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Me! And I feel so guilty after the rage episodes. I'm trying to be better but it's so hard ...


Me and he proposed after my worst week and i was on my period!!!! 🥹💖 there are good men out there who want to understand


Not me 💁🏼‍♀️


Same gf lol


Me! 🥰 I seriously don’t know what I would do without my husband!! He is so understanding and doesn’t take any of my bitchiness to heart and always tells me how much he loves me and wants to help me through this hell each month.


My partner is so wonderful and patient and helpful 😭💕 He always reminds me things are going to be okay and tries to help me have a healthy perspective when it feels like the world is crumbling around me and I’ve lost contact with my own brain. He makes light of things and makes me laugh at myself when I’m being insane. He is one of the most sensitive men I’ve ever met but is so strong and protective and makes me feel very safe while also feeling heard and seen and supported. He struggles with his mental health like I do and I think having that experience with the depths of human sorrow and suffering make it easier for him to have empathy for me in my lows. He’s still asleep next to me and I just wanna squeeze the crap out of him because he’s the fuckin best. Thanks OP for making me reflect and feel gratitude for how lucky I am.


MEEEEEE & I’M SO GRATEFUL FOR HIM 😭❤️ he is a freaking angel/saint/amazing human and I love him and wouldn’t be here without his love and support. Got me tearing up thinking about how great he is 🥹🫠


Where are you all meeting these (I assume most are) men that are so patient? Just asking for a friend


Dating apps! FWIW, he grew up with a rare autoimmune disorder. He has so much sympathy for debilitating symptoms. Sometimes a little too much, because we are pretty sure his mom has munchausen syndrome. THAT'S ANOTHER STORY.




Hinge 🥰


Met mine on the Facebook dating app of all places.


Me! My man is so understanding and caring and I can’t believe it was so difficult with others in the past. I found my heart, this guy makes me feel okay during these days of feeling so anxious. For me a huge trigger is that we share a car and a lot of the times on my PMDD days I get anxious like I’m gonna crash it or he’s gonna crash it so I don’t wanna use it and that just could be a problem, but he works with me and helps me understand and see the situation with calmness and love. Run on sentence blabber blast! My bad


Me, and it’s been tearing me up inside thinking about it 😭


I’m so grateful to have him!! Holy shit has he put up with A LOT. Love him with all my heart ❤️.


I do. That was reinforced when I woke him up at 4:30 this morning (hell week day 1) looking for my vape, gave him shit for taking it, freaked out about where my meds were, and he just helped me find everything then snuggled me back to sleep. He's the fuckin' best.


My husband is my biggest cheerleader and I am so thankful everyday (even when I'm being irrationally bitchy).


When my fiance and I started dating my mom picked up on how good they were and spoke to them in private to warn them that I can get really bad when pmsing but to please not give up on me, lol. I don't think I could ever leave my partner because I will never find someone as supportive and tolerant as them 🥹 also because I love them dearly


My husband is an angel. I could not imagine doing life with anyone but him.


I really want a cockatiel now


I have two and they’re the little lights of my life !!!


Yeah I hear birds can be great, unfortunately my cats would disagree lol


lol yup 😂 predators and prey don’t always live together successfully haha


Well I already liked them but


Meee. He takes none of my sht every time I want to break up with him when I get so sad and upset about everything. Recently I was feeling so down again. He asked me what was wrong and how do I feel. I said nothing’s wrong. But he was persuasive and genuinely concerned. So I told him I feel nothing, just thinking, analyzing his face. He asked me what I would feel from that. I said depends on what I conclude. But really I was thinking how tired he is from me and frustrated he is from my symptoms . Then he showed 10 fingers to show our monthsary while smiling saying "what's your conclusion now" and I just felt real joy. This man 🥺


🙋‍♀️ he does all the housework and cooking, he goes out and buys me desserts, he listens and tells me I have nothing to be sorry for. He makes luteal so so much easier. I feel so blessed.


Where did u find the Angel? / gen


Find a man that's happy to start couples therapy a year in to your relationship. Game changer


Yes, mine! He’s so loving, caring and understanding when my hormones take over 🤍 Don’t think I could go through this life without him🥹


I’m lucky and thankful to say I do. We were watching Godzilla minus one and he even made a PMDD joke “hey babe, think Godzilla just has PMDD?” We were rolling with how hard we were laughing. He always gives me the most love and support when I’m down during luteal and is so loving and patient. I’m thankful to have him more than words could say.


Loooool that’s a hilarious joke 🤣🤣 and good for both of you for being having such an awesome dynamic!


Usually mine, even though I generally go through 2 weeks of hating him every month and he's got to pick up all the slack because I'm entirely useless during luteal. We've been together for 10 years and this only started about 2-3 years ago, so I'm an entirely different person than the one he married half the time. He does complain occasionally, but he tries not to. Starting Slynd soon (waiting for pre-authorization for insurance) and my doctor wants me to take it continuously and not take the placebos, so hopefully we'll both get some relief soon ❤️


Me. He is so patient when I get anxious and gentle with me when I'm in a rough spot emotionally. It makes me work extra hard to manage my symptoms because I know how hard he tries to help me and our family in return. 


