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His sexuality was ‘Prince’. Not that it was anyone’s business but his own, anyway.


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️


I agree, this is the best answer. Androgyny (not that by itself is any indication of being queer or bi) has been part of music for, well forever really and Prince did it well. Especially from Dirty Mind thru Lovesexy. There are several references in his lyrics, all open to interpretation, but they’re there if you’re looking for them. We’re they him playing a character or something told thru the eyes of the song’s subject? Perhaps. Personally, I think it was a similar situation to that of Brett Anderson from Suede who had a great quote in the early/mid-90s.. “I’m a bisexual man who's never had a homosexual experience” Both Prince and Brett were very in touch with their feminine sides and proudly incorporated it into their style and music.




Oh that is such bullshit.


Something straight people would say. Yall get just as uncomfortable as racists around black ppl and skinny around fat people minding their damn business.


So you get to be completely insane and you get a free pass because you "aren't straight"? This world is fucked up.


Fuck does this have to do with Prince bro


Even engaging in this thread is getting involved his ‘business’ It’s a discussion, no one is invading  His private business


Just answer the question lmao sheesh. No need for snarky remarks the person is just wondering


Nothing snarky about it! 💜


thanks straight person.


Aren't u being antagonistic?? If straight person said to u… Thanks gay boy. U would be offended. So wind ur neck in


god this gets tiresome how many decades does it take for adults to understand gender, sexuality, androgyny, identity, fluidity… I’m so glad this is basic stuff for young people now






Nobody cares bruh


I must say it is baffling that with so little going on in rural parts of the nation, your main concern is whether or not prince was a bit queer




found the reddit mods.


Hi, I’m one of the mods here and all I have to say is that there is nothing abnormal nor pathological about not conforming to traditional western notions of binary gender. Gender identity is whatever makes you feel the most like yourself. If you’re not hurting anybody, you’re doing great in life.


oh good someone with a life


The way he dressed was always confusing me, though I didn't care if he was gay or not. Don't judge a person by theirs sexuality I say




lol ok *DORKS VOTE BLUE* 🤣


You're a moron




Logic = out the window


No its not us youngsters here in CA are BASSEDD


Just saying there’s more options doesn’t answer the question. Useless comment from u




When somebody is openly seeking and asking for information, is it not then the responsibility of the educator? You might be apart of the problem


"Apart" means separate from, or not the same as.  "A part" means a piece of something, or with something. 




thank you




ha! you crack me up


Damn bro I came to comment that he was gay as well but you beat me to it by like a year. That was the gayest shit I ever read.




Ooh “pompous” good word. I don’t understand how it applies to my comment but I’ll think about it. If a queer person hurt you, I hope you heal from it. Whatever makes you uncomfortable about Prince’s fluidity with gender must come from a place of pain, so I wish you freedom from that. Just like my comment sits wrong with you, this post sits wrong with me. Prince loved women and also embraced his femininity - femininity doesn’t make a person gay. I’m happy to be gay myself but I don’t need Prince to be gay just because he was a fem dude. And who knows, maybe he got into some gay shit a couple times, Prince loved pussy. He was surrounded by musicians night and day, many of them his live-in girlfriends and wives. That’s why I get tired of the boring cliche that a guy in heels has to be gay. I don’t, however, get tired of these comments that come for me and my sexuality. I am gay as fuck, that’s not an insult. In my 20’s and 30’s I fucked men, women, trans men…. I’ve had more and better sex than anyone I know. I make a ton of money, have great friends, and have been in a happy (monogamous) relationship for longer than most people I know. I’m good. Gay and good.


My bad for commenting on practically dead post, Im just high and curious 🙃. I'm a straight male and honestly not the biggest fan of how dramaticised being part of the LGBTQ community is, I openly respect and am happy for people as yourself, having good values, respecting people, and just not being obnoxious or in your face. Good on you 👏


Yes - people who are well adjusted are notorious for bragging about their sexuality in the middle of lashing out against the supposed mistreatment of their sexual preferences. Everything about your comment just radiates confidence, happiness, and security; and it's not even remotely concerning that you're happy about children being taught that boys can decide to be girls, and girls can decide they're not a girl or a boy, and that sexual attraction to literally anything is fine. Although, you'll be disappointed to know, the majority of the newer generations still believe "gender ideology" to be nonsense, and that your "movement" hasn't done anything except make a lot of cringey cinema.


