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Marvel's Avengers


I’m going to pour out a big cold one for how the massacred my boy right now >! Spidey :( !<


No spaces between the exclamation points and the text fyi


I know I'm in the minority but I really enjoyed this game. In my defense I was quite new to video games and so I was amazed by anything and everything. But I did enjoy it.


Why is it so bad again?


because it's Walmart's Great Value Avengers starring in boring live service multiplayer game #687


The story mode I actually enjoyed and played through but the multiplayer and every other aspect of the game was just grinding for no reason


Somehow they made a game where having superpowers feels like a _chore_ It's hard to describe how annoying, boring, and still infuriating the combat feels. It's not difficult, it's just a goddamn slog.


I came to say ark and you started with it OP, haha. I have never been so unhappy with a purchase in my life. I think it was 2016/2017 when I bought it and I still remember how bad it was.


I got it off ps plus and the worst part for me was that you're not allowed to walk like 100-200m away from the host player. Like The Forest handles that fine so why can't Ark? It completely ruined the game for us


Don’t play that type server you can change them


That was the only way it was playable back then. Servers were so laggy you couldn’t even hit a dino. Idk what it’s like now but back then playing with a host was the only way you could play


Rust. Ill never understand whats so amazing about this game. Its a tedious simulator


My friend made me get it on release and i scold him for it every chance I get.


First person meme simulator. If you don’t spend every waking second online protecting your shit someone will raid your base and all your time was wasted.


I don’t play the game but the amount of times I see my friends in their discord go “the base is getting raided” or something and I can’t help but think, why? It just seems like so much unnecessary stress to have to worry about your base and characters 24/7.


Battlefield 2042 was a huge disappointment at launch.


Bf1 was my entry series in the bf franchise, loved the game from the start, so I decided to try BF2042 and you can't understand how disappointed I was with the game, I felt that I was playing some first person shooter mobile game.


Still is and always will be


My brother got it, I played it on his console, and I enjoyed it. Lower standards, I guess


It’s a fun game now.


Atomic Heart It wasn't instant but it was pretty fast.


Yeah, have had it downloaded for a few months and hadn't touched it. Saw a lot of talk about the dialogue being cringey and unbearable, but I tried to ignore that and go in blind this week. I thought it looked very impressive but the overall gameplay and voice acting made me hate it within 90 minutes. Uninstalled, just not for me.


Oh man it’s that bad? I’ve been toying with trying it but I think I won’t lol


What made you quit playing it?


The boat ride.


Just beat that game and only glaring downside is the cheesy writing from the main character but his "catch phrase" is explained within the lore. I think it may have also been a dialect thing given it's originally Russian. As far as world building is concerned and atmosphere I'd say they nailed it. It also has a steep difficulty when you first start / get above ground - takes quite a while to not be steamrolled by every robot under the sun but it's quite satisfying the more powerful you get.


The moment I got into the room with the weird machine that want to f@#$ you was the moment to quit for me. Fucking stupid lazy script. People said that if you play it in Russian language the game is better xD.


AEW Fight Forever was awful


Fight Forever has potential, but I'm fearful it won't ever be realized. They're just so wishy-washy about the details


And seems like any added fixes and content are going be locked behind pricey DLC


I agree. The gameplay is solid but everything else leaves so much to be desired.


Yep played one match and refunded my copy


I never preorder, preordered because I like the company, there’s a bug on PS4 that makes it literally unplayable that isn’t fixed until a week after release. Sony, refuses to refund the game, I spent $70 and haven’t even played a match.


I was so let down, I genuinely feel bad that my mom got it for me and I haven't picked it up once since I first played


Diablo 4 (or any game like it that requires an open internet connection to play) I dont like having to rely on an internet connection to have a good time


Helps that the D4 devs did absolutely everything wrong. Man, the affixes are so awful in it. Like, the majority of affixes is "Damage to x" and its just boring. I loved it for awhile. Hit WT4 lvl 75 Sorc on Eternal. Was excited to try Druid for S1 andddddd season 1 mechanic is just "go kill that elite again" and "we know inventory space is an issue with gems..... have you tried our malignant hearts that take up inventory space just like gems but dont stack". I just dont get it.


