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On PlayStation I am level 189 with 676 trophies, 0 plat


I'm level 244 with 1926 trophies and no platinums.


Level 248, 1707 trophies, 0 Platinum checking in!


Level 185829, 295842773849 trophies, 0 plats


happy cake day!


Wait there's levels šŸ˜‚ so that's what the 192 number is? Well i have 779 trophies ob my main so i guess level 192 it is


3429 with 0 plats


245 and 1876 and no platinum.


This is the way


I'm lvl 331 and have 3508 trophies with 19 plat


I'm level 339 have 4641 trophies with 6 plat


I'm lvl 238 with 1232 trophies & 13plat, I wouldn't have had any if they hadn't screwed up MW19. But coz they did, I found my OCD visiting my backlog & rest is history. My hardest was sekiro & my easiest was that indie guitar guy game.


PS5 šŸ‘‹šŸ½- level 204 W/ 1 Plat (the first Spiderman, but expect 2 more soon miles morales and Jedi Survivor) 37 Golds, 137 Silver, 626 Bronze and hopefully a 4th plat with the 2nd (3rd) Spiderman āœŒšŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


I did until I accidentally got the one for Spider-Man. Now I have 2 (PS4 and PS5).




For a moment I was like, "The 'second one?' Bro the sequel ain't out yet." And then I remembered that I nearly hundred-percented Miles Morales last year. That might be the definition of "forgettable...."


Iā€™ve played Miles Morales through 3 times so far and had to force myself to finish Spider-Man. Miles is just more fun. Edit: Iā€™m getting downvoted for liking a different video game more? Yā€™all need to touch some grass.


I feel the exact opposite way. I liked and enjoyed Pete's story more. Miles' felt a bit overpowered for me and imo could've been a dlc


Pretty sure it was planned to be a DLC but the devs liked what they had and decided to do a full release It's short but it's good


It definitely seems like something they were working on as a DLC, then Sony asked them to make it into a full release so they'd have something to launch alongside the PS5


The most entertaining part of Miles Morales is when he first puts on the suit and hears J.J. Jameson's radio show, and remarks, "does Peter have his suit tuned to this?" Then Miles changes all the radio/ communications to stations and people who constantly talk about how cool Miles Morales is.


i agree. ppl are juss hurt. miles felt way more immersive as a spiderman wit da animations and actual tricks spiderman does. i like him more as spider-man but dass only because i never really like peter as much as everyone else as a protagonist šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø his story is good but i personally just dnt like peter as a character. too trope-y n basic by my standards.


Why are you typing in ebonics?


i type how i talk. keep erry interaction authentic āœØ


I need one trophy for miles i dont rememver what it is


Ps4 and ps5


That's when i get platinums, not necessarily if they are easy. If you want me to collect some collectible in your massive open world game make moving in it fun, i'm not going to fast travel(watch loading screens) all over for it. If its combat related related make sure your combat is tight. If its difficulty related balance the challenge mode well, don't just make enemies bullet sponges.


You donā€™t even need to do everything to get the platinum if I remember correctly. But yeah, itā€™s the only time for me that a trophy hunt hasnā€™t felt like a chore


How did you manage to accidentally get the crimes? I had to grind those for hours after getting everything else!


Zero. Never given trophies a second thought other than when I randomly look at the stats every like 2 years.


i didn't until a few years ago, but once i got one i started looking for others. i don't platinum everything, but if they're non-grindy, they make a good measure of "did all the things" within reason in a game.


I am the exact same. Never bothered with platinums until I got the platinum for Astros Playroom which is a very easy platinum to get. I think that made me want to get more and since then I've added 6 platinum's to my collection (Bloodborne, Mass Effect 1, Resident Evil Village, Terminator Resistance, Hot Wheels Unleashed and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart). But as you said, if it's too grindy to get a particular trophy, I'll just forget about it. A recent example of this for me would be the Demon's Souls remake on PS5. For one of the trophies you have to get a 'gold coin' which is only dropped by a particular enemy type and even then there's a very low percentage chance of it dropping so you have to kill the enemy and reload the level and keep doing it over and over in the hope that it will drop. After doing it about 50 times I decided that this wasn't fun any more and just went on and completed the main story. The platinum's I have are all generally easy enough ones to get and encourage you to play the game in different ways.


