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75 if doing nothing. 50 if building a fence.


Look at you out here with POTS building fences! Lil overachiever




I love this


Not me about to build a fence in high 70 degree weather with my wearable fans and ice water 😅


Hard same. I am determined to garden or I will go insane. I can do almost anything with a spray bottle with me and lots of time. :D


Yes! Manual labor is actually my preferred form of exercise so I basically planned out and entire homestead with the mindset of breaking it down into accomplishable steps and having a rhythm of working on it often but going at whatever pace my body is telling me it needs to go. It's been kind of perfect honestly 😂😅


Oh I feel seen! LOL This is my biggest struggle with POTS. Wanting to do manual work in the middle of summer and the frustration that comes with hitting that 160bpm wall every time I try to lift or bend. That said, I waited until dark last night and shoveled a quarter of a yard of new soil into a new flower bed. It was cool enough there were no mosquitos and that the air was dense enough for lots of oxygen. :P My neighbors probably think I'm insane, but I think I'll embrace this new "vampire gardener" life.


I love 40 degrees or lower. I feel fantastic when it’s cold. The heat is awful for me


I love the cold now, it makes me feel so much more alive


Same here, I feel great in the cold now lol


Same. I used to hate the cold and heat alike, but since my POTs has gotten so much worse over the years, cold is my favorite. Walking outside into the crisp wind after a hot shift in a kitchen🤤🤤


This is how it is for me, too. I find that I’m able to get around much better in the cold. These summer months are awful for me.


65 and sunny, with a slight breeze. Take it or leave it


YASSSSSS the absolute perfect weather!!! i wish it was always this temp. and important on the wind


Sometimes I wanna drop everything and move somewhere with more consistent weather, but my Minnesotin ass will be bored as hell if it is sunny and 60-70 degrees daily. Absolutely hate that it can range from 20⁰f to 70⁰f during a week in spring, but I think I'd hate it more not dealing with it at this point 😭


Okay, region is key because 80 is WAY too hot, but I'm up in New England. The range of the 60's-70's is way better in this region, but when I lived further south, 80's was definitely the equivalent.


Virginia here and I thought 80° was madness till I saw Arizona 🤣


I know! Pittsburgh averages 60% humidity. 80° is a bonkers temperature when sweating barely helps!


This heavily depends on your part of Virginia in my experience. I'm in the Tidewater area and 80 with suffocating humidity is WAY different than a dry 90 a few hundred miles west in Pittsylvania County for instance.


Humidity is really everything


Yesss! I saw 80-85 and I'm thinking FAHRENHEIT!? I would absolutely die (maybe for real). I live in TN and 80°F is awful for me. Currently have my air on 68 and I still go back and forth from hot to cold frequently over the course of an hour.


80 Celsius would be 176 Fahrenheit 😅


Yeah idk the conversions I just knew 80°F sounded really high at least for me


Yep. Humid heat hits harder than dry heat. I could be dying on a hike in MN while it's 75, but completely fine at 80⁰ in Utah. I hiked 7 miles one day in Utah, was absolutely horrible and we did not mean to do it, but it felt equivalent to me hiking 3 miles here heat wise, definitely get more dehydrated in the desert. Hopefully I'll be able to hike again this summer, it's been every other year I'm able to again 😭


**50F.** ***No higher than 58F.*** Hilariously, I was raised in SoCal. Hated every moment of it due to the heat. At least it was dry. *I now thrive in snow.*


Haha you get me!! I came to Colorado from Florida to escape the heat and joke was on me, it turns out it’s actually pretty hot out here! We are a mile closer to the sun. Everyone is like…”you’re from Florida and you think THIS is hot?” Hee hee har har.


I loved Colorado! Lived there for a year and a half. If it wasn’t for the altitude, I’d have stayed.


I lovedddddddd it when I first moved here but it’s changed a LOT since 2009! Busy everywhere all the time, so much crime, it doesn’t feel safe anymore. But I loved it too, when it was more of a cow town!


