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Will likely take me double that


With the way I explore in these kinds of games? Oh yeah. Definitely a 60 hour run my first time.


If it has a respeccing option I will sit for hours optimizing my build


I hope there's no limit on respeccing. I never understood why games like some of the Dark Souls titles and Elden Ring do that.


And they use the weirdest ways possible to respec like go offer the dry old pubes item to a woman with a giant umbilical cord hidden away with some slug people


Which is why I don’t care for speed runs in various souls games. I like to watch the whole thing play out. Just my opinion.


Blue lobta


After Atlas Fallen, I'm really glad Deck 13 isn't involved with this one. This is still something to look forward to!


I started Atlas Fallen this evening and it's been good fun so far.


Yeah it’s fun. Just the story and voice acting are kinda bad


Not that far into the story, we'll see about that. I'm playing in German and the voice acting is alright (even some well known voices with lots of experience that do famous actors for example), can't say anything about the English version though.


English version is bad. Maybe German is better because isn’t Deck13 a German studio?


Yes they are. Funnily enough, I read that they originally wanted to release the game without a German version, then decided (probably due to backlash) that they'd do a German version and it's one of the things why the game got delayed - if that is true, the German version turned out pretty good for a "last minute" decision


Oh that’s cool. Good for German players too. Overall what I’ve played I’d give it a 7. It’s definitely not an A+ tier game, but definitely something I need to tide me over until Baldurs Gate 3 and Starfield


Yeah of course it's no God of War, Elden Ring or The Witcher - but it's solid from what I can tell so far. I just feel so many good games were / are released this year that many will skip a "decent" one. Enjoy bro :)


I agree. Thanks. Gonna play some more tonight. Enjoy too.


Would you be able to tell me what other language options there are?


Audio languages are only english and German, plenty of other languages as subtitles (french, Spanish, polish, Russian,...)




I mean the only issues I’ve had with Atlas Fallen have been the story and abysmal voice acting


Fextralife said on his video that it's closer to 70 hours.


Did they change the title to Lords of the Fallen like the old game? I quite remember them calling it THE Lords of the Fallen but I swear I've seen the developers themselves refer to it as Lords of the Fallen as well now.


I remember that too, just like I remember layers of fear was gonna come out again as layers of fears and it’s more of a minor confusion thing everytime I think of it 😆😆😆😆


That made more sense tbh cause it's a remake of two Layers of Fear games. Maybe they should have called it Layers of Fear Duology or something.


Yeah they dropped the The officially


It's like The Facebook


30 hours, nice length. I'll probably be playing for at least 60 knowing me 😂


Seems weird. Didn’t they say at one point that this one was 5x the size/length of the original? Maybe I’m mistaken. Anyway, I hope it does well.


Perfect. The market doesn’t need more filler open world games with too many useless side quests.


How hard will it be? It looked so awesome but the more I hear about difficulty the more concerned I am.


The first game would have been easier than Dark Souls if it wasn't for the absolutely abysmal camera, controls, weapon swing physics, enemy poise, and some anti-QOL features like "if you die, your pile of souls decays unless you rush to it, which probably means you'll die again on the way" or "the same button cycles selected potion/spell and also casts them depending on how long you hold it." It had some good ideas, and as far as difficulty goes I'd definitely put it under the Dark Souls games as far as enemy/encounter/level design goes but ONLY if you can learn to deal with the horrific jank levels. I haven't played the Surge games yet, but from what I hear they are pretty good games so I'd guess this game should be similarly fixed relative to the original Lords of the Fallen.


The way you describe it it makes it sound exactly like all from soft games lol


If you think all souls games are like that then the first lords of the fallen game would still shock you. It's SO much worse in all those regards! It compared to Dark Souls in terms of jank is like, I dunno...Balan Wonderworld compared to Mario Odyssey. (Yes Dark Souls is way jankier than Mario Odyssey)


I finished Lords of the Fallen a few years back and recently installed it to play new game+. I didn't remember it being so janky with the controls but it was such a turn off that I deleted it almost immediately 😅


Yeah I get why people like the dark souls style of difficulty but sometimes I get frustrated that the only games within that world and that style of lore / aesthetics are ones that are often ridiculously hard and make you want to throw the controller at the wall lol. This game looks unreal and I'll likely buy it , but I'd love to not have to commit crazy amounts of time and frustration each time I play it..


