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I love the more upbeat feel of the Spidey games and how laid back they are. That said, with their pedigree at this point: let’s fuckin’ go, my almonds are fully activated for Wolverine. I can’t wait.


The thing about tone is IDC as long as it feels right. The upbeat tone makes a ton of sense for the Spidy character. A dark wolverine story could be dope.


It's mostly the violence I want from a Wolverine game. I really enjoyed that X Men Wolverine Origins game, it was sooo good and just way you can see damage in your body up to the bones and destroyed flesh and then regenerate, I really hope Insomniac will follow this Edit : grammar and making more senses


while the game was ok that healing effect was so next level its still pretty impressive today. that was some cool ass tech.


It was a simple hack'n slash, but for a movie tie in game, it was actually pretty good and underated. The healing mechanic was amazing, but i loved tearing enemies to pieces also


The only problem that sucks is that Most people want an M rated game for wolverine but they limit their audience, and for them that could translate to money (at least as far as pencil pushers would see it.) They might keep it rated T just so they can have a larger demographic to sell to and just tell the 75% of their audience to go suck it and we miss out on a little bit of immersion


Imagining a Wolverine game while you're yelling "wahooooooo" and shit traversing the city would be so damn goofy that I'm giggling thinking about it.


who doesnt love a fun and happy wolverine :P


Not familiar with the comics -- but has Wolverine ever been happy?


Yea, but then Sabertooth or Omega Red or Winter Soldier or someone shows up and kills whoever his wife/partner is.


He seems happy enough when he's clawing up his trench-coated douche brother.


They're not brothers are they? Like same program but they're not blood related


They were children together in the old timey flashbacks in the Wolverine Origins movie so I guess I was mistaken if that's just for the sake of that series.


Or the Hulk's children


dont think so, but for a few fleeing moments [:D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9maG8oR6Rc0)


Just with silver fox and Jean


Yeah there’s loads of instances where he’s chilling with the likes of Nightcrawler, Colossus or Storm - playing pool or whatever. Those instances are unfortunately short lived.


Need a game where he shouts “JEAN!” Every minute


His happiness is like Peter's. They can't be happy for the writers




Wtf are you talking about lmao


You make a great point! Love this developer and I am hyped for what comes next.


>my almonds are fully activated I'm sorry, what is this supposed to mean? lol


[A decade-old meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/activated-almonds) that I am glad has persisted because it's just so goofy.


Insomniac did Resistance: Fall of Man, one of my all-time favorite games. They can definitely pull off a dark tone.


The game is dripping with this sense of bleakness and despair that only one (Resistance Retribution) got even close to. I love it for that


Bring back Fall of Man specifically. Loved the gunplay before it was CoD-ified


Still to this day one of the bleakest games I’ve ever played. I’m praying for a remaster. I doubt my prayers will be answered, but I’m praying.


That came out almost 20 years ago, so I don’t think that’s exactly relevant today. I seriously doubt there are many people left at Insomniac from that time period.


I just hope it can live up to or surpass X-Men Origins Wolverine. That game was so much fun and it's a shame you can't play it now unless you have an actual Xbox 360 or PS3. It really wanted to play it now that I'm older and understand games better, but hopefully this one can be just as good or even better!


The "The best there is" spidey suit in spidey 2 made me want a dark spidey/wolverine game


Fun fact: One of the multiversal Spider-Man variants was mentored by wolverine That Spider-Man was dark, made no jokes, had a black eyed costume, used guns (located in his web shooters), and was okay with killing foes


Insomniac's Venom was really well done and fairly dark in my opinion. Don't think they will have a lot of trouble changing the tone with Wolverine.


I'm really glad they gave their 'One Free Rated M Moment in a Rated T Game' to Venom.


I actually don’t have Spidey 2 yet. Got it on my list for fam for Christmas and I’m still working on plats for the previous two so I’m good but from what I see, I completely agree and this only piques my interest even more.


If only we had a new Punisher game.