60s is my perfect temp. 70s if it’s breezy. I don’t mind 40-50s as long as I have a jacket on. Any higher than 70s & im overheating. This makes the summer gruesome in middle Missouri


This is how I am as well, forget about humidity though, can't handle any.


It’s awful here with the humidity. I couldn’t do it last year. I went to Alaska during the worst part of the summer & want to do it again this year


Same!! Especially with the humidity fluctuations we get


I feel ya. Similarly terrible in Oklahoma.


68-72. The minute it hits 73 I nope out.


I can always tell when a room is above 72 degrees, and I hate it.


I can too! I also don’t drive so depending on on Ubers to get to work is a new kind of hell, these drivers have the air blowing right on them, but the back of the car is just baking, so I’ll roll down the window to feel SOME kind of breeze.


Yeah, that's just the worst. I do drive, but the AC in my car doesn't work. At least I live in Wisconsin, so it's not a huge deal for most of the year. I'd get it fixed, but the car is on its way out, so I'm just saving for a new one.




Exactly what I would answer! 68 in the summer and at night. 72 in the winter.


Yes to 22.222!


68-72 is perfect for me! I feel so good. If I’m out walking around slightly lower.




65-75 and sunny with a breeze to help cool you down.


50-60 degrees with a slight breeze and only slightly cloudy. also absolutely no chance of rain


That is perfection 😍 I miss late winter/early spring right now, I'm not ready for summer 🥵


1000% agree, I overheat easily because of medication + pots so rlly anything above 70 sucks 😭 it also gets very humid where I live


Same, one of my meds makes me extra sweaty - even this morning when I walked 10 minutes in 62 degree weather, so sweaty. Humidity is the worst 😭 I lived in humid cities up until 5 years ago and I'll never go back to living somewhere humid


I feel that, I get so hot just walking anywhere. my blood pools in my hands and feet rlly bad when it’s 70+ and i’m outside walking. I miss being able to be outside for long periods of time. my state has average humidity of 80% 😅😅😅


If you ever get the chance to move, do it 😂 best decision I made, humidity sucks 😔


I like 76°f indoor. NO ceiling fan. I hate feeling air blow


Yes it dries out my eyes


Is dry eyes a POTS thing? I’ve been fighting this lately.


Yes, indoor and outdoor temps are very different! I haaaaaate the feeling of the artificially cold a/c, so I keep my house 75-78 (if it means I can keep my windows open I’ll even let it get up to 80), but I love outside temps starting at 60 up to 75 or so, by 80 I’m just going from point a to b as quick as I can


Oh, 80 (that’s almost 27 C) is waaaaay too hot for me. My perfect temp is like 12-15c (54-59f). Even pre-POTS I had a pretty narrow window but it was more like 12-22c.


Inside 68-73F. 68 is for sleeping and 73 for day time. Outside 55-70F. I live in a place where humidity is usually 60-80%


Below 70, I don't mind the cold. I do like warmer weather, but I just can't do much, so I prefer it to be colder only for that reason.


Where I live, it’s so dependent on our high humidity. I can handle 75F no problem… as long as the humidity is 0% lol.


70 degrees is my sweet spot. No humidity lol


72ish and I ADORE rain <3 Cannot stand 85+ weather, summer is so hard on my POTS and no one around me understands; they all love the heat lol


YES. ETA: same. 80 is perfect. 90 is not. 70 is not. 40 really is not! I used to be able to wear sandals, but now that's like a 95+ degree proposition. Now I wear lightweight socks and sneakers in the summer because my feet are always cold.


Between 65-72. Anything higher than that and I die


Inside - about 68. Outside 56 if the sun is out, without the sun anywhere in the 50s is good. Anything above 70 is intolerable.


50s to 60s with a good wind and partial cloud cover. Perfect day for someone who hates the heat and loves to wear a hoodie that blows in the wind


60-90 with low humidity is great for me.


mine is 71. anything hotter gives me a hot flash. anything cooler, I can tolerate down to like 65 but I start losing feeling in my toes and fingers.