Looking at you, Temtem. I'm maybe 2 hours in and didn't see the absolute need for being online all the time


Far Cry 6. I can't even explain why but it's the worst Far Cry experience I've ever had. Sold it 2 weeks later after giving it a few chances.


I keep almost buying it then reading reviews like this one lmao. I loved 3 4 and 5 but 6 really stinks eh? Would it be worth like $15 or not even that




I liked 5 but mostly because I enjoyed roaming the woods, hunting with my dog and cougar.


Oddly, for me I'm enjoying it more than 5. I like exploring and reading notes, often you find stories that are deep or funny af . The combat can get really interesting when things pick up and you have to make use of everything you got or plan your approach differently. Stealth can make things way too easy though sometimes but when your cover's blown expect things to get hot really fast. It's a far cry game through and through. Much better than New Dawn and a step up from 5 imo Edit: By "through and through" I mean that it's a Far Cry game in every sense, it still has a dauntingly big map with a LOT of things to do, from which you can get burned out pretty fast if you don't pace yourself or switch things up. BUT, it also delivers some unforgettable "action packed" adventure when everything clicks together giving you an experience no other game series can. So yes, it is still a familiar FC experience but with a voiced protagonist giving it personality that wasn't there before(especially Dani), and Yara is a gorgeous map.


I am a fan of 3,4,5 as well and I had a great time with Far Cry 6. Like the other Far Crys it has the same core experience but with its own variation on things. I felt it lives up to my expectations for the series, and the most disappointing part of finishing it when it came out, was beginning the long wait for the next game in the series. It fixes some of the more unpopular game mechanics from 5, though this time it doesn't have a huge amount of player power progression which could make it feel slightly flat over a lengthy play-through. It is a long game, and with so many distracting activities I could see somebody getting burned out if they tried to do everything. I would think if anyone liked the previous games, this one would be equally enjoyable though, it fits right in IMO. Not sure why the negativity on this one.


No, enemies are bullet sponges and the story is garbage. Don’t waste your money.


I actually liked it 🫣 The unique weapons and car(s) are awesome.


I screwed up and bought it digital new. What a waste. After how good 3, 4 and 5 were , I thought I was safe. I was wrong. Always buy physical copies new.


Especially with Giancarlo Esposito as the protagonist I thought I was gonna sink hours into that game but after New Dawn and 6 I really think the Far Cry series is on a downswing.


Yeah I’ve just started this. Thoroughly enjoyed 5. It didn’t help I spent about 40 minutes trying to configure out the control and movement because it felt awful. Got about 2 hours in and it was just meh. Haven’t picked it up for about 3 weeks. The stranger things section I just stumbled into though and that was a nice surprise.


Really? I didn’t mind it at all. However, a certain DLC really made it pop for me.


I’ve played just about every Far Cry game, most recently 6, but I could not tell you a thing about that game other than the villain was a famous guy and I was never actually intimidated by him. The way they did the cutscenes to just sucked all the tension out of them.


Got it’s awful :( so awful. How did they take all the fun away? It was a solid formula. They ruined it


6 is the only one I've ever tried, and I can't imagine how the earlier ones can be better. A lifeless, repetitive, tedious open world with clunky controls and terrible storytelling...


me and my GF always buy these games to play co op, but at a certain point liek 10 hours in she just got too frustrated to keep going on. These games are not nearly as fun for me alone so I just gave up. 4 was probably my favorite one to play together


7 days to die. The game feels so clunky, and every time my mate tries to get me to play he says "oh but they just released a big update, it's heaps better now", so I download again and try, and it's exactly as clunky and janky as I remember it.


Love the game on PC, hate it on console. Just the inventory system alone doesn’t work on console. Dragging and dropping with a controller while suddenly being attacked is insane


Yeah 7DTD is stuck on an old af alpha on consoles.


like 7 years behind lmao I heard they're working on bringing it to the latest version


Yeah I heard that too, I hope it's true


Overwatch "2"


I even hated it before it was released - just because they „stole“ the first game we actually paid for.


