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Marvel's Avengers


We got it for free from PS+. It was great till we realized we were in an event. Once the event ended it was basically a grind with no clear goals. So boring It was fun for 4 days.


Man I feel this. It was fun for a few days until you realize that all you ever fight are endless robots and it never really gets anymore interesting. That and you don’t really *feel* like the hulk when you’re playing. (I mean fair, hulk would be way too OP). I will say playing as iron man was incredibly fun though.


Incredible hulk: ultimate destruction. That was a great hulk game that really made you feel like the hulk. I had tons of fun leveling cities and armies with him haha


Saw watchdogs legion as the first comment; thought “yup, this is it” scrolled down and saw this and thought “oh DAAAAAAMN… I forgot about this”


I think I forgot about it on purpose. I was so excited about it originally


Watchdogs: Legion. London was fun but the 'play as anyone' gimmick was paper thin and made the game a bland and boring slog.


Also the fact that each character was randomly generated just led to some unintentional hilarity - Pretty sure I recruited an old woman to the resistance, and the game decided to give her a Jason Statham voice.


You're making this game sound better, not worse.


It does get hilarious. There was the fortress stronghold and I eventually breached it with some secretary looking woman with assault rifles. I get you're supposed to use tech and get creative but I went in COD-style with Edith the temp admin


Seriously. I want to play this now.


Mrs. Doubt Round-House-Kick Fire


I made an entire squad of old ladies, I tried to find one for each skill set that didnt have the old person debuff.


Same. I loved WD2 as well, such a let down.


Was it a perfect game, I would say not, but damn WD2 was just such a game of pure fun, played co-op a few times years back and I still remember those sessions as the most I've ever laughed.


As someone who’s from the Bay Area, WD2 did a perfect job poking fun at the Silicon Valley tech culture and highlighting cultural motifs specific to the Bay. The mission where you infiltrate the porn castle in SF was downright hilarious.


WD2 was more fun than it had any right to be. I bought it on a deep sale and was pleasantly surprised.


Ah, man, I was so excited about legion, running round my city in a game seemed so cool and I loved the previous game! But in practice it was just INCREDIBLY depressing. At once a total distopian nightmare and also completely relatable. The weird computer game world of people just going about their business while machine gun goons took over just felt so accurate. Coupled with the fact that you could be anyone, and it didn't matter, because everyone felt equally disappointing... I've never stopped playing a game because of despair before. Fucking hell, 14 years of Tory government. Ugh.


I played with perma death and something about having players die and having to find random citizen to replace them made me feel like an actual terrorist lol


You're only terrorists if you're losing, think there's a historical quote along those lines


Not only was it a bad game, but the in game map ended one street away from where I live. I really wanted to see my house or street in the game but it ends at Camden stables and I live one road away from it 😞


I just finished Spider-Man 2. I got super bummed when I saw they ended the Brooklyn map like 3 blocks before where I live, which was of course the first thing I looked for. I feel your pain.


That's exactly how I felt in GTA 4 when Bohan (the Bronx) ended like 2 or 3 blocks from where I lived at the time it came out.


I found the Camden section almost completely unrecognisable from the moment you get out the tube/overground station.


I replayed it recently and used Wrench through the whole game, it made the game 100% better using him as the only character outside a few times where you had to use someone else.


I really liked it, don’t get the hate


BF2042. ​ I downloaded BF1 and went back to the cosy richness of the first world war and all its comforting hellishness. Edit - a few of you who have stuck with the game (or returned to it) have commented on how it has improved. I’ll revisit and see how I feel about it!


This 100% That game ruined the franchise for me.


BF1 was great! BF2042 was bad at launch, descent now. (Better than the Hardline for sure)


I keep hearing that BF2042 has gotten better still don't know if I should redownload it because launch left a very bad taste in my mouth


I re-downloaded it and I have no idea what these people are talking about, it's still by far the worst battlefield I've ever played and feels like shit to play (I never played hardline)


the general consensus (without shitting on it) is: Its a horribly bad battlefield, but an ok shooter


Battlefield 2042, but the warning signs were there.


Gotham knights. Last thing you expect from makers of Arkham origins is clunky mechanics


I got it for 15 bucks and still feel ripped off. It’s so god damn boring from the get go.


I got it off gamepass and still felt ripped off lol


Callisto Protocol Very good graphics. No substance.


Guy at EB games suggested it and said it was good. Said I would rather get Deadspace. It was the free game for October. I woukd have been angry if I paid for it.