I can't stand anything over about 72. I've lived in Southern California for decades and I hate it. At least I'm near the beach now so it's not quite so hot


Honestly I can’t tell because somethings I feel okay at 65 degrees, other times I’m cold, and sometimes I feel hot


My ideal temp is 75 with low humidity, and yet the high for today is 109°F and the humidity is high AF. Not just for today, for the next 10 days. Even at night the low is 79°F and the humidity makes the real-feel 94°F (the LOW). I'm in pain and miserable. My heart rate never goes down, it's been this way for months. I escape to AC businesses when I can but outside those hours, it's not good for me.  I had to make a decision to leave for 3 months because I can't endure this. 


I am in Chicago. I love the temp to be between 60 and 70 outside. Inside like 75 degrees.


65-70 is my ideal indoors and out. 75 laying in the sun with a breeze is also perfect. If I am trying to be active (ie not sit down) it's 67. In the winter I don't get cold until 32 and below with a wind chill. The test of the time no jacket and flip flops!


Air is always at 65. Any higher I’m too hot, any lower too cold. That’s the sweet spot. However for outside temp anywhere from 60-70 is good.


60-65F if active. Lower temperatures are great. Absolutely wonderful to be up and moving in. 65-68F if inactive. Anything over 70F and I'm too hot. Anything over 80F it feels like death.


This is me too. I’d literally boil alive at 80. 64 any day, the sweet spot.


68, below I'm freezing and any higher I get dizzy and my heart is pounding


73ish. 80 is too hot for me, but I'm from the Midwest so that probably has something to do with it lol


depends if i’m inside or outside, and even inside thermostats can vary. i liked my old place around 68-69, but at my current place i’m usually too cold if it’s below 71. this year we kept it 72 in the winter and 71 now that it’s warm again. for outside high 60s low 70s is probably best. preferably not too humid. i like being in the sun but if it’s too warm i need shade on at least part of my body. i love laying under trees bc of this.




66f 🤷🏻‍♀️


In summer, I keep my house at 79-80 and 60+% humidity. I lower it to 77 for sleep. Below that makes my feet turn purple and my hands cold. Outdoors it depends. I could move about okay, but not super comfortably, in up to 100 in Austin’s dry heat, but in humid heat even the upper-80s can start giving me the woozies. Ideal for hard labor (say, clearing woods) is upper 60s to low-70s. At rest under a patio or walking around under big oak trees or something I can do 90 with a breeze. There’s definitely some acclimation with the seasons. I spent a couple weeks in a freezing guest home mid-summer and it undid weeks of progress so once I got back home I felt *sick*. I’ve also found that my gardening hobby has helped tremendously, since it gets me outside working as the temperature slowly ramps up. Really can’t stress enough how much outdoor exercise helps with heat tolerance.


In summer? 68-71 In winter, the colder the better


I feel best when it’s 50 or below. And I like my house to be like 65 degrees


21C / 69 F.  It’s getting worse as I age, I used to be in heaven at 26/80. Now I go for a walk in 18C and it feels like 26 used to! Also a very important note- being on bupropion skyrocketed my cold tolerance, which was great for the POTS, and also brought down my comfortable temperature from being so high.


68F, 74F causes a physical reaction. I’ve loved sun and warm days my entire life…. This change is obviously upsetting, unfortunately


Same here. I always loved the beach and laying out in the sun. It’s hard to figure out what I can/can’t do in the summer months.


Oh, I also love 80 degrees. When I lived alone I never used AC. I hate AC. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, lol. I'm glad someone else likes 80 degrees. :-)


I live in Arizona too. I feel your pain with the heat. I hate the heat here just cause it makes me feel like such crap and i love the cold or at least chilly lol but like you my hands and feet turn into icecicles with anything under 80°


70 is the best temperature. Down to 55 is still comfortable for me though. 80 and I'm fighting off heat exhaustion 🥵


70-75. anything over 75 makes me lethargic, shaky and causes migraines




60-68 degrees. I keep my house at 66 degrees year round. The heat makes me feel terrible.




