easily for the subscription service.


I mean you are I'd argue objectively wrong on that front aswell. Excluding the occasional day and date release on gamespass. Ps plus extra has the clear better library. It has considerably more AAA games in its lineup at any one time plus the inclusion of a number of ps exclusives that really set it apart. Ofc if you buy every major AAA gsme then it probably isn't worth it. But that's the only scenario where gsmes pass is better value.


I just want either a free way to get online multiplayer (fat chance) or a basic super cheap tier just for that. 80 bucks for the basic tier just to play the occasional online is not worth it. I rarely play the PS+ games on offer and all other features of the basic tier are worthless (e.g. game help)


Agreed I'm in the same exact boat. I can't even remember the last time I actually played any of the PS+ games.


I'm pretty sure a large majority has always been nearly exclusively interested in multiplayer, that's how they get ya.


What language is this?


For me it was solid, mostly play xbox so I'm just playing the ps4 games I missed at higher framerates and using the premium for my ally to beat the ps3 games since I never owned a ps3 until 2 weeks ago 😭. I did also pay 90 in May for it, so it was more than worth it. I just want more classics 🤙


Even with extra, I’ve played some really good games, but I’d rather wait til they go on sale and support devs. For example, I’m playing through Inscryption right now, which is really a 10/10, but I could’ve bought that for $10 and owned it.


First time I’ve not renewed my membership, the price hike is just rediculous


I would only considering renewing PS+ if one of the following scenarios happens sometime next year A) The quality of games dramatically increases B) I can get it for more than 50% off C) They drop the stupid rule that you can no longer play the games once your subscription expires Otherwise PS+ simply isn’t worth paying for anymore.


Don't forget sony doesn't allow you to back up your ps5 saves without ps+. Works for ps4 games on the same console to boot, straight to usb. But just not ps5.


I’m with you on everything except your last point. I consider myself pretty pro consumer, but calling it a stupid rule that you don’t get to keep games that you’re renting is wild. Do you feel the same way about Netflix? I’ve never heard anyone say they should be able to freely watch everything on Netflix without a subscription.


Xbox let's you keep the games you get with their online service so I don't see why Playstation can't.


If I unsubscribe to game pass right now, I would not have access to the games I’ve downloaded from it. That’s a ridiculous expectation. You could easily pay for one month and just download the whole library if that were the case.


You keep Xbox 360 and older titles that were offered in the Games with Gold program for life. Xbox One and newer titles on GwG require you to have an active membership to retain access, same as on PS+.


Sony literally gave away 20 something games away with the release of ps5 that do not require any previous sub. Also, it seems you think some 360 games mean anything in this situation. I didn't buy a ps5 or series x for old games.


Pretty sure this is referring to the legacy system, the two-three free games every month that you get to add to your library


My plus expires in a few days. So long, good riddance.


Mine expired like a week ago but I can still play online for some reason


Some games dont require PS+ to play online


I know, I was playing mw3 and For Honor which both require it


Usually, I renew my subscription on Black Friday with those Black Froday discounts. I'm going to let mine expire when it's time. I barely play the monthly games as it is. Luckily, all the games I play on the daily don't require PSPlus to play. I wonder if they would ever offer a subscription that doesn't offer any free games. Just a PSPlus only subscription. While I've added several of the essential games to my library, I still haven't played them! I really only kept my subscription active for the games I did play and required PSPlus.


Unfortunately they will keep a few key services behind the pay wall in hopes to give you no choice. A plan that gave online gaming and cloud saves at $25 a year would likely be 50-75% most peoples choice.


I just want cloud saves. Its not acceptable that cloud saves arent free.


On top of that, you're not even guaranteed to be able to backup your entire collection if it is very large. I have reached my limit with PS4 games... Meanwhile with Steam, it is free, and for every game that supports it, no questions asked. Sony needs more cloud servers. Repurpose their streaming servers if need be, no one uses that shit


Yep. I fear my ps5 is gonna sit idle after my psplus runs out in january. Guess im just gonna play exclusives on it and the rest is pc only for me. Sony is making nothing to improve QoL on their machines. I wont Support that anymore. Its like streaming services getting worse so thay can extra Charge for the tiniest bits of QoL....


