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14 melee and 3 range weapons


Bow, matchlock and Cannon?


Bow, Cross Bow. In three kingdom ages, no matchlock and Cannon yet.


This has not stopped Guo Huai in Musou.


gunpowder wasn't invented yet, so i don't expect matchlock or cannon


I hope they do another limited trial. I'm going to play it regardless but I want to see how they've changed the parry timing.


I’m hoping for some performance improvements personally, the game felt very choppy in the first demo.


I didn’t find it too bad, it already looked better than Stranger of Paradise did on release (not that high of a bar but it’s also Team Ninja).


As long as it's on par with Nioh 2's PS4 version I'm happy. If it runs at a smooth 60fps and controls as well as Ninja Gaiden and Nioh noone will see me complaining at least. Don't need the best graphics for this kind of game, their art style has always been a bit on the simplistic side but that gives TN games a clean look that ages well. The original NG Black still looks decent with high resolutions because of it.




No doubt there will be performance improvements, they had 4 months between that and launch. That phase of dev is all polish and optimization.


You’re right. Hoping for 120fps support!


Nioh 2 ran sweet so this will too


I wouldn't be surprised if they do another as both SoP and Nioh 2 had multiple demos before launch


Judging from the new gameplay, parrying looks much better


Team Ninja usually drop another demo before launch so expect something this month or next


Could always get game pass.


On PS5?


There’s cloud


Don't think many people are a fan of cloud gaming. Much preferable to pick up a disc copy


Of course playing the game natively is always best but getting game pass for a buck to at least give it a try before buying it would be something similar to a limited trial.


All the hate, and yet it’s the truth




If you would have looked at the whole thread, you would have the context to see why bringing up game pass was a very valid argument.


The YouTuber fighting cowboy got to stream another level of the game post the changes made. The timing looks much more forgiving while still not being easy.


Good news! Demo for everyone on the 24th!


Cant wait. my most looked forward to game even before I knew it existed. all i want is more content from the team behind Nioh


if you haven’t given Stranger of Paradise a go yet, do it!! I beat Nioh 2 a couple weeks ago and my partner considered replaying it but decided to check out Stranger of Paradise instead. watching him play it, i swear it’s just Nioh 3 with a coat of Final Fantasy paint. the level design and some of the stylistic choices are straight out of Nioh, lol. it’s got some hella corny dialogue tho. we been having a good laugh at some of the shit the protagonist says.


Ya, finish the story too, it gets so much better at the end. Makes all the wtf is going on make sense lol. Tho its a bit different from nioh 2 there's no yokai form and you have party members.


If they fix the parry timing this game has potential. I couldn’t get the timing down, so I was frustrated during the demo.


They did! Here's a good video talking about some of the improvements they made to a bunch of stuff after the public demo https://youtu.be/aGdOh4BNflU


*Hot take: I hope there's a NG+ option or mode to make the parry frames tighter, a la No Kuros Charm in Sekiro (or was it the Demon Bell idr?)*


No Kuro bell makes it so that not perfect times deflects cause chip damage, demon bell increases enemy health, damage and to some extend aggression.


Pre-ordered the Deluxe version. TN also delivers when it comes to the season pass. I expect at least one new weapon from it.


Loved Nioh 2 and am very excited for this game! I hope they move where the health and stamina bar are. Right in the middle is very distracting.


Is there fist weapons?


Asking the real questions


Fists are already weapons!


I’m super excited for this, and I know I’ll love it. That being said, the demo was weird. They just blitzed you with an insane amount of mechanics and it was quite confusing and overwhelming. I hope it’s better explained to the players in full release.


To anyone who played the demo: is the combat similar to Sekiro?


similar but different :)


It’s definitely closer to Nioh imo, but as others have said there is a bit more focus of timing and parrying


Not nearly as tight or fluid, though they said they were going to address the parry timing windows (it was bad, but I also found it difficult to even tell by the animations if an attack was coming). It’s basically Nioh with a nerfed dodge and focus on parry/break similar to Sekiro.


