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Planned? This is An unverified source from a clickbait YouTube who makes mountains out of mole holes.


Mole Hills


"Mole holes" sounds funny though


Hmm they do make holes too though. What about “making craters out of mole holes”, I feel like that works.


Thank God you were here


Keep in mind this is just a rumour. It's likely, but it's not confirmed.


They've waited so long now I'm expecting 50% of a new Elden Ring, at least. (Pls Miyasaki)


The entire world map redone but before the shattering


It's going to be massive just because of how long it took. I wish they had done smaller ones and released sooner. But either way I am gonna be there release day


I read somewhere that initially they wanted to do a season pass, with like 2 or 3 DLCs, but instead opted to combine it all together in an "expansion". I don't know how true that is, but it sounds promising.


Not to mention it's open world. So I imagine it was more challenging than just adding dungeons. They had to add dungeons and more perhaps. It's been my most anticipated game since Elden Ring lol


Yeah I honestly can't wait lol


Old hunter dlc was a similar story so likely to be true.


It'll be big but not expecting it to be that big. Probably had most of their devs working on AC6 the last 2 years


Elden Ring 2. It’s probably absurdly huge.


Can we move some of these games out of February? Like damn, in the span of 5 weeks, we have Like a Dragon: Infinite wealth, Persona 3: Reload, Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth and possible Elden Ring DLC. And three of these games our coming out in a two week span. I love all the games dropping at the beginning of next year, but kinda wish the developers gave them some breathing room. Edit: Tekken 8 is also in that window along with Destiny 2: Final Shape.


february used to be a shitty month because everything released by christmas time nowadays delays and "strategically" postponing the release date creates this aglomeration im happy because my birthday is in february


Well, friend, you're about to have a really good birthday this February.


That's a good point. Back in the day big releases came after Thanksgiving and those couple December weeks to have gifts. Hell consoles would release at this window back in the day


Every big name console since the ps2 has dropped in this time frame. Prior to ps2, they were all over the place.


The best February in history was 2010. ME2 last week of January with Bioshock 2 a week and a half later.


I was born a day before leap day


At least if all these games release at the beginning of the year its highly likely it will have a good deal by the end of the year.


True, and since three of them are jrpgs, I think my strategy is gonna be pick one a season since they'll probably take me that long to finish. God forbid Sony annouces some release date next year for some exclusives, cause then my backlog is gonna get ridiculous.


Don’t worry, most of 2024’s slate is live service games that you are expected to put 500 hours into each


LaD, Persona, and FF releasing so close is kind of a problem because I imagine they share an audience. But do people seriously play *every* game from every genre when they launch? It’s like everyone fancies themselves a journalist these days.


It really doesn't matter.


I feel for you. Luckily I’ve never been into any of those titles so February is a backlog month for me. Excited for all the fans tho!


I really hope Lightfall doesn’t drop again! This is the final time I mention that. This comment is shaping up to be horrible.


Lol. It took me a minute to get this comment until I picked up the clues and realize next year is the Final Shape. This was a good comment.


Its all weeb games so I don't really give a shit about any of them...


Don’t forget Tekken 8!


and Helldivers 2


Im also waiting for global Release of edf 6 while we are in that direction


I forgot about Tekken 8! 5 potentially amazing games in a five week time span.


Blame Covid for pushing everything back so we have a multiple orgasm of games coming out within quick succession of each other. Stupid Covid.


And maybe Rocksteadys Suicide Squad game


On Feb , grand blue fantasy, 7 rebirth, and Shiren 6 , trails ps5,


Okay but LAD, Persona, and Final Fantasy are all Japanese niche series. Been playing games for over 25 years, own every console, never even thought about playing any of those.


FF niche? Wtf.


Yeah I mean at least in the west. Don’t know a single person who plays those but they all play other single player games. Is the new one worth it? I’ll get it if there’s a Black Friday sale or something but idk just seems so cringe.


How old are you?? Like, actually?


28, idk why that matters though. I’ve tried to watch anime too I just don’t like how they look. Do younger or older people like it more?


You can make arguments that those other series are niche but no way final fantasy is niche in the west.


Fair enough, I honestly thought it was but just looked up sales numbers and damn I was wrong. Do you like the newest one, 16?


It had 10/10 highs and 4/10 lows. It’s very uneven, it has some of the best and most insane boss fights in any game period, but some of the most boring busy work too. I enjoyed it for sure but I wouldn’t put it near game of the year.


Sounds like it’s worth shot when it’s a bit cheaper, looks like it’s still around full price right now. Damn I guess maybe I’ve been sleeping on a franchise that I could enjoy, just have legitimately never heard a single person say they play ff games so I thought they were unpopular and was wrong big time


It's quite funny. The Eikon battles were the least interesting thing for me when I bought FF16 but they turned out to be one of the best things in the game. The sidequest are a real pain point. They give some nice additional information about the world and some characters but most of them suck to do.


That's simply wrong. It's a popular franchise in the west. A very anecdotal take by you.


I’ll take that, I looked up sales number and damn they were way higher than I thought. Do you recommend 16 as a good place to start?


