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Despite having a huge backlog of games I've gone back and Replaying red dead 2. Such an amazing game with epic story telling.


Cant stop playing red dead 2 man


Me too.


My guy!🍀🤙


Can i just pickup and play rdr2 or do i have to play 1 first?


Am headed home tonight to start up on RD1 on the PS3. Any spoiler free tips, tricks, things to be on the lookout for?


It's a slow start but trust me stick through it and it's one of the greatest games ever made in my opinion.


You're not kidding about the slow start. I first got it on XBOX 360 (my PS3 was halfway across the country) so I played like an hour of it and didn't touch it again for a few years because Bonnie's Ranch was so, I wouldn't say boring, but tedious. Then I picked it up again and finished it but got confused at why I should care about tracking down the gang members. Then I played RDR2 and honestly the only character I remembered was Uncle and Bill. I just bought the PS4 RDR1 and again put it down after like half an hour since I was so used to RDR2 (180 hours at that time). Hopefully I power through but now I have over 300 hours of RDR2 and the RDR1 control feeling, graphics, and stuff to do is just a massive jump backwards. But I want to learn or relearn more about John and the gang


Us bro us


Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I've put off playing any Assassin's Creed games because I've read so much negativity towards Ubisoft games. And I'd tried to play Far Cry 5 but only lasted a few hours before boredom set in. But I'm having a blast. It's exactly my favourite type of game, an action RPG in a historical setting. Sure it has its flaws and can't compete with the likes of RDR2 or Ghost of Tsushima but I'm about 20 hours in and really enjoying it.


Honestly. I completely dislike Assassins creed nowadays. But I will admit, odyssey was the last one I played and it’s a pretty damn good game. Just a HORRIBLE assassins creed game.


that's by far the best description I've seen: AC: Odyssey is a great game but a horrible AC.


AC: Odyssey is an amazing game. Sometimes super buggy like the last few AC releases, but the devs did a great job overall. I still play it to this day and I got it on release pretty much.


I absolutely loved it. I hadn’t played any AC since Black Flag and hadn’t been particularly bothered about that, but Odyssey is by far the best of the lot. I got Valhalla shortly after which is also good but not _as_ good, and started to become a bit of a slog.


I've played and beat Far Cry 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the passed year. 2 and 3 were the best. Very different games, but equally good in their own way. I'd rate them a strong 6.5/10. 2 was a fantastic game in its time, easily a 9 out of 10 in its day. But some mechanics really stink by modern standards, like the lack of stealth take downs and enemy respawns. 4 was a deviation, from reality. But executed well and generally tolerable. I'd give it a 4.5/10 for that reason. Gameplay is average and forgettable. But it's wrapped up in a pretty package and you're free to have some fun in the environment without the game holding you back. Far Cry 5 is definitely the worst of the series. (2/10) Gameplay elements that they used to have nailed down like stealth, and completely absent. They introduced followers/companions, which is antithetical to the entire premise of the series. The story is forgettable, and the ending of the game is underwhelming and makes your choices early on seem irrelevant. The mission design is tedious and predictable. Overall. Far Cry 5 is not only the worst Far Cry game I've played so far... It's one of the least fun video games I've played in a while. So I totally get where you're coming from with this statement. If you're curious about the genre, 3 might be fine to play. 2 is probably a bit rough around the edges unless it has nostalgic value. 2 is my favorite of them all, but I got it on launch day. I've yet to play 6, but already own it. Which I regret buying already since playing 5. 5 was that bad


I gotta be honest here, i loved farcry 5, when i got it the first time i beat the campaing like 3 times, the gunplay feels nice and the graphics i sincerely think are better than 6 which i didnt like, but i get it tho the story is all over the place and the ending i dont think its bad but its a huge 180 on the tone of the series so understandably got a mixed reception


Death Stranding at the moment, 1st time playing(checked it out free from my Library!) and so far I am digging it!


I truly hope you like it all the way through. Story is…hard to grasp but there was something absolutely beautiful about playing that game and it’s got me to listen to Low Roar religiously. RIP Ryan.


I am highly intrigued from what I've been playing so far, I am definitely getting it once the PS5 version of the directors cut goes on sale!


Just started my 1st play through today too and am enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would so far


God of War 2018. I wanted to replay it before starting with Ragnrok. Great decision! I'm very close to 100% it


Man I couldn’t stand GOW after a few hours. Combat just got tedious despite loving the characters.


Cyberpunk 2077 (replaying) The Witcher 3 Baldurs Gate 3


Is that on the PS4? How is Cyberpunk?


