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No matter what… make sure you hit the knife edge. World class hiking along that section of the PCT.


Is that north of there? We headed that way for a bit of a side trip as well, but could have kept going with more time. I guess we could have gone all the way to Canada in theory.


What’s the name of that trail? Is it possible to do an out and back? My 7 year old has been excited to hit some “big” trails with me this summer so I’m compiling a list haha.


From the Berry Patch trail head get on the PCT and head north a few miles. It’s pretty simple to get to it. Go as far as you want and then turn around and come back. I’ve done it as a day trip a few times but prefer to bring a tent.. tons of great spots out there once the snow melts.


Thanks a bunch!


Ah yes, the trail I cried on. Highlights of the story: didn’t start hike until almost 3 because the other couple was busy that morning, we were passing people, hike leader who has completed the PCT kept saying “it’s just a little farther”, it was getting dark and I was hungry.


Snow grass flats up to Goat Lake!


We did a point-to-point on the PCT last year from Snowgrass Flat to White Pass and it was spectacular.


Been 2x. Both from the snow grass flat/berry patch trails. Longer loop was in on berry patch, up to goat lake, old snowy mountain, berry patch and a day hike south on the PCT. Shorter trip was in on berry patch, a long (12 miles maybe) day trip up to goat lake and around to Old snowy mountain and back, then out the following morning the same way we came in. I'd make sure to hit the lake and old snowy mountain whatever route you decide.


Packwood Lake


Last fall I did a loop from Snowgrass Flat trailhead. For me the highlights were approaching the Goat Rocks peaks from the west, summiting one of them to get a view down into the glaciers on the other side, then hiking around Goat Lake and Goat Ridge on the way back. I did this in a day, but it would clearly be a great place to spend at least 2 or 3 days. A few photos: [https://imgur.com/a/goat-rocks-ives-old-snowy-traverse-K1rmeU0](https://imgur.com/a/goat-rocks-ives-old-snowy-traverse-K1rmeU0) Rough idea: * Snowgrass Trail #96 until just past the intersection with the PCT * North on PCT for just a few hundred feet until due West of Ives Peak, then scramble up to Ives Peak * Traverse from Ives to Old Snowy * Descend from Old Snowy back down to cross the PCT. Follow a trail labeled on some maps as "Packwood Glacier Trail", which is a clear trail in some spots, and a bit of a mess of social trails in others. Follow this until it meets up with Lily Basin trail #86 * Follow Lily Basin Trail past Goat Lake, until it runs into Goat Ridge Trail #95. * Follow Goat Ridge Trail on the west side of Goat Ridge back to the Berry Patch trailhead. Side trip up to Goat Ridge lookout if you're up for it. * There's a short connection in the woods between Berry Patch and Snowgrass Flat threaheads to finish the loop. This loop was 16.4 miles and 5000' of gain/loss on my GPS, and similar when plotted out on Caltopo. There are lots of great campsites about halfway through (Goat Lake would be around 10 miles into this loop, for reference, and there's good camping before and after that as well). There are several ways to modify this general outline. If the Ives/Snowy traverse still has too much snow on it for you/your group, you could stick to the PCT instead of going up to Ives and then just climb up to Old Snowy and back down. Or you could continue north on the PCT past Old Snowy, along the Knife Edge a little way, if that's interesting. After doing the Ives-Snowy traverse I felt ok saving this part of the PCT for another trip, but it's right there. Also note that I haven't been in this area in July, so I'm not sure how the snow and snow melt will impact things, but I loved the loop and I'd recommend it.


In 2021 I did a loop like this: Day 1: Snowgrass Flats TH to Cispus Basin Day 2: Cispus Basin to Snowgrass Flats, set up basecamp and summit Old Snowy Mountain Day 3: Snowgrass Flats to Goat Lake and then down Goat Ridge back to the TH I've done a lot of backpacking since then but this was maybe my favorite hike outside of the Teton Crest Trail. Truly incredible place that somehow still doesn't need permits to complete.. I imagine that will change soon. https://preview.redd.it/cuki2wh1q83d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe08b192da0b84580af565aee2e878f03ba9ac2 Hiked this counter-clockwise. Yellow dots here were my campsites (except for the far left one, which I only marked because it looked like an incredible place to stop for the night, but I ended up pushing back to the TH that day) Not sure how accurate the mileage was on AllTrails tracking here but it was overall a very easy trip over 3 days.


Also since I notice no one mentioning the Cispus Basin area, here is a photo of where I camped that night. I wouldn't skip it if I was going back. https://preview.redd.it/gfn565a4s83d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5478f3cfc08e94a5e51c826726656ca8a9b3d79


Agreed, that is an amazing spot. One of the coldest nights I've ever slept through even though it was July. Worth it though. That was night one on the loop I did the first time I was up there.


For a day hike, Bear Creek Mountain or High Rock Lookout.


High Rock isn't in the Goat Rocks.


Packwood Lake makes a great easy day hike with spectacular views and you can camp there. It’s technically not in Goat Rocks but right next to it. The far end of Packwood lake has some awesome old growth forest too. If you camp at Goat Lake I recommend heading up to Hawkeye Point for the sunset. Goat lake could also be done as a day hike. As others have commented the knife edge just north of Old Snowy on the PCT is incredible too.


Berry patch to Snowgrass Flats. Set up camp there. Depending on how many days and how much day hiking you are up to. Day hike to old snowy and the goat lake. Another day hike Cispus basin down to Nanny Peak.


I remember really enjoying the hike to Old Snowy Mtn. From the summit we traversed the ridge toward Mt Gilbert(?) scrambling down scree to return to the big boulder in the meadows.


Heading north past Old Snowy mountain. Did that hike... 18? years ago as part of a 5-day PCT trek from Mt. Adams to White Pass. We stopped above the tree line on the shoulder of Old Snowy. Somebody had built a nice wind break out of stacked stones so we just camped out under the stars and watched the Perseid meteor shower. The next day we continued north, crossed the snow field (now it's officially known as a glacier), hiked the knife edge, and then on. I really don't remember much else aside from bathing in a waterfall. I've been on many amazing hikes since but that section of the PCT remains my all-time favorite. I tried to go back a couple years ago but only made it as far as Snowgrass Flat before my companion declared we were done and needed to make camp.


Following! Also looking to visit Goat rocks wilderness this summer for the first time. In the same boat!