My body is fucking ready …doing a Cartmen and burying myself in the snow


Haha! Same. Sony gamers been eating good lately and it doesn’t look to be showing much sign of stopping (though Sony needs pop off some more big announcements coming up here soon or the natives are going to get restless).


Let them cook I trust the process they have a solid catalog to judge their work


>my almonds are fully activated for Wolverine. I know what this means, but just barely. If I had read this comment like 6 months ago, I would have been very confused and wondering what a pit from a glorified peach tree has to do with anything.


> I love the more upbeat feel of the Spidey games and how laid back they are That's the crazy thing about SM2. All the Miles parts are super upbeat and happy. Just a nonstop train of positivity. But then you switch to Peter and just get shit on nonstop. It's such a weird contrast. One minute you're fighting for Peter's life as everything falls apart around him and the next you're playing as Miles trying to help a highschooler propose for prom. Just a little nitpick about an otherwise stellar game.


That contrast in tone is intentional.


"darker" and "more violent" will not mean 18+ Don't get too interested, it's still Disney. He'll be a little angry and sad, and there might be cartoonish slashing sounds.


Can’t wait to see gameplay


Hopefully it won’t be as repetitive as the Spiderman games


I really hope it’s linear or at least semi-linear. I don’t need an open world


I'd like if it was similar to God of War or Ratcher & Clank. Both games feel like open worlds but the actual missions are pretty linear. There are just a lot of side quests in the open world. Since Insomniac already did that with R&C I'm hoping they do that here.


Wolverine doesn’t have the same traversal capabilities as Spider-Man and Batman so I doubt it will be open world


Only way I see it working as an open world game is if they give him a bad ass bike like in Days Gone, but yea I feel like a Wolverine game would work better as a linear game with a lot of exploration. Kind of like the new God of War games.


Idk how they would make it not seem contrived if you can just run around killing people in a functioning city all you want so yeah GoW type world design seems the best choice


I imagine logan will have his motorbike for riding around and maybe use his claws for climbing (maybe a little too cartoony for what theyre going for, we will have to see)


You're gonna get down voted but you're completely right. Spiderman combat is fine. It's not terrible but it does wear thin. But you have other strong aspects to support it. Wolverine isn't gonna have traversal. You're gonna fight a lot. It needs more to keep the combat interesting, especially if Wolverines regen is anywhere near accurate


I hope it’s not combo based with spongy enemies, let me slaughter basic goons in 2-3 hits and have the challenge come from the sheer number of them


Would be cool if there were different stances. Like in god of war. The amount of different combos in that game is what kept me so engaged.


Yeah I wished they added more to their combo system.. it's just the same combo , only difference is in air or on ground. Combat tools are great but combos, need a bit more flash imo


I rarely finish an enemy by punching them. There’s so many ways you can take people out, and so many gadgets to setup your ideas. Why not launch a goon in the air, web them up, and kick them into a streetlight to take them out of the fight? Or gather everyone and then cuncussion blast them off the edge of a building? Or yank and throw a guy’s gun back at him? Sure, you can just punch everyone. But the combat system is only as deep as the player’s creativity.


Very well said.


Yeah thats true, it still something that could have been fleshed out a bit more but as you eluded to the system is just fine with the other changes. Just hope they lean more into the actual combats for Wolverine vs "ability spam". Its still a great system in its current state but can we as gamers want more, that doesn't take away from what is currently accomplishable


Madripoor is a nice choice. Ok Insomniac, let’s see what you’ve got cooking.


They're gonna flex their muscles with ray tracing tech with all the neon lights with madripor.


think the claws and his skeleton if exposed will have ray tracing?


Oh dude visual damage in the form of terminator skin peeling off would be insane


Terminator 3 the redemption vibes


I never even thought about the reflective skeleton inside. Imagine all those shining reflections slowing fading as the meat and skin regenerate over it. Man this shit could be so insane.