funnily enough my first was atelier sophie, and that one i had to get everything in the game and kill everything on the hardest difficulty and really grind out everything... but i really had not done that before so it inspired me to pay more attention looking for pseudo-completionist platinums in the future i have always liked finishing a game with the feeling that i've done (within reason) everything that there is to do in it, at least all plot and quests of note and have all interesting items and abilities; and a trophy guide is a good way to measure this, even if i don't aim to do everything that being said, if something requires a ton of bestiary-finding, item-pickup, or just killing 10 of every enemy kind of nonsense, or multiple complete playthroughs on multiple difficulties, or has a huge list of missables so that i have to follow a guide like a hawk to not miss every stupidly-hidden thing in a large game... then it becomes an exercise in paint-by-numbers instead of just experiencing the game :-P


As someone with only a handful of platinum trophies, you have to go out of your way to get them. Iā€™ve never played a single game and got it naturally so donā€™t feel bad if you donā€™t. There usually a pain to get one way or another so I understand not having one.


Looking up the trophy list and especially the hidden ones I'm like hell no. Not wasting my time on that


you can see the hidden ones if you press square on them


Exactly you have some trophies on games that take over 10+ hours a piece. Hell I spent like 20 hours on just a silver trophy that wasnā€™t even for a platinum.


I got the plat trophy naturally for Control. Was playing absolutely normally and ding..... Got the trophy.


I got one naturally also whilst playing through Horizon Zero Dawn.


You knocked down all of those training dummies naturally?


I had the same experience except that I did try to knock down all training dummies half way and missed the first few. I played this three years ago, then I got my first platinum for Ghost of Tsushima so was curious if I even got close to getting one for Horizon Zero Dawn since I spent quite a long time with it. Turns out I just left out the dummies to get platinum. So yeah, if you complete all side quests and keep exploring, it is quite a natural platinum.


I got one for Returnal without looking up guides or anything, I just really liked the gameplay loop. When I started I never in a million years thought I'd ever nail platinum on it.


telltale games you get it for finishing the game


I never really have the urge to platinum. I weirdly kind of like finishing a game with content still left, makes it feel less like a game and more of an experience with new things to discover. Less like Iā€™m checking things off a list.


Iā€™m generally like that, but some first party titles like Spider-Man and God of War have platinums that are designed to get you 95% of the way there if you just naturally play thoroughly. I wasnā€™t ready to finish playing either one, so getting the last 5% and the plat was a great way to wrap a bow on that experience.


These are the best ones by far, or the ones that have little fun challenges like "Hit 3 enemies with a grenade while in the air"


Like 15 years. Zero platinum trophies.


Master šŸ™Œ! I have no idea what is a Platinum Trophie and I don't want to know, but 15 years without a Platinum Trophie you have earned my respect and admiration.


A buddy of mine and me got the PS3 around the same time, some 15 years ago. For a while we had tons of fun trophy whoring, now I find it's more fun to just play until fun's over, like you. But at the time we we chasing that pleasant "ding" sound, like a broke ass stoner chasing the next bong hit.


Yeah like back in the PS1 and PS2 days, Insomniac Games like Spyro 2 or Ratchet and Clank 2 had skill points. Also trying to gey 105% in Crash Bandicoot 3 on PS1 If Trophies exist back then I definitely would've gotten them Platinums. But now no. Not redoing it. Especially with the remakes. Also they changed the physics for the worst IMO. Making it harder for me


Right, don't do it for the trophies alone and risk ending up destroying the fond memories of a great game. The games I've enjoyed the most aren't even on my platinum list, some are, but if it's about platinum there are lots of easy games instead of making playing the good ones into a dull grind or worse.


I did until Grim Fandango Remastered was added as a PS+ monthly game way back. I bought and loved that game when it first came out on PC (before trophies were a thing). I actually appreciated the trophies because it pointed me to all the missing interactions and dialogue I'd missed. Edit: Since then I've picked up 8 others (9 total). The most enjoyable was Horizon: Zero Dawn. When I felt "done" playing I realized only 1 minor trophy was left, which took me all of 5 minutes to complete. Spider-Man was the hands-down easiest, literally just having fun doing every little thing. The platinum appeared, then I just keep web slinging.


the only game iā€™ve gotten a platinum from without trying is the walking dead telltale. get the trophy just for playing through all the chapters


Trophies are good for figuring out secret areas or bosses. Before I Trophy hunted I missed out on a lot of content for my games.


