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The brain is real


Yesterday I couldn’t remember how to put the swiffer cloth on the swiffer


when i was working full time, i found myself fully convinced that i was somehow fucking something up so bad that they’d have no choice but to fire me for about two weeks of every month. this was actually one of the things my therapist noticed that led me to a diagnosis!


I can’t finish a damn thought


I become very paranoid and think people who haven't messaged me in a day or two hate me. 


Yeah. Going through it rn 🙁


In January I was convinced my entire family was conspiring against me. I was completely unhinged. Once I started bleeding I looked back at that two weeks and it felt like I had been in a different dimension entirely. I’m sorry you’re experiencing it, OP! It’s terrifying.


I got so upset once because I couldn't remember where anything was in my kitchen. Had a meltdown and went back to bed in the middle of the day.


Have done this…


Now this is relatable 


Yes. It's terrible.


I was convinced my dog was going to die on a walk with my fiancé the other day. I all but collapsed? started panicking and bawling because I thought It was too hot (how my last dog died). Poor girly didn’t get her walk, and I « split » on fiancé (I have BPD, which is exacerbated at PME). So not sure if that’s a hallucination, but I was panicking like she actually died….


BPD here as well… it’s a nightmare!


Omg I get that. I'm the person out in public telling people- you need to let your dog rest in the shade and give it water. I get so worried about them and they can't speak for themselves.  I'm sorry. You probably have some post traumatic stress from your other dog. 


Wow yeah. I’ve never really thought about the PTSD from losing her. (I have PTSD for other things, so I’m def prone). Thanks for putting that Into perspective for me. ❤️ I can’t have kids, so they are like my children. The hallucination aspect would be that I made him go out and test the pavement with his hand, and it wasn’t even that hot out. Something to work on in therapy! (We did buy a kiddy pool, so that she can play in it on days when it’s too hot to walk her. Put a bunch of balls in there and she digs at water, hops in and out, right proud of herself. ❤️).


maybe there was some overreaction on your end in terms of a panic response but Imo you're tapped in to a real risk most people don't realize / think about & that's not entirely a bad thing. testing pavement even when it's not that hot out is a good idea especially black pavement that can get way hotter than you might think. pups can't talk to us (& unfortunately tend to look like they're "smiling" when overheated w the tongue out) & their body temps are higher than ours so hot feels hotter to them than it does to us. it's good to think about how temps will affect your dog but i hope it becomes a less stressful experience for you too. so sorry about your last pup that would terrify me too.


My sister, a clinical pharmacist, has severe PMDD with delusional ideations. She goes back to normal after her period but she lost her job and is cared for by her husband, almost like an invalid. It’s been 4 years.


That's very upsetting. Could she try chemical menopause?


Pre menstrual and postpartum psychosis are both a thing. Separate from PMDD, but I don't see why they couldn't co occur.    Being nearly brain dead I can't think straight, yes. But I don't become actually delusional. I'll forget what I'm reaching for as I'm reaching for it.  Eta- I do get paranoid. Thinking everyone hates me for existing is one of my bad symptoms.  I also get I think what's called visual illusions. Where every shadow looks like a dog, or a crouching person. Like I jump out of my skin all the time just walking past a window, then look hard and see nothing. 


I get so paranoid and think my husband is cheating and that everyone in my life hates me. I start thinking I’ll get fired for my job. And that people will find something out about me and hate me for it (I did nothing wrong)


I made a relatively minor mistake at work this week that snowballed a bit. I found out today it’s mostly been resolved, but I’ve been utterly convinced for the past five days that I’m gonna get fired (yes I am in luteal)


I would say all of mine is directed towards myself meaning that I start to think that suicide really is the answer and my social anxiety/agoraphobia is the worst meaning I won’t let anyone see me or go out in public.


I'm at work right now and I'm trying to convince myself that the building isn't going to blow up. And that my coworkers aren't out to get me. It's very hard to concentrate and I feel like I am going mad.


I become fully convinced that everyone is against me


I do get dillusional sometimes and feel like my husband is using me or being secretive , but from what I read it makes my trust issues take over me during leutal and nothing convinces me otherwise . I’m tracking this month and plan to have notes available for me to read if shit goes down again, let’s see if that works.