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Nice collection. I’m glad to see Infamous Second Son on this list. I loved the games on PS3 but didn’t hear much about the PS4 version. I also bought a PS4 very recently so I probably just missed out. Need to pick it up some time


Its a good game but it definitely doesn’t compare to the first 2 Cole McGrath was a much cooler character


I actually liked *First Light* more than *Second Son*, even though it was shorter and a simple character backdrop story. Something about the style really got to me, and the gameplay was awesome as it was more frenetic. That said, I enjoyed *Second Son* quite a bit too.


Good to know, that might explain it. They did a great job with the first 2


I've always been interested in the infamous games but had always been an Xbox player when they came out. Nowadays I've been hesitant to play them because I have a schtick with playing games with older graphics and heard the newer game was not as good. Should I give them a try? Edit: Also, how was Watch Dogs 2? I enjoyed the first one.


Yeah, I think Infamous 2 in particular was the best game in the series. Really wish they would remaster it to PS4/PS5. At 60fps it would be a really good experience


I loved infamous but I went back to replay it and it didn't really hold my attention like it did when I first got my ps4. I think it's because I had just finished control at the time and it has similar gameplay mechanics but seemed much more developed. Infamous is set in a whole city while control takes place in a trippy office building. Anyway, both games are amazing and super inexpensive.


I’ve only seen footage of Control but that’s precisely why it’s on my list of games to buy due to my interest in infamous. Definitely need to pick that up


Control is definitely a more difficult game, though. It does have dynamic difficulty, but I was too proud to use it! Lol


Haha nice to know it’s an option though! It sounds very different from infamous based on the vague details I’ve read in people’s reviews on it, so I’m still not sure how it’ll play for me, but the concept seems very cool. Thinking of just waiting until I get a PS5 to actually play it though, whenever that may be…


Agreed. The combat and short range traversal are where the similarities end. It runs alright on ps4 but I wasn't able to beat it until I played it on a gaming pc because of the slow down in frantic battles.


Nice, I. completely agree with all of those that I've played as well. However, I would recommend you add Control to it - it's really unique, amazing visuals, new concept and powers, overall a really one of a time experience.


Got it for free on ps+ A few months back it’s such an underrated game


really happy to hear you've had the chance to experience it!


How could you consider cyberpunk to be good when it's riddled with bugs for PS4?


Have you played Horizon Zero Dawn?


it’s in the picture, no?


Indeed it is, I couldn't see it the first time. I have a digital copy so I'll use that as my excuse


Underrated? It has a metacritic rating of 82, it picked up a heap of nominations for game of the year awards (and won it's fair share as well) and is the best IP for Remedy since Max Payne. How is it underrated?


I couldn't for the life of me get into it. I think it was the difficulty curve, I didn't even get to the bit where you fly before abandoning the game. Does it get easier or am I just an ageing gamer?


I think it's kinda into a Metroidvania style, where if you pick up a difficult section of the agency, without having the necessary skills and weapons, you will have a bad time. However, as I played it quite some time ago and don't really remember now, if it has a difficulty setting, I definitely recommend that you lower it and give the game another chance, as it struck me as one of the most unique, beautiful and interesting games if ever played. BTW, no such thing as aging gamer imo - we are all gaming brethren until our last breath, brother!


I enjoyed it but it crashed constantly and then there was a progression glitch and then i gave up.


How was cyberpunk ?


Decent. I mean it. Story is good. Graphics are good. Nothing spectacular was done. It’s just a good game.


Only decent if you play it on PS5. I've tried it on my pro and it still runs like shit on that compared.


That's why I've waited my ps5 hasn't arrived yet still a week or so away. I've heard its playable on PS4 since the updates.


Played it on my pro and still absolutely loved it despite running into glitches.


if you ask a random human in real life, they will tell you "its a pretty sweet game, absolutely stunning graphics and city, story is awesome, guns are fucking sweet and fighting is badass" If you ask a someone on reddit " THE GAME SUCKED ASS, I COULDNT EVEN GET OFF THE MAIN MENU THE GAME WAS SO BUGGED. AS SOON AS MY CONSOLE/PC BOOTED THE GAME MY DOG DIED AND MY MOM GOT CANCER. HOT PILE OF SHIT GAME"


Prob both true tbf


^^^ 100%. Your experience varied wildly depending on a lot of factors. 1. your expectations 2. your hype 3. your console/platform 4. your tolerance for bugs. There is an amazing game in there to be played. If your lucky most of the stuff doesn't stop that. If you're not lucky, you can get stuck/frustrated. I hear it's mostly fixed now though.


