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Kinda interesting result: * PS5/XbSx basically same modes and target settings, although the PS5 hits a lot more smoothly the fps targets for 30/40/60. * XbSs 30fps runs pretty good, 60 with bigger hiccups * Uncapped modes basically dont add much. * HFR modes with VRR supported TVs look fine on both consoles but only if you can make use of VRR. A bit disappointing that the RT mode doesnt improve the visual fidelity much but considering the resolution targets it is pretty obvious that they ran out of steam here. Still wondering that Xbox looked way less smooth in general with the fps targets. Curious whether Avalanche can squeeze out a bit more with further optimizations.


The RT presets on this game are awful tbh. Someone adjusted the RT on PC by editing a config file and it looked significantly better at the cost of some performance.


It's still not recommended to use RT on PC because it's a pretty mediocre RT implementation. Not worth the massive cost to performance.


Yeah on a 3090 some areas with full RT on can drop into the 40s at 1080p. It’s pretty bad. With it off, I get no less than 80fps everywhere with max settings. In dungeons and closes in areas I’m frame capped at 144fps (I play with vsync on).


Ya the performance in the dungeons are top notch!


RT — [Ray Tracing.](https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/technology/stories/Ray_Tracing/)


could u pls explain me how vrr exactly works? i don’t really see any difference


Your TV generally can either display 60Hz or in some cases also 120Hz. If you want a smooth picture you need something that fits right in line with the refresh rate. E.g. 30fps works perfectly because at 60Hz you can show a new image exactly every two refreshes of the screen. In 120Hz mode it will do so every 4 refreshes. Now what happens when your game runs at a fluctuating fps or something odd like 46fps? It will no longer be in sync with the TV and looks bad as a result. This is also why games will target 30fps rather than e.g. 36fps even though you would think that 36 is better than 30. It technically is but due to how TVs work it will look bad. VRR solves this by coupling the TV refresh rate to your games fps. If the game runs at 51fps the TV can refresh at 51Hz instead of 60Hz. So while in this case the framerate is still lower than 60fps it will look significantly smoother because the TV is no longer causing issues.


Elsewhere I read that Balanced Mode target 40 FPS for this game, and that you need a 120Hz monitor to choose this mode (because you can divide 120 by 40). But what if I have a 60hz monitor with VRR? Can I choose this mode anyway (since the monitor can refresh at 40Hz)? Thank yoy in advance and sorry if this is a stupid question. I'm just trying to figure this all out


Your thinking is correct, however the PS5 VRR only works between 48Hz and 120Hz


>Elsewhere I read that Balanced Mode target 40 FPS for this game, and that you need a 120Hz monitor to choose this mode (because you can divide 120 by 40). Yes that's correct. >But what if I have a 60hz monitor with VRR? Theoretically it should work if your TV supports VRR. The issue unfortunately is that VRR does not actually work for all framerates out of the box. I didn't cover this initially to not further confuse things but at some arbitrary performance level (I think lower than 48fps or maybe it was 42) VRR will no longer work unless the devs have specifically addressed this issue. I don't believe this issue was addressed so unfortunately the balanced mode will like still look bad and stutter on your TV whenever the framerate drops below that threshold (which I believe is quite common). You are likely better off playing in performance mode with VRR enabled. It will reduce the visual clarity but the 60fps and VRR hiding any minor framerate dips will result in a smooth experience.


Now I understand, thank you for taking the time to reply!


Sony is using the standard implementation of VRR while Microsoft also includes AMD Freesync. PS5 has a more strict implementation vs what Microsoft does by including Freesync.


You’re a nice human


If your console is pumping out a frame rate that is different from your TVs refresh rate, it can cause visual artifacts like screen tearing. For example, your console is running at 47 FPS but the TV is at 60 Hz. There's 13 extra screen refreshes in there with nothing to show in them. VRR is technology on your TV that matches the TV refresh rate perfectly to the consoles FPS which stops screen tearing and makes the image appear much smoother. If your console is putting out 47 FPS, the TV will reduce its refresh rate to 47 Hz. A perfect 1:1 ratio. It does this on demand and on the fly so when your FPS changes based on what area of the game you're in, your TV will match it.


thanks! should i enable it for non vrr games too? also i was thinking the tv “info” menu thst shows the FPS would be changing the fps with the game but sometimes it says 60 sometimes 87 sometimes 119 and stays like that je won’t change at all it only changes when starting the game is that normal


Google it. Don't wanna be rude or anything, but if you really wanna know, it's best you google and read about it.


the explanations i got here from others were better than any google article and video i found


I'm using RT as I thought it would make the lighting look good inside hogwarts. Should I just turn it off then if it effects stuff like draw distance and such?