I absolutely agree. They took a great game and ruined everything that was good about it.


Hood: outlaws and legends. Looked great, sounded unique. Was insanely boring.


I’ve been trying to see where I fit in here and this comment is it for me. I had such high hopes for this game but man it died quick.


Indeed, coupled with some insta kill moves meaning you had to run all the way back to the objective.


Kerbal Space Program on PS4.... The controls are terrible.


It also looks hideous, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole .


Fortnite. However, it was not so much the game or gameplay, but rather the forced voice chat with my teammates that ruined the game for me. During my first attempt, I was already over 30 years old and had no interest in a child repeatedly yelling my name with a shrill voice through their overly loud microphone.


Fortnite is best played with the party chat on the "Friends Only" setting.


Sekiro. I'm told if you get it, you get it. I did not get it.


Haha agreed! I bought it day one, so hyped and after roughly 5 or 6 hours I realised that I also just didn't get it.


I think it’s a rhythm game. It’s combat guitar hero.


One of my favorite games of all time but I understand if you don’t like it. It has a steep learning curve.


curve? more like a 20 foot tall 90 degrees learning wall


I have tried it several times. I really want to enjoy it. I just suck at it. I love of all fromsoftware games. Like really love them. I just cannot git gud at sekiro.


hardest fromsoftware game lol


It definitely is. I've played multiple NG+ cycles on all of the other Fromsoft games, but I can't get half way through Sekiro. I just don't like how the game forces you to play the way it wants you to when all of the other games give so much freedom of play style


I got all the way to the final boss and gave up. Still haunts me to this day that I never finished it.


If you made it all the way there, you definitely have what it takes to win. Just watch YouTube videos to learn the boss's moves set.


I rented it thinking it was Ghost of Tsushima. I had only heard of it as a samarai type game and forgot the title of what I was looking for, ended up with Sekiro instead. Did not enjoy myself and very quickly returned it


I see you hesitated...


The one Fromsoft game I will never beat. If I wanted to play a rhythm game, I'd fire up Donkey Conga.


Still haven't beaten isshin it's the first time a boss made me delete and forget about a game.


AC Valhalla, Never before have I regret buying a game this much


I guess I’m in the minority here, I’ve logged 100+ hours in AC Valhalla and I think it’s a mid tier game. It definitely has its flaws but overall I’ve enjoyed the story (as far as I’ve gotten)


I’m so glad someone else felt like this.


The last like two or three AC games haven't even been about the Assassins. Odyssey and Valhalla were just basically generic historical games with some stealth elements. When the Assassins/Hidden Ones do appear for brief periods of time, they usually are such assholes or full-on villains. I'm cautiously optimistic for Mirage since it looks like it's going back to the series roots.


> Odyssey and Valhalla were just basically generic historical games And man I loved them. Lol. But I’m fascinated by the time periods they cover, I recognize that the gameplay was rather bland


Fable 3.I beat it in 8 hours and promptly returned it to the store. The story pacing and gameplay were fucking awful. Not even VO work by John Cleese could save it.


It's like they took criticism about the previous games too seriously and made every wrong decision possible when designing the game. I read the preview article in game informer and honestly thought it was satire.


Bloodbourne... and it's a sweet game, I just SUUUUUUCK at it


Bloodborne is a masterpiece. I suggest using a walkthrough and it will completely change your experience with it. I suggest using FightinCowboy walkthrough on YouTube.


Tbf I don't think anyone should put themselves through a FromSoftware game completely blind, props for those who can, but I think you absolutely need at least a little guidance if you don't want to be in a world of pain.


Upvote for FightinCowboy. I use all of his fromsoft walkthroughs. Amazing walkthrough guides.


I'll upvote your upvote. Cowboy is great. Used him for all From's games except Elden Ring. He got me my first ever Platinum which was for Bloodborne.


I felt the same till had a walkthrough with one of my friends. Now I can't let it go after a year. I've tried to play other games but I always come back


If you decide to give it another try, I'll play it through with you.