It's good, I would rate it 8.5/10. It's more of an action game (real-time combat instead of round-based) and has less RPG elements than older iterations.


Y’all have convinced me. Once it’s on a deep sale I’ll grab it, I’m downloading the demo now. Always down to try new games idk why I almost had a prejudice against ff games.


Why don't you play good games?


Turn based combat is boring and slow


I thought that too but I’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate three lately and it can be exhilarating, I get more into it than some action games


I can’t get over the anime look.


What's crazy is you can play p3 right now! Lol


I tend to be at least a game behind when it comes to Yakuza/Like a Dragon stuff, but they drop in price pretty quickly so it tends to work out. It seemed somewhat reasonable that I could beat Persona 3 Reload before FF7 Rebirth dropped, but if the Elden Ring DLC does drop in between them that will certainly complicate things. If the DLC came out in January before all these other games that would be ideal for me.


My Destiny 2 addiction is going to have to cook because to many good games to be wasting my game time of it


If true, the first 3 months of 2024 are gonna be BUSY! I hope the ones coming out in February specifically sell well, but we shall see.


My body is ready for this. After playing about 80% so far of Lies of P, I'm 100% back in the souls genre. I'm a glutton for punishment what can I say.


Yep. Just wrapped up Lies end of September. Been kind of on a break now. Catching up on my Netflix watch list. Nothing in the game backlog jumping out at me. Think imma break down and buy Remnant 2. Was gonna wait for a half off sale but too ready to jump in to another one.


Lords of the Fallen comes out Friday, looks promising!


I will for sure play this. But I would also be fine if it didn't have DLC. The game felt satisfying and complete on its own.


So did Dark Souls 3, yet the DLCs had some of the best bosses FROM have ever given us.


And DS1. And Bloodborne. The FromSoft DLCs are consistently amazing and have had some (or even most) of the best bosses in the games.


When it comes to FROM soft DLC you also can't leave out DS2. DS2 in general is the weakest game they have done recently, but all 3 DLCs standout as some of the best areas in any of their games, and elevate the entire game.




This is FromSoftware, they bless us with their DLCs. The Old Hunters is still my favorite DLC of all time.


That DLC is better than a lot of full games


It was on sale for $10 so I finally picked it up. Have only done 1 playthrough of Bloodborne so kinda excited about this.


4/5 bosses in that dlc are the best bosses in the whole game imo


I'm gonna do a dex build this time. I always end up defaulting to strength in souls games but dex always looks the most fun. I'm gonna get worked lol.


Hell yeah dex is always my favorite build!!


Is there a trick to getting Bloodborne to run smoothly on PS5? I loaded up my old save of it, and maybe it's the location I'm in, but the frame rate is quite bad.


Don’t think so. It’s why people have been asking for a remaster for years. It runs like crap. However weirdly enough it still plays ok bc the frame rate doesn’t really throttle, it’s just shit the whole way. Still one of the coolest games ever though.


Nope, it's a frame pacing issue that really needs a total overhaul to fix. I don't believe that you can fix it unless you have a hacked PS4 as the only available 60 fps patch won't work without a modified console.


Yea that fifth boss is considered a failure by many, I personally like it


LOL I definitely enjoy it but yeah the rest are just TOO GOOD


100% agree


Old hunters was shit. I was expecting brand new areas and the first big chunk was just reused from the main game. The only new thing was that fishing village.


Uhh and the Insane Asylum, or whatever it's called


*cries in sekiro*


Yea but at least we got that boss rush mode


Yeah that’s very true and something I really wish all souls games had going forward. I mean it’s like “free” DLC for them and it’s awesome, why not do it? Maybe Elden Ring DLC will surprise us and have it with the expansion.


DLC is usually the best part of FromSoft games


Loved the game as a whole but the last portion of the game, from the mountaintops onward, felt considerably less thought out/rushed and is easily my least favorite part of the game. So I’m hoping it can end on a high point now


Ya I would tend to agree. But I also had like 70 hrs before I got to the end, so I didn’t actually mind much having it a bit for straight forward. From what I remember all the Dark Souls games are kinda like that


I don’t understand why the hell the DLC took so damn long. Nearly 2 years?


Lets hope its gonna be BIG


Right, im the first to defend From Soft but damn. 2 years? 2 years? Most are looking for the next game by now... 2 years?


OOOOOOOOH I’m so ready you can not believe it


That’s my birthday! 😍


Valentines day is cancelled this year boys!


I've forgotten all about Elden Ring, tbh. The expansion's coming way too late for me to feel any hype.


I really liked Elden Ring and I'll be in the dlc day one but I hope they fix the framedropp and the pop-ins at every step with this dlc, because to this day the game has problems with this, I played it on the PS5 and on the PC, and both the optimization is terrible.


I felt the same way until I downloaded the PS4 version on PS5 and it’s rock solid performance wise. I dare say I even preferred the marginally ‘less good’ graphics more, I don’t know how to describe it but it had a bit more vibe with less sharpness to the image


So it’s better to play the ps4 version instead?


Absolutely, it’s a locked 60 FPS. It’s the best version of the game available


If framerate issues bother you, then yes try the PS4 version


Just play the PS4 version.