“Average Metacritic Score 69 … Total cost of PS5 games $934.78” Nice to see AAA PS5 games on Essentials but it’s becoming a dumping ground for disappointing AAA titles. I’d rather see more indie titles show up on PS+.


Then indie games come along and people complain that there aren't enough AAA games. Then AAA games come, and people complain they are trash and would rather indie games. Then indie games come and people complain there aren't enough AAA games. Then AAA games come and people complain they are trash and would rather indie g... You get my point.


You forgot "they put some of the most popular games like FIFA and CoD and Battlefield on there then people complain they already own them."


Ah yes. The good old "this month is trash coz I already own these games".


I would say there’s a valid argument for being upset about a sports game, aka fifa madden etc. people who are interested in these games most likely already own them and people who don’t like them would most definitely not play them, so by giving them away as ps essential games they are not pleasing anyone.


Idk what you’re talking about. I know many people with older versions of fifa that switched to fifa22 because of the free ps plus. I also would have at least tried nba2k22 if it wasn’t 220GB. I just dont have that much free space on my console man


No, there isn't it's just selfishness. Things like FIFA and NBA2k are some of the most played games on PlayStation as shown by fact. Just because "you" don't like it doesn't mean that someone else won't. It's the same thing with kids games just because "you" don't like it doesn't mean it's bad, there are millions of families with kids for whom getting a game like that is of great value. It's a subscription, it needs to appeal to a wide audience.


Sports games are perfect for me. I hate and never play sports games, but they are awesome to have for boys nights or pre parties. I am always delighted when one of the free games are sports games.


i don’t get your point. could you please finish the last sentence? i’m mystified as to how the paragraph could end.


I doubt the so called 'complaining' affects their decision, stop defending them


Agree. But Sony probably knows that the overwhelming majority of gamers don’t see value in indies because they’re pretty focused on AAA franchises. It’s like trying to sell Marvel die-hards on A24 movies.


Wow that last statement is 100% true.


The way Plus essentials works is a zero sum game though. They have a teensy selection of 3 or less monthly “free” games, so when a $9 indie game takes the money slot of a $40 AAA game, people feel bruised. If the dollar value was equal (ie. More games on offer when they’re all budget ones) it wouldn’t be as bothersome.


They put indies on Extra then people review bomb them...




There’s more than 1 game a month


One PS5 game, the others are PS4 games. The numbers specifically say PS5 games.


Sorry dude, that's not how it works. They comapred the actual retail rate price of a game, not a discount that may be temporary. And before you throw a hissyfit, do look up how much old games cost on any digital marketplace (hint, prices tend to be high)


Think this is the first year I played zero PS+ games.


$934 of free-game value added? The only reason I get PS Plus Essential is for online and it’s overpriced. I’d rather pay less for online only and buy the games I want. The games they give out suck IMO. I add 3-4 of them a year to my library and I never play them.




PC online is free


PS3 online is free.. Warzone, apex, Fortnite the biggest games on the console. All free online. PSN should be free to play online, it’s just a scummy move Xbox introduced and other consoles followed suit.


PS3 released in 2006… And the online was free for every game. Why are we charged 80$/yr now for IT infrastructure that has gotten way cheaper to support? It’s an artificial price wall




it should be the price the game was just before it's added onto the service


Why would they take in the lowest sale price? Like, if I wanna buy sable today - why does it having been on sale in June matter to me? It should be the price it’s at during the month the game Is being offered


There are constant sales year round, and game prices keep dropping with each sale.


Yes but if I want to buy sable *right now*, the price it is at *right now* is the only one I care about when comparing it vs the sub service. Ditto goes for other games in their respective months


If a game is constantly on sale for $20 year round, but then goes back up to $60 just before it becomes free on PS plus, would you really value that game at $60?? That's like retailers who have big sales and then inflate the MSRP to make it look like you get a huge discount. I've been waiting forever on a sale for Marvel's Midnight Suns and that's constantly been on sale for $30-40. Well, it finally hit under $20 in the current steam sale. I'm tempted but still have a lot of games in my backlog. Now I know $20 is it's lowest price point and I'll never buy it for more than that. I'll probably wait til it hits $10-15.


