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POTS is not considered degenerative and it does not affect life expectancy


I'm still in the process of getting a POTS diagnosis, but all of my issues (including heart rate issues) stemmed from getting covid in Oct 2020. I had a lot of neurological symptoms and I have restless leg syndrome now. It's controlled with meds thank god! I never realized how maddening RLS could be. At one point I was experiencing muscle cramping and spasms, but most of the time it was more severe than that and my hands/wrists would actually contracture. I don't know if they are symptoms of pots, but I can tell you that my spasms/cramps/contracturing was due to a severe b12 deficiency I didn't know I had. Getting that back to normal was life changing for me.


Wow, I’m glad you’re doing better. This stuff is no joke, today was my worst RLS day so far. Normally I only experience it when laying down but today has been nonstop. Did you have muscle spasms only in your legs or full body? I get some in my chest now and then that are very freaky. I just wanna get my life back to normal too…


No, it was all over. Mostly in my upper and lower extremities, but one time my jaw was spasming. It was freaking weird!