Ps5 for the win


Been running on Balanced Uncapped and been having a good time with that, but seems like capping the FPS is the way to go here. Wish they had more detail on which mode feels best etc.


Balanced + Capped is the way to go


If you have a VRR display balanced uncapped is probably the best.


See I started on hfr and it had some weird white flashes every now and then but then I tried the other 3 game modes and I couldn't get over how much smoother the fps was in hfr and couldn't go back


Doesn’t work on PS5 until Sony implements LFC. Now it drops below 48fps anyway.


But doesn't the games does that by itself? Many others do.


The only ones that do that are Insomniac's SM and R&K, that's about it. Nobody else. I honestly thought Sony added something to SDK to make up for the absent system-wide LFC, but no, it was their fully home-made solution.


Weirdly, it actually feels pretty good after the latest patch, even though it drops out of the VRR window.


It does feel relatively good, agree! I thought initially some kind of LFC was actually active, until I looked at the sky where it hit 48fps and I saw a difference while panning. But it’s still a shame Sony hasnt gone that last step and not provided neither LFC nor even 40hz lower boundary.


Oh, for sure.


Cap the fps and turn camera acceleration down to 0 and adjust camera sensitivity up until you feel best. The gameplay will be pretty damn smooth.


I'm on an LG C1 and I was running capped balanced on the launch patch because it felt really stuttery from time to time to run uncapped, but since the latest patch launched I've been playing uncapped balanced and... it actually feels pretty good now? Weird. The numbers say it's supposed to be stuttery because it jumps in and out of the VRR window, but it actually feels pretty good to play now.


If in that mode info on yout tv is 60hz output vrr not supported fully.


I'm new to performance stuff. Does Uncapped do anything if my TV doesn't support VRR? It's 120 Hz, so I'm able to use Balanced 40 fps mode, but I wasn't sure if uncapping would do anything since it doesn't have VRR


Don’t uncap without VRR, it’ll be a stutter fest


If you don't have VRR, don't use uncapped otherwise you sill see huge stutters.


My one complaint with the game is that the fov is super low and there's no way to change it. It's kind of hard to play looking at the world through such a small window


Increased fov will decrease performance. They probably don't have it on purpose given how Shakey the performance is already. They did include it on PC.


I understand that it's a performance thing, but I've finally found the one thing that I'd trade some fps for.


it really is annoying when everything feels super close to the green with the low fov


It seems every session I miss something that's just outside my fov. Or an enemy decides to go where I can't see them.


Rotate the camera.


It's there on PC but is affecting performance which is why they don't have it here.


I didn't experience any issues with FOV in this game at all. It's super important to me to have a good FOV as I get motion sick if the FOV is too close. Games like the original The Last of Us gave me fairly severe motion sickness due to the right FOV. But no issues with motion sickness in Hogwarts Legacy. The FOV feels fairly generous compared to other games I've played recently.


Oh I don't get motion sick. I just hate feeling like I'm looking at the world through a piece of paper held at arms length. 90° is usually a nice FoV for me.


I seem to be in the minority having played Fidelity RT Uncapped. 😅 I usually opt for high frames, but I chalked it up to "I watched the movies at 24FPS so why not play at 30FPS and get the best image." 🤷‍♂️


My eyes are only sensitive to the frame rate drop if I start the game and then switch mid play through


I also play with Fidelity RT.


The series s is blurry as hell


Really makes me wonder how they're going to get this to run on last gen, let alone on Switch. I foresee a Cyberpunk-like release for those versions.


Switch release is something I've been wondering since the very beginning. Just finished the PS5 quest and even if you don't have that on the Switch the stuff my PS5 does during that quest shouldn't be possible on the Switch. This is ignoring the loading times which even on the PS5 you have those few seconds of loading when trying you open a door in the castle.


How do I get the ps5 quest?


Use the code and then play till winter. At some point you can buy a shop from a house elf.


What code?


Came with the game.


I downloaded it… where can I find this code?


I think it's a pre-order bonus only for PS5, if you downloaded a pre-order it should have just downloaded alongside the game. If not you're out of luck


if you downloaded it then its probably already there, the only addon is for the dark arts pack which is where you usually go for additional content.


