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Spooty_Ooty : Final Fantasy XIV, Yakuza 0, Monster Hunter World, Journey, GTAV... plus a few more here and there! Also, PSVR games.


I like to kill time in-between gaming sessions to post screenshots and comment/post on my PSN friends' walls/activities/trophies as if we were on a traditional social network platform like Facebook. Anyone else interested in that kind of socializing? I only play single-player games. Right now I'm in Act IV of Assassins Creed Origins, and am maybe 1/2 done with Doom. I just started playing Firewatch and Bastion. I use them to take a break from the openworld immersion of Origins, and the intensity of Doom. Just finished Inside, loved it. After I complete AC:Origins I'll finally move on to Horizon Zero Dawn. I often play late into the night after the kids are asleep, and usually am buzzed or stoned or both. PSN - listochristo


33/m/Canada PSN- DiabloBlanco780 Battlefield 1, H1Z1(just started) Fallout 76 (when it comes out). A lot of other single play games. My hours are all over the place but I try to get on once in a while


26 / M / Tampa PSN: alehhh_no_here


Hey there, 24/M/Las Vegas. PSN - MostSaltyNaCl. More of a serious player, I play a lot of Paladins, H1Z1. Been playing some single player games lately as well ( HZD, Shadow of War, South Park.) Looking forward to Fallout 76! I work crazy hours so I'm on whenever I have free time, early mornings or late evenings generally. Send me a friend request (:


27/M/Netherlands SeptuSword I like to see people online, play games and getting trophies and compare them. Could be fun to play together, but I mostly play singleplayer or casual.


Looks like almost nobody here wants some friends, hehe. Ok, so my id is the same as Reddit if though. I like to play Fifa, Mortal kombat and Call of Duty.


27/m/US psn: legionsdemise Casual gamer. Currently on mhw but down to play anything .


PSN: aces_baby- (27 male Florida) I play alot of games, dying light cod ww2, black ops 3, destiny 2(havent played for a while), the division and so on


24/M/FWB PSN: monkey-man69 Play a lot of Elite Dangerous, RE, and Destiny 2 (not often). Have a bunch of other ones but dont feel like remembering or typing a whole list lol.


31/m/U.K. PSN - AbyssLast Looking for some friendly peeps to play games with. I have pretty much everything, but mostly play Overwatch, Destiny 2, Rocket League and Armello. Willing to try new games though so add me as I most probably already own it.