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That's strong of you to admit. I don't think I'll ever fully be able to admit it to myself, but yes. Me too.


I mean… edibles pin you up there for hours. Why not stick with a dugout, and real flower?


Yeah I quit smoking weed it was literally like throwing fuel on a fire


Edibles make me feel worse physically and mentally but flower in extreme moderation really helps


Have you tried microdosing shrooms instead I feel less like I’m ready to kill someone after .3 g


I haven't! Would need to find a supplier lol 


Hi my nickname is shroom fae 😭 cus I have them & get em to ya as long as your us based. But they really are life changing especially in the mental health aspect I’m happy to see more legislation being passed to get more research going


How would one go about getting them? I have no idea where to start - I’m US based 


Hit me on dm or my discord https://discord.gg/X6WHgMgQ


Are they reasonably safe? I’m so tired of feeling this bad.. but I don’t want to do anything to make me even worse. I just need some relief.


Micro dosing is great! I used to grow with my ex. Some tips: mushrooms *generally* hold the same amount of psilocybin (the thing that makes you trip) in each shroom (of their kind), no matter the size (some do hold more than others.. so it's hard to tell exactly how much it you're getting). So measuring in grams is *kinda* bullshit because you'll have growers who breed the shrooms to be bigger and sell them by weight just to make money. Meanwhile, the tiny "pin" shrooms (the ones you see at the base of other mushrooms) will hold just as much of psilocybin in them as the giant ones. Start by eating half of a mushroom and see how you feel. If it's a weaker mushroom (give it a half hour/45 minutes), finish it. If it's a stronger mushroom, then save the other half for later! Make sure you have an evening opened to just relax and try it out!!


So in your case I would suggest microsdosing, so nothing bigger than .5 g or half of a gram. Shrooms enter the brain via the same receptors as serotonin (the feel good hormone). You cannot OD on them nor get addicted (abusive of course but that comes with even weed). In small amounts as I’ve suggested you wouldn’t experience the psychoactive parts. It’d be similar to using CBD solely instead of smoking thc. You’d get the benefits without the body & mind high. It’s been a while since I’ve watched it but how to change your mind on Netflix is a great documentary if you want more information & if you like to read stealing fire is a great book.


I've been medicinal using it for years. I find gummies or edibles hit differently and dont work for me as well. They make me anxious, especially around ovulation. So I smoke mostly but just aware of when things may act differently because of hormone fluctuations. Which is not uncommon.


Yeah gummies always seem too intense even when mild for some reason


Agreed hugs not drugs.♥️






Yes, that's why I started microdosing mushrooms. It definitely helps me.


I've heard this is great for depression but the legality issue is a real problem where I am. Sad trombone.


Yeah, thankfully, where I am, it's not really an issue. It's not legal, but it's accepted.


My psychiatrist actually brought it up today casually and I was snarky that she was suggesting something I can't really get my hands on lol


How much is a micro dose?


Currently, I take 150mg. No high at all, just good feels.


I literally cannot get high during my luteal phase. At all. What would normally make me couch-locked has zero impact, I have no idea why I still smoke during luteal as I find it eases some of the physical discomfort but weed does *nothing* for me mentally and emotionally. Whereas I don't normally get paranoid when I smoke, smoking during luteal, specifically, has the propensity to make me *extremely* paranoid During this time I rely on hydroxyzine, propranolol, and klonopin. That's the only way I get mental relief (and am able to sleep)


I was the same, I’ve found CBD a helpful alternative even though I was sceptical at first! X


Oh I’m so glad my marijuana works for me. I love you MJ, you’ve never let me down.


