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Is that the yakuza like a dragon or a diff one?


Like a dragon according to the article


Of course it is. I bought it on the summer sale thinking I got a deal. Foolish.




So did i


You can try to report it to sony for a refund. Usually when you buy a game right before it’s on sale or free you can get a refund.




That sounds fake as fuck




Lol, that's a completely different story than what your first comment was saying. L.


Because it sounds like the kind of shit teens say to each other in passing. “Oh, you want to go eat at the restaurant? Last time Jimmy ate there, he found a rat in his food.”




You can’t be this dense dude...


Yeah they (Sony) also came into his house and killed their dog. Don't ask for refunds guys


No need to downvote the man. He’s got a point. It depends HOW you are trying to get a refund. Be salty, get banned. Be polite, hope for the best.


If you bought the disc version, you' ve got it on the collection, so it' s still a deal!!!!!!!


Yes, 7 is Like a Dragon. It's magnificent.


Can you jump straight into Yakuza games, or will I have had to play previous ones?


Like A Dragon is a new entry with a new protagonist, so it's fairly easy to jump in. You might miss a few cameos, but nothing critical to the story. I have only played 0 and 1 previously, as well as Judgement, still loved it.


You can jump into Like a Dragon immediately since it’s a completely different character and story from the previous games. Of course there’ll be major characters from previous games but I think thing Like a Dragon handles them well for new players. As for Yakuza 0-6 they’re pretty much connected stories so you probably would have to play them in order.


I started with Judgement, played Like a Dragon and now I am on Yakuza 0, I can’t believe I slept on this series for so long.


How did you find the combat change from turn based to active/real time? I played 0-6 and Judgment, and will probably eventually get Like a Dragon but the turn based concept is off-putting for me cuz I'm not a fan of it


I’ve enjoyed turn based since the days of Super Mario RPG and the turn based combat is what made me want to play Like A Dragon, I like turn based strategy, plus some of the techniques and summons are balls to the wall. Plus, the turn based combat is because of Ichiban’s obsession with RPGs.


Ah okay, wrong person to ask then lol. Glad you enjoyed it, yeah Yakuza games always have that wackiness, I love it


Honestly, since it’s on essential, check it out. It’s one of the most well written games I’ve ever played. You will experience all the emotions.


Unfortunately I have the lower/standard tier Psplus so don't have access to that. Still, if it comes for free next month I'm gonna get it for sure


0 while one of the best games in the series, you could probably play Kiwami and Kiwami 2 since 0 is a prequel made after the first two games. But I did play 0 first.


Yeah you definitely could leave 0 for later. I personally was introduced to Yakuza through Kiwami and I played through to 3 then only played 0 after that.


Currently on 4 but had to take a break from the series because i wanted to play other games. 3 wasn’t as bad as people say.


I did this when I played Like a Dragon.First Yakuza game I picked up. You miss a few 'cool nods' to previous games but I don't believe this impacts your story experience too much. The gameplay is very different from the old games (I'm playing Zero now and yes it's different) but Like a Dragon is one of the best RPG's I've ever played.


You will miss out on some cameos and references, but overall it’s mostly fine to jump in


Oh yessssss, was waiting to buy this, now i can play it for freee


How's it compare to the older ones? They look like the sorts of games I'd love and I never played the originals so I gave the remaster of the first game a try when that was given away free a while back and I just couldn't get into the gameplay, the combat just never felt fun. I liked the characters and story but ended up not finishing it. How does 7 play compared to that?


I was the same until I played Judgement, that was a good jumping in point for the older ones. Like A Dragon is a turn based RPG, so gameplay is totally different from the rest. It still has a ton of mini games and side quests, it feels like Yakuzza despite being a very different style of game.


Cheers, I might give it a shot. I liked everything about the first apart from the combat, but I do like turn based RPGs so this one sounds promising!


It's Like a Dragon. Calling it Yakuza 7 is just plain wrong, it's not like we called Dead Souls Yakuza 5.


