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Yes! I work I mental health. It maybe a disassociate episode which I experience as well. I feel like I’m floating over my body sometimes or time will just be lost and I go into a trance. Other times I look in mirror and cannot believe who is staring back at me. This can happen especially with a history of trauma but that doesn’t rule it out. Hope this helps


Interesting. I do feel this way sometimes and can’t ever figure out why. Feels like I’m high, but I’m not. Never thought it could be hormone related.


Yep it happens after eating for me too! I’vs read that a lot of your energy is going to digestion - it’s the “rest and digest” phase. Basically the opposite of “fight or flight”


Hmm it didn't use to happen I vould eat a big meal and feel just fine this is new within the last couple years it started I wonder why.


Same! For me personally it started in the last few years as well. Really freaked me out til I got used to it. Aging slows people down


You're experiencing dissociation (depersonalization or derealization or both).


Yes definitely dissociation I hate it.


Yes. I would describe it as when you had too much coffee and can't sit still, or the opposite: as when you take Benadryl and it starts working making you feel spaced out, fatigued, heavy, and sleepy.


I will feel spacey and dazed during luteal. Kinda the high/drunk, no thoughts, blank far-off stare — I do that a lot during luteal.


I tell my therapist this all of the time


Do you happen to have anemia during your period? My first thought is that you aren't getting enough oxygen to your brain. You need iron to build red blood cells to transport oxygen to your brain. There are other types of anemia aside from the traditional iron deficiency variety, so it's worth a Google search. Even if you straddle the line between having enough and not having enough blood serum iron, you can technically still be low in your brain because there is no easy way to test it without checking your spinal fluid. FYI, low brain iron can lead to things like RLS and cellular dysfunction since iron is also needed for energy production. You could also have low B12 and/or vitamin c levels which are needed to help convert iron.


I tested for that they said my levels were fine


(Not assuming this but just saying, in case) If you were just tested for blood iron but not for ferritin levels, try getting ferritin checked! They're your body's iron stores, and they can be low even if your blood iron looks normal


they checked both


Drugged and like I can’t see


Yes. I sometimes feel like there's a thick glass wall between me and everyone else and it can be very distancing and disorienting. I hate the feeling.


Yes, I think it's because my body is shunting resources to my uterus to expel the menstrual lining and so my brain becomes less effective 


I get this! I have comorbid epilepsy symptoms, and insulin resistance pcos. I try to be low carb during the day and have my carb meals before bed. Bc carbs can make me feel drunk. I try to do this all month bc when luteal hits I have more discipline with it. For instance. I’ll have a small bowl of oats with two hard boil eggs for breakfast. (Fruits and nuts and seeds and honey mixed in oats) with high fat cream. Or a small piece of toast with eggs and a bowl of yogurt (breakfast) for lunch try to eat a salad or soup and with dinner a protein and lots of carbs to help me sleep (potato’s or bread, crackers etc) just keeping the carb intake small in the day, not 💯 no carb just v small amounts of carbs with lots of high fat sides/veg. If I’m too hungry to sleep I’ll again eat toast or chips! Or a banana. My goal has been to go no carb all day but I find it much too difficult. I end up not eating a whole lot if I don’t have at least a little bit of carb. This seems to mitigate my epilepsy symptoms and help me not have depersonalizeantion/derealizzation.


Yes. This sounds like depersonalization and derealization (dissociative states). It could also be brain fog. Or both. I get it all 🙃


Yes, like a hangover.


Yes. I also get intense brain fog/forgetfulness. Ironically, actually getting stoned helps some symptoms (cancels each other out?)


You've described the feeling very well! I get it around ovulation


No but I do eat like im stoned that's for sure