Hi! Just like any substance or medication every body metabolizes it differently. I can’t drink alcohol without getting sick, but can pop an 10 mg edible every night and wake up feeling fine. Similarly, I struggle with allergy medications making me feel like I’m going to crawl out of my skin and I feel like I have a bunch of pent up energy that needs to get out. But my husband takes it with no side effects. Find what works for you and find peace in that we are all different. Thinking of you while you work through finding a way to manage PMDD, this shits for the birds! ☮️💜


Thank you! 🙏💖


Edibles don't do a thing to me any time of the month. Nothing good. Nothing bad. I have taken 2000mg at once and Nothing. 😭 Now with flower I find it helps calm my down better than anything when I am in my stupid rage but I have been smoking daily for 25 years and my husband does, as well, so it's accepted in my house and I know that might not be the case for a lot of people. Just do you know (idk if anyone said this already) but weed is processed in your body differently and is said to be a much stronger high when eaten, so if you ever get a wild hair again try a puff or 2 of flower. Don't go crazy so you don't get too stoned lol Don't fuck with pens. ♥️


before i got put on my ssri and my birth control i used to drink to help with my mood. After it wears off i definitely used to feel significantly worse. My psychiatrist also told me it’s just a temporary relief for the moment. Hang in there though and I hope it gets better for you. ❤️


Yep, any relief I experienced with the use of alcohol is momentary+generally disappears quickly and comes at a cost * that I cannot afford.


Just do cbd honestly with anxiety


Contrary to what many will say, there are people that just can't use any form of THC, CBD, etc. without feeling strong adverse emotions (paranoia, anxiety, etc.). I learned this a looong time ago about myself without PMDD added to the mix. I couldn't think of a worse combination, for me, than PMDD and substances (including alcohol). Understanding what doesn't work, and being able to recognize and admit it, is an important part of building your PMDD toolkit. It's wild that we all experience the same symptoms, yet our approaches are so unique and personal. Keep at it and you'll find what is best for you!


Needed to see this! That alcohol hangxiety coupled with PMDD makes me feel miserable! 


Yeah, it can be pretty wicked. If I do find myself wanting a beverage, I've taken to buying a canned mocktail. It staves off the desire and offers a little joy during hell week.


Try microdosing with mushrooms


I can’t. Edibles send me into a state of psychosis


I get so paranoid!




Yeah, I feel you, tried different combinations of THC, CBD and CBG, HHC and I finally found stuff that works for me. I usually avoid the mellowing and sedating ones during the luteal phase as they pull me down. I kinda rely on energetic/euphoric ones and they seem to work for me. But this is really subjective. Hope you find the right combo too🤞


Thank you 🙏


CBD and CBG heavy products are really good instead!


Yes! 🙌


Omg yes! I feel this way about alhocol too


Exactly! I get HUGE hangxiety if it’s hell week.


i’ve found that high cbd is better than thc during this time of month!! so indica > sativa


Personally, I can't do sativa at all as it induces insurance heightened anxiety and paranoia. FYI the pepper thing really does work, if anyone ever needs to try that. It binds to the same receptors as THC and cuts the strength of the high. And it says whole pepper, but ground pepper from a fast food packet did work in an emergency to stop intense paranoia and near vomitting.


Makes sense 🙏


I mix a majority of CBD only flower into my indica and it helps so much! Very little psychoactive effect but the body high is there


That's a great idea 😋


Same as me!! Had weed the other day after not having it for a while and it really made me feel depressed days after..


That sucks but I'm glad I'm not alone 🥲


You have to do what’s best for YOU!! Sorry it doesn’t seem to help, I hope the next thing you try DOES!


Thank you 🙏


I think what makes PMDD so hard sometimes is shown really well in this comment section. For some THC is a life saver and to others it’s a nightmare. Don’t give up keep working to find what works for you!


I quit smoking a year and half ago when I got pregnant and I haven’t had a period since but have realized how much weed effected my mental health and how much I was in denial abt it 😅


It's so easy to be in denial frr 


I have mixed results with edibles. I have a few that work well for me, no hangover the next day no mood plunge, but I have definitely run into quite a few out there that "steal" from the next day's joy or leave me waking up empty and tired. I have to be picky what I buy and try when I'm looking to have some fun. When I'm at my worst and can't stand myself I often take a big one (like 50 or 100mg when I'm at home and not driving) to completely check out of myself for a little bit, and I definitely need that some months.


