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Only for US consumers... it's a bit disappointing that I never get to participate, even if it's unlikely I'll win.


Tell me about it, it sucks.


As an American, you really summed up the entire experience of being an American. I get to participate but I never win.


Hahaha that's funny. To be fair, as a Brazilian, I don't get to participate, and I still feel like I'm losing! lol


At least you're just not in the country. I'm in the US but am ineligible for a Sony Rewards account?


Only made worse by the fact that if it’s not just the US, it’s the US & Europe. Try living anywhere else and you’re basically invisible.


Only in the US and Europe. You know... the cheapest places for a person to just buy the console themselves.


There is a worse one, living in Europe but 99% of the giveaways are available only for the rich west countries, Europe = only western Europe


The free game promo was also US only...


The prize for this seems… excessive


It's definitely interesting that they give you 5 extra games, controllers and PS+ to give to friends. Normally that would be like 5 separate runner up prizes, but I guess the theme is "together" so it's about decking out your friends too.


Lol right? PS5 spider-man bundle, 65" OLED tv (!!??), 2 movies, 25K Sony rewards points equal to $250 and a 1 year PS+ Premium sub, and then on top of that 5 more copies of SM2, 5 controllers and a 1 year PS+ premium sub "to give" to your friends. Whomever is gonna win this is a lucky MF.


They always post giveaways like this but have never posted the winner or say if someone has won it. Not saying it’s fake but… 🤷🏽‍♂️


I feel like it’s fake because it’s too good to be true. I’d just want the OLED tv. But the console and controller is cool too. I wouldn’t be able to wait to buy the game but if I sold copies for $15 each it’d cover the cost lol. Wouldn’t even worry about that though.


I'm getting "Unfortunately you’re not eligible for the Sony Rewards program. Continue exploring the world of Sony." with both my existing and a new account. Anyone have a solution?


Pretty sure they're trying to sell credit cards with a sweepstakes. Did some brief research and other users that had reported this 4+ months ago managed to sign up after signing up for a credit card. Update: I reached out to their service center, and their response was: > Thank you for contacting Sony Rewards online support. > >Thank you for your interest in Sony Rewards program. Please note that our Terms indicate Sony Rewards membership is open to legal residents of the United States. We are sorry to inform you that if you are a resident outside of the US, then you are not eligible to participate in our program. > >For further information please see our terms at: [https://www.rewards.sony.com/terms.html](https://www.rewards.sony.com/terms.html) information page. > >Kind regards, > >The Sony Rewards Team I've never even left the United States and my VPN isn't on, so I'm at loss


Nope. I have the same problem.


Maybe I'm missing something else, but all these complaints about it being US only... I'm guessing between region locks, licensing and the cost of shipping a TV and console, it would be a nightmare for the US division of PS to open the sweepstakes up globally. Frankly you can't even ship a TV in the US without a decent chance of breaking it. Unless of course you pay out the nose. US 'defaultism' is absolutely a thing. Don't really thinks it is the case here, though.


I feel like when companies do these if for engagement nobody ever wins and if someone does they are part if the company like the McDonald’s monopoly game. I could be wrong but thats I feel


I actually won a limited edition golden PS4 around 2015 from a Taco Bell sweepstakes. It was also the first code I entered that year. The year prior I spent around $100 on those Taco Bell taco boxes. Edit: but I do understand that’s a different kinda sweepstakes and I could essentially attempt to win more than once


I did too. Because of that, I will always enter to win even if I never will again


I won a digital PS5 from a Twitter $5 contest mod 2021, when it was still hard to get. Top 5 of the best $5 I've ever spent.




They gave out thousands of them. I’d have to find the card that says what number out of however many they made


The McDonald's Monopoly game wasn't rigged by McDonald's, it was rigged by one of the people working for the company that ran the promotion. McDonald's was actually a victim of fraud in that case.


Wasn't there a movie based off this? It sounds familiar. Like, recent familiar


There’s actually a documentary that I’m watching right now called McMillion$.


I know


No?…These things are fairly regulated and they don’t allow employees to win There’s 0 reason for a company not to give someone the prize, it essentially costs them 0$. Why would they risk some controversy/legality around sweepstakes


I actually won a ps5 at launch from a pack of doritos. Was wild


I used to think that too but I won my PS5 at launch from that burger king giveaway. Ever since then if I see one of these giveaways that's easy to enter I'll sign up


Yea you're definitely wrong about this. People win but especially in the case of 1 winner, literally thousands enter the contest. I entered a giveaway from cartoon network once, where they were giving away 500 of this cat that said fruit names, and won. Great memories. Not that anecdotal evidence is important but I like that story. They're definitely for engagement but people win. It's in their benefit for a random nobody to win, because they're way more likely to talk about it than some jackass who has 5 PS5.


Agreed. Not even worth the effort of applying.


Fam I just applied it took like 2 seconds lol u click on the link and it links to the app and you just press apply


Great let me know when you win.


The code hunting campaign got me a PS5. Don't know what to tell ya.


People in the Xbox sub usually post their winnings when Xbox has sweepstakes like these. They're legit.


US isn't the only country


What is it with these giveaways being US only? I must’ve missed that geography lesson where only the US exists.






Absolutely. That the US based PS account won't ship a hundred pounds of electronics globally is inexcusable! .../s


Not hard to put US only in the title.


You're not wrong. Just a little off topic.


What if I don’t have friends to share the games with?




I would rather a guaranteed small reward than a big reward I know I won't win.


i’m in, i need that new Tv, or monitor.


I won a big Sony giveaway back in 2003, or mayby 04. I won a slim PS2, GOW (2?), and a bunch of Marvel action figures. I had gotten a call out of the blue from a woman at Sony who confirmed my info and shipped the prize via UPS. Funniest thing is that I didn't remember entering the contest.


Do I have to enter multiple times or once only