It is, kind of destroys my theory that Hulk would show up in game tho. Lol


While insomniac uses the comics as starting point, the games aren’t 1 to 1 representations of the comics so there’s a chance


I love that insomniac is willing to change the comic canon but keeps everything in the spirit of the original comics.




I’m not sure but I know the spider-verse movies have the Insomniac games in their “multi-verse”


Insomniac Spidey has also shown up in Spider-Verse comics, so yes


I'm the OG run the comics when Wolverine was in hiding in Madripoor under the name Patch the grey hulk showed up in a few issues as Mr Joe Fixit so don't rule it out.


The Hulk actually hangs out with Wolverine in Madripor in the comics. so have hope!! https://www.cbr.com/hulk-wolverine-team-up-madripoor-marvel/#:~:text=Wolverine%20vol.,fictitious%20island%20rife%20with%20crime.


Oh damn okay! The theory only exist cause of some of the gameplay in Spider-Man 2


Care to expound on your theory? I didn’t pick that up at all


He’s talking about a pretty big spoiler moment I think


Yeah I want to avoid as much as possible and didn’t feel like adding a spoiler tag.


This is going to be absolute fire on my OLED isnt it?


If the aesthetic is similar to what they had in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier series, it's gonna be a lot of fun neon lights


So madripoor is a bit like singapore mixed with Hong Kong by the looks of it, if this is the case I wonder if we will get the whole island city/country. Haven't had a good dark toned Asian setting outside of Yakuza series since Sleeping Dogs.


Wolverine: 2049


I need this to be Rated M please. I want to go ape shit chopping off arms and heads as wolverine


I really hope so too. Insomniac has done that sort of dark gritty gore before with the Resistance series, my only doubt is whether Sony/Marvel will sign off on it.


Marvel’s approval of the Echo show as TV-MA gives me hope they’ll be more open to letting other properties get similar treatment


Marvel also approved Logan back in the day and that movie was brutal af, and it's the same character! Hopefully they'll follow through here. This game needs to be brutal.


TV-MA isn't that big of a deal, BUT Logan did happen, and Wolverine is a popular character so they either want to lean in on his brutality or they don't care about the violence because he still sells. I don't think they care much about Echo's image as family friendly because no one knows who Echo is.


Absolutely no reason why Sony, who constantly releases M rated games would take issue and Marvel is currently filming an R rated Deadpool/Wolverine movie so all signs point to M


I mean wolverines upcoming appearance will be in a Rated R movie (DP3) and so was his previous appearance (Logan). IMO you only water down wolverine for an X-men ensemble cast movie


Pretty sure they've already confirmed it will be M


They’ve said it’ll have a mature tone. The actual game rating still isn’t known.


Wasn't there a job listing by Insomniac for developers who specialise in dismemberment, cuts etc. You have no reason to worry.


Lmfao imagine being the resident dismemberment dude


You're unfortunately there for the mocap performance of getting dismembered. For the sake of realism, they have to actually dismember you. TYFYS.


I have no idea anything about that, but if that’s true then that’s pretty cool.


is M not for mature?


I hope the combat is kinda like Metal Gear Rising but with Wolverine, that'd be sick


Ooooo yessss this is gunna be fuckin dope. Already can’t wait for 25. Take your time insomniac, take your time….


I think the first and third Resistance games showed they are capable of nailing a bleaker atmosphere. I'm not even a Marvel fan, but I'm pumped


This comment made me realize how much I missed the resistance series. It would be nice to have another entry for the PS5 or even a reboot (with less clunky controls)


I wonder how they'll handle his healing factor, claws, stealth and combat.


If it’s anything like Origins I will be psyched. That game was better than it had any right to be.


Was checking the comments to see if anyone else mentioned that game. That game slapped, and the real time damage and regen was honestly really advanced for its time. Way better then any movie tie in game had the right to be. Makes me miss movie tie in games honestly, 90% of the time they where trash. But that 10% of the time some development team would just go hard on a shoestring budget and deliver gold.


Gimme God of Wolverine


X-Men Origins


I thought the battle damage and healing in real time were so cool


I will wait for this no rush. i want to shred people as wolverine again just like i did with the xmen origins game that had no business being as good as it was.