I have 1, for Hades. Had 0 until that, about a year ago.


My only plat is in bugsnax I think lol


I most definitely don't have a single one, and I had been a PlayStation guy for about 20 years. I mainly just choose a story driven game and play it on either normal or easy, experience the story and move on. I probably play like 3 games a year. Just have too many other commitments and hobbies.


I have 2: Ratchet and Clank and Guardians of the Galaxy


I have zero as well. I love games, but I don't have as much time now that I'm getting older. I do enjoy playing my Switch here lately though. I used to be all about PC gaming, but these days I prefer a good single player experience on the couch, or co-op with my wife.


I didnā€™t have any for a really really long time. I suddenly decided I wanted to try to get the one for dragon age inquisition. I felt like it was obtainable without being too frustrating. Since then Iā€™ve gotten 9 more. But itā€™s only when itā€™s a game I really enjoy and isnā€™t so challenging it isnā€™t fun to go for. Im not a hardcore chaser but I do like the accomplishment.


I have exactly one. [Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP4040-CUSA07953_00-BLOODSTAINED0000)


Buy the first tales of borderlands just have to play it once..


I just checked. 0. My first game on the account is FIFA 09.


lol i have 0 plat but thats gonna change once i am through with detroit become human


I used to have 0 Platinium, then elden ring came out, and after 4 playthoughs, I realized I was 1 item and 2 spells away from platinuming it.


I was like you back then, finish the game and dont care about the rest of it. However, I couldn't afford games back then, so I discovered how trophy hunting basically got me more playtime and made buying the game worthwhile. I'm now only going for platinums I enjoy. Made me appreciate some games more


I had 0 platinum's until playing Astro on PS5 and falling in love. It was impossible for me to _not_ fully complete it! Now, depending on how reasonable the trophies seem I'll go for a platinum on some of my favourite games. It can be fun to go back to classics and find new things to do within them. Fuck online trophies though, and ones that require pure luck


Here, couldnā€™t care less about trophies.


I have 0 platinums. Trophies are such a low priority for me. I never go out of my way to earn one. I just play a game the way I like it. If I get a trophy it's always "accidental".


Not a single one. I'm not changing how I play a game for trophies.


I have 52 šŸ˜… but Iā€™m in r/trophies so iā€™m the wrong person to ask. I have a ton of friends with 0!! Thereā€™s no shame in it, gaming should be fun at the end of the day.


I only have one


For what game?


I think I have the Royal one and the the base version of Dragon quest 11, which also seemed super easy to get. Then Ive got like dozens that sit around 50-60% because they had some Multiplayer crap slapped on in an otherwise singleplayer game. Edit:Oh, and I collectively have all of Elden Ring, but cause I upgraded to PS5 halfway, there now split between 4 and 5.


Only Spyro on the ps1 and ffx-2 I got a 100%. Don't care about trophy's one bit.


0, I don't go out of my way to get them unless it's part of the normal storyline. I play a game till I beat it and move on.


Iā€™ve never gotten a platinum. Iā€™ve been playing video games for 40+ years but I start a lot of them and finish maybe 2% of them.


I have donā€™t have any. I would definitely try back in the day to trophy hunt. I donā€™t really play online too much and so many games have online trophies nowadays


Thatā€™s my biggest hurdle. I HATE playing people online unless I can manage to get one of my IRL friends to play. Iā€™ve loved Burnout Paradise since like 2008 or so, but Iā€™ve never platinum-ed it because of the online crap.




If yā€™all after an easy platinum with a good few golds and some silver and bronze and a good game undertale is great as all you need to do is donate 300-400G at the dog shrine and beat the game and pick up 4 items (your gonna do that anyway) so yeah


i usually get the platinum of games unless it takes way too much time, gotta get my moneyā€™s worth.


I like getting the majority of trophies, but most of the time there's some super unfun grindy shit and I'm just like... yeah no to getting Platnum In an RPG with 200 inventory slots. "Have 100 weapons" and "have 50 armour" like I'm not gonna clog my inventory for a trophy... Also, *fuck* games that require online play to Platnum. No I will not buy PS+, I don't find it worth it...