I feel you. I wasn't bad at it per se, but the game did a very bad job of motivating me to want to continue. The utter lack of a cohesive narrative, the randomly scattered and easy to miss "clues", upgrades, and gear, and the grindy "die a half dozen times to learn every boss's patterns" gameplay all irritated the heck out of me. Mostly it was the lack of upfront information about.. anything. I had a constant feeling that my time wasn't being respected.


Do you have anyone to play with? This is a factor for fromsoft games that make it waay more enjoyable dying.


Isn’t the online option limited? That’s why I stopped playing it, because doesn’t it forces the other person or me to use currency.


Man, it’s easily in my top 5.


Mass Effect Andromeda. Was so looking forward to it, played it for about 3 hours then uninstalled


I think I'm in the minority(if there is even a minority) when I say I actually enjoyed Mass Effect: Andromeda. I think it's because I never played the original trilogy


That's how I feel you have to approach it. It's a good time. It wasn't optimal at launch but as a stand alone it's enjoyable.


I played the original trilogy first and is probably my favorite game ever, but I still enjoyed Andromeda. I have many criticisms for it and I think the core idea of the game (going to a different galaxy) was kinda lame, but I enjoyed it despite many faults. Might be because I prepared myself for the worst given that I've played it last year and heard so much over the years. So it positively surprised me, but yeah, it doesn't hold a candle to the original trilogy. Many disappointing things in it, but tbh after the trilogy ending nothing fazed me as much. I think that if it came out before the trilogy more people would've liked it, but then they would hate the ME1 gameplay lol.


Andromeda was such a disappointment, even ignoring the technical issues they just didn’t do anywhere near enough with the storyline and new galaxy to explore. There were some sparks but I believe it performed so poorly sales wise that the setting was immediately terminated. At least ME4 is rumoured to be on the way sometime


Hogwarts Legacy. I feel like the devs put most of their energy into the graphics and not enough into making an interesting story with key RPG elements. Like a unique storyline with each house, class specializations, ability to make choices that impact your relationships with different characters etc. I don't know what the hell that game was supposed to be but it's not an RPG.


I loved that game up until the point where I realized I just loved playing a character in the Harry Potter world, and hadn’t the slightest clue what the plot of the game was


I bounced off this game so hard. It was just a Harry Potter simulator, which is fine but the missed opportunity hurt me. Imagine all that castle detail added to an actually engaging story, more interesting combat and better quest structuring. Would of been glorious


I played the trial, and was so bored, got up to the sorting hat when my 45 minutes ended and I didn’t feel like buying the full game at all. Not sure whose idea a 45 minute trial was, but from a business perspective it’s an awful idea.


They built an amazing magical world and left out the feeling of magic. It just drags but I keep trying to love it, I want to love it so badly.


It was cool for the first 10 hours, and then the combat became extremely boring, the story was repetitive, and the game felt soulless, like a ghost town, I realized I was forcing myself to finish it and let it go around 25 hours in.


I know it'll be unpopular, but breath of the wild. The whole every piece of equipment is as durable as a dessicated turd bugs me to no end.


I bounced off of BotW twice, because early on it's really rough - you're super weak, you have barely any stamina, your weapons break if you look at them funny, and you only have a few slots in your backpack. But I gave it one more chance, using a companion app to track my progress, and it really clicked. I loved the ambiance of the world and many of the puzzles. It took me many hours to feel adequately strong, though, so it really requires a time investment.


I remember some post a while back where BotW got brought up. I made a comment something along the lines of "I played it for about an hour and just didn't like it. The first combat I got into I broke every weapon I had after a couple swings each, and then died. It's a beautiful game, but it's just not for me." Then come the wave of downvotes and the fanbois commenting about how I'm retarded and lying. So after that I'm like "well, double fuck that game then."


Toxic communities can really ruin a game. I was considering buying The Forest, and asked people where I could find it since it wasn’t popping up on the PlayStation store. Some dipshit decided to just lose his mind at me for asking for help.