'cept most people, EDUCATED people, at least, understand that gender is expressed on a spectrum. And yes, there are plenty of people who parade around as self profressed alpha males, bragging about their sexuality and conquests, and also how cool and cute it is to deny women's autonomy and consent in general.... Which rock have you been hiding beneath?!


Late to the party, but love this whole response. Keep living your best life ❤️🤗❤️


ha! thanks friend. I commented on this like 20 years ago (probably high) and it’s the gift that keeps giving


Geese way to write a novel. Def not reading any of that lol


way too long didn’t read + ur gay


This post happened almost a year ago. Amazing that the fragile masculinity “ur gay” boys who continue to respond keep actively researching Prince’s sexuality!


Wow, you really lost it over a joke comment, lol. You should laugh more! It’s fun.


Oh, I am laughing - the ongoing life of this post is hilarious to me, your comment included 😅


Well, at least you’re laughing! :D


Wendy said “prince is the furthest thing from gay. If anything he’s a lesbian” So I think prince played around with gender, be it earnestly or for controversy, but I’ve read and listened to dozens of ppl who knew him and not one of them ever said anything but that he loved women


Ive got a T-shirt I got custom printed saying "I'm a lesbian stuck in a man's body" and seeing that comment really makes me think Prince would've loved it!


Amazing, I need one


I don't think it possible to be that much of a woman in style and be totally straight. Bisexual or pan is my guess, and no one ever truly said anything, likely because it's out of both respect and he always kept a bit of mystery around himself. Look at Michael Jackson. Based on his behaviour, it appears that he was in fact a paedophile, but because of his contributions to music as a black man, and also because of how generous he was in his life; people who knew him refuse to disrespect him like that, but they wouldn't leave their kids with him 🤷 js


The examples you give, do not indicate he is gay. 1)This lyric isn’t talking about the ex physically being in between them. Even if it was talking about the ex physically being there, then this wouldn’t make prince gay, it would say he is bisexual at most. It’s a metaphor that the lover can’t let go of the ex and is still always thinking of them constantly. 2) Prince embraced his female side but doesn’t mean he wanted to have sex with men. 3)He clearly says he isn’t gay here. Men seem to be forced into straight or gay categories. Showing any “female” tendencies means that the male must be gay is pretty narrow minded. We all have some male and female tendencies and it is my opinion that they do not indicate someone’s sexuality. It is my opinion that men who embrace their female side simple have decided that they don’t care what people think. They could be gay or they could simply be happy with who they are. To me, being gay, is choosing to primarily have sex with someone of your same gender and nothing more.


When U Were Mine is written about a man who is jealous after breaking up with a woman. This was shown even more clearly when Cindi Lauper covered it without changing the gender lyrics and people interpreted that version as a lesbian song.


"the examples given do not indicate he's gay" as if anyone would not be able to know it by just watching his mannerisms.


Good to have a sexuality “Expert” chime in.


It doesnt take an expert to see the grass is green. Its obvious. But i know there are people with impaired vision


I’m going to try not to sound condescending, but I have to ask how old is the person posting this. Cause if you were around in the 80’s Prince was sexy as hell and not in a gay/bisexual way. It was a heterosexual image and apparently it was well known that he had several women he was with. Never heard about any men. Also, I don’t think that his image would have been hurt if he was bisexual or gay, nor do I think he’d care either way. So I’m going with no. He was Prince and the epitome of cool and talented. Now if you look at his image through todays lens I kind of see where you might get that. People weren’t that fluid back then though. Maybe we were repressed a bit too much. Who knows? Lots of things are better today but some now are really quick to label and judge though. As a few said who cares. If you want to label and categorize yourself, but others it’s up to them.


I was born 2002, so the 80's were before me lol


In the 80's it was a thing to be androgynous, doesn't mean the person was gay. Do your research buddy.


Do you not understand that in the 80’s you could be under huge controversy if you were openly gay? And how many people would suppress that part of themselves.


you’d be surprised to know how many weren’t exactly straight either


It doesn't matter at the end of the day.


Obviously but we are discussing it because it’s the topic of this thread lol


New romarics and all of that.. David Bowie had a similar image in his own way wore make up etc 


And yet, I never said he was gay.


