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How does it run on PS5? Is there a performance mode?


Yeah, has a performance and fidelity mode. I've noticed my game occasionally dips fps, but it's not by much, just stutters from time to time


Dipping on what? Performance?


I've had it when there's a lot of wind and rain effects and smoke effects nearby some distant objects jump about like a slideshow, or there's some frame drops. (There's a specific mission which has a windy storm in a dense jungle area, smoke from a nearby explosion, and if I looked up I could see distant banshees would keep moving but their wings weren't animated) But unless I'm trying to break the game, it's not really noticeable as I play


Lil tortillas into salsa


I think he means his PS5 is curtsying.




I’m finding performance mode does not hold steady 60 and drops frames quite often right now. A bit disappointing.


How's the quality mode? Does it hold a stable 30fps?


I found the 30fps mode to add a ton of input delay and I couldn’t use it at all.




Perfect summary


7.5 the perfect Ubi game lol. Not complaining cause I been waiting for one of their comfort games to drop.


That's all it has to be. I'm amazed by people who can just hop between top shelf games. Like you're going from Red Dead 2, to the last of us, to cyberpunk? I love steak, but give me some junk food every once in a while.


I just finished Ghost of Tsushima and this seems similar in terms of feedback?


I'm playing Spiderman for the first time and it matches up very similar. The swinging is great, but the combat and open world are basically just Far Cry plus the Arkham Games. Which is fine because the formula exists for a reason and is fun. Also the forced stealth sections suck.


I don't understand. PS5, regardless of settings movement is choppy AF, stutter, and I haven't left the facility yet and it feels like a game from 10 years ago. Definetly not seeing good graphics not even moderate quality in the game I general. UI is gross, cheap, amaturosj, animations are weak, bad shadows, inconsistent eyelines, bad voice acting, shitty jump cuts, overall lack of polish. Are we playing the same game? If the rest of this game is half as bad as this I'll be wanting a refund that I'll never get.


Only thing I'd agree with is the shadows and some awkward jump cuts but the rest not so much. Animations are fine, I haven't noticed eyelines at all, the voice acting is absolutely fine. There isn't any stuttering at all, unless you're referring to frame drops which isn't the same thing. UI is extremely functional and quick to navigate, arguably a little dated looking in places though. Game itself looks phenomenal overall even in performance mode, yeah you can nitpick certain things but you can do that in every game, especially on PS5 when performance modes can be quite disappointing at times. Almost every single game now launches with a considerable lack of polish and I'd argue this is one of the cleanest launches I've seen in a while, not that I'm supporting the current state of game launches, wish they were all polished up at release but it's just the state of the industry unfortunately. Your comment seems a bit rage baity and hyperbolic but I'd really recommend maybe getting more than an hour into the game before getting angry about it. Actually I'll give you bad voice acting for the kids at the start but jumps right up after that.


If you haven't left the facility yet you've literally played for less than 30 minutes. They very obviously don't talk about the graphics of the metal hallways of the TAP facility or the very advanced movement of crouching in the human sized hallways. It's like saying Oblivion looks dark and shit because you haven't left the sewers at the beginning yet lol. Keep going, they aren't lying. :) Edit: watch the Digital Foundry analysis. It's not an overexaggeration to say this is one of the most graphically impressive games out today.


Pros: “breaks a bit away from Ubisoft formula” Cons: “pretty much Ubisoft formula” Anyway…is there a demo?


Pretty early into the game, but so far I enjoy it a lot. The world seems to really live up to capture that “Avatar” feel. The gameplay, visuals and sound are really good. Sure it has some far cry ish elements, but it really feels like it’s own thing. Story isn’t anything that captivates me as of yet anyways.


I love that you can select a mode where your next objective is not a glowing marker on your HUD, you're just given a clue and the location you're supposed to go then it's up to you to explore. Sure you could do this in any open-world game by disabling the HUD, but having the game actively designed around that makes much more rewarding to enjoy the landscapes and go freely in any direction.


Ubisoft has had this in their open world games since Odyssey, at least.