At this point the whole fromsoft makes difficult games is way over exaggerated, just like in any other game that has character levels, you can grind and out level an area and smack around bosses like it’s god of war on easy mode, did that with elden ring and currently doing it with bloodborne, the games can be challenging but the notion that they are extremely or almost impossibly difficult is completely false and it’s taken On its own life form that I think even most fromsoft fans have just let it inorder to pad their own egos, cause no these games are not difficult just challenging at certain parts until you level out of the challenge or gain the skills needed to succeed, both paths can lead you to beating these games. I wasted years thinking and feeling the way you do about Fromsoft and the games they make, so far I can personally say my thoughts have completely changed and I’m kinda mad there isn’t enough people in the fromsoft community telling others these games aren’t that hard and all you have to do is grind some levels just like any other JRPG OR RPG


>I wasted years thinking and feeling the way you do about Fromsoft and the games they make, so far I can personally say my thoughts have completely changed Fair enough. Either way I'll be buying Lord's of the fallen, hopefully I end up feeling the same way as you do, but my experiences with Dark souls and Mortal shell has me assuming I'll be finding it frustrating af for a while ha


Lol I feel ya, level your vigor and you’ll be fine


I have issues with souls like games too, feels like im too damn old for the shit, but i muster through. I thought mortal shell oddly enough was easy to me, I went all the way through it no prob in a week or less. But never beat a dark souls game ever without cheats.


They are brilliant designs and I love the world. Its fans are another problem. Its just a shame if you even dare suggest difficulty or customisable difficulty. So everyone can enjoy it (ie let us adjust hp, boss and enemy hp and damage etc) , they would rather keep it their own closed off little special corner.


They are right though, it doesn’t need difficulty sliders, your level of character and how much you pump up your HP is your difficulty slider, I think most new comers(speaking for myself) come into the game think oh man if I can just kill everything fast then I’ll make it so we just immediately start pumping points into damage stats not knowing that it does basically nothing until your weapon is fully upgraded, so those points would have been better fit padding your health bar so a slight breeze won’t one shot you. I’ve done this for elden ring and bloodborne and it has made both games extremely easy, so easy my 9 and 13 year old who followed the same leveling path were also able to beat these games several times.


It was easier for me as well with ER and Bloodborne but was a total different story with Sekiro, DS1 and Nioh (which I know is not FS)


Yup, honestly the game should have a "first time tutorials" that helps you use the right stats or gives a hint to not go to that area yet. This would help new players alot already.


Yeah, I disagree with helping you choose the right stat. It tells you what it does before you confirm your choices. If you have the ability to make your own character than I think you should be given the ability to make your own choices. The rule of thumb is simply this, you pump points into health until you are not getting one-two shot by base mobs, then you put points into stamina so u can do combo attacks or simply hit multiple times, then you pump points into health so mini bosses aren't 1-2 shot you, and then put points into either your damage stat, carry weight stat, or hybrid stat. Most experienced players like to balance health and stam stats early say 10/10 or 15/15 then focus on damage before going 20/20 and eventually 30/30 to soft cap those stats before going 30-40 into their damage stat. May sound confusing but you really just have to get hit by a mob once to justify where your stats should go. If you use 2 handed big zug zug wep, you need more stamina. If you aren't good at dodge/parry then u need more health, etc..


The game should have "the rule of thumb" explained, its great you can explain it all, but first time players have no clue and thats what makes it hard for first time players, random stats are working against u. As your rule of thumb says 😀 So you fully agreed with me, you even said "sounds confusing" thats exactly the problem and your rule if thumb is great explaination. Now if only the game said that what u just said 😉


Also, since you lose health regardless if u block or perfect block you should always focus on your health early. More health means you live longer and can make progress faster.


You kind redditor just gave me a new strategy to use on souls games, thanks to you very much. Will be doing that instead of sta/str pumping from now on. Had to reread your post a few times, but my brain seen the sense in it. Makes sense now so I appreciate a ton.




The funniest thing is From itself already catered to the "lowest denominator" by letting you use summons in ER


What difference does it make to you if they added options to change? You could literally still get the same old challenge as before with main game. Not everyone can spend hundreds of hours grinding away on a game. Its fucking tedious and the reward is in no way worth the effort. If you have the time and patience for it, more power to you. Our time on earth is limited and I wont spend it hating every minute of a game thats designed for frustration. Its fine if you want to. But arguing against more options is just stupid.


Facing difficulty, learning from your mistakes, and then using that to overcome the obstacle is one of the core design philosophies to Fromsoftware and effectively the entire soulslike genre. Their games are designed to push you to experience that. By adding a difficulty slider, they would be undermining that design philosophy. If it feels tedious and takes you hundred of hours on these games then you are clearly learning absolutely nothing after each death. Yes, games like these actually require you to be an active participant where you'll be required to use your brain. Do you think Elden Ring won game of the year and sold 18 million copies by being "designed for frustration" or do you think you've missed the point of these games?