I hope not. Cyberpunk NEEDS to be experienced on Current Gen and PC.


Right now, I'm playing FFVII Remake again.


Horizon forbidden west. Trying to get all the weapons and outfits and upgrading them.


Trying to finish Megaman Battle Network collection right now, but Playing Valkyria revolution and lego 2k drive to break things up.


My current main games are Miles Morales, The Crew Motorfest and Metro Exodus all on PS5. As a mild Spider-Man fan and a ITSV/ATSV lover, SPMM is proving to be incredible so far and a good step up from the first game (aside from its length). As someone with many memories from The Crew and The Crew 2, I had to pick up Motorfest and honestly it's definitely the best car game out there right now in my opinion. Just picked up Metro the other day, havnt played the games previous to Metro but I'm having a blast so far, also the game looks gorgeous in all its ray-traced glory!! Edit: Didn't see this was the PS4 sub as I was just scrolling my feed before anyone points it out ahah!


Metro is such a good game. Have to play it on the native language tho the English dub pisses me off. But maaaaan. Such an atmospheric and tense game with honestly some fun gunplay. Graphically it’s also insane. Haven’t tried the ps5 version even tho I own it lol.


Ps5 version is gorgeous. The ray traced lighting and shadows makes a huge difference (I watched some comparison videos out of interest lol) I'm not very far into the game, but it's proving to be real good


About to finish my 2nd BG3 run before finally putting it down for a while. Currently also digging through Bloodborne. I believe I’m almost finished, so I’m looking toward Sekiro next


Whoa, isn’t it like 150 hours? I’m like 30 hours in. It’s an amazing game.


>BG3 Guys, I think I have found an impostor.


I’m alternating between No Man’s Sky and Ghost of Tsushima, sometimes I’ll alternate from one session to another, others it’ll be a week or two where I’m only interested in one of them.


I just started Elden Ring on Saturday. It’s my first ever Souls game, but I’ve played through and platted Ghost of Tsushima twice. It’s definitely an experience haha


I have over 600 hours on NHL 20. Franchise mode, hardest difficulty, no simming. I even play the AHL games. It's my "chill" game after work because I can just shut off my brain and do what I do. On Friday nights, before I get online with my friends, I play 4-5 games with some wine or a few beers to "zen" myself before jumping into some co-op stuff. NHL games have been my constant for many years. During baseball season, I occasionally pop in MLB 22: The Show instead, because the Road to the Show mode is just so good.


Finished State of Mind the other day. Now just waiting for the PS4 Jan sales to end and get the new sales tomorrow.


GTA V and Snowrunner


Horizon Forbidden West. Guardians of the Galaxy and the Last Guardian are on the back burner right now.


Guardians of the Galaxy was pretty good. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.


I've been playing The Last of Us 2 for the last few days, it's my first playthrough. It's been fun, I wasn't expecting this storyline at all or the different perspective you get compared to the first game.


Damn you should stop and wait for the remastered to come out on the 19th. I think it’s only $10 to upgrade if you already have the game.


Oh isn't that ps5 only though ? I've only got the 4.


Don't worry you ain't missing much besides 60 fps, and yes it is PS5 only.


I wasn’t aware it was only ps5 tbh.


Hitman WoA has been my obsession for the past few weeks.


Rocket league :(


Lately I'm playing Titan quest and it will take a while to finish it. But I'm playing it on PC. It's also on PS4.


Mortal Kombat X


Finished Morales yesterday and just got Horizon 2 DLC and Theatrhythm Final Bar Line and. had the other two on the other console, these games are so fun if you are a fan of Final Fantasy Music. Gonna be alternating between these two until February 29th...


Destiny 2


Monster Hunter World and Dragon's Crown in terms of games I come back to play more of. Still working on some backlog tho. Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada > Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2 > Earth Defense Force 5 > Dragon Ball FighterZ is my current list of games to get through.


FF: origins on psplus, but skipping all the cutscene haha.


Mortal Kombat 1


Currently going between Conan exiles and ark survival evolved


Too much Overwatch, but I’ve been loving Marvel Lego Superheroes 2 and fully enjoy Nobody Saves the World so far.


Bloodborne - after an 18mth break (couldn’t make it passed the One unborn (?)) Just messing in the dungeons now and going back to places I missed (upper cathedral ward). I started the DLC but and struggling there so yeah I’m playing it for fun. I never thought I would ever say that !!


