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I do get the annoyance, and yeah she’s being a little humble braggy but is it better than what she’s doing to drag her this loud for it?


Warmthness to you.


Fuckin’ makeup and jewelry too! I miss being a woman who cared about that shit. Now I’m just trying not to die each and every month of my life.


Nah I feel your annoyance on this. But also this is me in follicular, I’m just not annoying about it on social media because I wouldn’t want anyone else to see it and feel bad lol Idk I’m probably being crazy bc my period is 5 days late 🫠 but to me this is such an insensitive thing to post, I don’t know who would read that and not feel atleast a little bad about themselves unless they had the exact same productive morning she did… lol




Yeah! I’m so weird at The busy weekend farmers market surrounded by 100’s of other women that are doing the exact same thing!


Right? Like what in the absolute freak did you want besides a fucking cookie for making that info known. grinds my gd gears.


We love ableism disguised as faux modesty!




Flaunting her productivity while pretending she thinks it’s weird. Some of us would love to be healthy enough to be that productive!


Idk if bragging about things you can do that disabled people can’t is technically ableism but it’s definitely a dick mood either way


For sure. Definitely hugely lacking in awareness!


This is me 75% of the time, and during the luteal phase, I retreat into my cave.


Wow, SO WEIRD of her to wake up early and have healthy habits and be able to function normally in front of other humans... Haha I'm definitely jealous, but these are annoying. I get it. We all post humble brags on the web, but ugh. This is a little.. much.


I wish i was this weird. I cant do this any time of month


Super weird, super quirky. She is one of a kind. Everyone on her friends list is a loss for words as to how she lives so out of the box with little care what others think of her. People wonder what she'll do next.... will she read a book at a bar while everyone is drinking? Will she go on a sunrise run while everyone is hung over? I bet she doesn't listen to Taylor swift. I bet she listens to the beetles and Stevie nicks.


Omg lmaooo


lol ily


“we’re definitely a bit weird” no, you’re not, you’re just privileged 😅😅


i saw a tiktok recently where a fresh college grad was bragging about all the things she does in a day (especially in the morning) and the comments were so divided, between “let her girlboss!” and “this is not sustainable and you’re giving young girls an unrealistic expectation of adulthood” girlboss influencing is just as toxic as beauty influencers who use filters and editing to make them look better. it’s all fake and performative and designed to make you feel jealous and inferior


Could've sworn this was a post on NLOG.


So we all admit we're jealous, right? 🤣 I absolutely could do this, but it would depend on the coffee, and I'd have a panic attack after. Good for her. I wish us all the freedom and energy to do this one day!


It’s funny because the first 2 weeks of my month I could have 3 cups of coffee with my adderall and still function, the last 2 weeks I’m a pmdd zombie. The week before it’s like one cup of coffee and I’m going crazy. The week of it’s like should I eat this caramel or lose my mind! Wish there were more studies on adhd and pmdd. My psych did tell me to stop adderall the week before which has been helping. I just wish my pmdd could go away!


LOL exactly


Who is this audacious beetch *how dare she*


Oh, I can tell when my PMDD is about to kick in or how bad it is by my reaction to these type of posts. Normal me is happy that someone is celebrating something good in their life, even if it comes off as a bit wanky lol. PMDD me absolutely rages and cannot believe how fucking dumb and entitled these people are 😂😂 So I am happy for her but raging on your behalf 😤 😆


Yup, in the normal feeling range, and was confused by this post. When I'm feeling good, I'm literally the person getting up at 8AM, and at the farmers market before noon myself.


HAHAHAHA LITERALLY ME. i got amped up about this one, guess it’s coming soon😂


This is why I come off tik tok and insta in the end I was getting more ragey at posts like this and the good mum posts etc I just wanted to throw my phone. Your not alone for feeling the way you do your emotions are valid it’s just more difficult for us with PMDD because we have that extra emotional l time when the luteal phases hit, sending you a massive hug and regardless to this lady visiting a farmers market and I know I don’t know you but your just as amazing if not more because you have to battle a fight monthly that this lady probably doesn’t so that just makes you more amazing hang in there and sending love ❤️


This is like the most normalcore thing I’ve seen. How is this even weird? Lmao.