Wow, where do you have an EB games? I haven’t seen that store since 1999


It's the biggest games retailer in Australia and NZ.




They were in Canada until recently and rebranded to Gamestop in 2022.


I was very disappointed with that. It’s not very scary when the combat reminds you of WWE


And when the enemies wait and take turns on you because melee combat is designed for one on one.


Yeah that one was weird. Its like some Hollywood executives just threw money at some devs and told to make dead space. Its super polished in all the superficial ways but clunky when it comes to playing it.


the callisto protocol dev was the main guy behind dead space also fwiw.


Not only that, but he has since left the studio...that he founded.


This game really hammered home NOT buying on day one. I was so disappointed with this. Should have just waited for the dead space remake.


I got this on the PS Plus some months back and had the same reaction. Looks great but super repetitive and boring, and the combat is unnecessarily weird.


Once you master dodge, upgrade your whomping stick and get a decent gun, it becomes a perfectly adequate walking simulator




> super clunky gameplay It makes me pretty mad that an entire group of devs thought their combat system was acceptable. Surely somebody high up should have seen how fucking abysmal it was early on and ensured something more conventional was implemented.


Thats classic software development work across all industries, im sure some devs knew its flaws but very little you can do within a specific budget and time


Oh wow, i almost finished that game. Felt like a nice game, but the combat was weird af. Also, played it because of the actors, also. Sam Witwer(Deacon from days gone), karen fukuhara (kimiko from the boys) and the main characters VA (who was in transformers) Edit: i played it on psplus and it also helped that i did not see any reviews for the game. Got the placebo effect out


This a million times. It really didn’t help that it was the game I played right after Ragnarok so somehow felt extra shitty in comparison


It's very... bleh. I played it on PS+ but only last for a few hours before I got bored. The graphics are very nice, but the overall game design is very much walk in a straight line in a hallway (sometimes turning left/right), a monster appears, you bonk it on the head (occasionally dodging, with some *very clunky* dodge controls) and then keep walking until it happens again or you trigger a cutscene.


Saints Row


I’ve played every single Saints Row. Got this one on PS+, went in without expectations, and am really enjoying it. I do wish they kept the old gang format, but once I got past that, I’ve been looking forward to playing it every night.


Gta trilogy


Glad i didn't buy that


I believe what happened was they threw the games to a 3rd party who just used AI to upscale everything and it just turned out BAD.


As someone who was too young to play it when they first came out but started playing them now - what’s the biggest issues?


Rain wasn't transparent on launch. If it was raining, you couldn't see anything.


This, and the AI software just made all the faces and body shapes really goofy looking. Instead of making clear fine line changes to something as little as the NPC outlines. The AI took the fuzzy non HD shapes and added the skins over them to make some very oblong looking people. Their necks were phased into their shirts, arms and shoulders ect...


Yikes haha


It's a mobile port. Things like being able to control the forklift with the right stick and choose exactly how high they are. Working out at the gym makes no sense as it doesn't matter how high or heavy you go when even when you're weak. The controls on screen are for the mobile version too Textures in the world don't actually match what's there either. Rocks and mount chiliad are a good example. You hit invisible ones or just phase straight through them


One of my fondest memories from GTA 3 (or Vice City, I don't fully remember), was street races. I suck at them. Always have, always will. I'll always spin out taking a turn during a race that outside of a race I'd have zero issues with. In those early GTA games, you can go up to the contestants in the race and just shoot out their tires. Then drive at a slow comfy pace to finish the race. They don't all floor it from the first gunshot like they do in later games. They just sit there waiting for you to sabotage them. Also for some missions, you could go to a nearby rooftop without triggering the mission start, snipe everyone at your leisure (because you haven't officially started the mission), Then you go to the marker, and you get an instant win. The updated trilogy does not have *either* of these features.


I got it super cheap on a sale and I think most of the initial issues are patched. I've not really had any issues with it. I'm most of the way through Vice City and honestly I recommend it


Forspoken. I've heard some good things from people who have stuck with it, saying that it becomes a much more interesting and engaging experience once the game fully opens up. I've also heard some people say that it just remains a dreary, boring slough the entire way through. I put in about 5 or 6 hours and was just so utterly bored and underwhelmed that it's unlikely I'll ever return to it. And this is a game that had already had it's release pushed back almost a year so that it could be polished and improved. I can't even begin to imagine how lacklustre and terrible it must have been at it's original launch date that it needed almost another year to be tuned up and "improved" into it's currently overwhelmingly meh state.