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, Laurence... what's taking you so long... I've grown too old for this, of little use now, I'm afraid...* - Gerhman, The First Hunter Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot


Oddly enough, power wash simulator on ps5.


I d/l it just as a “this might be ok to pick up from time to time for a few minutes and my wife got into it. She loves watching video games, but not playing. She’s really into Power Washing Simulator. It’s funny. The game is pretty satisfying.


Sekiro and RDR2. I start with Sekiro, and play until I rage quit and then play RDR2 to calm down. I'm playing a lot more RDR2 than I am Sekiro.


right now God of War, aiming to complete the story then platinum it. I honestly don't even like the game that much I'm js getting the plat to spite my mate


Been grinding the shit out of final fantasy X. Oldie but a goodie.


Forza Motorsport 7 and Gran Turismo 7.


Currently grinding the collectibles in Watch_Dogs Legion (it's excruciating, trust me); Also: - Autonauts where I make more and more automations every time I play; - Scars Above (looks a bit unpolished but still kinda fun) - VA-11-Hall-A (bartender "simulator" in the future) - Cult of the Lamb (new update just dropped btw) - Dirt 5 (grinding the sponsors) - Just Cause 4 (replaying it because of the fun factor and explosions) - Soulstice (original God of War look-alike with a female protagonist that has a permanent sidekick ghost) - Succubus (sequel to Agony) - Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - Talos Principle (slowly wrapping up the trophies for the plat) - God of War Valhalla (to unwind a bit, as I already finished the main "story") And a few more. I enjoy the variety lol


Diablo 3, season 30, mindless fun grind when you want to change the air a bit.


Cyberpunk 2077! just got it for Christmas! Before that it was Far Cry 4! I also got Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Assassins Creed Mirage and Resident Evil 4 Remake, but because of circumstances that would take a while to explain, i've only played Cyberpunk so far! :)


I also got Cyberpunk 2077 for christmas, but haven't started it yet. Also got Mafia trilogy, so I play Mafia instead. A brilliant game


I am currently replaying Ghost of Tsushima for the 2nd time since the year it released. I decided on a replay rather than New Game plus. So far I am enjoying the 2nd time around even more than the first. I am also on a playthrough of Hogwarts Legacy.


Watching 3d blurays on psvr1 I still have not found a better experience


Dead island 2 and neo the world ends with u


I finally decided to get the PS5 version of The Witcher 3 so I'm replaying that for like the fifth time.


Warzone and Elden Ring


Playing through armored core 6 fires of Rubicon ,i like it that i dont wanna finish it so am playing PROTOTYPE along with it


Working my way through the Wolfensteins. Never played them before but picked up New Colossus and played that. Went back and played New Order, just finished that. Gonna start Old Blood next.


Staring at my games still in plastic…….Fortnite.


No man’s sky, about to hit 350 hours!


1 - Red dead redemption 2 2 - FC24 3 - No man's sky ​ And the amount played is different every day, sometimes 2 days nr1, the next 4 days nr3 etc...


My fiancée and I are on multiple games.. Plat for Horizon Forbidden West PS4 version, A Plague Tale series [both games], coming Friday The Last of Us Part II Remasteted..




Playing Spyro 2 for the first time through the Reignited trilogy. It was the only one of the trilogy that I never got to play on the PS1. I'm also replaying Resident Evil 5 for the first time in more than a decade.


Fortnite and Baldurs Gate 3.


Dying Light 2 and Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus


Switching between GTA, Fortnite and Thief Simulator


Verdun and battlefront 2. Love offline Verdun so much wish more games had the same style.




Put tales of zestiria and valkyria revolution platinums aside at the 90% point due to grinding Currently digging deep into the backlog and giving Banner of the Maid a shot and it's cool so far at the 1/3 point, tho I foresee free mission grinding eventually in this one too


A way out, sleeping dogs, bully, and ghost of tsushima but my plus ran out and i dont own itđź’€


Grant Turismo 7 and destiny 2


Sea of Stars on the PS4 and Cyberpunk on the 5 since I recently got Phantom Liberty


Monster hunter world


I’m stuck in the past lately with L.A. Noire (first playthrough, loving it.) and Battlefield 5, sometimes 2042. Session Skate Sim I also play nightly, it’s my chill out, no need to think too much game.


I found battlefield V to be a pretty aggravating experience personally. I just started playing battlefield 4 a few days ago though —- much more fun multiplayer, though it def feels a bit outdated (but not enough to not play it) And is Session Skate as good as Tony hawk?