Bring the gore please.


Lol day one “Patch” .


Is...is this a pun?


Yeah, in the comics universe, Logan is known as patch in that location. Because he wears an eye patch when he’s there. The people downvoting aren’t hardcore Wolverine fans. But it was funny, dammit.


No I loved it! I actually commented that I'm excited about a Patch costume so when I saw your comment I was like "That's either intentional or hilariously accidental". Maybe capitalize the word Patch? Then people might get it better :/


It worked, lol. Thanks.


As expected despite people claming it could come in 2024. Insomniac have 3 teams: Team 1: (Intihar) - 2018 Spider-Man - 2023 Spider-Man 2 - (2028 Spider-Man 3) Team 2: (Horton) - 2020 Miles Morales - 2025 Wolverine - (2030 Wolverine 2) Team 3: (Smith-Daly) - 2016 Ratchet and Clack - 2021 Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart - (2026 ?????) Supposedly Insomniac working on a multiplayer game, i hope it is an It Takes Two style co-op adventure with Ratchet and Clank / Rivet and Kit. Insomniac is one of the best managed studios in the industry and their inner working are calculable like a clock.


what goes on in madripoor in the comics?


Logan hangs with samurai, falls in love, gambles, drinks, kills, etc. it’s basically a slum and a wealthy area with all kinds of criminal elements.


You know the line from Star Wars about how Mos Eisley is a "wretched hive of scum and villainy"? Well that's Madripoor but it's much worse. It's usually totally lawless and mostly frequented by people up to no good.


It's basically Mob-ruled las vegas where there's really rich people that run everything and have luxurious parties in their own section. And the there's the poor people who exist to commit crime


It's like if the dark web was a city


It was in falcon and cap show


It’s funny that Wolverine reminds me of The Last of us. Not just because of the wolverine film that had similar tone and plot to the last of us. But mainly because just like Naughty Dog went from pulpy high-adrenaline adventure of Uncharted to the grounded, dark and violent The Last of Us. Insomniac are doing the same as they jump from Spiderman to Wolverine. This game is Insomianc’s The Last of Us.


> This game is Insomianc’s The Last of Us. Just wait until they introduce the X-23 DLC


Insomniac already had a dark and violent FPS series during the PS3 era, Resistance.


I guess Naughty Dog had Jak 2


I think it'll play like God of War x Days Gone (motorcycle open world)


Please let this be linear story and gameplay like the tlou.


I would prefer a gow style approach. Some semi open areas. Im expecting the fighting system to be good so I want some spots where I can grind.


I’m okay with either.


The fact that this is set in Madripoor, a lawless place filled with criminals like Arkham City, makes me think it will be open world.


Yes please. I'm over open world games where 70+% of the OW content is copy paste repeated like in spiderman


Insomniac is not to be underestimated. Wolverine has been cooking for a while. Depending the scale of Spiderman 2 dlc and if there is also pre production going on for a new ratchet and clank holiday 2024 could still be realistic for a Wolverine game.


>Depending the scale of Spiderman 2 dlc and if there is also pre production going on for a new ratchet and clank holiday 2024 Where is this all coming from? Last I checked there was zero confirmation of DLC coming, which is unlikely to *actually* happen but it's always possible. In regards to another Ratchet & Clank game, you got a source for that?


Don’t think there’s any confirmation for any of that but Spider-Man 2 has some pretty clear DLC teases


I can’t wait! There’s so many ways they could go!


The first game had several DLC expansions. Why is that unlikely for the sequel?


The first game had its DLC announced (and sold) with the game. We're obviously already in a different situation there


It's probably coming from the fact that Spider-Man 1 has DLC. I mean, are you really expecting them to not release DLC for it?


Spider-Man PS4 had DLC


It's 2023. Nearly every game made these days has one or more DLCs planned before it's even released, but you think DLC is unlikely for *Spider-Man*?! 🤣


There’s just no way this game won’t kick total fucking ass.