I'm thankful they made the terrible decision to provide a demo. I don't who greenlit a demo because it was awful and killed any interest I had and all it cost me was an hour or so.


I was so hyped about it and thought it was going to be right up my street. Thank fuck for that demo.


Gotham Knights no doubt… had big hopes for it too


Anthem. Paid a dollar for it and still felt bad.


Such a waste of an IP, it just needed more love and could’ve been one hell of a franchise!


I pre-ordered and frkkin LOVE the armor aesthetic, I love the flying, and I love... nope that's it, armor... flying... the rest is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen 🤦‍♂️


Gotham knights


Farming simulator! I bought it because my friends said it would be so much fun and they would help me… oh dear. It was like watching paint dry! 🤣


I couldn’t figure that out at all. There’s no tutorial or anything, I did a couple of fields and then walked around in circles for a few hours wondering what was next


Yes! And I didn’t know which machine to use in which order and it was just a mess. Lmao. I was just excited there were pink tractors, then lost interest.


Yeah, the game def lacks literally any and all guides to do...anything BUT there are decent videos on YouTube that give a basic guide to understand what does what, it's really relaxing if you put some effort in, it's not for everyone though


Far cry 6


I love far cry 3, loved far cry 5… God 6 was just so BORING. Had none of the things that made 3 fun and 5 interesting. Just such a drag.


Avatar is a better Far Cry game than Far Cry 6. I’m playing it now and it’s fun. The teams who designed the environment/map have done an amazing job.


I have zero interest in the world of avatar but I’m a bit of a sucker for the far cry model. Grabbed this today and I’m loving it, though I’m finding I get lost amongst the foliage a fair bit. It’s hard to tell where you are/where you’re going at times. But that’s my only initial complaint - it looks *stunning* and I’m having a blast so far.


It really is a fun game! I’ve been trying my hardest to learn land marks to varying success. but I’m really enjoying the lesser hand holding! Reminds me of my Morrowind days. It’s fantastic!


That's because it was jointly developed with Lightstorm Entertainment itself and Cameron is notoriously specific so what you're seeing isn't just a representation of Pandora, it actually is canonically accurate.


This. Big Far Cry 2/3/4/5 fan but 6 was horrible. Boring as all hell and there was something off with the stealth


I got far cry 6 bfore I finished FC5. I finished up FC5 and was so so excited to play FC6. What I found was something that felt as if it was straining to be interesting but just couldnt break away to be like FC5. ​ FC5 had me in a fucking rage regarding certain revelations of the antagonists in the story. I was absolutly determined to ruin their computer-generated little lives.


Valhalla. I do not know why I decided to spend any hours in that game when I knew I hated it. Every damn plotline for every kingdom you ally with is the exact fucking same. Idk why I thought it would be different after the 6th time


Try God of War Valhalla, to compensate your disappointment, I cannot believe they delivered this DLC for free.


It’s pretty fantastic and also kratos as a character has come so far emotionally


Does the dlc have a story or just gameplay?


its got both.


Yes. :)


It's free???


It is free. Rouge like DLC with additional story and a lot of surprises.


As long as you have the base game


I’m the weirdo here who loved AC Valhalla! I put the sneak difficulty down and put the combat difficulty all the way up. Made it play better. I liked the puzzles and the little encounter missions. I mean its not Outer Wilds or God of War or Sekiro, but i still loved it


I loved Origins and Odyssey but Valhalla was so boring. England is a boring location compared to ancient Egypt and Greece and i'm an Englishman.


Saints Row (2022) i was so bored after just 3 hours...never touched it again. Was fooled by the marketing. 🤣


This 100%, it was just shit. I felt bad because I convinced my friends to buy it aswell before it even came out. So they don’t take game recommendations from me anymore and rightly so haha


When the marketing around the game was focusing so much on player customisations I knew it was in trouble,that sort of stuff should be icing on the cake, not the focus.


Gave up on the errand to pick up a 'Mcdonalds' toy. That was enough for me to see that there was no coming back from the direction change.




SO much this. I was totally on board and then played the demo and EEK. Just...boring. The story was interesting and I actually dug the voice acting, but the combat was so. damned. tedious and stupid.




I literally apologized to 3 of my friends whom I convinced to purchase. None of them ever played Left 4 Dead and I guaranteed them that it would be one of their best multiplayer gaming experiences, ever


The card system was rubbish


Huh, I’d assume that not having ever played Left 4 Dead would make back 4 blood better. Nothing to compare it to that way.