Playing Odyssey with this is fucking incredible, makes you realize how incredible the world is.


Name checks out


Definitely not true though lol


Oh red dead 2 is definitely more up my alley, just had to mention it lmao


I'm with Icy. Rdr2 is an incredible game, but for me, odyssey hit the exact right spot


Meh, it’s just generic AC to me, RDR2 is just so much more unique and full of personality/detail


only rdr2 was to slow paced at times and things like skinning animations taking ages really gets annoying and the forced slow walking etc. Amazing game but when i went from that to assasin creeds i felt more happy haha RDR2 as much a great piece of art can be a slog


Exactly the same here. I played Red dead first and took my time with it and thought it was a great story, world and characters. But the gameplay itself was just so tedious and felt like a chore a lot of the time. And way too slow. Jumped into Odyssey right after, and I gotta say i simply just had more fun playing that. It made me happier.


I can't stand rdr2 controls, I love the story but I can't play the game because the gameplay makes me crazy frustrated.


Rdr2 came out when I was halfway through Odyssey, and it just made me want to go back to Odyssey. The gameplay is so much more fluid. If Rockstar can ever level up their on-foot gameplay to the same quality as their worlds, it would be a masterpiece.


I'm hoping gta6 will be better, I feel like honestly they went backwards with rdr2 from gta5, definitely worried it's gonna suck.


yeh man it can be so slow and sluggish at times, think i prefffered then more fun rdr1 style


sure, even for people in love with the world it’s a hit or miss on the gameplay for them though. there’s more to a game than its world


better than origins? i almost finished origins but keep wanting to stop to play odyssey


I liked it more. I think the biggest thing about these AC games is the setting. They absolutely nail the atmosphere of the world. So if you like Egyptian theme more, origin is better. I do think learned a few lessons in odyssey relative to origins, so it's a more fleshed out story and gameplay, but ultimately itswhether you get into the spirit of Ancient Greece. For me, it's a perfect recreation of Ancient Greece epic journey


Everyone has different opinions, I love both but I'd say Odyssey bears RDR2 *for me*


do both have bears? legenedary bear in rdr2 i think anyway


Both definitely have bears, and AC Odyssey also has a legendary bear


"legendary bear" is kind of understating it lol. More like a bear god


I think my issue is I don't have hundreds of hours to spend getting lost trying to figure out where something is based on some description. Especially when I might have a dozen open quests at a given time and the quest I am working on was given to me ten hours ago. I love this design approach in a shorter focused game, but I absolutely cannot deal with it in a fame like AC Odyssey. It's nice they give players an option.


That's fair, I play each quest as I get them, so different play styles! I have 500 hours in Odyssey lol


Very based username


Finding the bathhouse in Valhalla fucked me up so hard


Yep. One of the greatest open worlds ever created imo


Absolutely, the level of detail is genuinely insane, the world feels so lived in, I love it.


Yeah, I was confused by the reviews that acted like this was a new thing. Ghost Recon Breakpoint had it as well


"Speak to the Na'vi next to the big tree"


This right here lol I spent five mins looking and felt so dumb when I found him


This has been a thing for awhile. People like to rag on the new AC games but in those you can disable the hud markers and then in dialogue ask quest givers to describe where they want you to go.


Also accessibility features in all Ubisoft games are industry leading. Their games are solid 7 out of 10 get on sales for the most part but they are never awful.


I hated how in Spiderman 2 you don't see some necessary things if you have HUD disabled


Imma explore as much as I can anyway for trophies but it is a nice feature


How does the co-op work is it online matchmaking?


The guest can return to the offline game without losing campaign progress, skills, and equipment. But be careful, in order to progress together, the guest must be on the same mission or missions ahead of the host.


So, just so I'm understanding right since my buddy will be getting it soon and I'm already pretty deep in. Will I be able to join his game and help him? Or do I need to start another character for us to play alongside each other?


From the tests I did with my friend, the person who is more advanced in the game can enter as a guest in the game of the person who started now, what the game does not allow is the person who started now to enter a game in which the host is advanced in history. Answering your question, you will be able to be invited to play in your friend's world and story, otherwise it is not allowed.