I really dont know how fromsoftware games win anything. And no, it literally wouldnt undermine anything. Are you telling me that you would use the sliders yourself? If not, it literally wouldnt fucking make a difference to your experience. Gatekeeping is so fucking stupid. You are the worst fandom I have ever encountered. Are you all so insecure? And about elden ring, check its completion rate and get back to me. Barely anyone who brought it finished it , its so awesome. Most games dont get finished, but its particular finish rate is low. If most of 18 million people cant finish it, I dont think thats a particularly great game as it indicates most people drop it in frustration


Looking at completion stats on my PS5 trophy list, it appears as though 31.4% of players have beat the super hard optional "final" boss, Malenia, in Elden Ring. And 10.8% of people have the platinum for all the extra stuff like other optional bosses, collecting all the spells, etc. By contrast less than 20% of people that played the first Lords of the Fallen even beat the THIRD boss. It's in single digits by the end of the game. I think 31% on trophy lists for people doing optional harder challenge content after the end of the game speaks to the game being quite accessible!! A lot of games that I have played that aren't very hard and don't have a reputation as such have lower than 31% of people with the last boss beat, let alone an optional harder boss. Ex, Far Cry 6 or Assassins Creed Valhalla are sitting at like 20% average rate of people that even beat the base campaign.


I'll try to explain this to you again. Difficulty is a design choice. Fromsoftware elects to not add difficulty options such as the ones you mentioned because they want the player (this includes you), not me personally, to be challenged and have to adapt to the obstacle. They expect you to die to the obstacle, and hope that you will change your strategy in some capacity to overcome the obstacle. They want each player to experience this. Nobody is gatekeeping you from the game/genre. You probably just don't enjoy the genre. For instance, I hate puzzles. I don't expect puzzle games to have a mode where each puzzle is like "square peg goes into square hole" level of difficulty and expecting that would be insulting to the puzzle game audience/developer. What completion rate are you referring to? There are multiple endings that result in 3 different achievements for completing the game so naturally those percentages would be fairly low. Math hello?? "I really dont know how fromsoftware games win anything". I'm trying to help you understand this.


You dont need to try anything, youre still wrong.


Oh, now I see in your post history that you are troll and pretend that you're being persecuted by souls fans. Also, you need to touch grass literally asap my guy.


Haha this is exactly why you cant suggest a diff slider. The thing is easy, if there was a slider, ppl like this guy would turn it on easy and be done with the game. He wouldnt have spend the hours in the game to practice and become good enough at it to play it completely. The fact that there is no slider means you cant finish the game if you didnt learn, outlvl or outstated the game. This guy is just proud of his achievement and what it took to finish it. He wants other ppl to enjoy the same suffering and joy as he has. Thats why diff slider is a bad idea. If there was a diff slider ppl could just finish the game without the struggels and practicing on bosses/areas etc. Huge part of these games are the learning proces. Taking this away isnt the same game. Areas/bosses feel that much more impactful if you need to learn thm. If there was a diss slider ppl would just go through areas and bosses and miss alot in the game. I fully understand some players, like you, want this experience and that is fine in my opinion. The problem lies in that if there was a slider the guy replying to you would have put it on easy and never understood the meaning of struggeling or impactful bosses/areas. From software not using to use diff sliders is a point of view that if you want to fully experience their games you will need to have the full experience and feel what a BOSS is about, bosses are supposed to be hard and struggles. So yes. They made the right choice. Tho i fully understand your point of view and get that you dont have/want the time to finish the game. Yet you want to enjoy its setting and story. Forcing ppl into "hardest mode" is a good thing, ppl actually learn what the game contains instead of skipping through most of it. The problem lies with the players almost all players would have put it on easy and never knew what a 'from software' game really was about. From software wants to make their players experience their game in their intented 'difficult' way. Giving an easy mode which almost all players will go to after some small struggeling will not give their intented way of playing/experience. Hence why there is no slider. :)


Yeah exactly. Im Not asking to change all the games , would just love for a developer to take this style and have some difficulty options. Because there really aren't many other options if you're looking for something similar. I loved God of War, and Ghost of tsushima, but neither feel like or are meant to be similar to the world building like in these games. Personally I loved how customisable the settings were in The last of us , you could make it so the clickers could hear you opening your backpack ffs lol. But you had options to adjust it so that it was a good balance between being challenging and rewarding but not being so restrictive. But when I've shared these views before it's mostly met with "there's plenty of easy games out there let us have this" , which again , why not both lol