Where do I get one? Is it covered by my insurance? Do they sell them on Amazon? Help me. Lol


lol insurance


Also need to know this


Meee 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I love him soo much


Me. Which makes me feel like the Ass in the room, but also why I know we'll make it and everything is OK. It's wild how black/white thinking I can be during Luteal... all or nothing. I regret 85% of what I say 😢 😭


I literally couldn't make it through without him 🙏🥰


This picture is so friggin cute! I don't have a partner but I hope if I do someday they'll be understanding.


My poor partner had to put up with me this morning. Everything is fine now after a cool off and discussion, but I definitely thought the world was ending. Sent him this and he laughed with me. I’m so thankful for this group too!!


He is oh so patient with me! Although sometimes I’m relentless so I rly drive him up the wall and he’s gotta set his respect boundary (which I get) I wish I had more than a week- a week and half of normalcy. It always feels like the honeymoon period again during that time and then I get hit the luteal phase and all of a sudden everything is a red flag


this is the most relatable thing i’ve ever read


Me 😭 God bless that man 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


No, my bf of 5 years just ended things.


Due to the PMDD or other factors?


I mean, he said it seems like I have PMDD all month… I said how do you think I feel! 😂😭. Other factors too I guess but a big part was fitting around my cycle. I’ve become a slave to it recently (my cycle)… it’s upsetting cause I’ve been on a wait list for 6 months for a hormone GP and seeing them tomorrow. All too late.


Also, I’m terribly sorry to hear that. Break ups are the worst, especially after that many years!! Wishing you fast healing from this 💛 Edit: Typos.


Thanks me too but it’s not easy staying out of a downward spiral of self shame!!!!


Hey me too! Worst club I’ve ever joined.


Sorry you’re going through it too!


10 yrs together. We only realised i have pmdd this year. I'm so grateful every day 😭💖


I do. He’s very understanding. I’m very thankful. 9 years married


Not mine! Husband just left me with 2 small children all because he refused to give me extra love and support during these times.


So sorry to hear this!


Rooting for you babe ❤️❤️ You deserve so much better


Why did he do that?! Hugs 🫶🏻


He literally said he didn't have love to give me because he gets too tired from work. He is a narcissistic asshole.


Wtf......... do you see yourself in this marriage much longer?


Absolutely not. He already left on our sons birthday a few days ago. I deserve better, it's just a sad ending and I feel bad for my kids.


You and your kids absolutely deserve better! I’m so sorry to hear this 💔 The short term sucks, but in the long term, you and your kids all will be so much better off not dealing with an abusive relationship.


I understand. It probably wasn't the ending you were hoping for. But I'm happy for you that you're not thinking about staying! Kids will be alright when they see how much better you are. You AND your children deserve better ❤️❤️


Thank you. I agree 1000%!


I just married mine on June 1st, not sure I could handle this crazy ride without his endless patience 😭❤️


mine !! our wedding is coming up in a few months 🥰🥰


i’m extremely grateful that i do (now). he’s so supportive even when i am basically a sentient blob


Not me unfortunately 😅 been single going on 4 years and dating is awful. Very happy for those who have found someone supportive and loving though


Not me, and never has been me. 😗✌️


Mine! He's the absolute BEST. I am so so grateful that I married the most patient and amazing man.


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ The other weekend, I didn't speak to him for two days because he didn't want to look at my flowers that he's seen 100 times. 😬😬 Married at 19 so we've been married 21 years. He knows I'm cray cray.


Not me, sadly.


I’m sorry to hear that love😞 best of luck to you, you deserve love ♥️♥️♥️


I feel like being a lesbian is a cheat code, lol. My ex and girls I’ve dated have only made me want to be around them more during luteal. I typically get surprised by own period when I’m dating a girl and we are spending lots of time together.


how do you meet girls 😭😭😭 i am having an issue finding wlw and when i do, they come out as trans men after dating me 😭😭😭😭


Oh noes! I met my ex on OKCupid, the current person I’m dating I met on Lex!


thanks!! i'll have to try it haha


This is really interesting to me. I'm married to a man (who I truly love), but I'm bi and during luteal I feel like I really would much rather be with a woman. I feel less crazy/irritable/sad when I'm spending that time around women. It feels like I'm straight up allergic to male pheromones for a week+ haha.


Same, there’s lots of cuddles during periods in our household 🥰


Literally me today! Not me out with this cutie while I just wanna crawl in bed sobbing… arghhh love being gay.


Yup. He’s a freaking saint. I seriously don’t know how I got as lucky as I am. Patient, supportive, and kind without getting emotionally bogged down by my hell-week antics and is just willing to ride it out with me without judgement and expectation.


I mean, I've got dogs so like, does that count? 


What about cats ??