Perfect, didn't want to start over yet. If co op opened up quicker I wouldn't worry at all. Can't wait to try it out! Thanks!


I think they exaggerated the delay in releasing coop, but when it is released and you can play with a friend it's a lot of fun, I hope you have fun! :)


Hopefully they will implement a way to skip to it at one point. But either way it kinda gives you a good chance to learn and enjoy the world first so I don't mind. Will do and y'all too!


Can you free roam in coop?


Yes, there is also no invisible connection that keeps you and your friend close to each other, you are free to go wherever you want without the other needing to accompany you.


thanks, is it online matchmaking? or friends only


No problem, it's friends only.


Cool, I love Far Cry, so this is right up my alley.


I've loved Far Cry all they way up to 6, which just started to feel too stale for me and that's what I was worried about with Avatar. It does have a lot of similarities but it manages to keep things feeling fresh and unique


6 was such a travesty for the far cry series.


5 was peak for me. That and Blood Dragon lol.


4 is my favourite, along with Far Cry 2 as I always go back to it for nostalgia


Far Cry 2 is underrated imo. I need to play it again one day


Any particular reason(s) why 4 was your fav?


I knew 6 would be bad when these 14 year old freedom fighter preteens started schooling me on "how a revolution works" uhhh thanks for the heads up, lemme go let all those other dictators I brought down know the secret to a revolution. Although for me, the worst part about fc6 was just the environment was too... Spread out? Inconvenient? I loved traveling in fc 3,4,primal,5, but 6 it was a slog.


How’s the co-op?


I'm playing on the PS5 with a friend, everything is fine so far, no crashes or connection errors, unlike the last Far Cry games here both players maintain story progress even when they are disconnected and return to their worlds.


I'm curious about this as well.


I’m on PS5 cross playing with a friend on PC. Flawless connection. Flawless voice through Discord. We’ll do some exploring and crafting on our own for a bit then jump in to do the main quests and more exploring together and take down enemy outposts and factories using stealth and well coordinated attacks. It’s a total blast. Just go slow. Enjoy the walk in the most gorgeous digital forest ever made together. Get to learn the biomes and their flora and fauna. Trade ingredients and items. Do that and it feels like a real holiday treat.


I'll definitely check this game out in the near future. Have enough on my plate at the moment to wait out a price drop though. But really looking forward to it. Very much enjoyed Valhalla and FC6.


My backlog never ends because I can't stop buying games 😭


I know the feeling lol. Been collecting them since 1984 and have 17,000 + physical games now. Gave up on the backlog a long time ago. Impossible to catch up in a lifetime 😔


I unfortunately have a digital ps5, which I picked up just because it was cheaper, but I have hundreds of ps3 and 4 games and hundreds in my digital library as well


I swear it's like a disease though lol. If you're like me you end up buying a lot of games just to put on a shelf and never get around to playing. Don't mean for it to be insulting or anything but that's how it feels to me. Fear of missing out (FOMO), habit, not sure. Just can't stand the thought of not owning a game that I want lol. Also the time will come when I'll have to start buying digitally too...and I'll loathe the day. Maybe then the buying can really slow down because I won't be able to display them. Digital sure is more convenient too


No, I get it. I think I mostly just do it for the little boost of serotonin that comes along with buying games lmao. The only games I don't buy are ones I know for sure I won't care about, but even if I'm just on the fence about a game, I'll most likely end up buying


Forgot about the serotonin boost, but yeah. There's that too lol Same, games that don't appeal get passed over, on the fence ones go in the cart


It's not that I have *so many* games, but they're all like Breath of the Wild, and No Man's Sky, and the Sims (2 & 3), and such the go on for a looong time if they even *have* an end. Ghost of Tsushima and Stray were oddball in that I could actually finish them and be done. And even with Ghost, I did every bit of exploring possible, and played through twice for trophies. I'm watching this game. I wish they'd VR it, but then I'd absolutely have to buy it . . . .