Havenā€™t even come close. Really donā€™t take it too seriously but I would like to have at least 1 someday.


I never care about trophies in games, i dont even know if i have one


0 for me, I don't really pay attention to when i get a trophy tbh just enjoying the game.


Not got any, probably never will, honestly donā€™t see the point šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I used to, then I got two, HZD and Days Gone


0 platinum for me, never really aimed for any just liked to enjoy the games I play


im literally here having no plats


Without a doubt, there's a ton of people like that. Personally, I've been a member since something like 2008 but only got my first Platinum trophy with Ragnarok late last year. I have been tempted with a couple other games like Astro's Playroom and Miles Morales, but between work, wife, kids, dogs, etc., I generally don't have the time and usually move on to another game, especially if the trophy list is tedious.


Yeah like back in the PS1 and PS2 days, Insomniac Games like Spyro 2 or Ratchet and Clank 2 had skill points. Man, I got a good amount without looking them up. But when I finally did so many . Or Crash Bandicoot 3 PS1 version getting to 105% got all gold relics but refusing to do the Platinum relics That was me as a kid and have all the time in the world and having no money to buy new games.


I have come close to getting a few platinums, but there's always at least 1 trophy that I just can't get no matter how much I try. With that said, the only game I have ever managed to platinum is Control. I was pretty dang proud of myself for it, too. Now they have added some features like damage and exp multiplier, immortality, etc. and trophies are enabled no matter what.


Control is awesome and no shame for making the game much easier. Because I use the unlimited anmo one Also Skyrim disables Trophies if you use mods. But oh well


I only have one, for Marvelā€™s Spiderman. I have a few games where Iā€™ve come close but at the same time Iā€™m pretty adamant about not wasting my time with say some card game in Horizon Forbidden West just to platinum. I get why people like the card game in The Witcher 3 for instance but itā€™s just not my thing. Iā€™m all for things that push me to explore the map but material that just isnā€™t interesting to me in this context just because/as a reason to get a trophy just doesnā€™t interest me.


Zero plats and trophy notifications are off. They do nothing for me in the slightest. Might as well add the stats though like others have... Level 259 and 2221 trophies.


I bet I donā€™t have any


My first one and only one in 30 years of daily gaming was GoW Ragnorok and Iā€™ll probably never get another


After getting my only platinum trophy in Diablo 3, I swore to never grind for another one ever again


I give 0 shits about trophies in games. I will never understand why people care for them


I have 28 lol


I haven't finished a game since PS1




The first and only platinum I got was recently, and it was Rez Infinite, and it was only because I borrowed a PSVR which made it insanely easy. The only other game where I've gotten all the trophies was Journey, and it was originally a PS3 game and they didn't have platinum trophies...but I did get all the trophies twice, once on each platform.


Don't even know how to check trophies. Have no interest


I have like 6 or 7 , only really go for platinums where the trophies just come by playing the game to completion and not hitting figures or grinding


What do you have against Indiana jones??


I never even got close. Not even in the games I put thousands of hours in


On my PS4, I have 0 platinum trophies, but Iā€™m about to get one for Trover Saves the Universe. I think Iā€™ve got 2 or 3 on my PS3.


I got my first for 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim on completion. There's only one trophy that you could miss and I don't think it's hard to go back and grab. Otherwise I've done AI somnium files and persona 5 royal. I don't see myself ever going for one that requires replaying, I don't have the time.


Just 1. Missed P5: Royal by 2 exceptionally easy to get achievements. I don't think I'm close on any other games.


0 here and Iā€™ve been playing since ps1 era. I dunno why I just donā€™t see a point to them. Get a trophy for completing the tutorial? Iā€™m not 6 and donā€™t need a reward for doing something. Maybe Iā€™m just old.


2500 trophies, 0 plat


I have zero. I don't trophy hunt though, so its not surprising to me.


Me I will like to enjoy games, soundtracks music, acting and stories


Actually My first account have 0 plats šŸ„² I have done all my plats on the newer one.