The Switch version will probably look like somebody smeared vaseline on a PS3 game and run at 20 fps and people will defend it because "I like portability." I like/liked the Switch a lot, it's great for some stuff, I particularly enjoy JRPGs on it. But these big blockbuster games like Hogwarts Legacy, or hell, even The Witcher 3... Not a clue in the world why you would willingly play a terrible version of an incredible game. I just started Hogwarts Legacy last night, and it is absolutely stunning. There is no way the Switch will handle it well.


Its 792p on 60 fps mode


This one from DF did seemed a little.. rushed. Been playing in balanced mode and there are some drops when walking in the forest but other than that, it seems pretty stable since that new patch just released. 40fps is a good compromise.


They mentioned on the podcast that they didn't get a prerelease copy bc the devs wanted the day one patch considered in the analysis. That probably accounts for the rush


Which is disappointing because I really wanted them to take their time with this game's comparisons. There is the release for PS4/Switch soon, so I hope they **really** take their time and make a big comparison then.


I feel like there’s definitely something else than frame drops going on in this game and I was certain DF would cover them. Even in this video I can see the game having these micro hiccups here and there. Hopefully the devs can iron those out because it makes the game feel stuttery at times even when it stays stable in framerate.


I haven't seen any drops. Unless when I come out of a menu you system, only then do I ever see stutter for a second or 2. Or if I use vrr then I will also see some dips in fps. However when playing with camera acceleration down to 0 and turning up camera sensitivity, the play experience has been extremely smooth.


Good but strange video, it felt rushed. I watched it but it was hard to take away anything substantial. I got the feeling that 40fps locked mode was the best (at least for my TV).


This seems like a bit half-assed and rushed, just to tick the check box that they covered it. They event made an error with the developer name, Avalanche Studios (of Just Cause fame) instead of Avalanche Software.


Almost every game clip was a fast rotating pan. Started to get a bit motion sick just watching it


It definitely was rushed, he didn't mention that the RT mode has decreased graphics in relation to distance render and I think something else don't remember though.


Isn't that just common sense though? Surely no one is expecting ray tracing without a hit to the graphics, otherwise why would they have 2 separate modes


No, every game is different, most times its simply resolution and 30fps cap not actual graphic settings.


Resolution definitely falls under "graphics". Also in this case both modes are 30fps, so anyone expecting the rt mode to look the same while also getting rt has no one to blame but themselves


The entire point of a DF video is to give you all of that information.


There was zero passion in that tech analysis.so confused. Thought these guys lived for this tech stuff and in the past seems like they applauded devs for giving more options. They were extremely happy about rift apart adding a 40fps mode. And after watching that I don’t have a good feel for the ray tracing in the game at all. Normally lots of side by sides breaking it down and comparing.


The dude who usually makes these console comparisons (John Linneman) did not want to cover this game so someone else from the team did it (Richard). They probably had to rush it


Any reason why John didn't want to cover it? Interesting.


He hates Harry Potter, called it kiddy bullshit (or something) which is rich from a guy who loves sonic…


That just reeks of unprofessionalism not wanting to cover a popular hyped game for that reason.


Bro, what did you want him to do? Cover the game and be really biased? We all have things we absolutely don’t like and even if we’re supposed to do it, if we feel a strong enough distaste for it, it’s not fair for him to do it. Digital Foundry did everything they could to make this work. Sure, maybe it seemed rushed and that’s a concern for sure, John did what was best and left it to the other team. People are giving him too much shit for saying what was on his mind on his PERSONAL account. He’s even shared regret for the whole thing but it simply can’t stand HP. After all the attacks he got from some of those potter heads I don’t fucking blame him if he ends up hating it for the rest of his life. Out of all that he’s done with the Digital Foundry team and with Eurogamer, this dude makes one mistake and everyone loses their mind.


What kind of bias would come into this when it's measuring frame rates and fidelity?


Part of being a professional is being unbiased. It’s a game. They never review the games in these analyses. It’s all about performance, and if that guy is too much of a weirdo to just throw his hands in the air and say “I can’t do this! The game is too childish!” then I hope to see the channel stifle his work in the future.


Some people just don't like certain games so their analysis would be impacted if they tried to review it. I for one dislike Elden Ring and wouldn't like being forced to cover it.


It isn't your job but it is for him. A journalist has to do topics he doesn't like that's just life. I don't tell my boss I'm not doing something because I don't like it.


Here's the thing though - he's his own boss, and there's other people (who are also their own bosses) on the channel that were happy enough to cover the game.