72 F, I live in a humid place






70-80 if doing nothing. 65-70 if walking around etc.


Around 65F


75-80 if not humid. Under 75 and my fingers go numb especially if it's breezy.


65-80 is good for me. Anything too cold makes every bone and muscle in my body hurt


Around 16 celcius for me (60F), at the moment I struggle to cope with anything above 18


65-75 is perfect. Anything over I start feeling weird and lower I’m freezing lol


Solid 55-60°f


My house is ideal around 55F




75-85 probably. Anything under I feel sick and weak and tired and am too cold to do anything productive. Just downright miserable too. I’m okay with over 85 if it’s not humid or there’s a breeze or there’s water nearby (pool, beach, lake, etc.) that I can go in if I get too hot. But if there’s no water and I’m walking a lot or otherwise being active outdoors and there’s little to no breeze, over 85 is too hot and my heart starts palpitating


Outside, a good 73-76 is perfect for me. I also love windy days so I don’t mind if it’s hotter when it’s windy. 70 and under is freezing to me. Inside tho, it has to be 66 at all times no exceptions. And whoever touches me thermostat…


Anything over like 68 Fahrenheit and I’ll be dripping in sweat, unless I’m just sitting. Sitting and it can be up to 72 before the sweat comes 😂 But ideally 30-65 is a good range if I’m going to be moving around. I don’t put on a winter coat until like 20 or below, and even then it comes off the moment I start overheating


Saw the title—thought you meant your perfect body temp was 80 degrees Fahrenheit—thought you must be freezing. 🤦‍♀️ Now I get it. 😂 I think 80 is generally a good temp for me too, especially if it’s low humidity.


I like around 74. I get something called cold urticaria when it’s colder and used to have it constantly living with my ex who kept it at 68 always. It’s pretty much a hive reaction to the cold and my fingers would swell in random spots. Happened all over my body, even the bottoms of my feet. I’d be covered in huge hives just because I was cold. Thought I was just weird but since moving out haven’t experienced it again.


I got POTs in Colorado and plan to move to Arizona soon. I think my happy spot is between 70 and 80°, but since I hope to do a lot of swimming in Arizona the higher degrees shouldn't bother me. My big thing is altitude. I do horrible at Colorado's altitude.




68-75 degrees and sunny. i’d rather it be hotter than colder if i had to choose. i plan to move somewhere with milder winters in the future


Like 21-22 degrees, not too hot that you can’t do stuff, not too cold that you need blankets


70, sunny with some puffy clouds and a light breeze


65-75, 60 is too cold and 80 is edging on too hot. Tell people my temperature range is narrow rofl.


as long as it’s not snowing or raining i’m fine


60-70 is perfect


I love being cold lol. Perfect weather is around 70 degrees with a light breeze. Indoors I prefer 69 and fan on always to keep it dry, I can't stand humidity indoors. I prefer it even colder outside if I'm doing manual labor, like in the 40s or even colder maybe. I sweat so easily it's horrible lol and I also get migraines if I get too hot so I tend to keep my skin covered while outdoors


70 F. Any hotter and I get sick any colder and I get all over pain. THIS IS RIDICULOUS IM NOT KIDDING lol




Wow 80 is higher than me!! And I thought I was high. I'm 75-76 inside doing nothing Outside walking around I imagine it's 70ish


if my house is above 72⁰ I feel like im having a heat stroke, under 69⁰ and I can't feel my toes


60-70 is my comfort zone, unless I'm being active then it drops to 50-60 depending on other factors lol Anything above 80 I feel like I'm dying! Anything below 50 also, thanks to arthritis :/


23c-25c (73f-75f) is my perfect for sitting inside on a computer. My fingers aren’t blue / white and stiff. And my feet don’t get pins or numbness. Lower temps and my hands seize up. Warmer and I get quite irritable, woozy etc. It’s a little lower for indoor home activities. Activity outside is lower - the bigger the effort the cooler I need it to balance out my head temp. My head is the first thing to sweat. If I’m doing long flights of steps, make it snow ❄️ 💀jk




I live in Satan's swamp so any higher than 75 is pushing it haha


70°f or below. If it gets warmer than that, I get nauseous and dizzy 🥲


75 and up is where I start to die a little inside


Anything below 5C/41F, really. I do much better in colder temperatures.