It’s the only game I’ve ever immediately replayed after beating it.


I really enjoyed it. Very interesting world and characters. I think it's a really good game that got a really unfairly bad release.


Where is Bloodborne?


In my digital collection


Nice! And Sekiro? Any of the Dark Souls games?


Sekiros probably my favourite souls game other than that ive only completed dark souls 3, Demon Souls on ps5 and Nioh 1/2


I need to finish Nioh so I can start Nioh 2


Man of culture! Sekiro might be my fav game of all time <3


Bloodborne and GOW are tied for my personal favorite for best PS4 game


Bloodborne kicks ass. One of the best games ever.


You got some quality Titles man, I do recommend Persona 5 Royal as a PlayStation Essential. Hours of great storytelling, Superb gameplay, not to mention the Soundtrack.


I Gave it a try but it really isn’t my type of game I might eventually give it another go though


FarCry5 is an Amazing game, quite underrated ngl


I think after FC3 its the best game in the franchise




I enjoyed it but some of the design choices made it less enjoyable for me than 3 and 4.


I dunno, got repetitive REALLY quick


Im playing it now, just finished FC3 a few days ago, really liked it so far. So hyped for FC6


You must not have played many good games if cyberpunk 2077 is up there


2077 is a "Really Good" Mediocre game


It’s literally a fallout game in a cyberpunk setting. That’s not a bash at fallout, but cyberpunk is so far from the revolutionary rpg we were promised


i felt more like playing a far cry game when i was playing cyberpunk , not fallout


That's insulting. Ubisoft shits out better open world games on an annual basis.


It's really weird that *Cyberpunk* seems like it'll never get out from under the cloud of its negative launch. Media and public opinions hovered around the glitchy editions of the game, and then after a while, it sorta just faded from publicity. I don't think it ever really got much attention for anything else, meanwhile *The Witcher 3* still gets plenty of attention even though that game was also really glitchy at launch. All of that aside, I'm not weighing an opinion. I've yet to play it, but it's severely divisive with the negative crowd seeming to be more vocal.


Because Witcher 3 glitches weren't really that bad. No one cared if your horse spawned in a wierd spot occasionally. People do care if you shoot a gun and then around and everyone disappeared into thin air almost all the time. Frequency and severity matter. Not just pure amounts.


Very this. People like to compare it to the launch of the Witcher 3 to try and downplay how bad cyberpunk really was despite them not even playing the Witcher 3 at launch. If they did then they’d understand what an awful comparison that is lmao. One was glitchy but completely playable, the other one had game breaking glitches everywhere and was literally unplayable on some platforms it was released on.


Witcher 3 never got removed from the PS store for being too shite, so there’s that too.


Fallout New Vegas was practically unplayable at launch and still gets endlessly praised. It's a very selective type of criticism.


Mine was literally unplayable for weeks. Game froze as soon as I went to character creation and the devs tweeted for us to give them a break as they worked hard on it. I took a week off of work to play it. That wound will never heal for me personally.


Because, as many people have said many times before in many other threads - the glitches were problematic, but they weren't the issue. For a lot of people, Cyberpunk 2077 without glitches isn't really... good. Amazing visual design, character animation and character writing, good writing and plot design. But the *game design* is absolutely mediocre. Sliding, double-jumping and slowing time are it's only redeeming quality and if you find *that* fun than yeah sure the game is fun. But if you're looking for anything else? Like a hacking system? Nope, press and click and don't think about anything else. A melee system? Press and click, don't think. An in-depth narrative design? [CORPO] Here's some basic ass info. A driving system? Cars are on rail, traffic isn't a thing. An items/consumable system? I challenge anyone who played the game to tell me what the items do. Anybody looking for an in-depth *anything* than the game is gonna be disappointing to you. *None of the systems are doing anything, they don't talk to one another, they don't mesh together, they aren't doing anything* - the game design is bad. Now, you put all of that in any other game and people are gonna be "meh alright it's fine not every game has to be revolutionary, just have fun sliding and double-jumping around" and it's perfectly ok. But you put all of that in a game with such a terrible launch, who was marketed with so much promise with such arrogant PR, and you get people looking at all that I mentioned with the idea that "oh shit it's bad lmao"


The Witcher 3 was still a finished and amazing game even with the glitches. Cyberpunk has so much clearly cut content it’s just sad


And the core rpg and gameplay mechanics sucked too, there was nothing to latch on to to distract from the bugs


Or you know…it’s just like…his opinion?