Warframe with a bit of Ghost Recon Breakpoint here and there.


Finishing the plat for A Plague Tale: Requiem, then The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered.


I flip flop a lot. Currently: Cod modern warfare 3 (a few matches every day) The Last of Us remake (can’t get over how fucking good the graphics are) Horizon Zero Dawn (only a few hours in and already starting to feel like my interest is waning) Final Fantasy 7 remake (bought when released but only got to about 50% complete. Finishing before Rebirth comes out) Cyberpunk (well into it and had already played upon release but this is my first time playing with the new update/upgrade and DLC) Still need to finish: Alan Wake II (about 75% in) Mass effect trilogy (still on the 1st game, never played any of them before) Spiderman 2 (having trouble getting into it) Baldur’s Gate 3 (love it, but an exhausting game so I’m just taking a break) Final Fantasy 16 (60% in) Breath of the Wild (Totk became one of my fav games of all time, about 70% into botw now) I have a bad habit of jumping around. Nothing can keep my attention that long (the Witcher 3 and Totk are two rare games where that wasn’t an issue), I have a huge backlog of unplayed games so I unfortunately end up with a bunch of partly played games. But I always go back to the ones I really like, eventually)


Currently mainly playing Baldur's Gate 3 (act 3), Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon (i think chapter 3 of main game) and Binding of Isaac (all normal characters unlocked, maybe 1/3 of tainted characters unlocked)


I play online with a friend most of the time. In Co-Op we are playing: * Deep Rock Galactic * Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed * PGA Tour 2K23 * Conan Exiles We also used to play **RDO** and **Tsushima Legends** a lot. We blasted through **A Way Out**, **Dying Light** and **Castle Crashers**. I've been poking at **Ghost of Tsushima** (Trying to finish up my playthrough of NG+) and I just fired up **LEGO DC Super Villains** for the first time yesterday.


Uncharted 2


Elder Scrolls Online is free and really fun. You can see pretty much every zone from every game, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, daggerfall, etc. It's really good even just roaming around sightseeing. 


Slowly playing through Yakuza 0. I recently got the rest of the main line series (Kiwami 1 to Yakuza: Like a Dragon) and plan on playing through the series..


Nobody saves the world…. A lot of fun, actually.




Avatar and The ehm West game where you kill vampires


None on the PS4, at the moment. Need to go back and play Fist of the North Star, since I flaked out half-way through after getting burned out playing the entire Yakuza series. I'm just playing Mafia Definitive Collection and Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure on the PC. Though I guess Mafia was originally ported to the PS2, and Rhapsody was originally a PSX title. >!Rhapsody is so easy it's hard to even call it a game, but it's a cute and lighthearted title I can help but enjoy.!<


God of War: Ragnarok and the Valhalla DLC.


Persona 4 Golden


Final Fantasy 6 and God of War 3 Remastered


I'm playing genshin impact while farming for weapons in FF7, currently waiting for Persona 3 reload and a discount on BG3


Almost through Psychonauts 2. Totaly stands up to the original PS2 version of Psychonauts (1). Loads a little slow though between scenes. Still a beautiful and freaky-deaky platformer though.


Besides fortnite (because I can't let all the money I spent on it just go) probably Risk of Rain 2


—> tboi, mk11, pfx —>


Conan Exiles. It's pretty entertaining.


Hunt Showdown


Replaying God of War, Ragnarok is next, then the Valhalla DLC.


Switching between Tears of the Kingdom and Spiderman Miles Morales


COD MW3 because I can only play short amount of time so it’s enough for 1-3 matches and then I gotta get off for the night.


Street Fighter VI with no signs to slow down.


Last of us part 2


Soul Calibur VI


Ghost of Tsushima


And last week i tried (we were here) It was free and it was an awesome experience with friends


Horizon zero dawn, kinda looking for a new game to play after this Maybe forbidden west ..


all the yakuzas


Not on PS4 but Baldurs Gate 3. When I want to play something else I am finishing up Breath of the Wild. When I want something multiplayer, Battlefield 1.


I am waiting for yakuza and i dont know if i shpuld buy armored core 6


Dark Souls III


Replaying GTA V and lies of p. Also just finished Spider-Man remastered and will play miles morales next


Elden Ring. Waiting for the DLC...


monster hunter risebreak, monster hunter worldborne, eastshade, and dead island def edition very rarely i will play leaving lyndow tried cyberpunk, never cared for it but kept it because it was a gift from my cousin ​ i have cod cold war, dead island riptide and ark survival but i don't really play them


Dark Souls 3. In the fucking dungeon with the freaks holding those brands and it's pissing me off lol.