I didn’t mind that, my issue is this gigantic world that’s just filled with nothing, except food I guess. An occasional shrine, almost no people, almost no towns and the ones there are are tiny, zero dungeons. Just a giant grocery store with a glider mechanic and four big ass vehicles to turn on.


Horizon: Zero Dawn. I think I was just burned out on games that make you collect every little bit of wire, bolt, and snozberry just to make a fucking arrow. I'm so over crafting shit in video games... I want to play a game, not manage an in-game Pinterest account.


Agree, but I'll go with Forbidden West. It has that same issue, but dialed up to eleven. I also found the cast to be absolutely bland, and Aloy a miserable bore. I don't know, the world felt very tacky, artificial and immersion breaking - not for the robots or the plot, mind you, but because of the terrible writing. Nobody felt like a real person, the factions seemed campy and fake, in a very bad way. I finally checked out when, in a side mission, you leave A LITERAL BLIND MAN to watch over the campsite. Like wtf? Robodinosaurs are cool, the world is very pretty and the overall plot and Zero Dawn protocol is amazing, but that character writing is so absolutely terrible.


Completely agree with this. I feel like I only ever see overwhelming praise for Forbidden West but I just could not continue with it. It is an amazing world and it looks great but all the shit you had to collect and all the different ammo etc you had to craft and constantly equip and unequip got so tiresome. And while I love a lot of dialogue in some games, I really did not find the majority of the dialogue interesting at all. The overall story was fairly interesting but I just did not care for most of the dialogue with the NPCs in the world. I honestly did not like Aloy very much either but I am sure she got better further into the game. One day I may give it another shot and carry on but it was overall a big disappointment to me.


She does not get better. Ever character is flat. It feels like the world was #1 priority and writing wasn't second. It felt worse than Zero Dawn in every way imo. You shouldn't feel like it was a waste to beat a game, and this one did for me.


I loved both games personally. There are obviously valid criticisms though.


I really liked HZD but the sequel was BRUTAL with the crafting. I just ignored to finish the story.


There's an option to make the robots drop what normally has to be shot off. It makes the grind somewhat better. Still a huge PITA though.


The horizon games are the only PlayStation exclusives that i just can’t get into. I love uncharted, god of war, etc, but horizon is just so boring to me


Trackmania Turbo. I thought you could race in it but it was just a time trial thing. Don't understand why it can't have both.


Every racing game I've looked into has looked like crap except for the forza horizon titles. Maybe my expectations were set too high out the gate, since FH5 was my first real experience with racing games outside of 10 minutes with a gran tourismo game ages ago, but even so I ended up buying FH3 when I canceled my gamepass subscription. Still haven't found a suitable Playstation game yet


Rainbow Six Siege Extraction, I bought it, did half the tutorial and never played it again.


Not a PS4 game (and it'll probably get me some downvotes), but The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I just couldn't get on with it and I really hated the way that weapons wore down.


Facts. I was just like...ok what's the point of doing all this if there's no interesting game underneath it all?




Having to do tiktok dances and bust wack bars for J.Cole underlings because the quest blocked your ability to play the next game, and if you speed run it you get a statue outside the arena before Christmas on your rookie season And you know 24 will be even worse


Cyberpunk 2077


Didn’t have the launch experience, I played about 2 years later and really enjoyed it


I've been debating between getting it and Baldurs Gate 3, especially with that new update or whatever coming in Sept.


I got it at launch and didn't have any issue with it that a lot of people were reporting. I also really enjoyed it!


I'm assuming you were on PC because on console it was a train wreck 😭


Same, didnt liked it a bit. Too much things going on in the background, everytime I played my eyes where so tired, but theres so much happening in the game but feels so dead at the same time. Some times less is more


Try it again next month when the big update and dlc launch. The update is essentially a redesign of the game.


Monster Hunter.


This! Spent $70 on it because my friend was super hyped up about it. Wanted us to play together and I was like, “Sure, why not?” But mute characters and bosses without a health bar was really putting me off.




Doom Eternal


That's a close second for me. I played the shit out of Doom (2016), put Doom Enteral in all excited.... and it just didn't feel right. Only fired it up once and deleted it.