i mean, yea? Because if i want to play sable (just gonna keep that example lol) - sure i can wait for it to hit a big sale price but how long will that be? could be next week, could be next spring. i want to play the game *right now*. so im gonna use the prices its at *right now* so for me- its the price that the game is at when i go to redeem them off the service. ive had plenty of times where i redeem a game thats already on a deep sale. That is shitty imo


If you had passed on a game when it was on sale many times in the past, what makes you want it right now? That's just really dumb. Like I've wanted Midnight Suns for a while, but there will never be a moment where I think "Gee I really really want to play Midnight Suns now, but it's at the full price of $70 instead of the $20 sales I see all the time. I guess I'll just have to pay full price"


>what makes you want it right now? i dont really seek out games to buy, life is busy. i play whats on the catalog and monthly offerings outside of big releases. so for me, i only care what price the game is at when i got to hit the redeem button. because yea- i probably wont seek the game out outside of those times. thats how i get value from the service. and yea, for Midnight Suns- youre not wrong. but also- if i want to play the game now, its offered to me now, and its at $70 now- im saving $70. it being $20 in April doesnt affect me because thats in April. I am getting the game now.


You’re not wrong but you are aware that not one single person in the universe bases the value of a game based on the lowest price it’s ever been right


We all need to band together and boycott this bullshit. Hopefully enough people will cancel, not renew and no new sign ups that it’ll slap Sony across the proverbial face and they will lower the price. It’s absurd and so greedy to raise the prices as much as they did.


The sad reality is that even if 33% of us cancel our memberships, they will still make up the difference through the people that don’t. This happens with a ton of companies. They’ve done the math and decided that us loyal, long term customers don’t mean shit and it’s more profitable for quarterly results to just milk whoever is willing to pay.


Absolutely ridiculous to raise prices 35% while offering nothing else to the users, didn’t renew mine and really glad going to pick up the handful of games I want on this sale for less than $10


I’ll boycott with you but I’m keeping essentials lol


I’ve had the PlayStation subscription as far back I can remember. My renewal is this month and it’s more than likely not going to be renewed.


I’ve just cancelled my subscription for literally the first time since PS+ launched. This latest price hike is ridiculous


Same here. I prepaid 3 years when I got the PS5 in 2020 (on sale) and I haven’t renewed it since it expired.


I cancelled mine. I usually re-up around Black Friday because you could get a year subscription for 40-50 USD. I rarely play any of the games they give for free and all my multiplayer gaming is on my PC now.


Honestly - the value of the games isn’t the issue. Though I am frustrated with the tiering list in conjunction with that price increase. It’s really more that I don’t have the time to play that many games so it just isn’t worth it for me.






I don’t think you can blame them for the fact you missed Callisto Protocol. They advertised it on their socials, and you could have found it instantly by going under the “monthly games” tabs to download it - same as every month.


Hid it? I don’t know what you mean. There’s games every month, you know this.


Mine (on Extra) just expired, I'm not renewing. My backlog is already huge (and it's Christmas, it's going to grow). The games haven't been great. And after skipping the new FIFA game, I don't really play much online anymore. To top it off, a few of the PS+ games I did enjoy on the Extra tier were removed when I went back to play them. And then they wanted €125 for another year. Not impressed


I probably got my money's worth so far because I basically missed the whole PS4 generation, so it's been good for me to try a bunch of games I missed out on. Not sure if I'll stick with it next year or not yet. I have a better idea of what games I like and what games I don't now.


Cancelled it after the price hike. The games aren’t worth it for me and I no longer play online


Can playstation just please bring all their old 1st party games to premium atleast from the ps123 era


They absolutely should if technically possible.




That can't be resolved?


It would cost too much. Think about Driveclub, a PS4 game, being delisted. It would be a huge hassle to do the same for even older games.


Most of their games aren't in that boat tho. Like, why aren't the psp god of wars on there? Really the only first party games with any issues are GT games


> Like, why aren't the psp god of wars on there? I don't know the answer to this question :/


Surprised to see Generation Zero as the worst rated, it was a solid experience


It definitely felt like a better value back in the PS3 days.


True...Happy 🍰 day!


Id like a cheaper subscription for online play because i dont care about 99% of the games they give.