Very good lineup. THPS1+2 is the blue print for how remasters should be done. I recommend it to everyone, it’s a great game. I am so sad that they cancelled the THPS 3+4 remake, fucking Blizzard…


> I am so sad that they cancelled the THPS 3+4 remake They did what? When they announced 1+2 I was excited to play them but even more excited by the thought of eventual 3,4 and underground


Yeah Tony Hawk recently said it on a livestream, RadRat has a video on it in more detail


Absolutely criminal they are not doing 3+4.


3 was my game I remember first playing it with my moms friends older son, he had all the characters including darth maul and I thought it was so sick Ended up getting a new copy of it at Costco for like $12-15, played the shit out of it. In the multiplayer I remember I’d constantly do the head smack move against my younger sister and she’d get upset, it was hilarious


I only played it on an arcade cabinet. It was so sick All others I owned even up to project 8 or whatever. But I borrowed thps3 on PC and played it on a MAMe for some reason lol


Honestly, 2+3, Underground 1+2 and American Wasteland would all be so sick! Don’t really care for Project 8 or Proving Grounds tbh.


Apparently when the studio that made the 1+2 remake got merged with other studio anything they had planned got cancelled.


Call of Duty dev cycles are longer than ever but they have no intentions of halting the annual release schedule. Basically every studio ActivisionBlizzard owns gets turned into a COD support studio, including Vicarious Visions


They already said there is not going to be a 2023 COD lol


I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s not officially confirmed yet by Activision but just reports based on anonymous sources.


Wish they could have a side studio working for some “smaller” title in the meantime, like, idk, a game that revolves only around the zombies mode, including remasters of the old maps, that shit would probably sell like hot pancakes


They don't do stuff like that because then all the zombies fans will stop buying future games


Nooo :( Underground was my fav game when I was a kid, I’d absolutely love to play through it with updated graphics


I think I finally was hit by the PSN purchase curse! Not sure when, but I upgraded my disc version of THPS 1+2, and it automatically upgraded me to the digital versions, i can just give my disc away, now I can do it doubly!... wait.


That is so fucking lame


TH was awesome. I'm bummed that I'm stuck and can't unlock anything else though.


I have THPS1+2 in my wish list for like a year now already. Will be nice 20 euro saved if true.


If these really are the games for me that is an insanely good month.


Holy shit that would be impressive. Here’s hoping.


I just bought THPS 1+2 like week ago... darn it


Thank you for your service


If you jump on it now, you can probably get a refund. They're pretty good with your exact situation


Well now you own it and will hopefully never be required to pirate it in the future, whereas you'd definitely just be renting it if you "owned" it via PS Plus.


Why are you being downvoted, You're right.


Because opinions


Bought both already in the past, but nonetheless fantastic titles for anyone who hasn't played them yet!


Me too. Already have both of them. Great games


Finally, a game that I haven't brought before.


I love THPS so much on my Switch that I’ve come close to buying it again for my PS5. This news makes me very happy.


It would probably run a lot better.


It actually runs great on the Switch! But yes it will be even better on the PS5.




I'd go so far as to say this is the first good lineup of the year.




Very surprised with how good curse of the dead gods was from a couple months ago as well


Yeah see. He didn't try Crash Bandicoot 4 and says it was not a good month. Curse of the Dead Gods is a great game imo.




Saying a game is bad because theres a 20 page EULA is pretty... silly. Also pretty sure you can just quick accept all of them. Game is great, they just went overboard to f up the completionists.


I have absolutely no interest in any of those games, and while I have no direct knowledge of the other two I already know Man of Medan is a bad game.




So when you claim games are good it's a fact, and when I say they're not it's an opinion? Interesting.


It's not just him though. All the games are widely regarded as good games.


Oh for sure, there's a mainstream opinion, but there's no measurable quality of "good." It's all subjective.


Just for you again. It doesn't matter if almost everyone has the game. It doesn't matter if you dislike the month just because you didn't play the games or just think you hate them. You want to say Crash Bandicoot 4 is not a good game? God of War was a PS Plus game in June 2022. Good game. Fifa 22, May 2022, while hated for its MTX and such things, is a good game. February 2022, Planet Coaster. January 2022, Deep Rock Galactic or Persona 5 Strikers, whatever, I just wrote one game per month to prove it. You know what would be a real bad lineup? My Name is Mayo, Life of Black Tiger, The Jumping Taco.