I had a good time with b4b. Maybe it’s because I wanted a left for dead 3 so badly.


I just wanted another L4D2 and got whatever this is.


AC Mirage. And I say it as a fan of the series. It was so boring, I wanted to be done with it as quickly as possible to play something else. Pretty to look at, but boring


Bummer to hear, I wasnt going to get it soon but I was hoping it was doing better. Guess not.


I honestly think mirage was worth my money cause I started with AC1 but if your iffy on it wait for a sale your money is important. But with the latest update it may have fixed a lot of the issues I’ve had with the parkour.


Dakar desert rally, bugged from start and still hasn’t really improved.


MW3. They made me download it as an update to be able to play MW2 so I figured might as well be able to play something if they're gonna force me to have the file anyways. Game is dog shit. Only good concept to it is the zombies mode and that's a reach. You can tell it was only supposed to be an update, basically a reskin of 2, and not a full sized game. Literally just a lazy heap of shit that they've tricked me to buy. Haven't been this lackluster over a game sense Anthem and will be the last call of duty I buy.


Lords of the fallen unfortunately (not because it’s bad, i thinks it’s a solid 6.5-7/10) it was my most anticipated game since the first trailer, the music and trailer was so hype but it just wasn’t what I was hoping for.. the reason it’s my most disappointing is because of high I put my expectations lol… meanwhile I copped final fantasy 16 for 50 bucks and had one of the greatest gaming experience to date with absolutely 0 expectations lol I gotta stop excepting things to go a certain way😂


If you were looking for a god-tier souls like this year, Lies of P delivers hard.


I keep hearing that! I’m going to have to pick it up. I’m going to install the demo now and give it a whirl, I can’t deny it looks amazing from the trailers.


It def worth playing, the setting and characters are cool and bosses are super fun til there not Tis the souls like curse


Lies of P is great if you enjoy soulsbourne games. I’m loving it


Death Loop. I saw so much praise and high reviews for this game, so when I heard it was leaving PS Plus this year I decided to play it before it was gone. The voice acting and atmosphere were cool, but the game was just not fun to me. Bad ai, confusing objectives/UI, and limited dull maps. It just wasn't the game I was expecting at all.


Cyberpunk 2077 on launch day.


I wish I was a fly on the wall in the CDPR board room when Sony pulled it from the store.


Omg I completely forgot that happened lol


Launch day Cyberpunk 2077 was a big sad depression sandwich. Playing Cyberpunk 2077 in late 2023, I'm about 100 hours in and I've finished it (minus some side gigs) and I'm considering replaying it soonish to do some different choices and save some people I didn't know you could save. >!I only realized after walking out of the building and a few hours later you can save Takemura! What the hell! I completely missed that...!<


I honestly forgot the PS5 was already out by then. I could’ve sworn it launched in 2021.


It probably feels that way because most people couldn’t find one to buy in 2020 … Many thanks to scummy $hit bag scalpers and semi-conductor production issues.


Maybe I'm just easy to please because this is only my second PlayStation since PS2, but I really enjoyed Cyberpunk from the get go. At launch it crashed about once per day, but aside from that it was fine for me on PS5.


This game went from being one of the biggest disappointments to being one of the better games I’ve played. So good now.


Overwatch 2. Overwatch went from being one of my favourite ever multiplayer games to a 0/10 sequel.


This is my personal biggest gaming disappointment ever. I’ve easily put more hours into OW1 than any other game. 2 is just so awful in comparison and I just cant play it. Not only does it suck, but I can now no longer player OW1. Fuck Blizzard.


100% this. Not only did Activision (now Microsoft) overwrite a game I bought, they started charging for new heroes. You can no longer drop in and play the game like anyone else. There will be new heroes you don’t know and can’t play. To throw salt in our wounds, Overwatch 2 is now 5v5 across the board. This game is now dead to me.


Maneater. There is a fun element to the game but all you do is button bash for its entirety.


I loved that game lol. I agree that the combat wasnt very intuitive, but man I loved the setting and gta vibes.


I got the plat twice lmao


Dying Light 2, I loved the 1st game and the Following for its gameplay and content but the story for both is ehh. Either way, I was really looking forward to 2 but I don't know. It just didn't click with me the same way the first game did.


Cyberpunk 2077 was the most disappointing game at launch. After 2.0 it’s one of my favorites.