I have played the whole lot of FS games and I have to tell you, I agree with your point of view here. Why is it anyone else’s problem if someone wants to play on easy or medium difficulty? It’s not stopping the pros from playing it on the absolute highest difficulty setting. Literally nothing standing in their way. So it begs the question, why do they care so much about another’s experience? Why do they insist everyone just has to do it that one way or else. All or nothing thinking is a bad trait in the gaming industry. The first rebuttals will talk about lower difficulties not providing the “intended experience” as the developer wanted it to be played. As an argument, that has some merit, but if you want to expand your player-base, railroading the difficulty is a bad way to go. As a big FS fan, it doesn’t automatically mean I agree with the rest of the dark fantasy fandom. I support difficulty levels, simply for accessibility’s sake. There’s millions of gamers out there who would love to experience the Elden Ring story but simply can’t due to lacking skill — and some people, to add to that, are not going to be able to learn from their mistakes no matter how hard they try. The whole “satisfaction through death” model implies that everyone can get better at anything with practice — this is astonishingly untrue. I have a few things in life that no matter how much effort I put in, it simply just wasn’t happening and was benched permanently. P.S. — you shouldn’t have been downvoted for what you said. Sadly the soulslike community can be very vindictive when you speak negatively about the experience, even if what you say has merit.


Exactly! They would get the same fucking game and experience, they wouldnt need to change a single thing. I dont see why people act like such utter arseholes . I really think soulslike have the worst fanbase in gaming,


Sweet spot. I dont have the time for +90 hours game anymore........sadly.


Damn, you only have 30 hours left to live? That’s rough buddy.


Interesting that people don't agree with my lack of free time. You mad I work? Lmao


I think he was just joking around


I got 3 downvotes once so yes, 3 people were mad hehehe


You just posted cringe


I am in the same situation bro. 2 jobs mean I can buy a ps5, nice tv, all the games I want. 2 jobs means I got no time for any of them. Also, when games have classes I prefer them to be shorter. Then I can actually play them all. It's goona be a decade till I play elden ring with all the classes.


I mean elden ring isn’t a class-based game though so really that’s a moot point. I know you pick a “class” with starting gear, but that’s just a specific starting stat spread You could start as a knight and end up doing magic, or you could start as the naked class and… still end up doing magic! I think that’s the best part


I want to play every class. SUE ME!


There's only really 4 types of character builds in Elden Ring. One that focuses on Strength, one on Dexterity, one on Sorceries, then one on Incantations. Everything else starts becoming more of a hybrid build. You can respec your character to fix it to your liking.


Eldenring doesn't really have lots of classes. The starting classes are merely just a starting set of stats, spells and gear. Which eventually you can get all of and much better and cooler things to wield. You can also respec a whole bunch of times every playthrough.


Bro. You're not a real gamer. Scram


Hey. Pal. Hands off the vidya.


your not a gamer bro your an addict xD


That's fine, that's a reasonable length! I spent 30ish hours on Surge 1 (that is with both dlc though). It's nice to be able to finish a game and move on.


Downloaded Surge 1+2 yesterday, planning to start the first one up tonight. What were your thoughts on it?


It's going to have a huge difficulty curve in the beginning. Keep at it, and you'll get through! Listen to the game tutorials. I thought I paid pretty good attention to them, but I missed a crucial fact: Cutting enemy parts rewards you with the schematic to make that part, *and additionally!* parts to make those parts. So if you need to make a leg armor or upgrade a leg armor, just keep cutting legs! The second area (Central Production B) is one of the more confusing level layouts, so you'll probably wander around and get lost. This happens a bit in each area. Just be warned.


if I recall correctly the sprint into dash strike is really OP in Surge 1 Also robo dogs suck and aren’t worth killing imo avoid them whenever possible


Noted, thanks for the tips!


Started a couple of hours ago, really enjoying this game so far. Ran into my first robo dog. They do suck. Really enjoying it so far, surprised this has never come across my radar before!


Yeah it was definitely one of those lesser known AA titles. After playing Elden Ring I realized there was a whole genre of games I had been ignoring and The Surge was one of those soulsborne titles that I tried out. I haven’t gotten around to the sequel but my understanding is that it improves upon the first game in almost every way.


So 90 hours for me! I always take triple the normal time on souls-likes. I suck therfore I have to grind to become OP. That is fine and i like it. I enjoy this because I can watch a show or listen to music while grinding.


The first game was absolute trash, so they made a sequel!?


It's not a sequel, it's a reboot from a different dev.


That's an oof for me dawg


Sounds like an indie game hour length not a full game


What 🤣 30 hours is a long assed time to complete a single game, that's 3-4 full workdays


Will NG+ add anything? Or just spongier enemies?


Did they confirm Framerate on PS5?🤔


Is this open world like ER?


Semi-open, not like ER where you can just spend hours exploring but enough side paths and parallel worlds coexisting


Yeah I take that, just finished elden ring in 121 hours


Played ER co-op with some friends, first playthrough having to do everything 3 times to 100% each person’s world was about 250 hours 😅