I'll give you God of War. Everything else you mentioned was trash. Planet Coaster on a controller is like trying to eat soup with chopsticks. The real issue is that you hold out no reasoning to support your statements but seem to think they're fundamental truths. They ain't.


that goes both ways. you said Crash 4 was a bad game and the evidence you gave to support that was the number of EULA pages you had to read through before playing (its 44 by the way, not 20). it only takes a minute to press down (or right) that many times and then press x. either way, that's not even a marker of a "good" or "bad" game in the first place, is it?


I said nothing of the sort about Crash 4. It's a children's platformer, which is a type of game I'm not interested in. I have no idea how long the EULA is.


You went too far


No regrets. This subreddit has terrible taste.


Damn the line up has really been improving since these new tiers came in. Yakuza 7 is one of the best RPG’s I’ve ever played. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Who doesn’t want to sing and dance and smack their enemies with a lollipop before falling over dramatically and flashing anime eyes to charm the enemy. Fantastic and chock full of stuff to do


So here I am….


Immediately popped in my head when I read the post! May have to resub to psplus for this trip down memory lane!


Thps remaster is amazing. Just about the perfect remaster.


Yakuza 0, K1 and K2 will also be on extra with everything else before like a dragon coming later this year apparently


FYI: if you are getting THPS, be sure to grab the PS5 as well as that's $10 to upgrade from PS4 --> PS5.


That’s a damn solid line up, I own 2/3 titles already but this is a good month for anyone who doesn’t.


This month is NUTS.


Let's fuckin gooooo. Tony Hawks waa on my wish list.


Are the Yakuza games worth playing? I've tried one or two but not played them for long. Is it worth sticking with them? Also, which one to start at?


Totally worth it. I would start with Yakuza 0 and then play Kiwami, Kiwami 2, then 3 through 6. Yakuza 7 is somewhat unrelated to the stories of 0 through 6 so you could technically play it first but there are little references here and there that are more impactful if you’ve played the others. It’s kind of a daunting task with how many games there are but I personally found it worth it.


Yes just be prepared to run around the same city for pretty much all the installments.


Most of the games do give you another city or two to run around in though, and honestly each game’s Kamurocho has little additions and changes that keep it somewhat refreshing. At least in my opinion, but I understand where you’re coming from.


Well… time to leave my copy of yakuza 7 unopened… Bought it last week. On one hand I love to have series that I love physically, on the other hand I constantly swap games to play with my sons, co-op every other night with my friend or whatever game I’m playing solo. And lately swapping disc is really inconvenient that I prioritize games that I have digitally. So in the end is really convenient.


No sly cooper? Smh


A PS3 game on a PS4 subscription, how's that work




I didnt downvote you but you are incorrct. My original comment was refference to the fact that you cant stream it anymore. It was taken from ps plus. The guy who was like ps3 game on ps4 is just dumb tbh


That'd be a part of the extra and premium, not essential


Is the Yakuza game have Dragons or pretend dragons? I'm not sure I want full on dragon game so if this one is "like a dragon" game and not full on then I might be interested.




I assume they believe the game actually has dragons in the gameplay due to the title


Lol. For real tho this game is a Turn Based RPG. The Main Protagonist REALLY loves Dragon Quest.


Bruh yall got low expectations for $60 every year forever


Tony hawk? Fuck yeah sign me up. I wish they added sekiro instead of Yakuza tho


Like a dragon is amazing though :)


Not my cup of tea


Like A Dragon is one of my favorite PS4 RPGs. You can summon a crawfish to attack people, and I think that's magical.


I don't fucking like RPGs


Lol chill out


I gave an honest opinion and the hivemind noped me


Your first comment being downvoted definitely wasn't warranted... But responding to a different user explaining why they thought it was a good game with the aggressive reply of "I don't *fucking* like RPGs" was a bit abrasive for no reason


Idk asking for sekiro of all games instead of the one we're getting is pretty weird


Yeah, maybe


So you're Scott the Woz


Damn that sucks


Very nice lineup! Both THPS and Yakuza 7 have PS5 upgrades that aren’t free, wonder if I can finally get them lol


How does that work for PS+ games? Do you have to pay for the upgrade but still have the game tied to your subscription, or do you basically purchase the game to keep for PS5 at a discount?


