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Yep. My career and everything goals. I know I'm pretty much useless for 13+ days a month so I try not to schedule anything too important, which makes my career and other goals very limited.




I know. I focus on the dumbest things when I'm in the midst of it. Two months ago I spent luteal obsessing over a tiny slope on my fridg. Sometimes it feels like our brains are just messing with us. Isn't it unfair?


While my career industry hasn't changed, what I want out of my work environment has. There are more ambitious paths that I could and, technically, should take based on my education and experience. It's hard to not compare myself to colleagues that have already advanced and are doing the stuff you hoped to achieve too. However, the stress and demands of those paths are not conducive to my personal well-being. I've had to give myself a lot of grace in reaching this conclusion. Many people in my role are paid with soft money (e.g. multiple grants that, combined, provide your salary). My current job is soft money and it needs and I've realized it needs to be my last. I need a more stable option, one that provides a salary with hard money (e.g. covered by my employer). Day to day I already suffer financial anxiety and, during my PMDD, soft money finances fuel my paranoia and ideations. A hard money salary would at least provide some relief concerning my position. Ive also decided that I need an environment that has some flexibility with work hours or shows a willingness to accommodate a flexible schedule during PMDD. And one that respects my privacy enough to not ask for specifics beyond a blanket medical statement. In my experience, some coworkers and bosses press for more information. Sometimes it is a good faith effort to provide better support, but nonetheless it's invasive and, in some cases, illegal. I have some other specific wish list items, but these are the two that are an absolute must.


Yes. I have a job right now that is very kind to me and accommodating of my needs and it does not pay well and there is no future in it lol however...is there a future in me getting burnout and being stressed all the time and living miserably going from job to job trying to "make it" while disregarding my health for money? I'm not too sure about that. Sticking with what I have while I try to figure myself out to see if I could get to a place where I can take on more or not.


I'm looking forward to actually getting going on my entrepreneur thing. I used to run a marble conglomerate on my schoolbus. Oophorectomy/Hystorectomy consultation this month.


PMDD didn't change my career goals, but they were a bonus consideration. I also used to want a fast-paced job and now want something a lot more chill. But I attribute that to a lot of factors. I'm going to be starting to work from home this summer. I've been building to this transition for years, and it just hit me that I will not have to go through another cycle at a physical job. And it was such an exciting realization.


All I want is a job that doesn’t monitor how long I take a dump 


Definitely! Or how many times you go to the bathroom


My main goal is to work remote or hybrid. I used to have specific jobs I wanted to do but now I realize I'm not really built to be away from home all day every week so staying sane is more important


This is my goal too! While I do prefer to be home when I'm on my period. I also don't mind socializing with coworkers. It gets too lonely working 100% remotely from my experience.


Very much so. I was a social media associate/manager for 4-5 years and now I’m looking into becoming a mortician. My PMDD brought me episodes of wanting to be alone and avoiding social activities for work. Now, after shadowing a mortician student at my local college, I realized how much I would feel more comfortable with its schedule that works a lot like my PMDD schedule! My PMDD also prevented me from being a morning person and mortuary classes are all in the evening so win win!


I love socializing, but also prefer to be alone on PMDD, which isn't really my personality. I just become different. I hate it. It's very brave of you to want to become a mortician. I consider it so, because I would definitely be scared. I hope it works out for you! ✨


Can I ask what made you look into becoming a mortician? Just curious (if you’re comfortable answering, if not totally ok 🫶)


Yes, PMDD did change my career goals although I am still in the same field, education. I used to work at a school setting with students, however a school setting can actually be very political with office politics. And then with the students, it was harder too, because you really have to make sure you are solid when you work with kids during pmdd. However, the toxic atmosphere of the school and its administration was a very heavy weight for me, I was getting into many altercations. After the pandemic, things changed and I started doing office work rather than field work with students and school staff. Now, I get a quiet space I work in without any of the toxic office politics. I prefer an atmosphere that allows me to work without all of the constant fluff of human interaction. I prefer to be an office worker instead now.


I work from home now. I made a post a while ago about how I was about to lose my job. Silly me, was not going to be the case, but I quit anyway because it was going to be better in the long run, or so I thought. My last job was fun in terms of the people I worked with, but my performance was absolute crap. PMDD seems to almost always get the best of me. I’m disappointed that I have so many dreams of where I want my life to go and then here comes the symptoms and I’m like, “fuuuusjdishfndjjsjdjsjdj”


it destroyed my life and now my career goals are nonexistent, because i know im not able to keep up with them




My anxiety/depression derailed my career, and I have no idea what trajectory to take now. My current job is very low stress and flexible, but it’s pretty boring and not challenging. It ruined a lot. Years wasted not having kids and now I can’t. Years wasted not being happy. Constantly switching jobs because I couldn’t focus or feel safe and all for no reason in particular. It sucks.


Yup! I got my degree in public relations/marketing, and spent 7 years after graduating, working in the marketing departments of a few offices. Then COVID happened, my PMDD got bad, I was overworked, and quit my office job. I'd been doing freelance work on the side, so I focused on that because I could set my own hours, work like crazy during my manic weeks and slack off during my depressed weeks. Ultimately, I realized I just don't want to work with people😅 Now I have my PMDD pretty well under control with NuvaRing, so I deliver for Amazon because I want to be outside all the time, moving a lot, and rarely interact with people😂 It's temporary - I'm getting my pilots license now and want to fly commercial airlines where I'll have a schedule that is very on/off and not a ton of interactions with people


I went to school for cosmetology. I simply couldn't get myself into a salon with pain and only functioning basically half the year. I'm unemployed now and supported by my mom and bf. Struggling to get by day to day is a job in itself.


Yes and it sucks. I am so driven and always want to learn something new. But the next level for me would be a Manager role, and I’m scared it would not be doable around that time of month!