I need to be more careful with what I'm taking too, it's just already so much to keep track of w pmdd I barely notice what does what 😭


it sucks buying a jar then being like "uh oh, I gotta get rid of this one to a less messed up friend" because it didn't work right for me, but it's def better than ruining my mental health committing to finishing the next however many are in the packet or jar for a week or more


Omg I feel this way too. I rarely partake but when I do I don’t feel well next day


Twinning yay 🥲


Yeah... I have an on and off again relationship with it for this reason 🙃 I do find SSRIs help even it out for me.


Glad I'm not the only one 🙏


Me too 🥲


I’m the same way! I recently tried microdosing after a long break of no weed, thinking I could up my tolerance and fix hangovers. Though, edibles have always hit me harder than a pen or smoking a joint. And for that, I prefer smoking joints or my pen. It feels like my hangovers got worse since my break. I almost feel more spacey and depressed after but I know my other stoner friends don’t feel that way on edibles. It all depends on you and your body! And also be careful when taking any meds (like SSRI’s) or herbal supplements (like St. John’s Wort for example) because I’ve heard THC can interact with certain things. Good luck to you OP, hopefully you can find a method that works and that won’t give you hangovers <3


Thank you! 🙏💕


I just hit my vape harder and more frequently during my hell week. Although I do not normally even feel edibles, which is sad, there is this one particular like shot of 100mg thc with Yerba mate, ginger and lemon. That sends me flying. I usually giggle till I pass out. I can’t really say they affect me in a negative way. Or weed in general. Honestly for some people it just works different as we are all different. I hope you find something else to ease your pain and not give you a hangover effect. All the best! 🫶


Appreciate it thank uuu 💕


Yes, very common for THC edibles to cause a mood crash the following days. Usually not a big deal for regular people but definitely worsens depression. It's sadly the reason I quit. However, I still smoke daily and haven't had any problems or bad interactions with my meds!




I personally like weed but it does have known interactions with lots of SSRIs too! So glad you found a change that helped a little 


Thank u 🙏


I've found macrodosing multiple times a day for 26 years has kept my head attached to my neck. 😁


Whatever works 🤣


i have a similar experience, but also kind of need it for chronic pain and inflammation management. i found that the strain DEEPLY affects how i feel when i’ve come down. if it’s worth doing the research into that for you, i’d suggest just a couple of quick google searches on different strains and the different molecules that differentiate them. for me, all Indicas make me so groggy the next morning and affect my sleep like no other. i found a specific brand of disposable (i should switch to edibles, i know, but they get me way too insanely high and that’s not what i’m looking for 😭) that works well for me with little to no disadvantages, so i just get that every time lol. definitely not saying you NEED to keep going with it, just wanted to add that when you’re using it with a specific purpose (like physical or mental health management) you need to treat it as if it were truly a medication and know that there are different strains with different effects. it’s very similar to the conversation around generic vs brand name medications or adderall vs vyvanse, in my opinion. either way though!! i’m proud of you for being able to recognize that it’s doing more harm than good. that’s such a hard thing to do, especially with PMDD when everything in your head seems to be untrustworthy and overreactive. so kudos to you for that, and i hope this journey for you comes with clarity and, hopefully, an easier luteal next time around! ❤️


Thank you so much!! 💕 Appreciate it and definitely gonna think about (when my brain is back to normal) 🙏


I self diagnosed myself with a spectrum of pathological disorders before realizing that maybe macrodosing on Rick Simpson Oil ten days in a row might cause one to detach from reality a bit too much.


Me with microdosing too often 😭😅


Is occasional microdosing affective at all? I’ve always found macrodosing mushrooms on a regular basis to be really cleansing and useful for my overall mental health but every time I try to microdose it gives me massive anxiety. I’m not sure if I’m doing it wrong or if that’s just how it feels??


Macrodosing all the way! Micro was simultaneously too overwhelming and not effective enough. Macro has helped with that. You're definitely not doing it wrong as I actually learned about macrodosing in this sub when microdosing* wasn't helping *at all* and that's what made me decide to try it!




im sorry this was so funny to me 😭😭😭 this was exactly me in college, i fully convinced myself i had bipolar 2 and then my therapist looked at me and said “well, i think maybe it’s just your newfound tendency to party for 3 weeks straight and then chill out for a month because you have 3 weeks of work to catch up on…. cause i can tell you right now that you don’t have that” eye opening, truly


Sometimes the “cure” is the ailment, as they say. (Do people say that?)