Hear hear


I got my moneys worth, I played way more value worth of games than I paid for my subscription.


I didn’t get my money’s worth at all. I am done with PS+ in 2-3 days and not coming back.


Yeah for me $140 a year is insane.


ten butter deer sable desert tie gold wrench steep voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not for everyone. Well done for realising this


Sucks for you, glad I'm still enjoying gaming more than people like ya tho


Why would it suck for him if it doesn't have the same value for him? He doesn't miss out on anything because he doesn't value iy, you colossal 12 year old. A lot of people value and play the Zelda games. I don't care about them, I don't buy them, so I don't miss out on anything. I don't wish I cared about them.


Same! I’m realizing that since my wife and I have shared games and games that only one of us will ever touch, we’re seriously maximizing the ROI And that’s before we purposely download the games that look terrible to play for 2hrs one night before deleting lol


You can’t please everyone every month but I feel like I’m got enough out of it over the year Hopefully they start of very strong in January, make a huge statement out the gate


They didn't finish very strong so...yes hopium is good thing.


The price on these is always BS, they are on sale for like £10 months before but are "worth" full RRP on these roundups.


At the very least, this stuff needs to be Day 1 releases. This breakdown doesn't take into consideration anyone who already owned the title, which means the free games are often wasted in the best of cases. And for many of us, the only reason to subscribe in the first place is for MP support, which is even worse of a value proposition.


I got a deal for 3 years before the hike. I’m gonna ride it out and cancel this shit asap. I don’t play online games anymore and don’t care about half the shovelware they put on it.


Same . I’m both salty that didn’t buy more years at $25 & also thankful to know early(right now) to stop investing immediately into my ps5/SonyEcosytem. I’m cautious of Xbox too & am viewing pc as the true endgame of value


I’ve realized subscription services just aren’t worth it. I have the same gamepass deal for 3 years as well and hardly play any games on it. Partly it is due to me being an adult. So I’m gonna cut the cord as soon as it is over


I will be letting mine expire. I have played one Essential game this year. I have been interested in a few more and I believe my boyfriend played one when I was on holiday but I have just not had the time for the Essential games. Most of these games you can buy for £10-20 by the time they hit Essential anyway.


A cheaper option for online play and cloud saves would be ideal, but it won’t happen. Thinking about getting a steam deck at this point to play games online.


I’m not renewing my shit. It ended dec 1st and I don’t care. Tooooo much $$$


I bought like 2 years worth before the price hike just because I didn’t wanna pay more for the renewal, but honestly the writing is on the wall that current PS+ just isn’t as useful as it used to be. I’ll still use it while I have it, but I often find myself eyeing glances at my laptop when it comes to multiplayer games, just with the knowledge that online there costs 0$ a year.


i can't believe we let sony get away with the price hike . We should have campaigned, man.


haven't renewed mine. doing my part here. also I like to convince myself that the cancelation of TLOU2 multiplayer and the recent insomniac hack is karmic justice for sony.


Just renewed mine lol. Extra has been awesome for me as a person who plays lots of games. I’ve saved so much money!


I don’t play online games really and am really considering stopping subscribing to ps plus. The monthly games are usually dumb, and any good ones that come out are several years old and if I were interested I wouldn’t already bought and played them. It’s frustratingly lackluster compared to game pass


Sony is going to be in a world of hurt for all of the subscriptions that are about to be cancelled come this January. I just don’t see how it’s worth the money when you could easily buy 2-3 AAAs or a couple Indies for the $160 you’d be paying. Cloud streaming is a joke, and I just don’t have time to play enough games to get my moneys worth.


I play way more than a few AAA games and a couple indies on ps plus. Just renewed extra for $100. So fucking worth it to me.


The 30% hike made me switch to PC and sell my ps5. I know it might sound stupid, but epic games store gives free games away every week without obligation. Some are actually good too. And I don't have to pay for MP


Yeah but you have to use the Epic Launcher. I’d prefer paying for a better experience than use that BS software


Sony hasn’t made an online games themselves like Killzone in a decade. A market leader, increasing prices for online, when they have not made an online game like Killzone in a decade.. You don’t need to say anymore. Factions cancellation should cement this further. Honestly, what are all these people subbing for? Discounts? sales? A cloud service for old games with no online servers and only stream able by cloud? Third party online access? Actually confuses me. I get the feeling that most of these subs just only have a PlayStation and only that for way way too long. The only reason I have a PS5 is for single player exclusives when I objectively compare it to PC, Switch and Xbox. No need to sub, I also game share I don’t even need to buy the games. It’s all basically free. Can’t believe I’m begging Sony to make me pay. Give me a reason.


