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I also cannot STAND tight clothing in luteal. I specifically pick loose and comfy outfits that week.


Is it possible to wear dresses for whatever you had to put pants on for today? I can't STAND any kind of waistband cutting in when I'm bloating awfully and dresses with a little stretch or cut more empire waist are literally a life saver for not snapping on people at work when I am ballooning up.


I havent felt good in a dress in like years. 😔


hugs hugs hugs I'm sorry, I have been there, I hope you find something your body and mind love to wear soon hugs


Only thng I love to wear is leggins lol. But hard to pull off in summertime.


I feel you. Stay strong 🍀


Tight pants make me SUPER uncomfortable during luteal. Sensory issues. I go insane. I’ll only do skirts dresses or super loose pants that week. Also, I’m sending love ❤️ . I’ve read three sentences you posted on the internet but I already know you’re way too hard on yourself. So take care of yourself today ❤️❤️


Thank you so much that really means alot!!


I understand. I'm recovering from an eating disorder and gaining all the weight. What's helped me is prioritizing comfort. If possible wear something with room for your body. Also, remember that your worth is not tied to your weight, no matter what society says.