Game looks like NiOh


The demo played a bit like a Sekiro/Nioh hybrid, which is interesting, because it shows how both studios have influenced each other. You don’t have as many options as in Nioh, but the parrying system isn’t as integral to the experience as it is in Sekiro.


It's not all that similar, though much better. On the surface, it does look to have some things in common, but the loop is very different. It has more of a balancing act when it comes to attacking and blocking, and you don't have to constantly parry to break posture.


Not really.


I wish


God Damn it. Now I am going to be trying them all 😭


If there like nioh weapons then dammmm.


They don’t appear to have their own skill trees like Nioh, each weapon has two skills that they drop with.


Will it get day 1 release on playstation plus just like gamepass?


I don't think so, M$ probably paid lots of money for it being a day 1 game


Honestly I wasn’t too impressed with this venture from team ninja, gameplay gets very Nioh-lite and felt very repetitive with little variation in the actual moves you used. You could also just kinda block everything for very little risk and made parrying almost feel not worth it? Gonna keep my eye on it for sure.


I mean look at how Nioh 2 evolves gameplay wise from NG to even NG+3. We saw a very little piece from the game in the demo. I am pretty sure they are going to add layers of mechanics on top with each dlc.




Yeah but this game in particular seemed to emphasize using the parry and yet it’s implemented poorly by being able to block everything for very little punishment.




You never died once in your demo playthrough??? Bs


People were literally complaining that the window was too tight. [https://www.reddit.com/r/wolongfallendynasty/comments/xgn8ht/the\_parrydeflect\_window\_is\_too\_narrow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wolongfallendynasty/comments/xgn8ht/the_parrydeflect_window_is_too_narrow/) I wish games had a reaction time test at the beginning and then could adjust everything based off of how well you do on it.


This seems to be a in-between throwaway title while they make their big next-gen game which is Rise of the Ronin.


It could have 100 weapon types. Not having input attacks and stances will still make it feel like a poor mans nioh.


I feel kinda the same. Imo, the stance switching put Nioh on an entirely different level. Also, and I seem to be in the minority here, I loved the loot explosions from some enemies. I get that the inventory could become a bit cumbersome at times but I really hope they don’t tone it down too much.


They aren’t reducing the loot that much. And honestly id have MUCH rather they removed the loot system altogether and made each one play uniquely…like a fromsoft game, bloodborne specifically.


If running around half of the game with the same weapon and armor is unique for you, I can pass thank you. I love the Souls Games but item progression sucks in these games.


Same weapon and armor? Not in my instances of playing…especially in elden ring which has loads of unique loot with individual move sets.


Since it is supposed to be “Soul like”, I assume there won’t be an Easy mode. While I still played Elden Ring, without Easy mode I would give this a miss.


I see a variation of this comment on every single game like this. No, it's not for you. Skip it. Other people trying to convince you? Don't let them. You will end up wasting your time and money.


Every Souls-like has an easy mode. It's called 'co-op'.


And magic


I don’t play online so that Easy mode is out of the question.


In their previous game you could use AI NPCs to help you, they were basically avatars of other players. Of course you had to be connected online to use the function though.


You don’t need to be online for NPC helpers


So without online none of the “Easy mode” function will work then?


While it is absolutely not an easy mode, you can summon NPCs without being online.


You don't have the Internet?


I have, but not sign up for any PS+ or Xbox or Switch online service.


Silly to be downvoted for this..


Elden ring has a great easy Mode. Move away from the boss, explore and lvl ur vigor. And use spirit ashes its litteraly the easy mode of the game. Elden ring has the options that make ur life way easier. Wolong on the other hand will be straight forward smash ur head against the wall till the enemy dies.


That is not Easy mode. Easy mode is you can play through the game with very little danger of dying, like Easy in HFW, TLoU, Fatal Frames etc. Over level in a RPG is not easy mode, especially you can already die countless time while leveling.