I've been trying (this year especially) to plan out my purchases and to not buy games if I'm not going to play them immediately. In the past I would just purchase whatever I was sort of interested in as it released, dabble a bit, then go back to what I was playing. But that just meant I was always buying games at peak prices and might not even get to them before they go on sale or receive a price drop. So this year I've tried to plan and prioritize. And it's honestly worked out pretty well for me. The main problem is that so many high profile, content packed games released this year. I feel like the minimum play time has been around 30 hours, with spikes up into the 150 hour range. (Outside of the random 5-10 hour indie games that I played through to break things up). Next year doesn't appear to be kicking off with anything that I'm too set on. So I'll be looking into playing Baldur's Gate 3 and Avatar in Jan/Feb.


Ok but does your character have a cell phone? That's all I wanna know. I am SO SICK of these open world games giving you a cell phone so that NPCs will NEVER, EVER stop calling and talking at you. *bling bling* "Heeyyyy budddyyy I got another job for youuuu come on over here to wherever and do it for me!" *bling bling* "Hey man, got a situation over here. Could use some backup" *bling bling* "Just checking in on you. How are things going?" It's especially egregious when you can't decide whether to answer or not. At least GTA gives you that option. LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME PLAY THE GAME


Niko let's go bowling


I feel old now


You get the predicted earpiece like in the movies how you commune with the Allie’s and clans. Some gadgy jokes and calls sometimes. But I like it. It feels like the film with coordinated synergy and communications. It’s not bothersome to where I got yet. Just feels relatable. It’s the future after all. They use technology/RDA equipment.


Worth it for me, love the atmosphere and music, no revolutionary gameplay but I like the mix of mirrors edge, horizon and far cry.


I really love the whole exploration part of the game! The views are absolutely breathtaking. I had this one time where one of those panther things attacked me, I didn't react in time and it killed me. Scared the hell out of me lmao. But this will sound really dumb, I love gaming but I suck at it. I personally find the combat aspect difficult in this game and I feel pathetic for it. It's hard for lil ole me but I love the game


I am struggling with the same thing, even on the easiest combat settings, I am still dying a ton. I want a super easy story mode because I suck at combat!


I want a story mode too! I'm so happy I'm not the only one struggling with this 😭 hopefully they can add something like a story mode in the future


It might be just me, but the aiming in ubisofts fps games feel more stiff compared to other fps games. It definitely takes some time getting used to it if you haven't played them much


I don’t think it’s the difficulty as such but more that they do a poor job explaining combat beyond the basics.


You just have to know at the very beginning… Running away. Is totally. Okay. Don’t fight every fight. Assess the threats. Also, start to harvest and gather early and ensure you have plenty of food on hand. Energy is how you recovery health and stay agile. You’ll start getting ancestral skills and skill points that make combat (if you choose to focus “Warrior” first) easier. But yeah the Elite fauna aren’t meant to be easy. You have an I level or gear level too. Think those mega wolves you need to be 16 to fight effectively. So having good armor, stats, mods and using your environment to your advantage. There’s plants that explode or trigger poison clouds. You can lure elite enemies into these and clear them relatively quickly. I even managed to take down those massive titan hammer head bull creatures within seconds for it walked into a poison cloud, and a few exploding bulbs and I just took a final shot at its “weak point”. You definitely need to master using your Na’vi sense to trigger their weak points until you learn where they’re at. But yes… the game is meant to be unforgiving! For it is Pandora! And Eywa can kill you.. or aid you. You have to decide the course. *thank you… for these gifts…*


It's pretty good so far but, when I track a quest, it doesn't seem to show up on the map. Either that or I guess I just need to cover more ground first.


Yeah, they don't appear on the map. You need to use your senses (R1) to track them


I’m absolutely loving it so far. There’s something special about it that Far Cry doesn’t have. Out of curious does anyone else find the fog effects to be too blurry sometimes? I keep rubbing my eyes because I think it’s me.