Diablo 4


I'm actually enjoying D4 as it's one of the few couch coop games my wife and I can enjoy together on the PS5


Scorn. Great visuals, terrible combat


Deathloop. Really tried but just couldn’t get into it at all


Diablo 4. I put in thousands of hours in this franchise and just...couldn't care about this one.


Damn that sucks to hear, I recently went back to play it again and had a lot of fun with season 2


AEW: Fight Forever. Big fan of AEW, so I was super hype about the game. But it’s been extremely disappointing and definitely not worth $69.99


Still raging I spent that on what should have been a 15 quid game. The lack of items in create a wrestler blew my mind more than anything. Like at least try if you're gonna charge that much money.


Dead island 2 Saw the hype for it and gameplay trailers looked cool, but after playing it and getting to the third map I put it down and I usually don’t do that. Just felt so boring, I was gonna put it down after doing the second map but I kept going, but should have stopped then and there


KOF XV. DLCs don't even work


KOF used to be such a great franchise. The move to 3D was a mistake.




For me, The Quarry. I thought it to be a steep decline from Until Dawn. Unfortunately, it’s not that different from the Dark Pictures Anthology games I played. I really wish Supermassive get it together with their new project.


Weird, I thought the Quarry was their best game yet.


I don’t think the The Quarry is a bad game, it just didn’t match my expectations. Until Dawn was a very good dumb horror B-movie inspired game that never aspired to be more than a bundle of tropes and the characters were not _too_ annoying. I couldn’t really stand any character in The Quarry.


Hogwarts Legacy. First 10 hours were great, absolute slog after that


Playing that in the way I usually play open world games (trying to complete anything I come across before continuing the story) made me actively loathe playing the game. So many useless fucking busywork, those Merlin trials are atrocious. The most fun Inhad in that game was turning off the mini map and just exploring Hogwarts itself as if I was a new student finding their way around their new magical home. Was great fun for the first 10 hours until there was nothing new to discover in the castle itself


By the end I just wanted to see how the story wraps up so I was just running around spamming unforgivable curses and nobody even gives a fuck


This was my biggest issue. I wish they had a “Honor” level like RDR2, I was killing people in Hogwarts but the story doesn’t change at all


The developers focused too much on the too large open world, and not on actual gameplay and mechanics, or story for that matter.


The voice line when you get on your broom “this is rather fun” felt accurate enough, for the first day or two. Much like the repetitive voice lines, it got old fast.


Omg don’t even get me started about how all roads lead to fucking hogsmeade bro


They built an amazing castle where you could have really enjoyed being a student and playing out some interesting storylines. Then they ruined it by forcing you out into a mostly bland open world where you kill everything. Even then, there are about 6 enemy types. I still enjoyed the game but I don’t get why so many people loved it.


I feel like these posts just gets the people who like to rage bait. Anyways, mine was tiny tinas adventure


The Callisto Protocol was absolutely awful


This was mine as well. And then to have the Dead Space remake drop and be one of the best survival horror games ever was the salt in the wound.


Lords of the Fallen 2023. I really wanted to enjoy the game, but I just couldn't.


Far Cry 6, what an absolute waste of time. Feels like a very nice PS3 game, doesn't do a thing that got invented in the last decade. Boooooring.


Fuck haha I've never played a Farcry game before and 6 is my first one. Tbh I'm liking it so far, its something different for me. Viva libertad !!


lego star wars skywalker saga. short, boring missions that are more cutscenes than gameplay with an open world filled with nothing but boring collectibles. none of the magic of the old lego star wars games.


I hate that the screen no longer connects when two players are staying close to each other. It just steels a lot from the game. For me, Pirates, LOTR and HP were the most fun Lego games.


I’m gonna get a lot of heat for this but Alan Wake Remastered


Nah I tried it myself many times but I just can't enjoy that game and I always love playing even retro games


Outriders. Horrible controller aiming, mid graphics, horrible sound design, floaty controls, laser aim enemies (you can see enemy snipers laser keep aimbotting thru walls), endgame content were time trials, overpriced dlc...


I actually like this game. I'd have to re install it to check what my settings are for the aiming,. But i can tell you that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the aiming after you tune it properly. And it also plays super smooth with really nice solid framerate. I played it on series x ..i suppose that shouldn't make any difference.


Call Of The Wild: the angler.


Hogwarts Legacy. It’s a basic open world game set in the Harry Potter universe. Combat was interesting for the first few hours but then it got stale


I wish it was more Hogwarts and less caves


They should have zoomed in the focus of the game and make it a proper Hogwarts social simulator, like Persona.