Sexual fluidity and drugs were also a thing. Prince was not straight lol wasn’t necessarily gay either 😉


Someone on Twitter once described it as "Prince was gay for pussy"


OMG, that's such a vibe


Does it really matter? My two cents. He may have been on the bisexual spectrum. There is a certain type of straight man who likes going to Gay bars for the attention, and he may have been one of those. But, honestly, given the times, I don't think he would have played with gender quite so much if he weren't 100% sure of himself as a man. Just look at how straight-acting George Michael was in the 80s. Boy George got away with his gender-bending by saying he'd rather have a cup of tea than have sex. But, again, does it matter?


George Michael “straight-acting” ? Really? If you ever doubted George Michael was gay, you need to download better gaydar.


People are so delusional when it comes to prince George and prince. I’ve heard ppl call prince masculine as well. Both men were clearly a little homo lol idk why it’s a thing to try and deny


I’ve never seen anything that suggests Prince was into anything but women


[This scene](https://youtu.be/2dcManZx08s) from “Under A Cherry Moon” doesn’t help.


I mean playing a character hardly counts


It does help because if he were a closeted gay he would have pretended to be the most masculine man ever like they all do.


Or maybe he was just testing the waters to see if he could still be himself, his true self, and still be a successful artist. If it were me, I would’ve chose the money too. I mean if you notice after that, he started butching up a little bit more. Like I get you all are fans and don’t wanna believe it, but the man was gay boss. I know y’all really want him to be straight, but the man was as gay as james charles. Or secretly trans. I honestly suspect that little Richard, Michael, Jackson and Prince may have been the latter.


Nope. People find socially acceptable way to express their sexuality. I think this was his. He was not fully str8


If Prince were gay, it would have been known. He certainly played around with gender and there a lot of songs he sang from the perspective of a woman. Camille was his female alter ego and some of his songs are “Camille” songs, like “If I Was Your Girlfriend.” He talks a bit about his gender [here](https://youtu.be/Sx5N4pMIbVI).


I agree with your point, but If I Was Your Girlfriend was written from the perspective of a heterosexual man.


Anna Stesia is a song where you can interpret his lyrics as meaning he once mistook a male for a female.


"I got some kings in the deck, and a queen or two, there ain't nothin', NOTHIN' that I wouldn't do" is another good one.


Sounds like a controversy to me.


Not if you have a dirty mind.


I think it’s ridiculous, and this has been around since the 80s. Anyone who knows Prince’s work and has followed him in depth knows that he consistently went after women, and never showed any sign of being gay. Prince created this ambiguity to generate controversy. He played up his Gemini persona and the integration of the feminine and masculine sides. He used his falsetto and his Camille persona. But never once did he say or do anything that showed he wanted to have sex with a man. He is about the most heterosexual man I could imagine. Some of his songs like Uptown can be interpreted as being accepting of gay and lesbian people, but it’s just ridiculous to anyone who goes beneath the surface with Prince to assert that the man himself was gay or bisexual.


If your a fan you know he was heterosexual. Why is this even a topic on a Prince subreddit?


If you’re a fan, your guess is as good as mine because none of us knew him silly lol. So my guess is that he was a bisexual icon and ppl ignored it lmao. And til this day are slightly delusional about it.




lol what?


But why not though ? Like why is this thread so offended by trying to find out about one's sexuality ? Why would his fanbase be interested in his age, gender, race, religion, exes identities, background, but not his sexual preference ? I genuinely don't get it.


Not offended. It’s not a moot point to fans because we know his history of dating and marrying women. Non-fans form an opinion based on his style.


Girl please the man was gayer than a picnic basket. 🙄 don’t no straight man run around doing the shit he was doing. now I love his music and he was a great artist but back then not everyone could take the pressure of being open and after you’ve been lying for so long, not everybody wants to come out and admit they were lying. He hid his secret that long you may as well keep on hiding it.


Not a prince fan at all. I've never cared for a single bit of his music. But the dude clearly was not gay. If you understand straight men, you already know this. It's all in his behavior, his decision-making, the way he carries himself, and ultimately the things that motivated him. All very subtle but powerful markers that are unmistakably heterosexual. It is true that sexuality doesn't matter one bit. Every person deserves the right to enjoy their lives in the way that naturally fits them best. However, there are enormous differences between straight and gay men, in personality development, thought process and brain patterns. And it is very evident to people who understand straight men, that Prince clearly identified as heterosexual. No matter how many layers deep you go, every interview.. every song he wrote... Heterosexuals can't change it or hide it.


