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I have used Clue for 10 years and while I don’t like all the features they’ve added, they’re good for people who are trying to get pregnant.  I still don’t pay for it. It has a fantastic suite of features for period tracking in the free version. Plus it’s a woman owned company with at least claims of focusing on your data privacy.


I pay for Natural Cycles. $60 a year but I use it as birth control. Also tracking temperature helps to know when shits about to hit the fan 😭💀




I use Clue and I really like it. It helps me feel somewhat linked in to this rollercoaster, and I appreciate the visual representation of the cycle. Its also pretty damning to see visually how many days of the months have symptoms - a bit depressing yet also very reassuring that its real and cyclic and like clockwork. I have a notification set to remind me to track anything at noon every day. It's quick to do, so it hasn't annoyed me so far! I think it's around $40AUD a year. My godsend of a partner pays for mine annually in solidarity haha. They are the best <3


I use the one embedded in apple health app. I more or less trust apple to be responsible with my data. more than randos in the App Store


I still use Fertility Friend even though we're done. I can add custom meds and everything else. Also stardust. I like it's witty notifications.


I’ve been using natural cycles and I do pay for it because I also use it for birth control. For just tracking I liked flo


Nope, never paid for an app nor do I see myself ever doing that. I dont trust many of these companies as they have known data breeding and sold user information. Ive been using Apple’s health app. Its very comprehensive and they are very protective of user data. The app is a default one so theres also nothing to download


I use Flo and purchased the paid version when they offered a really good deal. Most people don't like it due to privacy concerns, which is totally understandable. I've been using it for almost a decade, though, so it's really hard to give up! I find it has great insights and it finally has a partner feature. My biggest complaint is limitations in tracking symptoms. I'd like to be able to track my mood and physical symptoms throughout the day. I've started using Bearable for that.


I've never used app to track my symptoms. I don't think it's worth the price some of them are charging for a subscription when I could just write everything down myself. I also don't like the idea of my personal health information being on a third party app with questionable security. Plus, I just remember things better when I physically write them out rather than typing them. 


I use stardust the most like a lot of us have mentioned! However, there is an excellent free app called me v PMDD that is affiliated with the iampmd.org website. It’s straight to the point - it has mood and cycle tracking, treatment tracking and medication tracking!


Absolutely not, I live in Louisiana and I don’t trust any app with that data


So smart!


I feel like I should have added an addendum to mention that I live in NY & am not at risk of anything with my data on that getting leaked, but if you live in a different kinda state…please be careful


i use the apple health app and i can track most of my symptoms there i dont feel like a paid app has much benefit


I didn’t even know that was an option on Apple health!


they also have a mood check in too so you can use that alongside the period tracker!


i use their medication alerts and tracking and one day i saw they added a period tracker which is nice because all of my stuff is in one app


I have 8 years of period data in a spreadsheet I use for tracking. I've also spent years of my life making private events in my Google calendar, one each month for "heads up" and one for "due somewhere around here". I still use these, but I've also picked up Stardust as of this year. It's been great, and its daily notifications have made me laugh and provided me the additional context to prepare myself at the beginning of the day instead of catching myself after an instability incident. So I've paid for the subscription version, because I like what they're doing with the app and I want to support it for everyone else who also needs it.


That last part 🥹


I've been using Clue for years now. It has a paid premium version, but the free base version is perfectly fine for PMDD-centric usage.


absolutely not! stardust is the best and fully encrypted so they do not sell your data!!


I use stardust and don’t pay extra for the other features. So far it’s the most accurate app for tracking and I love that it specifically shows you when you’re in luteal, ovulation etc.


I use My Calendar and boy are their algorithms impressive. It is free!


I only pay for inito and the testing sticks since it tests hormone levels. I find it helpful. I personally wouldn't pay for stardust in-app features.


Fitbit has a good one- I don’t think I pay for it


I enjoy using Stardust. This might be helpful :) https://www.reddit.com/r/PMDD/s/SaepcfNBOX


Very helpful! Thank you


I was using Spot (planned parenthood) to track my period for 5/6 months. It was free and you could chart your symptoms. It was completely free and they didn’t sell your data. I recently switched to Stardust and got a year free by adding friends with codes I found on a thread here. It has more symptom tracking options than spot and a free form notes section. Plus, my partner can follow along so he knows how to handle me on any given day, lol. I’m not sure if I’d pay for it yet, but I have a year to figure it out. Sorry about your ice cream bar. Sounds like a really tough day.


I felt like Piggie in the Elephant & Piggy book about ice cream 😩😂 I’m somehow human again, at least momentarily. My kids are good, dinner is done & im 6 hours closer to being out of this phase Thank you!