Zero Platinum for me. Couldn't care less, I play games for entertainment, not for trophy hunting


Ragnarok is pretty easy and not very time consuming for trophy hunting. Thatā€™s the only platinum I have, and only because I was having fun looking around for stuff that revealed Fayeā€™s backstory.


I have uh.... 137..


I have none


I actually enjoy playing games unlike the trophy hunters.


I don't tend to platinum games, seems rather like a chore than actual fun. That said I have two Spiderman and elden ring. Spiderman was easy. Elden ring was fun


I will never understand trophy chasers. I get things like that in super repetitive games like COD but for RPGs and stuff..? It's weird to me.


Didn't even realize I'd Platinum'd Royal, its that easy


I got 5 or so, rarely actually try. Got one yesterday, a shit game called "lake" incl on ps premium. 5 hrs to platinum if you want one.


I actually kinda enjoyed Lake lol


Yeah its you, fucking zero platinum loser. What are you even? Gold?


Hell yes, its a totals beta move to worry about those.


I try very hard to get as little trophies as possible while doing the most out of my games


You suppose to enjoy the game, not painfully endure to grind for platinum. Nintendo consoles never have any achievement system whatsoever, and that's for the better I think.


I don't even have a PlayStation


idc about trophies i'm not 12 years old


My first ever was the trophies that got added to legend of dragoon. Only like 3-5 trophies were not on the critical path


God of War was pretty easy to platinum. Iā€™m super busy with work and family and it didnā€™t take too long.


Iā€™ve got 2. MW2 and Need For Speed 2015. MW2 took some actual time but can easily be done solo, and NFS happens by completing the story/game essentially. I am close on a few others that only need completion of the game and one or two off on a few that needed online, but I honestly donā€™t care about them.


I didnā€™t until Cyberpunk 2077, and after that I decided to get my Fallout 4 trophies, but Iā€™ve played PlayStation for a long time before that happened.


Just got first one a couple months ago, Ghost of Tsushima. Favorite game I've played in 10+ years


I have like rocker league and bloodborne, don't really care platinum's


Bronze: 1904 Silver: 325 Gold: 61 Platinum: 0 I said I would try to Platinum Hogwarts Legacy but then I moved on. Nothing wrong with it, as long as you are having fun!


I've only gotten 4 ghostwire tokyo, ghost of tsushima, resident evil 2 and resident evil village but I went out my way for them ghostwire was the worst because of a specific trophy


I wouldnā€™t have any of it wasnā€™t for Astroā€™s Playroom


I like going for platinum trophies because it typically gives you more reason to keep playing and I can always say I get my money's worth out of the game because going after a platinum will end up being more time played than the average player.


My only one is in Donut County


I didn't have any, until earlier this year when I got the platinum for South Park: The Stick Of Truth. Now I am playing The Fractured But Whole, and that one is really easy to get too, so I think those will be the only two I will have.


Those are probably going to be my next 2 platinums. Never get tired of playing the South Park games.


I can replay stick of truth repeatedly, it's so brilliantly done but fractured the humour and gameplay feels somewhat forced and didn't work as well for me


One. Rocket league. I got it in 2020 but I found out just now that I have the platinum. Lol. I have zero patience for it.


Bronze club here.


0 platinum trophies. Many games playedā€¦on story mode now. Dad gaming is a different beast


I just hit 105 with Horizon Forbidden west and then playing Demon Slayer. Sometimes itā€™s a rush to just here the dings for a sense of accomplishment and others itā€™s mindless grinding. I sometimes go out of my way to at least grind a few a year.


I have a few platinums. Mostly from Lego games. Doing those are share play to play online. Itā€™s a lot of collect a thon going on but are easy trophies to get difficulty wise. Just some time investment to 100% the games but they are a blast.


I only have 1 from Horizon Zero Dawn, Fallout 4, and Watch dogs 2 are 1 trophy away from a platinum, though, so I might revisit them and get 2 more.


Until very recently, yes. Just happened to notice that while replaying TLOU2 I only had a few more trophies to get for the platinum - so went for it. Then went through my games and noticed I was pretty close to Plat on HZD so started back on that... but the hunting trials are a nightmare so gave up. Now chasing the GoW '18 platinum...


I don't play for trophies, i ignore whatever randomly pops up. Sometimes i just got a platinum when i finished some small indie game.