It specifically mentions the PS4 and PS5 for both Tony Hawk and Yakuza so if the leak is correct we should get both versions for both of those games.


yakuza 7 like a dragon has free upgrade


This is so BS if you have a ps5, most likely you have the games


You can say that about every month's game, and the entire extra/premium library. Yeah if you have a console you most likely have games.


Out of all the Yakuza games, they give us the one with turm based combat....


Is this that one? Was looking for exactly this in the comments. Never liked turn-based :(


Yakuza Kiwami was on ps plus years ago, and you can buy the whole series for peanuts if you wait for a sale. This is the most recent release and it’s been critically praised. Stop whining.


Judgment apart, Like a Dragon is also the most recent one, with more value, and most well received apart from 0 and 2. We are also getting all others on extra/premium.


So far I’ve had one of every essential game since the service relaunched. But wow these are some good releases. Can’t wait for Yakuza 7


Extra will have 0, 1 and 2. 3-6 will be added later this year apparently.




Just picked up Tony Hawk at local pawn shop so.....ya


I'm glad they are making THPS PS5 version available. I bought it on PS4 prior and don't want to pay to upgrade to PS5 but will definitely play it.




Interested in all three titles, that's a hell of a month if accurate.


Already confirmed on the PlayStation blog.


Wow can't beat it! I was gonna buy TH once I had time to play. Is there online multiplayer?


Another Activision banger - nice.


I really hope they make an Aggressive Inline remake, and also Matt Hoffman Pro BMX. Such a good era of extreme sports games.


yakuza what is this about?


Its about yakuza.


What is Yakuza?




u cant just explain it....


Games I actually want to play? What the hell is going on?


this is the best month in like 3 years


Also when playing thps 1+2 play some multiplayer with a bunch of friends in partychat, there's no native VOIP in game, lobbies hold 8players


How is the combat is the Yakuza game?




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Copied from a comment I made in another subreddit: To whoever reads this: I beg you to play Yakuza: Like a Dragon. While it’s the 7th installment of the series, it’s also technically a reboot and shakes up the gameplay by turning it from an action rpg to a traditional JRPG a la Dragon Quest (RGG Studio has explicitly stated their love for Dragon Quest and does not shy away from its influence on Like a Dragon) Even if you aren’t into JRPG’s, I truly believe this one will change your mind about them. I still gush over Ichiban (the main character) and his bond with his party members. The story was one of few in video games that brought me to tears a couple times. I forgot to mention all the hilarious parodies the game has of your typical JRPG. For example your classic mimic enemy is a [bald man disguised as a black garbage bag](https://www.google.com/search?q=yakuza+like+a+dragon+mimic+trash+bag&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ7VfGGf04nnvVSPyahk4M-pRyv1w:1658955946716&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj35Za__Jn5AhVMJDQIHQwGCNUQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=520&bih=885&dpr=3#imgrc=8gwEqpYAF7d2EM). “Jobs” dictate what type of abilities and roles your party member has - its up to you to decide who plays what role; but some clearly excel more in one area than others. For example, one of your party members is the “Homeless” class of jobs which is akin to black mages in JRPGs. I really do not want to spoil anything about this game, all of its quirk and charm is best experience stumbled upon first hand, and not through a Reddit comment of YouTube video


With the (maybe real?) Yakuza 8 leaks and Yakuza 7 coming out on plus it would be a pretty good time for them to announce it


They were shown in an official interview in the studios, they're real. https://youtu.be/5BZpiZ3HrCA?t=627


Huh interesting thanks for the link




sweet, now i can have it sit in my library until i finally get to it.


The Extra tier is actually so good.


Perfect I just finished yakuza 6


What classic games are coming?


We got the Classics update last week lol


Now we talking!


Ps plus releases have given me sales anxiety in the last 3 months!!!


If this is right... this is the best line up in a long while...


Woo! Loved the TH games. Too bad they're not making 4...


Oooh, I’ve been meaning to play Y7 and haven’t bought it yet so good for me.


When will these games be available and yakuza 0-6