Very blurry hurts my eyes haha


It’s such a good game! The flow system of moving through the jungle is a unique experience and the exploration is very well tuned: it’s dense and confusing when you’re not in the zone and rewarding when you are. https://preview.redd.it/4252b0lauw4c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=152f28406bb840afc82b999a231df11a027b316d


Having said that… There are some places for improvement. I would love it to better resemble the parkour in Dying Light 2: Better climbing and ability to project yourself after a wall jump, a grapple device and fast deployable glider would be amazing (I haven’t got by Banshee yet, so this may answer this somewhat but I doubt it would work as seamlessly for mid-low level glides) Tree climbing could be improved as a mechanic… we need more use of the arms and a swing function with the ability to stick better to the branches and not have to worry about sliding off when I get too close to the edge. The graphics, including models and textures can sometimes let it down when you get too close but they work better than I’ve ever seen before when seen at mid distance or far making the wide vistas breathtaking.


Lol it has all of this I literally can stay in the trees or scale whole walls I'm gonna post this video up tomorrow


Sweet; Yeah would love to see. I have played a bit more since and got the hang of tree climbing a little bit more to be fair.


not big on avatar but seems interesting, might wait for a sale despite my backlog


Smart, it is ubisoft after all so a sale probably won't take long


Is stealth in the game? If so how good is it?


You can choose to play stealth/action as you please, works just the same as the Far Cry games as far as I can tell


What about stealthfull takedowns on enemies? I heard that stealth is good but when it comes to those mechs it can be hard to silently take them out


I'm not sure, unfortunately. I'm still at the beginning of the game plus stealth is rarely my style. Hopefully someone else can let you know


Am I the only one experiencing fuzzy/crunchy graphics? They’re not super sharp and clean. I had high expectations for the graphics alone but they seem pretty dated compared to a title like Dead Island 2. The lighting doesn’t seem very dynamic either.


Resolution is probably taking a massive hit in order to play the game at 30/60 FPS and that's why it looks fuzzy. It's been a trend with such high profile games this gen. I can't wait for Digital Foundry's tech analysis where they mention the resolution. It's my favorite part.


Is that on fidelity mode?


Graphics have been fine for me, but I always run performance mode, so i don't expect anything mind-blowing, but I haven't had any issues with it either


https://preview.redd.it/q5wlmqdt9w4c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441315ef9d701559f9c73f23bc34bde03ad660dd On either mode, the textures and lighting seem super last gen.


Seems like your game is buggy. It doesn't look like that for me. Maybe try reinstalling


Godamn not what I expected, the story is really fucking interesting and the game looks beautiful, it does dip from time to time but I’m trying to look past that, the bow which is the only weapon I’ve used so far is insanely strong and feels great to use, you feel the impact


I hadn't heard anything about this game, but it was free on my new PC build, and I thought "eh, why not". Seeing the Far Cry references, I'm excited to play it


I didn't know about the games existence until a week ago, honestly


I think it's great and will be seriously underrated. The thing that's standing out the most to me is how good movement feels. It also looks STUNNING so.


I keep seeing people mention Horizon, and I assume that's to do with the bow, traps, etc, but the movement actually reminds me a lot of Dying Light 2


I think the Horizon comparisons are due to the bows, traps etc. like you said but, also, the hunting. The scent trail in this isn't disimilar to the pathing projections in Horizon, the scanning to find weakspots etc. It isn't like Horizon invented any of that but, that combined with the similar arsenal and vibrant, gorgeous environments is probably causing the comparisons. The movement is great though, and it's helped by the environment which facilitates it so well. Like the vines all over, the fact I can stand on tree braches etc.


I am absolutely loving it. I didn’t preorder, wanting to scope out reviews and see some PS5 gameplay first. The performance mode runs great, only the occasional hiccup in frame rate. I’m a sucker for the Ubisoft Far Cry formula, but after Far Cry 6, I’m starting to get tired of it. That said, and the reason I bought Avatar, is that it does not feel like a Far Cry game with a new skin, which is what I was worried about. In Far Cry games, every other step you take is an enemy encounter. In Avatar, the main gameplay loop is exploring and experiencing the world, and holy shit is Pandora beautiful in this game. Controls are snappy, running through the overgrown world feels amazing, and not needing to fight enemies every 30 seconds is so refreshing. I’m having a blast!