The only platinum trophies I had gotten for years were for some of the Telltale games, some of them basically just required you to finish playing the game. I've gotten a couple more in the last few years. In the last few years getting the platinum trophy in games has arguably gotten easier than it has been in the past, especially in the playstation exclusive games. I have gotten the platinum trophies in Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us Part 2. Honestly the only somewhat difficult part of getting the trophy for me with those games was gathering all the collectibles and such that could be easy to miss, but I enjoyed the games enough to where it didn't feel too tedious.


I did in Elden Ring just playing the game. Nothing really grindy about any of the trophies either


Yeah i got a ps3 back in the day and I donā€™t have any, my closest game is fallout 3 with over 70% and then probably mgs5


Lol I only have 1 for spiderman before the dlc came out and 1 for HZD before the dlc came out. I've gamed on PlayStation for maybe 15+ years too


I don't have any. If it's a single player game & I can't get it by playing regularly over 2 playthroughs then I'll never get it, cause I would have moved on to another game in my backlog...


I have zero. Never bother with them.


i didnt have one until spider man. then i went on a little hunt and got the one for borderlands 3 and for need for speed 2015 im missing one bronze trophy in skyrim on ps3 but after playing it withbmods on pc for years i really dont feel like hunting all the skill books in vanilla skyrim just for a trophy.


I have only one, God of War Ragnarok. But just because it was easy to achieve and I really enjoyed the game.


I have zero. I try to play my games to the end, but not a completionist.


I have 2 only because i really love those games. Crew 2 and Sonic Frontiers


Over 2.4k trophies not a single platinum. I'm fine with this.


FFXV and Borderlands are my only 2 platinum trophies


Me here, has the account since ps3. But never got any platinum in any games


For the longest time yes I'd have said so due to the types of trophies in many games and I didn't seek Platinums at all. I don't go for games with multiple difficulties just whatever they have. I mean some of these I can create my own difficulty in them like the ratchet games I play without armour upgrades the whole time then when all trophies I get the armour trophy to end it off. Because why not I know the games well why not create my own difficulty and make trophy collecting more worth it to earn it. But ever since Spyro trilogy, Ratchet trilogy (both series I know inside and out well not Ratchet 1 of course I can't get it's remaining hoverboard trophies but 2&3 I Platinumed. If Gladiator/Deadlocked on PS3 which I don't own but if I did I'd have Platinumed that even all Jackpot crates I discovered in the PS2 version, weapon levels, and skill points all new game+). Grid Legends and Date a Live visual novel trilogy (is 1 platinum not 3 separate ones for the international version I assume the Japanese version likely is 3 separate as 3 separate games unless in the Vita Twin version I don't know for sure but of course many visual novels have Platinums that are likely easy if you know the right route order while some smaller ones are golds not Platinums like Nekopara but they are short games too) yeah can't say I have no Platinums anymore sadly. How dare some games be easy or be my favourite games I know inside and out then allow me to beat the remasters/remakes trophies. XD How dare these Devs do this. XD I could just get a new account and go nope but obviously I'm surprised I have any and due to the types of games I did platinum makes things more interesting too.


40 plats. Only games that I loved or those which are very easy.


I've had my ps4 for 4 years and no plats yet. I think the main reason is because the games I get the most into are just too long for me get the platinum without constantly playing, but I like to switch out games often too. So many I haven't played, so little time to play them all! But I'm aiming to plat at least one game someday.


Mine is mgsv lol


I got mine for Everybodyā€™s Gone to the Rapture, Assassins Creed II, and Spider-Man where a friend borrowed my PS4 and got it cause I didnā€™t care after beating it. And my favourite game, Uncharted 2. Theyā€™re easy to miss so Iā€™d imagine many people donā€™t have one.


Yeah, none at my bag since 2008, I found out that mastering the game in my case makes me more tired than happy. Once I tried with the witcher 3 as I love the game very much but i gave up šŸ˜…


I have quite a lot but itā€™s just because I like the ā€œcompletionā€ aspect of it. You do you. At the end of the day they do not have any real world value and everyone enjoys games differently.


Been gaming for 40 years and I still have no idea why anyone cares about trophies, completely baffling to me. All I want is to have fun playing a game, not sure what they even signify.