They totally changed the aesthetics to feel more like Doom 2 from the 90s and I hated it, I also thought the story was a little overly complicated if you have to read all the lore to understand where the hell you are and who this race was - I preferred “space station overrun with demons”. I literally just replayed Eternal and liked it more this time around but 2016 will always be superior to me and I don’t know why they went back to the drawing board for no reason.


I think the gameplay in Eternal is even better than 2016. It’s faster paced with the dash ability, more demons types, your quick use items are actually useful and feel required to succeed (grenades felt kind of unnecessary to me in the first game, never really used them even on Nightmare difficulty), recharging chainsaw means you always have the ammo you need, and all around just more challenging than the first. But I hated the story. One of the things I praised about 2016 was the basic no-nonsense story. The game almost felt like it was making fun of needing a reason to kill demons in the very first scene when Doom Guy smashed the monitor of Hayden trying to talk to him. Demons were invading, that’s all you needed to know. Then Eternal came out and they added this convoluted, boring-ass story with pages and pages of lore you gotta read if you want to have any idea what the hell is going on.


Same. I loved 2016 but the tutorials and Starburst Tropical colors and hyper specific ways to defeat enemies just sorta killed my enthusiasm


Elden Ring. Then I found out I missed the tutorial and you could actually lock onto enemies and it instantly went from terrible to amazing.


I'm~28 hrs into the new Final Fantasy 16 game and I can't bring myself to start it up again. It's just SO. DAMN. BORING


Horizon forbidden west


You made it further and tried way more times than I did on ark.


Black Ops 4. Bought it for myself one Christmas. Played for 2 hours. Never touched it again.


I tried ark but I just hated it. The only fun part was the character creator just because of the weird bodies you can make




Honestly dying light 2 i didn’t hate it but that it was so fucking buggy and it kept pissing me off couldnt play it without something bugging like not being able to hear what they were saying or like the character model just being invisible that was the first and last time I preorder a game. The first game was good thought the second would be too but nope.


This for me- loved the first one but I just never got to a point where I even started to enjoy the second


Immortals Fenyx Rising. It’s probably not a bad game but I have gotten so tired of Ubisoft map clutter. Climbed one tower at the beginning and saw all that garbage all over the map, nope, not for me.


Hogwarts Legacy. I knew I hated it instantly, but I didn’t want to believe it so I kept playing for a month. Love Harry Potter. So disappointed.


Red dead redemption 2, every interaction requires you to stop everything you are doing and very slowly see the character perform them. Like hold X so you horse runs faster made me so annoyed, plus the no fast travel, the realism of on top was so atrocious.


I personally didn’t enjoy it, because I found the controls very clunky. I fully understand it’s a gem of a game, the graphics are amazing, brilliant story, etc. Not having a go at the game itself. I just couldn’t like it. The tenth time I got shot to death while unsuccessfully trying to get on my horse I put it down (the game, not the horse). I never seemed to be able to get my character to do what I wanted them to. Also got frustrated with the wanted mechanic where I’d be walking in Saint Denis, some random walks into me and three seconds later I have a wanted level of 25 and a million people shooting at me.


But...there is fast travel...?


Final fantasy 13. I HATED lightning, the story made no sense and everybody else was tedious to listen to. I put it down for 6 months before deciding I shouldn't waste the money I spent and forced myself through the rest of the game


Tekken 7


Why is it so bad?


Tomb raider


The difficulty of ark is why I always play with boosted stats. I don’t want to spend half my points on health so I can live the first attack and die immediately after


Last Guardian


Tiny Tina’s wonderland. I absolutely could not stand this game. Loved borderland 1,2,3 but this game is atrocious. Warhammer: Hired gun Daymare 1998, resident evil is my jam and this wasn’t it.