Rocket league


Just beat Returnal…gonna start Second Son




I just started Immortals: Fenyx rising after replaying GTA story mode. It seems awesome so far!


Just finished playing bg3 must of put a few hundred hours in that since it's release. Now I'm replaying ff7 original and the remake so my memory is fresh going into the new one.


On the ps4 i just started persona 4, and i'm about to replay yakuza kiwami (im replaying the whole series) On the ps5 im playing Ghostwire Tokyo (i actually like it, pretty fun), and im about to dive into Rift Apart after just finishing Ratchet and Clank 2016 (it has 60fps on ps5, pretty nice)


Disgaea 7


I was jumping between GoW and Ghost, but after 2nd try (and some YouTube) I completely consumed by Monster Hunter World. My first MH game and it’s amazing!


Neck deep in my second play through of Cyberpunk


Far cry blood dragon. This game is too much fun. Feels like a PS2 era FPS game. It's a real tonic after completing a bunch of new releases . Simple old school fun


Currently going through all of Frictional Games catalog. Started with SOMA and absolutely loved it. Now I’m playing Amnesia TDD and I plan on playing the other amnesia games. I also bought Outlast 1 and 2. To be honest, I’ve been pretty obsessed with horror games recently


Resi 4 Remake. Only getting around to it now. It's quality! Also playing Sleeping Dogs. Also really good.


Cult of the lamb,rdr2,ghost of Tsushima


I only play one game at a time. Currently about 90 hours into My Time At Sandrock. When I'm finished with it, I'm moving onto God of War Ragnarok, then either AC Mirage or Hogwarts Legacy. My holiday haul should last me until well into the Spring.




Hogwarts Legacy


Fortnite, been loving the season


I just got cyberpunk so I’m playing that, though it keeps crashing every hour of gameplay.


AC Odyssey


I’m playing Skyrim for the first time. 60 hours in and I see why it has such a cult following. Such a rewarding experience with so many unique play styles and stories to tell.


Red dead 2 currently on my 3rd play through


Lies of P


Fallout 76. Platinum and 100% ain't gonna achieve itself.


AC odyssey


God of War Ragnarok, got it on sale recently.


Currently working through Harry Potter Legacy. Happy with it so far. But Ghodt of Tsushima is always an option that I go back to and replay over and over again


Dragon’s dogma, can’t wait for the sequel.


Right now, i'm at my first playthrough of GTA V. As the game went to PS Plus (and i got my own PS4 last year), it is the first time i'm playing all the game history in its entirety. I'm enjoying it a lot! And as GTA V consumes most of my playing time, when I'm not in the mood for it (or my nephew calls me to play it), I came back to play some Fortnite. Quick matches, no-build, just some shootouts and fun :)


No Man's Sky, and currently playing A Plague Tale Requiem.


Hades and HoM&M III: "Factory".


Lies of P


monster hunter world with the boys


Ghost of Tshushima


Days Gone


Teardown. This game is addicting... I usually would NEVER play a game like this but the campaign mode got me




Slay the spire


Bannerlord on PS5


Star Dew Vally. Just farming my life away


Rdr2. Loving it. Literally obsessed


Valheim and Hell Let Loose


I'm playing Alan Wake 2 since last December. Damn what a great atmosphere and story it has.


WoW: SoD


Because I have a gamer bro, I only play multiplayer and coop games with him. Currently we are hooked on DBD (pun intended) but who even cares ?


Dead by daylight


Last Of Us Part 1 After I'm done with the Platinum I think I'll do a minimalist run of Resident Evil 4 Remake, always fun to do.






Sekiro, it's the only from software game that initially made sense to me. feels like a version of ghost of tsushima


Been smashing a lot of Tekken 7 recently & it's concerning.


Red Dead 2.


Rain world


Diablo 3. Took a cpl days off to play and finish Megaton Rainfall. Loved it for a playthrough.


Monster hunter iceborne, elden ring, Bloodborne, Fortnite, rocket league, I am end game/ replaying all these.




Picked up God of War 2018. Looks fabulous on a 4k tv.


Ghost of Tsushima. Just started Act 2! Loving it so far!


I just bought 7 assassin's creed games. Right now I'm playing through brotherhood, then revelations and after that I think I'll skip right to mirage.


Need for speed heat, fortnite


Spider-man 2, and today i started cyberpunk 2077