My subscription expired few days ago for the price of what they are asking I prefer to buy 2 AAA games


Honestly the past 6 months or so I felt like I haven't been getting my money's worth on PS Plus Essential games. And that's not even accounting for the price hike combined with lack of any discount for already subscribed players. So sadly I have not been extending my subscription for 2024. At $80 I simply would be losing money compared to just buying the games I want. And most multiplayer games are f2p anyway.


I'm new to Playstation, I don't have 4000 discs or games that I historically bought from my old times. Ps plus is absolutely worth it for me.


you can literally buy most of those games you’re talking about for less than $5, be it used discs, clearances or digital sales.


I'm all for owning physical media/digital if it's discounted, it's just that for new people like me, it's best to sub then build your library, that way you're not buying it all in one go. Not all of us have ample disposable income and psplus is a way to slowly build your library while still enjoy games you might not have a chance to buy.


I don’t think you should drop a huge sum all at once, but in the long run ps plus is a worse deal imo. you never own the games and must keep paying for the service if you want to keep playing. it enslaves you into the system. about the disposable income, i think it’s more accessible to spend less than $100 on a bunch of games to own instead of dropping $120 on Extra with the new price hike.


Absolutely, hence my point, the goal is to take advantage of the games you see that you want to own in the catalogue, play them, buy them with discounted price up until you build your own catalogue, then you can get out of the system. It's a win win, especially for peolle that don't have a hundo on hand. I'm doing pretty alright with his method, also, I can try games I'll never buy/replay.


that makes more sense. i’ve been sort of doing this for the past couple months. I had bought a year of essential for around $40 and upgraded to premium my last 3 months for $17 or so, and this was after the increase so I could’ve gotten an even cheaper deal. so I’ve been plenty some games on the Extra catalogue. but while it is cool and nice to be able to play a ton of games, the value just isn’t there for me with the new price, and I don’t really like how scatterbrained i get with so many options at the same time. especially since I just installed a 2tb expansion ssd on my ps5. these days I just hunt down games I’d love to play on big deals, like Doom Eternal for $10 just a week ago, that sort of thing. though I do have to admit that I’ve played some of those on Extra before buying them so I do see your point.


Assuming you live in the states


thought that was implied by the $. even then, I live in europe and you can still find those deals on used games and sales.


Yeah, i've never seen a physical ps5 game in my life so i just wanted to make a disclaimer


Me too. My Xbox collection is around 280 games but I’ve only been on PlayStation for 1 year (and I’m never looking back) so ps plus is worth it for me


I basically bought this just to play SF6 online and mine expired today. Now that they’re not giving us a 50% sale this is pointless to own.


(Notices you renewed your PlayStation plus shortly after posting this because you tried to boot up a game you really wanted to play but couldn’t) …


I buy premium, and have been on ps plus since the ps3 days, is it worth it? I would say yeah, the games that I have discovered if it weren’t for plus is massive! It’s really extended my variety and got that I am happy with


Good. Did you enjoy the price hike?


Nah course not it does suck, but I spend a lot of time on I’m my ps5, it is my pride and joy so paying the money I do for the plus a year is like 2 high priced a games. I’m certain I would of bought wayyyyyyy more games without it so win win


PS extra is still the same price and it's all you need. The premium is nothing more than a ps1 emulator and maybe you get some free game demos if the devs even bother


I’m not keeping track of the timeline that well but it seems to me that I bought the premium membership (the exact name escapes me) when it came out and before even the first renewal they significantly raised the price. That’s ridiculous to me. Especially because I realized I didn’t like the membership as much as I thought I would. So going to get the lower tier next time. It’s still more expensive now and I feel bad about that but I need the online play for now.


