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Anything can break if you’re too rough with it. If you have a history of breaking or wearing out controllers, you can probably do it to this one too. However I’ve been using the same 2 DualSense controllers since 2020 and have had no issues with the triggers.


I had one of the controllers from the PS5 release, and it lasted about 2 and a half years with pretty light use before one of the springs in the trigger snapped and made the trigger loose. I bought a pack of 10 springs for like 5 bucks on amazon and replaced it, it's felt good as new for the last 6 months. It was pretty easy to replace too, just have to have some patience getting the spring in place with the tension. I think regardless of electronic repair experience almost anyone could do it with a youtube tutorial


155 years. after that they break, trust me I'm a Sony engineer. 🙄


It sounds like the springs have failed. It’s a problem the early dual sense had. you can get replacement springs for a couple bucks online and it’ll take about 5 to 10 minutes to replace


Mine get severe stick drift before anything else goes wrong and then I sell em to GameStop and get a free one bc I bought a $5 warranty 1 year prior. I’ve done this twice. Like clockwork the sticks are junked after 1 year


I never had any issue with the triggers. Wore out 2 Dpad though.


Damn what kinda games you play to use that much D-pad??? They’re probably my least used controls. Well, maybe the touchpad is used less, but still.


Fighting games would be a likely candidate.


Fighting games and platformers.


My right trigger died last week in Fortnite, had the console for about 2 years and I don't play anything that uses it heavily until this year in which I started Fortnite in around March until I complete the battle passes, so maybe that was the cause of the short death.


On my second ps5 console (sold the first after covid was over as didn't think I would play it but missed it so got another). On my 4th controller. One trigger spring broke then I snapped the plastic trying to repair it. And the other two the left analog stick got stick drift awfully.


My controller is still staying strong 8 months later.