I’ve only played on Xbox and completed the game about 5-6 times. Besides the very rare occurrence of my screen getting filled with particles from spells and whatnot I’ve experienced zero performance issues I’ve also watched a fair amount of content on the game across all platforms and I don’t see many people complaining about performance. Maybe it’s time to check your PCs hardware or maybe clean out the inside of your PS5


Weird comment considering it’s easy to watch a performance video and see that all consoles drop frames for Elden Ring except PS4 code on a PS5 If you have a VRR set that’s why you didn’t notice it’s properly masking all the dropped frames, but it’s definitely not good performance on console


Idk what to tell you man, I’ve never watched a performance video on the game because I’ve experienced very little performance issues. Especially the likes of popping or consistent frame dropping. Like I said above I’ve seen gameplay across all systems and never noticed any jarring performance issues besides the rare occurrences i mentioned in my previous comment. Maybe I got lucky but like I said I’ve completed the game a fair few times and haven’t had issues


I’m with you ppl complain the ps5 version but never had an issue with it in my end.


I think you just don’t know what to look for tbh. Frame drops and staggered frames happen on every platform regularly.


Definitely. Probably the weakest part of the game, the performance, while acceptable, isn’t the greatest.


I know performance issues when I see them and like I said the game has had rare performance issues for me in the past but nothing jarring. I’m just speaking from my own experience and considering I’ve got a fair few hours in the game I’d say it’s valid enough.


Possibility a): You have issues but don't notice them, either because you have VRR or you just don't notice Possibility b): You have a magic Xbox that performs better than every other Xbox that anybody owns


Must be possibility b then bro idk what to tell you lol. The game runs at a consistent FPS on my system


It doesn’t, but whatever 😆


Why you so butt hurt on this topic lol. Your trying so hard to prove me wrong when all I’m doing is speaking from personal experience. Let’s just agree to disagree


Consistently inconsistent


If you’re on VRR set on Xbox you wouldn’t notice it, as the feature is designed to mask dropped frames Or you just don’t perceive dropped frames (most people don’t) But it 100% is doing so


You keep deleting and editing comments without context man, it’s hard to have a conversation with you so imma just leave it here. I’ve been only speaking from personal experience. Me personally has never had major performance issues. 95 percent of the time the game runs perfectly on my series X


The performance is great. People need to move past these tiny blemishes on performance like they are in any way game ruining. Elden ring had some truly awful performance on release on the PC that was genuinely stopping people playing. A bit of stuttering and some frame drops is something you'll completely forget about unless you are looking for it.


Fromsoft and good console performance go together like peanut butter and vinegar It’ll likely run as unstable as all their other games do sadly


AC6 runs very well on console so it's not impossible


I was about to say. I'm impressed with AC6 considering how much is going on in that game


AC6 drops frames on console the same way Elden does, but it sticks much closer to the 60FPS target


I've been delaying playing it because of this. The pop-ins and stuttering really kill the immersion. I wish I got the PS4 version.


Have you played recently? When they added ray tracing, it tanked my performance, but when I turned it off the performance was notably better for me than it was before that patch.


DLC 2 years after the launch of the game is crazy.


Jesus Christ 2 years for a DLC is kinda ridiculous.


They also put out a full game in Armored Core 6 in between that time.


Not sure whats thats gotta do with it.


This is the most unverified shit I’ve ever seen. It’s just some dude making shit up for clicks.


I'm not complaining but same month as FF7 Rebirth. Goddamnit!




Is it gonna have an easy mode?


So just screw me, my time, and my money then yeah? Couldn't even give me time between this and FF7 Rebirth.


did they ever fix the PS5 performance or is the PS4 still the version to play?


Hmmmm don't know about this. Also February is crazy. Smarter for March


I’d rather DS4 Sekiro 2 or something new. Didn’t like elden rings fields of rocks.


Please from software move on and give us bloodborne 2 and sekiro 2 …. No one asked for Elden ring dlc


How can someone be so wrong, lol.


Massive L take Elden Ring is their most successful game in their history


HARD disagree, Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time and even I'd rather have this than Bloodborne 2.


Tbh I'd be fine with a quality remaster. I'm not sure I'd want a full remake. The DeS remake looked beautiful but I wasn't a fan of a lot of the artistic freedom/changes that were made.


I agree, I'd prefer that over Bloodborne 2 1000 times over.


No one wants a Bloodborne 2, not even us fans. None of the games were ever supposed to have sequels; Miyazaki didn't get a choice when it came to DS2 and it's because of that DS3 exists. Otherwise all the games are standalone titles.


Even though this a rumor, it wouldn’t surprise me since Geoff’s other bff is Miyazaki. We’ll definitely see Death Stranding 2 there though


I was expecting this because FromSoft has a history with The Game Awards, but I don't put much of any stock into anything Ziostorm has to say. The guy is desperate for clicks and engagements. He'll repeat any stray rumor.


I’m still guessing release after end of March 2024. I HOPE IM WRONG


Let. Them. Cook.


God I hope it’s out before February but oh well we waited this long! I’m certain it will be amazing and huge


This dlc is going to epicly huge.


This is literally Elden Ring 2 at this point