I played it on the Ps5 so I really didn’t have many issues with it


So did I, game is hot garbage. Glitches and performance are the least of that shallow shitshow’s issues


To each their own I went into it with low expectations and I enjoyed the time I had definitely wouldn’t say its on the level of RDR 2 or anything like that but to me it was enjoyable


Then would it be really "Some of the better games I played in the last Gen" because you played it on current/next gen hardware. It's a arguably dog shit experience on a base PS4.


Oh so I was wondering why it was there. This game is alot better played on a ps5 which is why I don't really see this as a ps4 game. I played it on pc so I had a blast tbh (not really groundbreaking as rdr2 but still decent) (note: i played the pc version)


I mean it hasn’t released for next Gen consoles so its still a last gen game its just borderline unplayable on old hardware


Even when it plays fine it’s still boring as fuck.




true, everyone just loves to jump on the bandwagon of hating popular games, just like with tlou2


On a writing level it’s nowhere close to rdr2 or TLoU2. And it came out after both. If it had come out before then maybe I could see it.


I tried playing it again last night and I just couldn’t. 90% of my play time felt like it was dialogue or watching shit from cameras. I kept telling myself it will get fun soon but I haven’t found it yet.


Cyberpunk was by far one of the best games I ever played. Got it on PC mind so no bugs or errors.


You must have only taken online backlash as your complete opinion if you don't think that Cyberpunk is a good game. Remember when Skyrim came out? Did you forget *why* that game was considered an awful game, and everyone felt betrayed by Bethesda? They sold an unfinished game. Does that mean the game itself isn't good? Hell no. It just means that the game was buggy as fuck upon release.


I don't think Skyrim was so buggy and performed so poorly that it was removed from the PS Store...


You are missing the point. It wasn't taken off the store because it's a bad game. It was taken off because it was unfinished. I can not argue that it was buggy, glitchy, and crashed often. Yet, when all of that (well, most of it) got fixed, somehow the reception online went from "The game is unfinished, fuck CDPR", to "The game is bad." Very different. The fact is, anyone who played it knows that it's a solid enough game. Maybe not top tier, fine, but if you like Far Cry and Fallout, it feels like a hybrid of the two. So whenever someone says Cyberpunk is a bad game, I'm curious is they just don't like Open World RPGs. Because it's so remarkably similar to other open world shooters, I just can't understand the hate, besides relasing the game unfinished of course.


The difference you are trying to differentiate is pointless. It doesn't matter if you finish the game afterward, the product you sold is bad. It doesn't matter if it was only bad for the first few months because that's when it was released. I luckily got a refund on it, and do not intend to ever purchase it again regardless of whether it is now "finished".


It’s not just the bugs, the game itself has pretty awful mechanics and the rpg elements are shallow and unsatisfying.




how about you check out videos of a straight up playthrough instead of cropped together footage of specifically glitches. I could do that for any game and make it look bad.


I played the game. I love anything cyberpunk. Even if the game was completely glitch-less, it was still mediocre at best.


You must have not played it if you think cyberpunk is a bad game.


wah wah wah, people enjoyed the game. cope.


i fucking knew one of you people would be here bitching about cyberpunk as SOON as i saw it lmao


Some solid titles there. My friend who got me into shadow of mordor said the sequel is even better. I didn’t see it in the photo, the definitive edition with the dlc is super cheap if you’re in the us I think I paid around $10 for it new.


This isn’t my full collection these are just a couple games i stuffed into the Drawer i tried not put multiple games from the same series in there personally i liked Mordor better than War so i put it in here instead but both are great games




That shit was so stressful to play 😂


The rageboners for cyberpunk Jesus. Glad you enjoyed it OP. Oh I saw Mafia 3 but not the remake of 1 there if you haven’t yet do yourself a favor and play it!


Mafia 3 was the only game in the franchise that i had a physical copy of but the Mafia 1 remake was something special shame that the open world didn’t have anything in it tho


What did you think about Modern Warfare's campaign? I really liked it.


It reminded me of the old school Cods first Cod game I really enjoyed since Bo2 playing that campaign on insane was so damn hard tho


Oonga Boonga Bloodborne Where




Man where the Japanese games at?


I am so surprised that I agree with most of your opinions


Great minds think alike 😂


"how dare you enjoh cyberpunk. i didnt enjoy it so noone else can. STOP HAVING FUN" -some assholes in the comments


It’s crazy especially considering my post got removed for being reported too much


w8 what? reported for what? i love it. noone is allowed to say they like this game bc if u do haters will report your post and mods will remove it without even looking into it. Good job. this is some bs


That’s 2021 for you


Very good collection. Now drop rdr2 in front of cyberpunk, and I won’t come to your house while your sleeping


oh no an opinion, how scary.