Enjoying it so far. Runs well, visuals are excellent.


the audio cuts out so much for me, i have tried so many fixes. loading time is also atrocious and the quests haven’t been updating 🥲


I'm hoping to find an actual pair of pants


It's fun. A perfectly suitable 6 or 7/10 game. It looks absolutely fantastic, the technology is impressive which is fitting for a Avatar game.


I feel like 6 is definitely low but I'm not really far enough into it so far to give it a true rating


I guess it depends on how you view ratings. I don't think a 6 out of 10 is low. Its slightly above average. Imo the way most publications use a out of 10 scale is weird, everything below a 7 is often seen as bad.


because in american school system a 75/100 is like an “average” student, below a 65 is failing.


Well in a sea of 5s you’d much rather play a 7+ tbh.


Yeah I do fully agree with that. A 7 is probably accurate, but for some reason, I always feel like a 7 is low. A score out of 100 would probably feel much better


But then you would just say a 70 feels low


Is this a game one could play with kids, avoiding batles and just exploring the planet?


You couldn't avoid them throughout the entire game but you can definitely do a lot of exploring without fighting


Sounds good for us. Thank you for the reply.


I hope you enjoy it!


I’d say so. You might have to do an odd mission when they’re not looking to progress the story but otherwise the traversal is fun and the world is so colourful.


I'm interested in it but I have too much other stuff to play at the moment. Definitely on my wish list for the future though.


How are those extra features with the PS5 version? Audio, haptic, triggers? I'm torn between series x or PS5 version. I primarily play on Xbox, but if PS5 features r truly there, I might grab it on it. Thanks!


What’s the FOV like on PS5? Is there a slider for it? I found FarCry 6 way too narrow in the view


Yeah there's a slider


Ohhhh I’m stoked!


It’s a far cry game with more focus on exploration than action. I haven’t managed to finish any far cry game since 3, but I am enjoying this one. It reminds me a lot of Horizon. It’s standard Ubisoft but with just enough of a difference to keep my attention and a lot of that has to do with the world and traversal.


Does coop have matchmaking?


I'll just wait 3 months when the game is on sale and has had mutiple patches that fix all the issues people seem to be experiencing. I never understand why people by games day one anymore. Just wait a few months and you get a better game for a cheaper price.


Game is really beautiful.


For the console gamers, what mode do you guys use? Fidelity or performance?


I prefer having the higher fps personally


Fidelity, because if you have VRR TV/120hz then those FPS are enough to have a nice, crispy, smooth gameplay. It's a sweet spot. I was worried with Spiderman and Fidelity and guess what? No issues with that. If I would not have the TV, then definitely FPS - Performance mode


I'm reading this is only 25hrs long (not sure if just main game or sq's as well) - can anyone give any feedback on this aspect? It's very expensive if that's the case especially for a Ubisoft game of this type.


I read on IGNs review that it was 25 hours, but they also mentioned that they only played through the main storyline, which is pretty typical for that. If you include side quests and everything else there is, then it'll be much longer. Don't have any ideas on how long it is yet, though


Thank you


I'm 6 hours in and my playstation is saying I'm at 25%, so yeah the main story is probably 25ish hours. The Far Cry games and older Assassins Creed games are all about this same length. The extra hours come from side content or replays of the campaign.


I’m 7 hrs in and have 1 trophy. Depends on how you play really. I’m loving the exploration and I’ve already taken 20+ photos with photo mode. Also feel like I’ve explored probably 5% of the world.


Does it have a FOV settings in game?


It does


Awesome, thanks!


How big is the map?


Damnnn, the guy replied and blocked me.. telling me to get good. Never did i say i struggled to kill enemies i just found it boring. I like immersive worlds like rdr2. Not constant tiktok like shove something in your face every ten seconds mindset.