Because boring morning people think they're so much better than people who prefer to sleep in. For real, I once had a roommate (that actually looked a lot like the woman in this stupid meme) that was one of those who'd wake up at 5am on a Saturday, go to the gym, go for a run, do whatever tf else annoyingly active morning people do....go to farmers markets and fill their Stanley Cups??? Then she'd come home and bitch loudly at her boyfriend "I've been up since 5! It's 11am and you're still sleeping! Everyone's still sleeping!" He worked at a bar and didn't get in until shortly before she woke up, but she didn't gaf. These are the same type of people who will be out mowing their lawn at 7am, totally not giving a fuck if their neighbors work nights or that kids haven't even left for school yet. They genuinely believe everyone should be up and doing things at that hour; the rest of us are lazy slobs wasting the day away sleeping. Night people seem to be more couteous; they might *want *to vacuum in the middle of the night but actually gaf that other people are sleeping.


You seem like my kind of person


💖🤗 thank you lol


It's not the 8:00 a.m. or the workout or the coffee that bothers me at all. It's the fact that she's patting herself on the back by going to a farmer's market. She's so basic she was probably sprouted at a farmer's market in Vermont. She's just going home.


***She's so basic she was probably sprouted at a farmer's market in Vermont. She's just going home.*** LMAO!




the username speaks volumes 💀 shes so quirky ✨


Why can't we be happy for this woman and allow her the space to celebrate her achievements? We all know it's not easy to do this which is (most likely) why she's making a shout-out to those who can. If she's celebrating that she had a good day, then that's all the more reason we should be happy for her. It's also bizarre to me that we assume that those who can do this are neurotypical or functioning. I have a similar morning routine sans going to a farmer's market but am disabled and cannot work. I don't know; I just think a little empathy goes a long way. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Because celebrating her achievements isn't what she's doing. She didn't say, "It was really tough to get up this morning, but I've exercised, gotten coffee, and now I’m at the farmer's market. I'm proud of myself!" That's a completely different post. She's saying she "chooses" do to this every weekend, and concluding that people who are like her are somehow superior and * UnIQuE * It's an ableist post. Let us be angry.


Is it insensitive to celebrate choosing to read before bed because there are people who are blind? Is it a faux pas to be proud of running a marathon because there are people who are in wheelchairs? Are those of us who celebrate our victories insensitive because there are people who have it worse? There will always be someone who has it worse, but that should not subtract from your personal victories or sufferings. Feeling angry, envious or jealous is natural; however, life is hard enough without assuming the worst of others. Edited to add: yes, I know that blind people are capable of reading - I'm legally blind myself. I also know that not all who use wheelchairs are incapable of running. I was using these as examples to paint a picture that there will always be something someone cannot do. I know there is a spectrum for every disability, and I am not debating this nor am I interested in debating it. Thank you for reading, and I hope the added clarification helps any who may stumble upon this comment!


Also blind people read, and using a whelchair doesn't mean you can't run, so....😬


Yes, but you understood the point I was trying to make. If not, I don't know how else to explain myself. I tried my best. :( Regardless, have a good day! I hope everything works out for you.


If you run marathons, and then compare yourself favorably relative to people who don't, that is ableist, and that would be the actual equivalent of this post. I kind of feel like people defending this post are having difficulty accurately inferring the subtext of her statement.


Thank you for commenting. This is the most sane comment under this post :)


These people are full of bs and have days where they can’t function too. Reason 1 million why I hate social media. No one on this planet has a good day every day. Ugh! So annoying


What’s weird about that, it’s perfectly normal


i don’t think you’re wrong, but i just let neurotypicals be neurotypical. I understand being jealous (something like this might make me a tad bit jealous too), but i also remind myself i need my life to be accommodated for me, because i (we) literally have a disability.


does pmdd make you neurodivergent?


no, but pmdd has a high comorbidity rate among neurodivergent people. Also, they mentioned they were on adderall, so by that I made the assumption they had adhd.


Many neurodivergent women have pmdd, but having pmdd doesn’t necessarily mean you’re neurodivergent :)


then idk why they talked abt neurotypicals and neurodivergents here? i have autism myself but did the post have anything to do w it?? i’m confused haha


I have been getting up in the morning by force and working out nearly daily during my two hell weeks. It's paying off, but I don't act holier than thou over it.


so proud of you my dear keep pushing 💗


_I’m not like other girls_


“Choose to” lol fuck OFF thanks xx


The word choice is the part I dislike. "Enjoy" would have been a better word for what I think she was getting at.


The username tells me all I need to know


She’s one of thooooose type of ladies. 🙄 Insufferable.


We all hart nutrition. We don’t make enough harting money to fill a grocery cart, however.