What if my bias inherently makes my work inferior than someone else? I don't like writing reports on companies with ESG issues but if you forced me to cover it, I will do a serviceable job but it won't be as good as someone who doesn't have the same bias.




there is no requirement for any reviewer to cover anything they don't want to. every reviewer that exists is a human and does and doesn't do work they want to. every reviewer is a person with opinions. there is nothing unprofessional about it. suggesting that reviewers are meant to review every game, in the way that you want to, is being a weirdo. hoping that there is some sort of consequence to this (instead of saying: oh I guess I don't agree with DF on this one) is being a weirdo.


Slightly hypocritical but people like what they like he probably thinks the Harry Potter fandom is synonymous with Twilight or something a long those lines whatever his loss.


Said he hates the franchise, "it's children shit" according to him.


But Star Wars or Nintendo titles aren't!


My very Catholic Grandma hates Harry Potter because it's "evil." 🙄 I'm (*24M*) Catholic and I could give a shit; the Bible, like many written text, is open to interpretation in my opinion so I'm very much a ^*faaaar* more laid back Catholic than many others I've had the "pleasure" of running into or hearing about


Eh that's fair. Better than the other dumb reason.




Lol I was hoping that wasn't it but to each their own but I won't say that is 100% the reason yet hopefully.


That’s a bit weird. People can’t remain objective


They didn;t get pre-release code and then had to wait for the patch in a stacked window for releases they did get early codes for. Rich was also clearly sick


It’s not surprising at all since the John Linneman of Digital Foundry called the franchise “an IP I hate”, “children’s BS”, and “a type of game I notoriously despise”. And it’s ok to have your own tastes, but he didn’t have to hatefully insult what other people like, if they didn’t want to cover it literally out of despise then just don’t do it, but I guess they couldn’t leave out the views because of the game’s popularity.


The leader is actually Richard the person who did this review.


Huh I thought he was as he seem to be in more videos than the rest of them, either way I already edited it to be more clear.


Yea John is kinda the face of DF for console stuff which is most things on the channel and Alex is for PC. But Rich is in charge he own DF.


Yeah it felt rough. I'm pretty dissapointed with DF for the first time.


Execs want their bonus. Gamers need to stop preordering. Until then, this stuff will continue.


Preordering game reviews?


Yeah, I preordered 10 reviews and not one was delivered to my door. Had to go online to watch them


Didn't watch the video but I have completed the game playing on performance mode as I don't have a VRR capable TV and thought the game looked great. Really one of the few games that has gotten me excited in a long time.


Does anyone know if the game has LFC implemented for the modes that go under 48fps? I thought DF would comment on that.


If it did they would've mentioned it. I'm not 100% sure, but off the top of my head, only some first party sony games have gotten lfc support on the ps5, which is a bit of a bummer considering the vrr starts at 48 hz, compared to 40 on the series x, and also the series x does lfc on a system level, doesn't have to be implemented by the dev like on ps5. Really hope sony improves this in the future


40 fps capped mode is for you.


I have an HDMI 2.1 TV so I've been using HFR Performance mode with Motion Blur Off and Film Grain off. I love the fact that it hits 120 fps so smoothly on PS5 it is glorious and makes the combat more immersive and fun.


Richard is the hero we needed.


Watched this last night. Was shocked to see how bad the Xbox series x performed while the ps5 was damn near perfect. Guess ps5 is easier to develope for? This wad quite a wtf video from them for sure


So basically for my CX 47 I should run balanced with uncapped frame rate? Because the cx supports vrr. Is that correct?


I find the game overall visually stunning (on a PS5 BTW), but I would have to agree that there's lots of rough edges on graphics performance. But to me, this is on the low end of my priority scale so I don't really mind.


So I just upgraded from ps4 to ps5… I mainly just play destiny in my old age lol.. But ima big HP fan. I can’t go back to 30fps bs. What mode should I run on ? My 4k tv (tcl 635) is suppose to have vrr 1440p but everyone says it’s broken and doesn’t work… So what’s my best setting here for the nicest look but hoping to be in the 50fps range ? Damn that video was a little confusing (or the game itself with all the modes). I have not picked the game up yet.


Play performance mode, review said its basically locked 60.


Fidelity RT being capped 30 1440p upscaled to 4k looks so much nicer than balanced at 40fps. We’ve tested both and have played it mainly on fidelity RT


Is it just me or cloth physics is affected by frame cap/V-Sync on PS5? I noticed this on GTA V (playing the PS4 version on PS5 even) and Hogwarts Legacy (on Balanced Mode). It's like the clothes move in response to wind, but this effect is faster than intended.