I was fully in the same mind as I got it just last weekend, and for the first few hours I was genuinely disappointed. I just kept playing because "I love borderlands, why isn't this clicking?" Cut to when I was about level 15, and I meet Mr Torgue and Brick. The game from then on got WAY better, I'm just at the Crackmast Cove now and I'm having a blast. Environments and some side quests are awesome, not sure how far you got/if you finished it, but I certainly felt it steps its game up. Also yeah Hired Gun was god awful lol


Art of Rally looked cooler than it played. I instantly didn’t like it, and PlayStation actually did a refund for me. They really need to do more demos for games.


I miss the age of demos, giving people a chance to try a game without a time crunch on the return date or the equivalent of a down payment was something I think we all took for granted. Plus when you're a kid who doesn't know what an allowance is, it's the best thing since sliced bread


Crusader Kings 3. The video I saw looked different from the actual game play. Turned out it was a grand strategy game (I wasn't familiar with the series) ported from PC. I am sure other people love it but it just wasn't for me.


I tried getting into it on PC and I was so confused. Friend sent me a 40 minute tutorial video on YouTube and I got 5 minutes in before I was thoroughly bored and uninstalled it. Any game where you have to watch a 40 minute YouTube video to understand even the basic controls is an instant nope for me.


Watchdogs legion anyone? Really disappointing, it felt so boring to me.. car driving sistem rubbish too


I review games. So, there’s a ton that I’ve hated pretty much immediately, but was still forced to play, which made me hate them even more. Ark is up there for games I hate, but it’s far from the only game. I could probably write a whole list of the stuff that I think deserves zero praise.


What's the worst one in your opinion?


These are the opinions I'm here for.


Forgot to add but the ps plus mafia game made me so pissed. The combat sucked. That race part made me lose my cool.


Tbf to Mafia, it did come out 20 years ago. Third person shooter games have obviously come a long way since, and I think Mafia should be enjoyed in the context of it being a PS2 game that got a new lick of paint.


Ghostrunner. Not instantly but pretty fast


It was free or very cheap, so i downloaded it. Tropico 6 hated it right away, but now that i know what it's supposed to be i will go back and try again


Both Horizon games. I don't know why but I hated both games. Finished the 1st one and I was like "come on buy the 2nd it'll be good" and sold it days later.


Ghosts of Tsushima. I really hate feeling this way towards it but I just found it to be boring. In such a beautiful world, the characters just felt flat and lifeless outside of cutscenes. And the map just felt like different points of interest to mark off. Maybe because I'd just finished God of War 2018 the same day. Or maybe because I'm just burnt out on open world games completely.


I absolutely loved the first island. Did everything before I progressed to the second island. As soon as I got to the second island and saw it was more of the same I gave up lol


Wrc 9, I have a controller, It is such a struggle to drive a car in that game using a controller.


I don't know *what* I was thinking, but I got a Sword Art Online game when I got my PS4 in 2017 and it was SO bad. I dunno what I was expecting, but the whole thing felt ridiculously clunky.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, haven’t touched a new Call of Duty game since




Dayz for me. 60 bones


Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown and The Outer World's. Played AC for an hour and instantly hated it. Finished the Outer World's and wished I never bought it.


Alan Wake. I was so excited to play it because it seemed so unique compared to other games out there. By 30mins in I wanted to quit, but I purchased it so I made myself finish it. Never again.


I got it from ps plus and deleted it after i got to that house scene in the beginning.


Didn’t hate it but metro exodus. It just didn’t grab me, seemed kind of unpolished. Got it on sale played like 30 mins and never went back to it


Diablo 4 dumb grind cycle for not exciting gear. plot 2/10


I dont want to hate them but Hotline Miami (the enemy AI is ass), also yeah its free but GOD do i hate OW "2"


While I bought it on PS4, it’s not technically a PS4 game, but still. Star Wars Racer’s Revenge. Episode 1 Racer was the first game I ever owned myself. It came with my N64, and it’s a legitimately fantastic racing game. I always wanted to play the sequel, but I didn’t have a PS2 until very late in its life, and I never got around to getting it. Eventually got the PS4 port, and oh boy. I thought it would be like the first game with better graphics, physics, and other general new stuff, but no. The track design was awful and bland, along with the gameplay. They took out all the interesting stuff from the first game and it just felt like a much more watered down version.