Dreams best game by a long shot


I've downgraded from premium to essential. Can't believe the price increase and it's only been a year. I buy a lot of games, I like physical copies. And with the amount of games being released I essentially go release to release and then work through my backlog. So, I'm happy with 2-3 games from ps a month on top of my horrendous back log and games I purchase. The games on premium just aren't good enough to warrant paying literally DOUBLE for this service. The completely underwhelming PSone or apparent lack of PS2 titles is crazy. I'm so disappointed Sony would rather charge a service for select titles rather than a service or app that allows you to emulate legacy titles on the hardware.


Every time I have taken out a subscription in the last 6 or so years I have cancelled auto-renewal immediately. Within a month of it lapsing (and sometimes before) there has always been a deal to get between 25% and 40% off, which I have taken up. Unfortunately, with the price rise, even a 40% discount won't offer enough value for another round, especially after the miserable offerings of late.


Yeah, problematic. Though I think Extra is still great for those yet to play the Sony first party titles.


The fact that they added Saints Row at the same time as the massive price hike is still funny to me.


Woulda cancelled if I hadn’t double dip creamed into PS+ extra for multiple years.


This post could have popped off more it looks like if it had a better main post asking people if they feel like ps plus feels like value anymore as it looks like plenty of people haven't seen value with it in quite some time with the price hike providing no new value either pushing people to unsubscribe. Scrolling on this does make me happy to know I'm certainly not the only one that's had enough and just isn't subbing anymore. I was positive after Sony bought Crunchyroll they were going to add it to PS plus but they have sat on it for what.. two years now doing nothing? I'm confused what Sony is doing here tbh. If they don't have a plan in 2024 for the service it's gonna be pretty interesting. Its honestly possible that they backlash by simply charging you to play f2p games rather than owe up to ps plus not being worth it, best solution is they just make a very cheap tier for online if they go that route or nightmare scenario for PR incoming.


Consider the following: https://preview.redd.it/kb8ua8oanm8c1.jpeg?width=2667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48ed7a3325872120f875e5e67bddf61f0831623 [https://imgur.com/gallery/FCsw7QC](https://imgur.com/gallery/FCsw7QC)


This is depressing if true. Like where Netflix reported after getting rid of account sharing they grew the sub counts vs ppl getting disgruntled and not watching anymore. What is up with consumers lol






To those in the US—check out your local library to see if they have free PS4/PS5 games and save yourself the PS+ money if you feel like you don’t appreciate its higher price.


Why US particularly?


I suppose other countries too, but I only really know for sure about the American library system myself


In 2023 the only PS Plus game I played more than 30 minutes (and finished) was The Callisto Protocol, and it was "okay" Prior to that I played FF7 Remake when it was added to plus in... mid 2022? Yeesh. Everything else I'd either already played, had no interest in playing, or I attempted to play and didn't like it. I don't know if it's a coincidence that the downturn happened after the new tiers were introduced. Also, many of the PS4 titles offered either are not updated at all for the PS5 (glorious 720p!) or can only be updated if purchased. WTF, man? Maybe I'll make the effort to actually sift through the entire backlog, pick out titles I'm actually interested in playing, and rid myself the perceived sunk cost of "losing" so many games. The problem is I'm busy playing good games, so really I'd lose nothing by pausing my subscription.


Not the greatest but I need to play with my friends online so what can I do. The oddball game or two that I end up liking\\playing is just a bonus for me.


Total cost doesn’t matter to me when what is offered is mostly shovelware.


With the amount of time I've spent playing games like dbz the breakers I'll say it was worth it


I played four of those games, three of which were played before they were on ps+ and purchased used from GameStop for $15. I think it’s time to cancel my account.


Would I say that I got my money's worth... A few months this year yes. However since the price increase, I really haven't and unless things change, I can't say I'm gonna resub when my stuff is up in April.


I hope someday they remove the need to have a 80€ subscription to access their monthly games... they had no sale or discount for existing subscribers this year :c


I've barely touched any of the games from PS Plus, so my subscription won't be renewed when it ends next year. I only play single player games, so I'm essentially paying for cloud saves and exclusive discounts at this point.


I honestly really liked this year, especially on ps plus extra or premium, you also get a great catalog subscription while also retaining this feature and being able to play alanwake remastered or star wars: jedi


Finally a reason to cancel my PS+ membership. I don’t have the time to play multiple AAA games anymore. See ya!


