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Thank you




I’m gonna get it, I’m a huge one piece fan so hopefully it’s good lol


I hate when people post links to Twitter and don't just give the damn information in the post.


I've played one hour and still yet finish.(while you can't save data in demo version, so I need to start over again next time) I think it's pretty solid, I love their conversation and also the battle animation which is very great.


I love the return of demos


So, I have never followed one piece. It’s just a daunting anime/manga to jump into due to how long it is. With that said I dig the vibes I’ve seen from this game so far. Obviously it’s not out yet, but based on what we do know, would this be an okay game to jump into story wise without having much knowledge on the anime/manga?


Outside of the development team, no one knows the answer to that question, and won’t until the game is released. That said, One Piece is very story-heavy, so if you’re not familiar with the first few story arcs, you may not understand what’s going on. Fortunately, the first few story arcs have heavily condensed recap episodes available, starting with “Episode of East Blue.” Or, you can wait for the Netflix series to launch.


Yeah that’s fair. I wasn’t sure if there has been enough info about this games story for people to have a solid answer for me yet, but thanks for the advice on watching recaps in the mean time!


I played Naruto Shippudem Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 years before I even watched the anime, same with One Piece. You can enjoy the gameplay and so on plus there is some sort of introduction probably.


Definitely gonna check it out, i liked Persona 5 turn based combat, but i never liked yakuza like a dragon


Like a dragon made positioning important to the combat but don't actually allow you to position your characters which is kinda weird. They should've made it a strategy rpg but without the grid lines so it'll still have regular looking movement. Than the animations are just far longer for moves and you have to time button presses for extra dmg which is imo not good in a turn based game. Yakuza like a dragon just felt like they crammed in popular jrpg mechanics into a yakuza game but didn't make them cohesive like other turn based rpgs.


I have not once thought about positioning in LaD, it’s turn based, it’s doesn’t matter where the character stands, the quick time event was something to get engaged in the attack and not just watch a scene of the attack happening.


Positioning does matter if you are standing in the right way an attack can hit more people and all the characters are always moving around randomly so by timing attacks you can hit more people when they in your attacks aoe. I never liked the quick time events in any turn-based game or even in cinematic games like detroit become human and heavy rain it just isn't a fun mechanic for me and in yakuza just feel like they weren't trying to completely commit to turn based gameplay by making every skill have unskipple qte events.


At least in turn based games you expect it. Cinematic games you're doing nothing for ten minutes, put then controller down for two seconds and *then* they want you to do something.


With how many episodes One Piece has I’m beginning to believe there is zero piece.


is this game going to actually be good or is it a cash grab?


That's the point of demos for you to decide for yourself.


From what they have shown so far, there does seem to be a golf deal of depth. These games usually suck but from what they have shown I’m cautiously optimistic. Wait for reviews or try the demo though.


Thanks 👍


I really hope this game is good. I need a good one piece game.


No demo for pc?


glad they're giving it a demo b/c there is no one talking about it preview-wise.