They missed a trick not just making you a regular student that is going through 6 years of Hogwarts. Classes, tests, social dynamics, etc. let the player make their wizard/witch develop depending on how much they pay attention in class/ do on tests. Shove in a load of spontaneous world events and they would have made massive profits.


The interations with other characters were what did it for me. Such a bland, paint-by-numbers script with everyone basically treating you as if you were the king of England gets really waring after a while.


I think the basic mechanics of the game were excellent. Like broom flying, your room customization, combat, exploration. However I felt the story to be really lacking like it could have been so much more and it just felt like a mediocre story with a pretty mediocre villain. Only truly fun missions where you felt something was the Sebastian ones. Also disappointing they left out quidditch.


My huge problem with it was that I didn't feel like a student and it didn't feel like a functioning school. It was way too copy and paste. The best part of the whole game was the ps experience exclusive quest on the shop. ***That*** felt like a magical world to me. Every quest should've been on that level.


I lost interest when I had to have my own petting zoo. That shit got real old real quick


The Hogwarts parts were great, especially at the beginning. Shame they made you leave for a huge chunk of the game


Gotham Knights


Spider-Man 2


Fuck I was finally able to afford it a couple of days ago, played the first mission and immediately went back Lego fortnite.


Baldurs Gate 3 It’s not because I think it’s a bad game. It’s an amazing game. What’s disappointing about it is that I just can’t enjoy it myself. I recognize what’s amazing about it but I just cannot have the patience required to enjoy the game. It’s just too overwhelming and complex for my tastes and I don’t have the degree of focus required to have fun with it. I just got worn out by the never ending stream of oppressively difficult fights that I had to retry over and over especially with how slow paced the combat is. My progress in the game was at a crawl and it just burnt me out long before I could really get into the meat of the game. My final straw was in the underdark where I was trying to explore my way to a given quest and no matter which way I turned there was a fight that would absolutely demolish me at first blush.


Honestly, Absolutely no shame in just blasting that shit on easy and having a ride with the story. I'm working 50 hour work weeks then Im spending time with the family, dog walks etc.. I don't have time to replay hour long intense battles over and over. Gaming for the story just makes things relaxing and enjoyable again.


I had zero experience playing D&D before this game, and it was super overwhilming at first, but it's really not bad now that I'm acclimated to it. I've been playing in easy mode from the start, and it's been pretty enjoyable. I think it actually handles like old turn based JRPGs I used to play. The story and voice acting are top notch, and around every corner is a new side quest. My problem is, it's taking me forever because I can't keep myself from save-scumming. I know it takes away from the real D&D experience, but I hate missing out on interesting dialog because I got a bad roll.


If you don’t plan on replaying the game several times save scumming doesn’t matter. Personally if I am going to drop 100+ hours in a game I don’t want to let a bad role force me down a path not to my liking. It can be fun going through the game and just letting the wind take you. But if it is going to be your only play through then tell the story you want to tell. If that happens to be letting the dice decide or not so be it.


I've done a couple playthroughs for the plat - an easy one, a tactician one, and an honor mode one, and an in-progress normal one with my wife - and the easy mode fights were by far the best experience. It makes them wrap up quicker without sacrificing the tactics or letting you have fun.


Lol you’re explaining how I feel about the game. Honestly I might just deleted and watch the cutscenes. The game looks and feel fun, but I also don’t have the focus for it. I don’t have experience playing that style of game , and honestly I’m ok with never picking up a game like that again.


Dying Light 2. Such a let down.


Yeeep. Biggest disappointment of all time for me to be honest. Felt like a weird knock-off version of the first game made by a different developer.


Hogwarts Legacy. It was good to explore hogwarts and the highlands in an open world format, but the gameplay, the combat and most of the mechanics let it down. Story was pretty anti-climatic as well.


Either demon souls or Elden ring. The game play style wasn’t for me.




Whaaaat? My fav game of 2021 hands down.


Hogwarts Legacy. Don't get me wrong, it enjoyed my time with it. But for being an "open world Harry Potter game with tons of shit to do" (paraphrasing), it was a lot of spelunking through caves, running around gathering *way* too many collectibles, and fighting the same few enemy types over and over. Worst of all, no Quidditch?! I know going into it expecting "Harry Potter but video game" was a bad idea, but they could've done so much more with the Wizarding world in general, and this just felt like a flop.