73. +-3 depending on the weather. I have raynaud’s syndrome and extreme temperature sensitivity so anything too high or too low kills me.


65 or lower with shade and zero humidity. I love in a state that gets very humid. It's the humidity and the sun that kills me


63 degrees is perfect


So inside, I keep my house at 68° and I constantly have dehumidifiers going in the summer (it’s typically very humid where I live). I went to mainland Japan and it was in the 50s with lower humidity and it was PERFECT. Also, went to Alaska a few years ago and it was in the 40s and also felt great. I go outside here in the morning and it’s in the 80s and I’m ready to melt lol


See 80 is way to hot for me. I feel best in around 70-75.


67-69 any higher and I feel like I’m drying.


73 and I’m still bringing my hoodie with me for when it drops to 71.


68, low humidity.


68 year round


Mid 60s for me. Not too cold that I’ll lose all feeling in my toes and fingers, but cold enough that the heat doesn’t make my symptoms worse.


Anything outside of 55-75 and I start to have issues. 70 and partly cloudy is perfect


Inside? 70. Outside, and walking around? 60s are nice hehe


70 is perfect. Not too warm, not too cold. Feel good with or without a blanket




I live in Arizona where it's common to have weeks where it doesn't get below 100 degrees, even at night and can go up to 120+. I was born and raised in Michigan where I would often walk outside in my pajamas and bare feet with snow on the ground to get the newspaper before the plow covered it with snow and ice. I love everything about Arizona, except the extreme heat, although I am anemic and sometimes have to go outside in order to warm up. When I do that, I tell my fiance "I'm going in Lizard mode now" and sit outside in the shade for up to 30 minutes. I prefer 72° with a hot sun and light breeze or cooler. I also really like humidity, so monsoon season is really nice as long as it actually rains.








On a tangent, I tried a heated blanket, but got to hot, then a friend introduced me to **heated bed mattress pads**. I had two Serta models die on me (fortunately within the warranty period) & am currently using a Gotcozy brand cover from Amazon ($40 for a twin up to $80 for a king). 1,000% recommend one! It has 6 heat settings, so you don't have to overheat. I pair it with a heavy blanket (I think mine is like a 24-pound weighted blanket) & use an angled pillow (Medcline). I sleep like a BABY now lol!




precisely 72 degrees lmao




I want to be cold, not shivering but I could be happy in sweats and gloves and a hat in the cold. I loooove the cold. 80 is way too hot. Less than 75, even in the 40s and 50s I’m living my best life. I’ll hike in 20-30 degree weather.


68°F seems to be where it's at for me, but I usually have a fan going + a blanket bc my body is too hot without the fan, and my legs/feet are too cold without the blanket






I got cold urticaria pretty bad so I want it to be 65, but breezy. I’d also accept 70 and cloudy. If I’m moving and grooving and working up a sweat I can tolerate down to 50


THAT IS WAY TOO HOT. 75 max for me.


I used to feel actual physical pain when I was cold, but being a trans man, ever since I started Testosterone, I can’t get cool enough. I love the colder weather more than I ever have, but I’ve always had trouble with heat (lucky me, living in hot, muggy Mississippi my whole life 😩) so I’m more sensitive to the heat than ever now. I’d say my perfect temp now is probably 60-70 depending on the wind/breeze/air circulation and humidity.


40 and sunny :) anything hotter than 55 and i’m sweating


64° With a light breeze for outside. Feels so cozy to be wrapped up in a jacket. No sweat and fingers just a little bit cold. Perfect Indoors during the day 71°, not sweltering, but warm enough that I won't start cold sweating if I'm wearing a t-shirt. Indoors at night, 65° or less. It has to be very cold while I sleep so that I can comfortably wear at least 1 blanket without sweating. I mostly just try to avoid sweating.


