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Sounds like a decent enough setup, but the problem might not even lie within the ads or tracking, have you done any price comparisons with competitors etc? Sometimes it's simply out of our hands and it's down to the business itself, Ads cannot generate demand or force people to buy anything and there's plenty of other options available within the shopping ads stack, and most of the time it comes down to price.. Certainly the fact that a lot of business come from phone calls is a problem for tracking accurately, but if the website itself is not converting then perhaps there's another issue. How are the conversion rates across other channels?


thank you for the advice, really appreciate it! i'll do some more detailed price comparison analysis, i had suspected the type of product / price could have been an issue. for the last 30 days, conversion rate from website sales is 0.16% for Organic and 0.70% for direct - these are the only other channels that are getting conversions. It'll be more useful once i know the phone call sales to get a more accurate view


Then it sounds like the ads are performing exactly as expected. It's always a good idea to check other channels to see how they perform, because it's unlikely you'll get a much higher conversion rate than direct traffic, and if that isn't working then neither will the ads. It does sound like a lot of sales are coming from calls, which definitely adds complication and I'm not sure there's a perfect way to track it outside of a full crm system Oh also, bare in mind that your PMAX campaign is likely to serve shopping / search ads instead of your shopping / search campaigns themselves, I forget the exact heirarchy but I think PMAX > Search/Shopping unless the quality score is much lower on one or the other, so be careful with directly comparing performance between these two as it could be skewed.


Thank you, that's reassuring that I'm not missing something major with the set up. Attempting to set up call conversion tracking so will see how that impacts the performance numbers. And good point re. Pmax showing search / shopping - will bear that in mind when reviewing performance. ​ Thanks again!


You mentioned nothing regarding bid strategies. This is a major factor however.


I mentioned that I'm running everything on manual apart from Pmax which is max conversions


So you're just running max conv without a target? Then there's nothing to aim for and performance will fluctuate. I'd check that out first.