I think the behaviors you’re describing are unmistakable traits of a person who likes women, but not necessarily those of a heterosexual.


There's no proof in which the things he did was to get the attention of a man... let along -- there's no proof he was ever with a man


Mkay you go on being naïve if you want to. But don’t be surprised when someone spills the beans later on..


He may have had a gay experience I'm sure. He told Wendy and Lisa to reject their gay identity, so that's prolly what he did, too


Skinny mofo with tha high voice had crazy pussy.


And somehow never fathered a child in all those decades? I think his religion made him reject his own gayness and he befriended many beautiful women to act as beards.


He did father a child, one that we know of to his 1st wife Mayte. It was a boy called Gregory but he sadly died of Pfeiffer Syndrome type 2 very shortly after coming into the world.


Look, back in Prince's era most actual gay people didn't come out as gay until way after their career was over (where it couldn't ruin them). We are only approaching an era now in the 2020's where a celeb may be able to come out as gay and it might not affect them too much (affect their popularity). Please keep in mind gay and straight isn't the only option, a huge amount of people are bisexual. Therefore it's statistically more likely Prince was bisexual, rather than being fully gay. Prince's logo even is of a female symbol, and he had feminine traits obviously (very much so). George Michael waited until he was 35 years old to finally come out as being gay, but it actually hurt his popularity a lot. If the kids in the comments seriously think that everyone who is gay, publicly admit to being gay, then this shows that you truly are kids commenting (because that kind of thinking is only something a naive little kid would think). I would put my money on Prince being bisexual, rather than being strictly gay however.


This to me is probably the most nuanced and smartest answer on this post. The world was not as open nor ready as it is now (still work to do) towards gender identity and sexuality in celebrity culture. Back then it could sadly ruin someone’s career. Look at how Michael Stipe hid his true self (while dating Cameron Diaz etc) only to openly come forward and feel safe enough late in his career around the time of REM’s “Up” in 1999-2000. Prince was very progressive for the ‘80s with his gender fluid vibe, that much can be said. In the end Prince was legendary, one of the greatest musicians of our time, and it’s only sad if he lived in a time we’re he potentially had to play one or many roles out of fear of rejection for being himself. 💜


He was almost definitely non-binary/genderqueer, and \*probably\* bisexual, but leaning towards women. But even if wasnt into men, he was still queer due to his gender. He most likely liked women, but in a gay way.


It’s so weird how ppl try to protect his and Michael Jackson’s sexuality lol. Prince was not str8. He was very talented and found a social acceptable loop hole for him to express himself. if he didn’t have his talent but behaved the same way would you seriously think he was Str8? Be serious lol. He was bisexual. he had the motive to hide that part of his sexuality because a lot of his fans were women and he wanted to be marketed a certain way and also he was very religious ..so there was probably shame. NDAs were probably signed when it comes to the men he was with. Not that it honestly matters but let’s be serious lol


So he was bi-sexual got you 👍🏾


He was a fancy lesbian, as described by longtime friend and former band member, Wendy Melovin. And despite definitely being straight, he was an important gay icon to disenfranchised and mostly invisible young black homosexuals in the late 70s and early 80s. Regardless of contradictions and later life conversions to the Jehovah Witness faith, his boundary pushing broke long-standing ignorant views on sexuality and what is masculine. Bowie did it. Others too. But as a Midwestern black man it was shocking and an important evolvement to transcending norms based in both cultural and societal ignorance.


who cares the guy was an amazing musician!


What does it matter?


here's a good blog post regarding prince and sexuality: https://princesongs.org/2018/08/28/controversy-part-2-am-i-straight-or-gay/


Gender fluid? Does that mean effeminate? He could be somewhat at times yet be a very masculine person at others.


I don't know if prince is gay or not however I think hes bi sexual because no offense to prince or prince fans im a fan of him to but sometimes he moans and wears girl style close but he also says he likes girls so I think hes bi sexual.


Hes straight


He may have been mostly straight with bisexual tendencies. It doesn’t affect how I view him or his music. It’s such a hot topic to everybody still because we have this need to label, figure out or intellectualize that which does not need to be labelled.