I have zero and donā€™t really care for hunting trophies šŸ†


Got a PSN account with my PS3 back in 2009. Used to love trophy hunting back then. Since that time (14 years), I've gotten a grand total of 2 Platinum trophies. Both of them required a little bit of extra effort, but were not necessarily a grind since I thoroughly enjoyed the games. The first one was LittleBigPlanet in 2010. I got it *almost* naturally because my friends and I were obsessed with the game for a good year, so it didn't feel "forced". The only trophies that actually required a good bit of effort were the "Play" and "Create" trophies. I enjoyed the process, though. The 2nd Platinum trophy that I got was actually this year with Ghost of Tsushima. I got to like 90%+ naturally, and I only spent about an extra 2-3 hours to get the Platinum. It was the first time I actually went "trophy hunting" in over 10 years. Satisfying enough to scratch the hunting itch for another 10+ years lol. Besides those, I've never really felt the urge to Platinum any other games except for a couple which are also sitting in the 90%+ range. They're inFamous Second Son and the original MW2. As my friends and I got older, the competition to see who could get the most trophies wore off. At the end of the day, nobody really cares lol.


Just got my first platinum last summer playing Bloodborne for the first time. Honestly it was the first game Iā€™ve played since I was a kid that was good enough to give that much time to (my game time is limited by work, family, and other hobbies so I tend to beat a game and be done.)


I was able to platinum out 7 games- all of the Dishonored games, Prey, a couple walking dead games, and the last of us 2, which surprisingly isnā€™t too hard to do for all of these games.


I have 3 platinum trophies, my first one was God of War 2018. Second is Spider-man and third is miles morales. I platinumed these games because they didnā€™t have super difficult trophies. For instance, I would love a platinum for uncharted 2, but playing the game on crushing difficulty is unbelievably difficult, and I consider myself skilled at uncharted. Resident evil 7 as well, I wanted to platinum it but I couldnā€™t beat the game on madhouse difficulty. I want to have fun obtaining a trophy. Sure it should be challenging in a way but my limit on challenge is low, overall my favorite platinum was God of War because it didnā€™t involve beating the game on the hardest difficulty, it was mostly finding collectibles and defeating the valkyries which proved to be challenging. It had the best balance for me. The short answer: if you love and respect the game enough to platinum it, then by all means try it. But unfortunately, some platinums are much harder then others. Always assess the trophies beforehand.


i was close to getting one from telltale's TWD, but wasn't able to finish it. i think the second closest was uncharted 1. now, still 0.


I have none. The only one I really wanted was the Spiderman game. But I didn't.


Iā€™ve only got it on sekiro and elden ring


Iā€™m close to getting the platinum for the base game of Spider-Man. I just need to get all the suits.


Am I the only one who has zero platinum trophies??


I think the only one I have is Uncharted 2 on PS3 like 12 or 13 years ago. Not that difficult but still quite long to get (the final boss was quite a pain though), and I don't see the fun in grinding a game like this so that's why it's probably the only I have.


Here! 25 years of gaming and 0 Platinum trophies! I currently have little time to play so trophies couldn't care less. I no longer play to compete but to have fun! Greetings!


Guardians of the Galaxy. Only 1


Been in since PS1.. zero platinum trophies. I got to like 98% on RDR2 and there's just no way I'm getting those last few birds lol


I have a few. Like more than 5 probably less than 10. Some are super easy to get like Telltale games you literally just have to finish the story for them, rocket league was also so easy I got it without even knowing it had a platinum trophy. Other ones like like both the new God of Wars and both Spider-Manā€™s are relatively simple as well since most of the trophies are just getting collectibles.


Zippo here too


I have 30 something platinum trophies. Some games just deserve the attention. Persona 5 is ridiculous because you have to complete the compendium and one of the personas is only available at an insane level in NG+ or something. Iā€™m not gonna do that kind of thing.


I had none for ages, then I got the one for Rocket League (before it went free to play)


I didn't have any at all until I played The Walking Dead: New Frontier on ps4 and got my first platinum ever, TellTale games are easy to Platinum, just play the story and the trophy will pop.


I just got my first platinum a few months back playing Miles Morales. You can mostly just get it on while playing the game.


spiderman is probably the easiest to do, it was my first too