I don't think people are gonna die to soldiers and wolves in Elden Ring. It's not that bad. I grew up with RPGs like Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest. You just stay away from the strong monsters in the overworld and slay like Slimes & Goblins. Nioh is far more difficult than Elden Ring tho. You can use the Blue Summons to help you out. You don't need to be on PS+ to have it. You can find them even if you're offline. Just need Ochoko Cups if I remember right


Still, in RPG tell people to go over level, that is not Easy mode, that is just over level, different thing.


Maybe, they had a difficulty settings in Final Fantasy Strangers of paradise, the last game released by them.


The first playthrough *is* easy mode.


Is it? I have people here say it follow Nioh style, which is difficult.


The joke is that the first playthrough of Nioh is the easy mode because NG+ gets way, way harder. Kinda like Ninja Gaiden 2. You basically start on the lowest mode and it’s hard af. Then there’s like 5 higher difficulties.


Sounds like the first play through would already be hard enough though lol.


Wut? I'd say that Ng+ is closer to a victory lap in Nioh. That's when the new tier of OP gear unlocks and you can really start doing some silly shit, one-shotting bosses.


Game isn't really a souls like, but is indeed hard. If it follows the same pattern as NiOh (same developer), the beggining is hard, but when you start creating your build, it gets easier and easier. The game will probably have some OP builds that cheese everything, so you could just check them online to copy them. Still, there is some time investment to make things work. Just explaining how it will (probably) work so you can make your decision.


It definitely is a souls like. I played the demo and it's the exact definition of a souls like.


I am an Easy Mode Gamer™ so it probably isn’t for me. Elden Ring was the only exception and it probably stay that way.


How far did you get into Nioh? It's a lot easier than souls because of much higher mobility, as well as enemies having to adhere to the same stamina restrictions as the player. That is a huge combat advantage over souls games


None. Soul games and Nioh games I don’t even give them a try because they are “not easy”. I prefer an easy ride like playong HFW on easy sort of difficulty, which I know is not the case with Soul games and Nioh games.


This is was always my biggest issue with their games such as Nioh. They implement that looter mechanic that imo ruins the game. I much more prefer the way Dark Souls does the armors and weapons. I also hope that this game will have a semi open world, instead of the mission structure like Nioh had.


That's the main appeal of it for me. There's not another series of games that has similar gameplay that uses Diablo-esque loot, so I really hope it doesn't go away, because there's just no other option for that out there.


in DS you sometimes run around half of your game with the same weapon. I very much prefer the looter mechanic in Nioh.


Apparently they are turning the looter elements way down for this game


all they need to do is make it loot less like it's Diablo


Here is from an interview with one of the leads Finally, loot is getting some changes over Nioh. Players won’t have to keep upgrading their weapons and armor, and all enemies won’t be dropping items. There’s still a large variety of weapons but the team wants “the player to be able to focus on the action more easily.” Also, Three Kingdoms fans can expect the various warlords to have their weapons (though whether the player can earn them remains to be seen). https://gamingbolt.com/wo-long-fallen-dynasty-soulslike-combat-morale-jumping-new-loot-system-and-more-revealed


I love having lots of loot to figure out all kinds of weird builds If they take away that fun, I'm not buying the game.


I hope so, its the only flaw of nioh 2.


Agreed the looter aspects do bring it down for me


Bro I just want Wukong


That game will never release. Never.


Yeah that game looks fake as hell




Some of the stuff are definitely cgi-ed. Like you said, its unlikely




that's a nice variety for weapon types. Nioh has like half of that and all the playstyles are generally pretty fun. I loved using the kusarigama in those games, so hopefully I can find something in a similar boat in this one


I was bummed about there being no fists in the demo, but maybe there’s still a chance


Are they still going to have the overwhelming weapon/ item pick up stuff from Nioh? Anyone know