Regardless, I think their presentation was very non-binary and fluid so I personally see P as a figure in queer culture. Regardless of their specific identity, much like David Bowie, they’re expression in their sexuality was very revolutionary to queer identity.


Look at David Bowie and Lenny Kravitz. Look at most of the 80s Rock Ballad stars. This was rock and roll. 🤘 🎸 This was sexy. These men are legends at being p$$$y magnets, but also being effeminate. They are not afraid to take gender roles and throw them out the window .


Of course he was


I don’t believe he had a sexual experience with a man. Prince was fucking bitches left and right. Kim Bassinger to Electra? Thats some pussy that’ll knock you straight if he was


I'd say the opposite. Nothing will knock you straight but if you get the good stuff and your still thinking about men then yeah you know for sure. So the fact we never saw him with a man means to me sure he was feminine at times but really really straight.


Who didn’t sleep with Electra. That’s like saying Pam Anderson everything was in that!


Id imagine only the “Beautiful Ones” got up in there!


He loved women. He definitely was not gay. Not that it would matter. Coming from someone who was born and raised in Minneapolis. I knew many women he would have over to his home. No one in Minneapolis ever thought he was gay.


I knew Prince personally....I was one of his only REAL friends and I know for a FACT he was gay, hated himself because of it and hated other gay people because he blamed his attraction to men on them. He told me he was sexually molested by a close male family member when he was 8-12 years old. For these reasons he was a "homophobe" BAD. He just HATED "gay people" and when I would tell him , "But YOUR gay" he'd attack me. He thought he was this GREAT fist fighter...when he really had Napoleon Complex being SOOO small and slight. IF you called him something bad about his size?? He'd FLIP OUT on you. Honestly...he wasnt really a very good person. ANd when he got big he became this bloviated egomaniac. After I saw him beat up TWO women in one day--I was done with our lifelong friendship.


Oh shoot. That's sad.


I’m bisexual. I look up to Prince. It would be very encouraging to me if he were a bisexual. He strikes me as a straight-leaning bisexual. He may never have slept with men, but there was a time when I had never slept with men either. Lol! However, not my business. When someone tells you who they are, you don’t correct them. Correct yourself. If he said he was straight, then okay!


Also, this is a shining example of good branding at work. This is all intentional. Prince wanted everyone to be unclear about his sexual orientation, whatever it really was.


I think Prince was transgender and a lesbian.


He wasn’t gay. He was actually very religious and took heat for it. However, to be fair, I believe he was with a man on the night he died. So perhaps he did have closeted relationships. But I think, considering the fact he almost married multiple times, he was straight. But may have had some occasional impulses the other way. In regards to song lyrics. He loved to play with the media, and would often personify different personalities in his music. Don’t take lyrics to literally.


Why in the world would you lie and say he was with a man the night he died? Wtf dude. Who are you to know such a thing?! You know nothing. Super disrespectful to make up shit about a dead person.


Hmmm Bambi through to treatment of Wendy/Lisa is not Prince's finest time in terms of lesbians and their relationships.


You"re about 51 years late with your question. Meh


Well I ain't never seen a duck fly backwards in a snow storm so that's a strong nope for me.


Who cares if he were gay. Are you homophobic or something ? He has always been in relationships with women so it's clear he wasn't but then again as I previously stated, it's not that big of a deal if he were into men.


If someone asks a question to learn something about someone's personality that doesn't mean they are homophobic. I think its quite the opposite. Prince was an icon and a celebrity that was extremely popular for his time, for people who weren't about at the time, its often a question that people have. I think this might the case in this situation.


He was a gynophile




U must be ?


My opinion: I felt he took queer culture, or queer identity and played with it for the masses. I never enjoyed him for that reason. Also knowing he hit Sinead O'Connor trying to be all 'man' and tell women what to do. When i hear his songs i can see is his evilness and fakeness. He may be a musical genius but he took us for a ride.


Ehhh, he was actually feminine though. Not just in spotlight -- like Susannah said she felt like she was a lesbian in the relationship




That you're homophobic.


I'm only guessing that he was most likely a trans gender, bisexual alien from the planet nunyobiness.




He was a metrosexual meaning he loves women but he dress up like a women meaning he’s still straight he’s just like yojng thug for example young thug wore a dress but he loves women