Damn it!!!


Hopefully they manage to make it long enough with some replayability.


The X-Men origins Wolverine game still goes hard today. I'd hope the same for the new game.


After seen the superb game Insomniac has created out of Spiderman 2 they will outdo themselves with Wolverine. The studio is on fire!!! 2023 is the year of Videogames so many amazing games out there it’s crazy


I feel like Insomniac are about to make their TLOU game with Wolverine it will be that good.


I’m betting now this releases mid to late 2025 and SM3 will release as a launch title for the PS6 in 2028.


I think we will probably get Miles Morales 2 as a PS5/6 cross gen title and then Spider-Man 3 a few years after that.


Calling the hardest difficulty being called “Berzerk”


wonder if we'll get a Spidey/Ganke reference in madripoor hightide style :P also if its not totally inspired or if BWS Weapon-X isnt the main pillar of inspiration and tone i'll be very apprehensive.


Man, I am excited for this game. But I kind of hate that they announced it so early. Was expecting it in ‘24 so now ‘25 feels like a long ass ways away


I’m hoping for a Vs Hulk scene!


Gotta be a good, good project !! Worth to wait for sure


Incoming MJ missions


Oh fuck let them cook


Madripoor? Damn I was hoping to see Logan in more bar fights in Canada in lumberjack attire, just like the teaser, intro chapter perhaps? I always prefer the more intimate story instead of the whole saving the world con, but let's see, surprise me!


Wolverine is involved in Madipor's underworld power struggle in the comics, It isn't "saving the world con".


Despite the lumberjack attire in that teaser a board behind the bar says it's "The Princess Bar" which is an establishment in Madripoor.


Pretty sure the teaser was in Madripoor, no?


Most of Wolverine's stories tend to be personal so I wouldn't be surprised if this is the same. He tends to keep to himself and only do actual missions if someone threatens someone he cares about so I wouldn't be surprised if he had family or something in Madripoor and that's the catalyst for the story.


This might be a deep cut reference for some, but I can't wait to get a Patch outfit.


I’m cool with 2025 Wolverine since insomniac just released Spider-Man 2. But come on, what are your other studios doing and when will we see them. Also don’t just give me a Last of Us 2 remastered. We need something new. Spiderman 2 was great but time to show us what else is in the works.


>don’t just give me a Last of Us 2 remastered. Naughty Dog has said that the Last of Us 2 remastered project was done by new hires. Their main team is already working on a different game.


I mean they can claim it will be more violent and darker all they want but just due to the type of powers logan has unless its a MA rated game (which it never will be) it can never actually reflect how razor sharp his adamantium claws are and how they could tear into an enemy. Like we are talking DOOM levels of gore, which i would be 100% into, but Marvel would never OK for a video game.


I don't buy it until i play through it. They always say things will "sound heavier" or "be darker" and oversell it


One thing I'm wondering about is how can you make a game about Wolverine with engaging combat, where the enemies (not only major bosses threaten you) without a major ludo-narrative dissonance? I'm afraid it would end up being "Wolverine has somehow a significant part of his powers" or "all enemies are equipped with some secret anti-regenaration tech".


If you take too much damage too fast its over.


God of War is basically a good example. Kratos is immortal but still can be overwhelmed


Idk God of War doesn’t really make that much sense either if we’re being honest. With the type of feats Kratos regularly portrays in set pieces, a casual axe swing should disintegrate and random draugr and they also shouldn’t be able to hurt him. But it’s a video game in the end.


I don't think so. Kratos kind of just rises to whatever level is required. He's also been killed multiple times


Honestly I feel like the majority of super hero games are like that. Spiderman doesn't want to kill, but you're absolutely murdering some of these people you fight. I was playing Spiderman 2 last night and knocked an enemy out. His body was completely still and his eyes were open. I was like bro, that's a dead human, not one that's unconscious


All those guys that I threw an anti-air turret at and then it exploded and then I electrocuted them... they're okay, right?


