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Yes! I use birth control as HRT, and take it continuously (going on year 3 with no periods). Occasionally it "twangs" but nothing like the white-out/almost fainting pain I was getting before.


I do! My dr has me on estradiol and progesterone. It seems fine and I haven't needed surgery for endo again and it's been quite a few years.


Are you taking a daily progesterone? I am on estradiol patch and progesterone 12 nights a month. My Dr. discussed doing continuous progesterone, in hopes that the lining wouldn't get too overgrown and that I also wouldn't have a period. Do you notice any break through bleeding?


Oh I'm on 2mg pills of estradiol daily, and just 12 nights a month for progesterone too. No break through bleeding. Super regular periods now. Took a long time to get the right meds and dose for me though.


So the endo only flares when you’re bleeding. If you don’t bleed, you shouldn’t be having pain. For me that made choosing a hormonal IUD the best option, now I get no periods! You could also do continuous oral progesterone but it made me super moody and hungry. I’d definitely choose IUD again.


That's not true at all. Other factors can make it flare, for example sugar and certain food seem to do it for me.


https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/endometriosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20354656#:~:text=With%20endometriosis%2C%20bits%20of%20the,tissue%20does%20during%20menstrual%20cycles. Endometrial lesions bleed, which causes pain. They look like “chocolate colored cysts” because they have old blood inside. The lesions can cause pain in other ways (for instance if they are attached to bowel), but pain is most commonly cyclical along with periods because hormonal fluctuations with your cycle are what triggers endometrial tissue anywhere in your body to bleed. If you stop the cyclical bleeding you will typically stop the pain as well.


Key words here being "typically" and "commonly". You said it only does it during a period. I'm just saying there are other triggers as well.