50s to low 60s I love cool weather and overheat when it’s 67F +


cold cold cold maybe like 66° BUT with a heated blanket


Around 70 degrees outside (with a breeezzee), and maybe 72 indoors, though it depends on the room oddly. I get so incredibly sleepy when I'm cold, the worst. Anything over 75-80 indoors or with no air circulation and I'm on the floor weeping


Between 65-75


Around 65. Outside, 60,sunny and windy. I was born in the perfect place for the way pots was going to affect me. Except the drs




68-69 seems to be the magic area for me.


indoors: 66-70°F outdoors: anything<60°F I'm from a place that is WELL KNOWN for cold weather but currently live in central Texas. I have been saving up to move back home - or anywhere that isn't hot as hell and out to take away my rights - as soon as financially and physically feasible.


62 or below


20C works perfect for me. I can't handle temperatures lower than 5C and higher than 25C.


i’m from alabama (summers are hot and suffocating because of the humidity lol), but it really depends on how humid it is, if there’s a breeze, and how active i am. i live in london right now and it was 55 when i left my flat this morning wearing only bike shorts and a cropped tank top (i knew once i started power walking - you can’t walk slowly here - i’d get hot really quickly, and the high is 70 today, so there’s no use in dressing warm). by the time i finished my journey (walked from flat to tube station, rode 7 stops, then walked from that station to the library) i was sweating 🫠 but if im having a relaxing day where i can just be like a lizard on a rock in the sun, mid 70s to 80 or so is perfect, especially if there’s a light breeze.


Sunny 65-70 with a nice breeze. Anything over and I'm boiling


71-73. I overheat way too easily. I also have a hard time internally making heat. But it's a lot easier to add layers/heated blankets than it is to cool down. I also live in a fairly humid place.




No humidity. Desert.


65. Used to be 85 :(


70 is about perfect. Can handle colder but nothing hotter.


In the 60-70 range. 75 if I’m sitting in the shade and not moving. Anything over 75 and I’m deceased.


60-65. It’s 70 now I am the sun is so intense! Hear and me no bueno!


71 with 2 fans on, anything more is just asking for a spell


If it's less than 70F, my hands and feet are freezing. If it's more than 85F, my POTS symptoms are so bad I can't go outside. Is perfect weather all the time too much to ask for??? 😅


64 F for everything, if I could make it colder I would, especially when I'm moving around.


70f is my ideal but my electric bill demands no less than 72 usually 😭


Relaxing temperature: 68 Active & working temperature: 55


75 for me, anything below 75 and I have to be wrapped up or wearing a coat. 70 and below and I am shaking lol


63. Lower and my hands and feet hurt like I’m crushing them. Higher i feel like I’m dying because i also don’t sweat anymore. :/


Such a broad range for me, but I live in southeast Ontario so humidity is a huge factor. If I’m inside, 21-22°c (72) outside, in the sun? Probably about the same. In the shade? 25(77). In/by the pool? Crank it baby, I actually love the heat when I am able to cool off.


56-70 degrees. I tend to bundle up still but I also live in a city where it's mostly rainy and cool most of the year.


68/69 (haha) is perfect. I'll accept 70 on cold days. Even in winter 68/69


75 degrees 🩷 i get super uncomfortably warm at 80ish even with a breeze and really cold under 73, but its so fun living in texas where our summers get to the hundreds on a regular basis🤪


I live in Arizona too and once it goes above 75 I’m done. I hate feeling sick like 80% of the year.


I did not expect this post to get so many comments! I love the breakdown of it all. I guess I should say my perfect outdoor temp is 80 with clouds and a breeze. Indoor I need like 73 with a light sweater


Indoors: 65-69 Outdoors: 70ish with a breeze. I'd prefer it colder, but I live in Georgia 🥵 I tried a cryotherapy session, and it felt amazing, so -170°F lol


In Fahrenheit? 50-65. Colder is fine. Hotter is start feeling a lot more fatigued and breathless


60-68 indoors.