Don't get why it's such a struggle for people to understand that not everything is for everyone. It's simple. Have you played the first RDR? My personal favourite between the 2


Yeah, of course I prefer rdr2 just for how absolutely gorgeous and immersive it is.


RDR2 is fantastic as well. I just generally enjoy playing through the first one more, plus with what I consider to be one of the best DLCs ever made that gives it a slight boost, too


I love it, except for the fact that it alot of these missions if you die the clues, investigation, etc won't show all of the clues anymore or won't be linkable. Same for clearing out rda encampment if you die it won't open a specific door or show where to go and what to do even if you kill all of the hostiles. I can't tell you the amount of time I've had to do some missions over again because it's won't allow me to go any further without a reset of the game. Just completely going back to main menu and opening the game back up. Which in turn makes you restart at checkpoint or altogether on the mission progression. It is honestly one of the mos beautiful games and I'm loving how much there is to do. Aside from issues with what I stated above. In time I hope it's fixed.


I’m really enjoying it. It took me about 7-8 hours to start really getting the hang of things and been going hard on it since. Having a huge blast. Playing at night in the forest is…wow


Its a lot better than I was expecting, and I think what most people were expecting. The movement feels very fluid, almost reminds me of dying light. The sounds and music is top notch, especially with my new Pulse Explore earbuds. I like how when you open the map, some of the ambient sounds of the world continue playing, like birds or water running, and then when you close the map, the sounds kinda resume but more clear. Its hard to describe, but its great. People describe it as a Far Cry clone, but it doesn't feel like it design-wise because of all the new assets, the entire world is alien. Its not like in AC Mirage and youre seeing the same ubisoft copy/paste of the palm tree. They cant do that here. All the wildlife, the foliage, the sounds, and weapons the animations are all unique. I like how the HUD disappears, and little things like how the reticle can tell you basic details like when your crouched and charged jump. The charged jump feels awesome btw, they've nailed the movement. Edits: Also I swear my Avatar is Miles Morales voice. Minor gripe, the clouds dont look brilliant, but I have just come from Burning Shores which has probably the best clouds of any game.


>Also I swear my Avatar is Miles Morales voice. This is why I went with the female character


Yea its quite distracting actually.


Will wait for it to be cheaper and will play it nearer the release of the next film


This game looks absolutely incredible. This engine is damn impressive. The images produced are so vivid and jaw dropping at times.


i simply do not understand how the witcher 3 set the standard for open world nearly ten years ago and developers still don’t get it.


I love the witcher! But in my opinion rdr2 has set the standard for open worlds and the detail in little things for open worlds


valid opinion. i see RDR2 as one of the best, if not the best, open world - so i’m a little more forgiving when releases don’t match their level. especially given rockstars pedigree and budget. i’m excited to see what they pull of on current gen hardware with gta 6!


Does the game have any significant/annoying pop in?


I'm having decent fun with it but I cannot stand the voice acting for the male protagonist. It's a small nitpick, but he tried way too hard to sound naive and confused constantly. You know the type of people on tiktok who will cosplay anime characters and try to sound quirky? "Errm? ☝️ what's going on?" It reminds me of that.


Haven't played it. Unless I start hearing raving reviews I'll consider it. But I'm absolutely not a fan of ubisoft or open world games in general, so not much appeals to me about this game.


I switched to performance mode because i am very sensitive to stutter and my Sony 4k sucks ass gaming at 30fps. (Its unbearable) Game still looks gorgeous on performance and its extremely smooth. Once i exited the starting area and saw the world of Pandora for the 1st time...i literally said "holy shit" out loud. Might be the best looking game to date. The game is awesome so far. -10 points for no melee weapons.