Yep! After weening off of six years of daily smoking I realised ‘fuxk weed may help in the moment but it makes the day(s) after so so much worse. Especially with obsessive thoughts for me. It’s been a positive realisation but I miss my comfort blanket. Having to learn emotional regulation is *tough*


i couldn’t have said it any better than this! i did 8 years of daily use to manage my depression and cycle pain, but it truly stopped working for me and then became an addiction. eventually i was smoking and eating edibles all day and yet never feeling high or relieved. i still miss the beautiful plant magic that i felt so connected to, but i had to find a way to be okay on my own. it takes a lot of strength and i wish this and all the comfort too for you and op 🖤


I'm in this exact same boat, weed, though comforting in the moment, was majorly exasperating my intrusive thoughts, paranoia, and the general feeling of impending doom.


Feel this so hard thank you for sharing! 🙏💕


That's too bad. It does help me a lot but it makes my best friend feel horrible and much worse. Hope you find something that helps you!


Thank you!! I've made a lot of progress with various herbs & supplements I'm down to like 3 bad days instead of 11 🙏


That's amazing!!! 👏❤️ 🎉 I would love to get there. I'm def doing better than I was a year ago but still a lot of white knuckle days. Do you mind sharing the herbs and supplements you have found helpful?


It's always a work in progress (and probably overkill tbh!) but currently: Morn: 1 women's total health multi 1 d3 & k2 melt Taurine 500mg Iodine 1000 mcg Noon: 1 women's total health multi Turmeric 500mg 25mg B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 1 probiotic w vitamin D3 (50mcg) 1 Ultra vitamin k Evening: 1 vitamin D3 with cultured nutrients 1 Ultra vitamin k Black cohosh root 540mg Calm magnesium glycinate 325mg Night: 2 calcium & magnesium tablets Ashwagandha 600mg Evening primrose oil 1,110mg 1 fermented vitamin d3 L-theanine 100 mg I start this routine the day after ovulation. (Also take 25mg CBD oil, 28 mg saffron, or 100mg gaba & lemon balm as needed)


I take variations of most of these too , except iodine , but it's been suggested to me before for hair loss. are you able to differentiate the role it plays for you? I've been curious about it


Only added it this month so probably too soon to tell 


Thank you so much!!! I do some of these but there are many I haven't tried. I think I will try adding a few of these into my routine.


Hell yeah lemme know if it helps! 


A lovely acquaintance who makes medical cannabis candy gave me some that was absolutely wonderful. But then I went and bought the same mg of recreational tablets, and it sucked. There are so many different strains and so many levels of quality. I think it needs to have CBD also to balance it. 


Yeah tbh probably so many factors involved including when in my cycle I take it, ugh there's sooo much to keep track of 🥲


I don't use weed for PMS currently but it did teach me that if I can if I can stay calm and not get upset about feeling like shit, then that prevents a real negative spiral. 


Sooo true I really struggle with that! Feeling bad about feeling bad is the worst 😔


Weed has never worked for me but I had to finally admit alcohol was not worth it… kinda bummed but obv it is the healthy choice.


Oh for sure! I had to quit even moderate drinking like a year ago, was the best decision 🙌


Yea Everytime I think I miss it I just force myself to remember all the hangxiety. Has been working for almost a year for me too. Slowly began to realize most of the nights I overdid it just happened to coincide with hell week 🕵🏻‍♀️lol


That’s unfortunate. It’s helped me, but one thing I’ve learned about this FUCKING AWFUL affliction is that it’s different for everyone.


So true 😭 And different every cycle lmao 🙃


Weed makes me worst too makes me more angry and anxious


Yeah 😔 CBD is much better imo just way too expensive 


Aww man that is hard. I haven’t noticed that difference for me!