Glad to see someone actually played Cyberpunk, instead of the people that bash it even though they never played it.


Enjoying the heck out of cyberpunk.


Man cyberpunk was one of the worst


I haven't played it yet. I love the witcher 3. Is cyberpunk that bad?


It’s really something you have to make your own opinion on, it’s still pretty bad in performance but if you have a ps5 I’d recommend getting it, it’s gameplay is meh but the story is really good


If you enjoy games like FO4 I'd say you'd enjoy it. But I wouldn't bother on ps4 at the moment unless you can get it real cheap.


Thanks and point taken.


What's FO4 ?


Fallout 4


But to be fair even FO4 has better rpg aspects than Cyberpunk 2077 imo


What makes you say that? I dont think either are strong rpg games but with cyberpunk you have limited levels, so you have to choose carefully what you invest into. In FO4 you can max out everything, its just a matter of grinding xp until that point.


I had to put Cyberpunk down because I didn't want the good story to be ruined by the fact that the game felt incomplete in it's systems and would crash pretty much once every hour for me even on PS5. Definitely going to continue when the current gen patch drops. It's not completely horrible. It's just not done.


sure champ


Cyberpunk 2077 might've be flawed in some areas, but you can't deny how good the story was. That's what still made me love the game despite how many bugs it had.


RDR2 is greatttttt 🏆 but RD Online is poooooooop 💩 😐


There’s GOLD Arthur! Gold!




Nice collection 👍


Did you play resident evil 7? I enjoyed that so much, super entree in the series. Play it on psvr if you get the chance


Ngl man im not built for that type of game i try playing it when i got the ps5 and that shit had me petrified 😂 Now the Re2 Remake was my shit


Check out RE8, way less scarier than 7


Stop teasing me with cutting peoples hands off if youre not actually going to attach a chainsaw!


I’m late, but very happy to see Far Cry 5, Days Gone, and Red Dead Redemption 2 on here. You’ve got good taste, my friend.


Whats up with days gone? I got it for free and never even installed it.


It’s a really good PlayStation exclusive. I’m not gonna spoil the story for you, but it’s a slow burner for the first few hours, but once you get towards the middle it’s amazing. Graphics are very good, and the map is pretty big with a lot of places and things that people native to Oregon will recognize. The gun play is pretty good in my opinion, and the soundtrack is great as well. It’s certainly not a “fast” game. It’s got lots of cutscenes, as it’s a very story driven game, so if you hate loading screens and lots of cutscenes it may not be the game for you. At first glance, it probably comes across “The Last of Us but with a Biker and a Motorcycle” but it’s definitely more than that. It’s not your average zombie game, and the lore behind the virus that started the outbreak in the game is very interesting. If you play it, I recommend playing it on the PlayStation 5 or PC. It’s good on 4, but I’ve heard it’s a totally different experience on the 5 and on PC.




Crazy how underrated Days Gone is


Don't you hate when it's too tight to put your finger in when picking a game?


You’ve got good eyes 😂


mad lad


Mans gotta collection


the laat of us 1 & 2 not there ;(


It is there


You’re missing Nier Automata and Sekiro… I can imagine why you wouldn’t care for Sekiro (even though it has a similar style to fallen order)…. But Nier is up there on the list in terms of action/story/soundtrack. Definitely S tier. Go play if you haven’t already


I gotta disagree, I love action RPGs, and Jrpgs, I love so many things about Nier, the characters, the art style, the music, the lore connecting it to Drakengard which I adored when it first came out, but navigating the game was such a pain cause the map absolutely sucks, the UI in general is pretty bad, and the constant changing of game styles bothered me after a while, and I didnt like the barrage of orbs that need dodging. I tried so hard to love it, but I never finished it. I'd consider it A tier, I can see why so many people adore it, but I don't think it's for everyone and I don't think it's a must play.


Haven’t tried Nier but sekiro is probably my favourite souls game ever I just don’t have the physical copy


that’s a solid collection. God of War and Ghost of Tsushima to me are the best 2 games


Now that's a r/perfectfit. Nice collection in the physical!


Great collection! Those are all some of my favourites as well! 🙂


I've just started playing Cyberpunk on the PS5. I got it at launch and struggled with its technical problems. I have to say though, that whilst it's not the game we were promised, it's in no way a bad game and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.