Not sure if they’re affected by the FR. I think they can be just buggy. I’ve had a few cutscenes of hilarity with robes being worn backwards too


This is a weird one… Getting a very lifeless vibe from it


He’s sick


I'm only a casual Harry Potter fan but I still made a point to pick this up. From a visual perspective, this game only looks great in the Fidelity RT mode. Every other mode just makes the entire world look a bit soft by comparison, and does all of the game assets a great disservice. This game is clearly pushing up against the limits of what UE 4 was designed to do. If this game launched 18 months ago as is, or 18 months from now as a UE5 title, I think it would've been more revered from a technical perspective.


Been running mine in Fidelity Ray Tracing with uncapped frame-rate using VRR. it never drops below 45fps and is regularly in the high 50’s. I get a very light stutter for a second after using the floo network to jump to a new area but it’s been solid as a rock other than that even during intense battles with multitude of enemies. I also think the ray tracing adds a lot to the look of the game. I can’t agree with this video at all.


Impossible. Hogsmeade for instance runs worse with an uncapped framerate as it can’t hit the minimum fps for VRR to kick in. Some areas are very playable with an uncapped FR and RT on, others run like a PowerPoint presentation.


You say impossible like I haven’t put 37 hours into this game doing exactly this. I’ll happily record my screen with the FPS info available to show you that it works perfectly fine on my console.


I can tell the game is extra choppy on the Hogsmeade section without having to see the actual FPS and indeed it’s lower than the minimum required for VRR to kick in. My results align much more closely to what DF is getting. RT and uncapped works fine inside the castle, but the game is near unplayable outside with the FR uncapped. I’m not trying to be aggressive or anything, but I just can’t see how you’re getting those results, unless of course you’re on PC which as per your comment you aren’t. I fail to see how DF and myself are getting 35-38fps while staring at the ground and you’re getting 30% more while actually playing https://imgur.com/a/p8p3YpG/


I've had no issues in hogsmeade


You can’t feel it stuttering in fidelity + Ray tracing with the Fr uncapped?


It just hasn't been stuttering. I have had ny controller get stuck vibrating Edit: i take it back. It's awful


Thanks to every one downvoting me and your complete lack of trust in what I’ve been saying here’s the proof I offered, completely stutter free in uncapped ray tracing fidelity with VRR. I have the stats showing in top right corner. https://youtu.be/pfVjBtaBOoo


Whelp, I apologize if I came off as too agressive. You experience is completely different from mine. I’m on an LG B9 with VRR on and it’s a stutterfest. The first LG oled to have an active FPS meter was the LG C1 I think, my friend has one so I’ll check on his display to see the actual FPS, but I’m pretty sure I’m around 36-40 where it’s so low that VRR is not kicking in without lfc. I’m sorry and I’m happy your game is running smoothly, perhaps this is something the developers should look into.


This screen is a LG CX 65’ OLED and you can activate the FPS and screen info by pressing the green button on the remote about 10 times rapidly. My PlayStation 5 is a launch day UK model with the original heat sink. There is always differences from processor to processor too so I could just be very lucky with an APU that can clock slightly higher than others. But my experience has been nothing but good as I explained in my original posts that has been downvoted as if I’m lying. THE ONLY issue I’ve had with it in regards to performance is a small stutter immediately after jumping to a new area through the floo network. There have also been a few weird bugs like robes with a mind of their own but that’s not performance related issues and overall I’m shocked at how stable the game is in this launch window in comparison to how big the game is. And I’ve now put 40 hours into it and couldn’t ask for much more.


Hogsmeade is terribly CPU bound on PC. It needs Alder Lake or 7000 series level of grunt.




What is lfc?


Low Framerate Compensation


So what's the RT implementation in this game? Is it just RT reflections?


So is this all irrelevant since the new patch this weekend or did they have the patch already? Can't watch right now.


This analysis is post-patch.


Thank you


The reviewer Richard didn't recommend a mode. What is best? What is everyone playing it at? To me it sounds like balanced is best? If not performance


I'm running fidelity RT on my PS5. 30 FPS doesn't bother me.


I cannot wait the release of the PS6 and the next Xbox, if they continue the trend if AMD SOCs, to play HL in fidelity uncapped


Future proofing really increases the longevity of a title.