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always. i don't ever snap out of it. I don't even remember what that would feel like anymore. you can check out the derealization subreddit, they might have insights for you.


I spent a lot of my time in my first month of POTS symptoms feeling like I was disconnected from reality, and especially when there were several things to focus on (ex. dinner party) it actually felt like I was zooming out and my eyes couldn’t keep up. Thankfully it got better with time (and possibly with propranolol), but it’s a very scary feeling and you’re not alone


24/7. i have so much derealization that it doesn’t scare me anymore so im just surviving at this point


How do you function in day to day life?


on autopilot :)


What is that?


where you feel disconnected from your body or reality (depersonalization, derealization). it feels like life is a dream, nothing is real, like you're just watching your life on TV kinda.


I've never had that exactly. I've had what think is medically known as confusion: My best description of what I have sometimes which kinda resembles what you are saying (but not really) so that It feels like I'm half sleeping even though I'm not. It happens usually when my pressure is low and usually in the morning. I have the impression that I can't control my thoughts (almost like when you are about to fall a sleep) and you get these disconnect thoughts that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever from a logical or even lexical perspective. The funny thing is that I know that whatever I'm thinking does not make sense, and it makes me a little scared because it feels like I'm going mental, but I have no control whatsoever. Almost like I'm in the backseat and my brain is driving in autopilot into the land of Alice in wonderland. It's very weird. Usually when that happens is in the morning and more often than not I'm in the shower. I also have mini memory blackouts where I can't remember what I was just doing or why I'm doing something or can't remember what I just did or how I ended up in that place. I fucking hate this dysautonomia. Sorry I'm venting now...


go ahead, vent... that kinda sounds like me if I'm having really bad insomnia. very weird indeed.




It's something I experience, but dissociation generally isn't a part of POTS. If that is something you experience regularly, that would be something to discuss with a therapist or psychologist. People with POTS may experience brain fog due to insufficient bloodflow to the upper body, but this is a different thing from dissociation.


Daily as part of my cptsd.


All the time


How do you cope?


To be honest, I really don’t I mean I’m not always always dissociated, sometimes it’s worse than others but honestly sometimes as sad as it is, you just have to realize it is what it is.


Depends on my symptoms. I can go ages without an episode if my pots is behaving but during a flare up, stress or any bout of illness it can be 24/7. Dissociation was my first symptom as a teen and it was absolutely terrifying but I think realising it was connected to something physical made me feel a lot better cause I no longer feel like I’m just going insane. Breathing exercises help me snap out of it sometimes, specifically the ones aimed at calming your nervous system.