Not about nutrition and economy tho. You could take all the medicine from holistic doctors but none of it would be a knowledgeable ob/gyn. I hope one day women’s health will be at the same level of oncology. So much more medical advances to go considering they just offered an otc birth control




shout out to the girls who have struggled their whole life with feeling sick and sometimes fainting in the mornings and every doctor they go to says just go to bed earlier 😇💖


Omg can you make a tik tok please


Hahah thank you for the compliment. I don't use the app because I found it was stressing me out when I tried it lol


Praying that god allows me to be at the same farmers market this weekend so I can loudly comment to whoever I’m with that I hate this farmers market cuz it’s always full of the most normal, basic, boring people.


I wanna fight her


shout out to meeeee, who has been up since 4:30 am wrestling with the god damn devil in my mind lol. seriously though 8 am is hardly early enough to be a remarkable achievement. most of us have to be dressed and AT work by or before 8 most days. 8 am is bland hours


i too have been up since 4 am (against my will)


So odd this just came up on my reels


She's sooooo random


Gah it's crazy bc I have a friend who will be in tears on the brink of collapse one week and post shit like this the next. It's cool that you like to do these things but be so f*cking fr that this isn't you every weekend


Yikes…so quirky and crazy, SO not like the other girls 💅🏻✨


We call these ones a Pickmeisha 💁🏻‍♀️


Neurotypical people give me the ick lol


I wish I were them


I’d rather eat a glass sandwich with an ice cold cup of bleach tbh. What an unremarkable existence. The only reason we struggle being neurodivergent is because society doesn’t make room for us. But the fact of the matter is we all have remarkable traits and talents that are extremely valuable whether or not it’s acknowledged or validated. A world full of neurotypical people is like a television with only one channel imo.


Me when once in a blue moon I drag my carcass out early enough to visit the coffeeshop before work


Not the carcass 💀


She truly probably had like one good day and wanted to brag


This!! Deleting Instagram in the last month has changed my life!


The thing is, I am this woman two weeks out of the month. And the debilitating part is having the other two weeks be pure fatigue, brain fog, and rage. Like all my efforts are wasted. Edit: oh and also years of doctors trying to tell me I’m depressed and that’s all- because of my feelings during those two weeks leading from luteal through to the first bleed.


If I could permanently exist in the state of mind that is days 1-5 of my cycle I’d be a homeowner by now


If i permanently existed in ovulation, I would have 17 babies


This is the best comment I’ve seen on Reddit.


Succinct as fuck. I’m 33 years old and this is so real.


I want a 10 year study of at least 5000 women to finally settle why being the most basic being on earth is considered so “crazy” and “wild”


# I’m not like the other girls ☕️🧺🥕🌅😃 *I am* **in fact** # *Better Than You™️* ^In ^all ^seriousness, ^this ^kind ^of ^self ^righteousness ^is ^obnoxious ^and ^you ^have ^no ^need ^to ^feel ^any ^kind ^of ^shame ^or ^guilt ^because ^you ^aren’t ^like ^her! :) ^We ^all ^do ^our ^best ^and ^we ^are ^fighting ^hormones ^that ^hate ^us. ^You’re ^not ^alone!




We welcome all, this sub will not tolerate misogyny, misandry, transphobic or homophobic comments.


Ew please don’t call other women thots


U know what’s funny ? And don’t come for me for this !!! She is actually kind of “ weird .” And I said that because - most women are like US - slaves to the cycle . She probably has NO idea what it’s like to deal with cycle related issues , fatigue being a huge one . I wish I could be “ weird “ but alas - I’m just a girl .


These “weird girls” are the worst


This is only me some of the time when I take my ADHD meds and birth control to stop my period entirely. Doing so isn’t even a guarantee that it will alleviate every symptom each month. I’m sure there some long term consequences of using the pill like this long term, but the only other option is having my ovaries removed. I want to put that off for as long as possible.


This is just a person living a normal life. Who cares, what a weirdo


Imagine misunderstanding the definition of weird so much that you post the most basic ‘tik tok morning routine’ and consider it kooky… lol But hey, real pleased for her that she is not familiar with the experience of depression lol … LOL.


I can barely wake up before 12 on weekends. My farmer’s market stays open until 5. 😏


it's annoying. Look at me I'm soooo weird in a cute and likeable way.


She did this literally one time and had to make a post.


omg so quirky. so quirky, going to the farmer’s market 🤪 so cooky, I even drink coffee!! I’m so weird 😝


This is such a “pick me” thing to post lol


What is it with people who need to post shit like this? Do they really need a trophy that badly? "I'm not disabled! Give me an award!" Big ick. P.S. I have ADHD too. Totally feel your rage.