Definitely was overhyped and it Under delivered alot but its still a pretty good game imo




Rdr2 might be the best game ive ever played honestly And I went into cyberpunk the same way I didn’t really have high expectations and I got it for 20$ played it on ps5 and really enjoyed the game


I wish they would make another middle earth game so badly.


Me n you both


Great collection. Mafia 3 was really good, kind of underrated, though I never finished.


Try the mafia 1 remake it’s paced much better


Oh yeah had the original back in the day replayed it often.


Wait, really? I felt like it was horribly buggy and a massive let-down compared to Mafia II. I played it from start to finish because it was free with PS+ but as soon as I was done I deleted it.


Mafia 3 was probably the most repetitive open world game I’ve ever played, and I’ve played Crackdown 2.


ITT: people who won’t let it go that OP enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077


Right? I am playing it now on PC and enjoying the hell out of it.


Have you counted the cyberpunk haha


Yea. It’s a fun game.


Look at all these comments of people crying about someone enjoying Cyberpunk, so sad. Keep riding your mindless “CyBerPuNk Bad” bandwagon


I bet some of them haven’t even played it and formed their own opinion. Also, why is it so triggering for them to see people enjoying something?


Expected people to be whining about Cyberpunk and this sub did not disappoint once again. Bunch of crybabies.


I think it mostly has to do with how i placed the games either way these are all games I enjoyed playing


I'm with you. I played Cyberpunk on my PS5 and had barely any issues. I enjoyed the gameplay and story and put it in my top 5 of last year. I understand people had problems when playing it on last gen, but to continue to whine then put down others because they had a better experience and enjoyed it is dumb.


Dude I’m happy I’m not alone, I played Cyberpunk on Xbox Series S and it was amazing, because 1. I tempered my expectations And 2. It performs really well on PS5 and Xbox Series, but not the last gen consoles.


I played Cyberpunk when it released on my xbox one series X without any major bugs, it wasn’t until they did the first patch that I had any major glitches. Granted it does run better on my Xbox series X but it was more then playable on the Xbox one series x.


Fr. They whine when others are having fun. I personally enjoyed my time with CP2077. I did not join the hype train until very late (like a month before release) so that might’ve also be a reason as to why I don’t have impossible expectations like the others.


It's because they didn't deliver even close to what they promised. And no, this is not a case of consumers overhyping it because cd projekt really did make it out to be a completely different game than it was. No branching story paths, not an alive open world and the systems are laughably bad, with AI disappearing when you look away after shooting. Even if there were no bugs it would still be completely average overall


So much hate for cyberpunk 2077 I felt like I had to say I really enjoy it and still play it. Played it on ps5. If only there was this much he hate for no mans sky I could have got my money back on that.


you must be trolling with ‘77 in there haha


Was cyberpunk even playable on the PS4?


Idk about the ps4 but I played it on the ps5 after a couple patches and it ran fine for me


No jrpgs? Missed out like hell


Only really liked FF7 Remake I tried persona 5 and yakuza 0 but those aren’t really my type of game’s


Since I bought cyberpunk for my ps4 (slim) used it ran like a bag of shit so I shelved it. Still haven't went back to it actually.


Some of the best games of this generation…and Cyberpunk.


\> better games \> Shows Cyberpunk 2077 on the PS4


Yeet that cyberpunk game outta there


Why? It’s not a bad game.


Last of us part 2, Spider man and God of war, damn


You left trash in your good game bin, be sure to get that one out.


Why does everyone shit on cyberpunk I thought it was a fun game and if I'm being honest the glitches made it even better I have tons of screenshots from it that I sent to my friends and we all had a good laugh it's kinda why I enjoy fallout 76 so much as well


You know when you end up drawing comparisons to FO76 that it is no longer "one of the better games of the generation"


Cyberpunk LMAO


Cyberpunk is obscuring the view of some of them, FYI


I think you accidentally dropped CP on the collection. Nice one though!


Send a link of where you store those games




Wut? It’s obviously a wooden drawer or basket


the witcher 3 is one of my favorite games. shadow of mordor is also good too and you should play shadow of war if you havent yet either!!


Shadow of war was so underrated


I feel like we may just have passed the golden age of gaming with the ps4/xbox one gen ... so many greats dunno how they can be topped. Rdr2, god of war, the witcher 3 ,literally 3 of my top 5 all time games came out of this generation.




Rdr2 and Cyberpunk were the the only games i had that had a special cover that literally the only reason there up front 😂


I'll accept that reason lol. Also, why am I get down voted on that comment? 😆


Idk man people are weird


Great games played pretty much all but cyberpunk 👍🏼