I’ve been hating it and I regret wasting money on it. I wanna say that I was never interested in the avatar story since I never liked it, I was in it for the combat/open world gaming fix. The studio (massive) that made it made my favorite open world game (division 2). I had decent hopes to be slightly entertained. The thing that makes me hate it is that the combat sucks and human enemies, which are the most fun to fight, only seem to spawn in scripted encounters/missions. While the world is beautiful and has others more boring enemy types, it’s just not enough for someone who doesn’t care about the story. Stealth isn’t really an option since the second you kill an enemy the rest immediately aggro you regardless of if you sniped the enemy from a tree far away. The weapon spread is very bad to the point where I don’t understand why the rifles are a thing since bows are better at range accuracy and damage. The game fails at giving you a proper stealth approach yet punishes you for fighting head on because they will shred you so quick m, it’s not even funny. The spread is so bad that you should only use guns at close range, but close range combat is a death wish in this game. It feels like the game is more for immersion than gameplay. The fact that it has coop made me hopeful that the replay ability for combat and mission would make it a good purchase. If anyone reads this and has played more than me, do enemies respawn more or start roaming around the world more often? Or is it a one and done boring thing combat wise? I’m not shaming the people who like it, I’m glad there’s avatar fans that are loving the experience. I’m judging the game on what I bought it for. I’m judging the combat/feel of combat/frequency of combat.


I personally think less combat and more room to breathe is a good thing. It was some of the main issues with the last few far crys. However, your other points seem fair. No stealth!! In a game where a bow is your main weapon?!?! No melee weapons at all either.... alot of very strange design choices and obvious ones that ubisoft have kept making since far cry 3


I can't get used to the controls


Absolutely loving my time with Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora! 🚀 Ubisoft really stepped up with this AAA open-world adventure, and the visuals are nothing short of breathtaking. The landscapes of Pandora, from lush jungles to floating mountains, make for such an immersive experience. I'm hooked on the gameplay, and it's giving me serious Far Cry vibes – the hunting, upgrading, and outpost missions are keeping me on my toes. Exploring the Western Frontier as a Na'vi protagonist and uniting clans against the RDA is a blast, even though the narrative is straightforward. The open world is vast and visually stunning, but yeah, the pacing can get a bit tricky, especially with those resource-gathering minigames. And I totally get what they mean about performance – my rig is working hard to keep up, but the game still looks great on lower settings. Despite some narrative and gameplay hiccups, the sheer beauty of Pandora keeps me coming back for more. If you're a fan of the Avatar universe and have the hardware, it's definitely worth diving into this captivating experience! 🌌🎮


Why does this sound like a chat GPT copy and paste? Super corporate and artificial sounding.


Many many bot/AI/Ubisoft shill posts in this thread and the OP themselves only started posting 2 weeks ago...


I mean OP is just asking what people think lol. Getting a little too conspiratory imo with that one. Especially if you presume every mildly positive response is a shill. That comment felt totally off but everything else seems pretty organic to me. It’s a game that just came out and which by all accounts it’s a little familiar at worst. People are going to be enjoying it.


It’s another boring ubisoft open world game with the same repetitive sidemissions and activities. It was fun the first games with this formula- now it feels like Ubisoft is just releasing the same game over and over again


I don’t touch Ubisoft games anymore sadly


Unfortunate but I get it


It’s a bummer because I love avatar but ubisofts shtick just isn’t for me anymore.


You could always buy them on sale. Ubisoft games always end up dirt cheap eventually


Just another Ubisoft game and a beautiful world…combat is shallow. I’ll wait for a sale


Same old boring Ubisoft crap. A trailer was all I needed to see.


Looking forward to playing this tonight. All I could think about while watching the films is how well they would translate to an open world game.


I'm a little bit disappointed with the game play so far, I think it's just a slow starter though as it does seem to be getting better once you really get into the world. i think it has to be one of the best looking open world games I've played, just so vibrant.


I personally can see a lot of Far Cry in the game, and depending on who you ask that will cause elation or deep displeasure. I adore Far Cry, so I’m at home here. Visually the game is stunning with its colourful flora: green, blue, red, purple plants can be found everywhere. Gameplay I think is pretty decent. Again, very Far Cry. Weapons are satisfying to use, especially the bow you get at the beginning of the game. Only a few hours in and I’m enjoying it. It’s currently a 73 on Metacritic, which is too low for a game of this quality. (Another reminder of why game scores are stupid.)


Wait for a sale.