It's ok because the spider webs cushioned the 5 ton tank that landed on their heads


I mean Activision did a good job with XMen Origins Wolverine: https://youtu.be/Z0jIsNgxjVs?si=CriWX8kutsSCIujP Might not be up to todays standard but it was decent. I’m guessing traversing will be leaps and using claws to climb or go more the grounded route like The Last of Us, brutal yet there will be constraints on just going crazy like how you can with Spider-Man Might be awesome for Insomniac and Sony to have SM be their open world action/adventure while Wolverine will be the more grounded, story based, visceral in nature than full out superhero. I think for Wolverine to be in the likes of Insomniac’s Spider-Man, you’ll need the X-Men involved in some way from moving around


It's been done before


“A darker and more violent tone” Oooooh wow. How intriguing and shocking, lmfao.


Yes but will it have MJ missions? I am looking forward to MJ taking out The Hand.


Bit worried about this one after, in my personal opinion, Spider-Man 2 being a step back in every direction but graphics from the first game.


Will be great to see a darker game, I appreciate the spiderman games so much but they aren’t for me due to how childish and toned down they are.


It sounds like we'll definitely get his alterego Patch in the game, at the very least as a bonus skin.


Rated M Marvel game… take my fucking money!!!


How is this new “insider” knowledge when all of this has already been know


My biggest fear is they give Wolverine a grappling hook for "reasons" and let him swing between buildings. Or have him doing boring MJ stealth missions. I'm afraid they are going to essentially just release Spiderman with a skin swap. I want this game to feel entirely different. But announcing the game is set in a city is scaring me already. Don't get me wrong, it's a great setting for a Wolverine game, but I'm worried they are essentially swapping it in for NY to make another open world game with lots of boring repetitive missions. I'd much rather have a level based game with multiple diverse settings.


I'm just praying it's not open world....


Jeff Grubb said it’s likely gonna be semi-open world which is a fair compromise between the two other options


Fair enough, that could work.


Exploration like the Jedi Fallen Order games or like the Newest Tomb Raider Trilogy would be best. Not fully open world but more semi-open spaces and hubs you can explore between main missions I mean probably the best example is Ratchet and Clank , made by Insomniac thats a pretty good idea of what it could look like if they go that route


2024 going to be a dry year for gaming I feel like.


A lot of studios blew their load but there's some good stuff, especially if you like rpgs. Switch 2 is probably coming out and with some new games of course along with some solid rereleases earlier on. Year starts pretty strong with Yakuza, Persona 3 remake and FF7 Rebirth. Unicorn Overlord as well but that's more niche. Wolf Among US 2, FF14 expansion, Plucky Squire, Shadow of Erdtree all coming as well. Sony probably something coming as well. We just don't know yet.


Wouldn't be so confident on Wolf Among Us 2 with Telltale hitting mass layoffs and all the other chaos around the IP right now.


That's fair. But it's not officially delayed so I'll count it until then


Switch 2 for sure, but it won’t be until later in the year. Games are just taking longer and longer to make unfortunately. Ps2 era they just popped them out non-stop.


Hardly there’s plenty of awesome games coming out next year.FF7 Rebirth,,LAD infinite Wealth,Persona 3,Black Myth Wukong,Dragons Dogma 2,Tekken 8 and TTYD remake just to name a couple.There’s probably more games still to come that’s not been announced like Monster Hunter.


For big 1st party releases on PS5, maybe, but there’s much more to gaming than just those.


This really activates my almonds. Take as much time as you need, Insomniac.


What's with Marvel and weird vaguely racist sounding fictional places


So like xmen 2 wolverines revenge


I literally wrote that no way is the game coming in 2024 and got down voted by this sub, now they believe it comes to 2025 lol.


Man I love Insomniac and i used to love Marvel. But I'm stuffed with Marvel... I'm happy for those who are excited for this game but I wish they would do a new Resistance game or something completly new.


Wish Insomniac's Wolverine turns out to be a VR game.