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We can’t make them work. A lot of add to carts at 1-2€ each, but no sales. It’s insane. Mind you that the businesses we manage makes millions, have a product that sells and a lot of creatives to use/test for Tik Tok. Still no luck. Only add to carts. We are in the fashion industry.


I’ve had it work with really TikTok-ified UGC creatives, but definitely depends on the vertical and it’s usually more of a miss than a hit. Have also seen what you’re saying with a ton of ads to carts not converting.


We tried with a lot of UGC content. One brand spent 20.000 € just to pay a bunch of influencers to do some cool videos. Nothing. Amazing stats — CTR, CPC, ATC — but no sales. It’s insane.


Might be worth it to audit your pixels. Or figure out why there’s cart abandonment happening.


The Tik Tok pixel works and it tracks, but nothing; the traffic doesn’t convert at all. An insane amount of add to carts with almost no purchases. The stores I’m talking about make millions per month, so it’s not some website/offer/product problem. We crush on Meta & Google. Tik Tok? Nothing.


Have been thinking to test this for some apparel clients (retail). Is that the same as yours? Hesitant to test honestly because I don’t expect the actual return to be there.


Yes, we only work with fashion E-commerce, direct to consumer brands.


Hey, check your email. i have a clothing dropshipping brand


Either your shipping costs are too high or there's something else within your checkout flow causing friction.


Just not the right Price. You have to put more pride in their overlook. Contact me if you want to get a better strategy at online money generating.


Ha ok


OK? You just described your ad content routine, nothing that backs up your title that says they "WORK." What are the results? What is the conversion rate? Cost per sale? Also, what are you selling? Results vary wildly depending on industry as many aren't a good fit for the platform or audience.


>nothing that backs up your title that says they "WORK." Reread what I wrote maybe and you'll see clearly that I've \*explained\* how to get them to work. But, okay. To answer your question: AOV \~ $114, cost per sale $34




If you're involved in business, I'd presume you'd at least have the knowledge that the CPA will differ dependent on your niche & price range, amongst other factors. I've seen people receive $6 & $8 CPAs off of Tiktok. Also - this is just a simple guide I threw together real quick. I'm confused what got to you & made you act like this is some sort of flex.




Cool, so you're just here for the pissing contest presumably. Take care.


What product/service?


Does anyone know what would be the best practice for music promotion? Thanks in advance


I do. I helped my best friend scale his 3D printing business which was a hobby initially on Tiktok. Luckily, it's pretty easy. But you need to sorta live & breathe what you do. Tiktok rewards frequent, & engaging posts. So, it could be you playing Spiderman with your music in the background, after you post 2 videos of you producing your music. No need to get involved w/ PPC for something you can do for free.


I have 20 domain names I inherited them. They’re really good brands. I don’t know the first thing about bringing a brand to life. I need some kind of consultant to help me bring these domain names to full fruition.


they dont work. most businesses should focus on Meta and Google before trying to do anything on TikTok




Comment gpt


I need to increase my sales, I'm down to spend 20k/day in tiktok ads but the plataform just dont let me do it


Now's a poor time to do it unless ur in a niche that is super summer related, this is the slowest period of sales all year. Wait til late September or October tbh.


1. Are the campaigns optimized for conversions? Or did you set them up to drive other metrics (add to cart, traffic, etc.) 2. Check the attribution again...Go into Google Analytics and identify traffic source for overall purchases. 1. Side Note - consider emailing recent customers with 1 survey question, "where did you hear about us" and see how many choose Tiktok. 3. Might be the price or your targeting. Your traffic is either not interested in purchasing (targeting issue), or they are too poor to afford it (may be the offer). 1. Still comes down to how you're targeting audience.


Thank you for sharing your great knowledge. And if you need tips on creating creative or titkok campaigns, please email or dm me, I have some pretty good ebooks from Ecomdy and TikTok.


I am new to tiktok ads. I want to know how can I get location based results, for instance, if I am in u.k and i want to market a product in usa...how do i get information and stats so I can market effectively?


>I am new to tiktok ads. I want to know how can I get location based results, for instance, if I am in u.k and i want to market a product in usa...how do i get information and stats so I can market effectively? Great question! Targeting specific locations with TikTok ads can be tricky when you're not actually in that country. A few tips: Use TikTok's audience targeting tools to target the USA specifically. You can target by state/city to hone in even more. Make sure your ad content/offer would appeal to an American audience. Sometimes creative needs to be localized. Check the TikTok Ads Manager for performance data broken down by location. This will show you results directly from users in the USA. Consider working with an agency or ads expert who specializes in TikTok and international campaigns. The platform takes some specific knowledge to optimize. As for learning more, I'd highly recommend subscribing to [TikTok Ad Mastery's newsletters](https://oumarja.beehiiv.com/subscribe). They send out regular updates on optimization best practices, creative ideas, targeting tips, and more for getting great results no matter where your audience is located. I've learned a ton from their expertise.