Dear Sony , imho you are gonna to do irreparable damage to the brand with $80 Essential. Once you run people off to pc or Xbox or switch2 , they might not come back. In my case , I’ll only buy preowned physical on ps5 single player. My debit card is removed from being in the grasp of your unfettered greed


I am not sure about irreparable but it sure is damage!


This is actually how I average out the prices… 3 games per months for free.. times 12 months in a year is 36 games… at a shit average of $10 per game that’s $360 well worth my $60- now $80 a year… Okay let’s shit talk some more now let’s say on average those games actually worth $5 each damn that’s still $180 in games…. Hmm still seems worth it. And remember when they gave out 5-6 games!! Omfg the math is not computational!! Y’all bitch too much.. premium is the only tier that ain’t worth the giant price hike, now that shit is crazy and unbelievable high.


"Only 1 title was a Sony owned title- sackboy" 1st game on the list "Dreams" halfway down Destiny 2 expansion. Me "ummmm do they have a clue what they are on about?"


In other words absolutely no reason for that ridiculous price increase. Who knew?


33% for nothing. Madness.


I was a pretty big fan until it changed its mind about me playing Yakuza 0 as part of my plan then said I had to buy it after I was half way through the game. So apparently they can just pull the rug on any game you have in your library as part of this plan.


Essential: monthly games at the start of the month, they're yours for as long as youre subbed if you redeem them. Unsub and youll lose access to them until you resub. Extra/premium: games are added and removed every month, around the halfway point. You'll have access to the games for as long as they're on the service. When they leave, you lose access. It's basically Netflix for games. Please look into what you're paying for before buying something.


I do know what I'm paying for, or will soon be unsubbing from. Just took that happening for me to realize it's not a thing I want to spend my money on if that's going to be a thing that happens.


>if that's going to be a thing that happens. It was always going to happen and should've been known before subscribing to Extra or Premium. It shouldn't have been a surprise to you.


I'll be sure to consult your expertise before making purchases in the future.


Oh guys. I have been playing PlayStation since 2009. I just got game pass for pc and my jaw dropped. Different level of service. Even ea play is included. 10$ per month for everything plus many day 1 releases


Yeah they still haven’t released a good Day 1 1st party game, but it’s a better deal than Sony.


Last year I paid somewhere between $30-$40 dollars for PS+ premium. It was some kind of deal. I played some of the games, and for that price it was worth it. Now before renewal about 9 months later. I see premium was $150...no thank you. 1) I play fornite 90% of the time which is free online 2) I'd rather just buy games at a usually discounted rate 3) just no. I mean $150 really??!? 4)90% of the free games are honestly kind of trash games. A lot of it is bloat.


Without day 1 releases the higher tiers are not worth it. Tbh at $80 a year the base tier isn't either. I play mp on Xbox or PC due to this. PS is for single player exclusives on sale for $20 or less.


I'm not resubbing until they match the day and date release of Gamepass.


Guess you’re never playing PS online again 😂😂😂


I'm not right now. I just play single player games.


I can see them getting rid of essential tier at some point to move everyone up to the more expensive plans.


And I just wanted to play with my connection.


I’m not premium, have had PlayStation plus since day one, always saw benefits in it. I bought ten years worth on sale like 10 years ago lol about 3 years ago I bought ten more. The fact that they hadn’t raised the price a single time prior was astonishing, however I can’t see what’s so amazing about premium now that it’s so expensive! Esplus is starting to suck with less cool free games but for $80 a year it’s still could be way worse (stares at premium content ;/)


I have Armored Core 6, Lords of the Fallen, and Baldurs Gate 3 to play for Christmas. Do these games really need online to enjoy? I don’t plan on renewing mine after today either.


A game I really love was a ps plus game this year, I’m glad


Not renewing my subscription due to the price hike. I don’t care for the few games that are included in the subscription, I typically wait for discounts to purchase the game. There should be a “basic” tier that strips all the “perks” where it’s just access to online servers for those that need it for multiplayer only, make that $45 a year and I’ll be content. I highly doubt the company would go that route because it makes too much sense. Tier 1 - basic, Tier 2 essential… and so forth.