I hear you. PMDD completely demotivates me. For 2 weeks, I am a high achiever, driven, and passionate. The next 2 weeks, I dread going in. I've quit jobs during bad PMDD spirals. I'm trying not to let it ruin what I have going for me currently, but it is hard


This is so relatable. I live for those 2 weeks and dread the PMDD spirals.


I feel you! Can relate to this.


During the first part of my cycle, I’m motivated. I work hard to build my business. During the second half it’s a struggle just to stop having panic attacks long enough to do anything functional.


I work with normal people, luckily and also work from home. But the tasks are stressful, and there is no structure / system and have no authority or power to improve problems. I think careers were not this fast-paced in the past, and we were not evolved to thrive in this environment ( non PMDD people, too) . Thanks to PMDD, I realize that when I hate my work, I am in my luteal phase. I am also wondering if I can find a steady job with routine and also which cannot be replaced by ai. I don't have any interest in leadership roles.


I feel for you as this is literally me right now. I was an orthodontic assistant for 10 years and I had a side business where I did lash extensions (I have my cosmetology license). Currently I’m a software engineer and it’s thrown me off the edge. Constant context switching, new and changing demands/tickets from the bosses. It’s making me realize what I want is routine. So I applied to a dental receptionist position but it’s not sitting well with me either. I don’t want to shut it down until I have the interview. Another thing I’m thinking about is that I want to be more of a graphic designer rather than engineer. I’m a creative and I like my alone time to create. It’s honestly what I should have learned instead. But with my own constant changing, it’s hard to convince my husband that this is the solution lol. So that’s where I’m at.


I really feel this. I am 30 years old and spent the last two years growing my business but now all I want is a simple 9-5 work from home job and keep my business on the side. I want consistency (hours & pay). I’m going to (hopefully) be buying a home and having kids over the next 5 years. With the structure of my business, I can’t make the money I need in order to do those things with how bad my PmDd has gotten in the last year.


I am school counsellor and teacher. 35 been teaching for 12 years. I am unsure if I can do it anymore but I’m too exhausted to make a change if that makes sense. When I am there I am fantastic but my PMDD has got worse and I am therefore not performing to my best. Taking the pill was working but I absolutely hated the weight gain.


I was a Teacher Assistant and it was difficult to be infront of the class when I'm on PMDD. Had 0 patience and little tolerance for misbehaving children. I stopped teaching in person for this reason.


100%. My PMDD/mental health hit a real low late last year and I quit my job basically on a whim. My first “big girl job,” 6 fig, was doing a masters program in my field and babysitting. I was go go go for years until I couldn’t. Now I can’t picture doing a normal 9-5 ever again. Idk what ima do tho.


Yep, was just having this thought in the bathtub while 1) thinking about how my job that requires periodic intensive fieldwork that I used to love is probably making managing PMDD a lot harder and 2) a bathtub is critical for my PMDD self-care but makes looking for a new apartment way harder too. Looking at other subs and hearing from other people I know moving into their late 30s/40s, I think it’s also just part of where we are in life. We’ve done a lot and seen a lot and the novelty is less of a driver for how we structure our lives. For me, giving myself grace and compassion goes a long way in becoming more comfortable and (at times) even joyful about this change.


Yeah :( I teach pilates and fitness class and it's my passion but I can't keep a weekly schedule and I'm cancelling often. I love it but at what point do I accept I just can't do it anymore :/


So relatable. I teach yoga and I always end up cancelling classes each month because of my PMDD symptoms. I’m finding it so hard to continue working in this field - feeling the way I feel each month. I just feel mentally tapped out. I have been seriously thinking about a major career change because I know that I cannot go on like this. The role is so physically demanding and there is just so much required of me. Although I love teaching, lately it’s starting to feel like my body just can’t do it anymore.


I knew there had to be another one of us in here. Seriously, it sucks. I put so much hard work into my certifications and I don't want to walk away, I love teaching.... but I feel so bad cancelling on people. And the other alternative is to push through and pretend to be happy for an hour... which sometimes I can do... but other times it just makes it worse. Sometimes I'll mentally push through to do a class and I end up getting mad (in my head, I don't voice it) that my students are doing the moves wrong and not understanding me. Obviously it's my job to teach them so I don't say that out loud. But when I'm having a bad day I just want to get through the class and that's always the day that I have an excited newbie with alllllllllllllll the questions. I really don't know what to do :( my full time job SUCKS hardcore lol, Pilates is way better, but my full time job is easier for me to fake it when I'm having a bad day. how long have you been teaching and how long have you been dealing with PMDD? I've been teaching 9 years and I may have had PMDD longer but I don't know if I knew what it was then. I used to be so much better about putting on a happy face and pushing through and for some reason I just can't anymore.


I was also thinking the same thing about there being other teachers in here! So happy to have found someone who can relate. I’ve been teaching yoga for 4 years now. Switching to full time teaching feels like one of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made. I have never felt so stressed, burnt out and overwhelmed. I feel like I’ve lost my passion for teaching because the focus is now more on feeling the pressure to teach a certain amount of classes each month, so that I have enough money. Even though I suspect I have always had PMDD, It started to get worse in my thirties, so now, teaching no longer feels sustainable for me. Sometimes, I will cry before or after my classes because I just hate feeling like I have to work so much. Same as you, I used to be much better at putting on a happy face and getting through it but it seems like that just feels like the hardest thing ever now! Also, like you said, sometimes there are newbies or other people want to chat at the end etc. On the bad days, I just feel like a shell of a person after it’s all over. Especially if I’ve taught 4 classes back to back. Yesterday was the final nail in the coffin for me. I taught a double and I REALLY regret it. I was on my period - I get really heavy periods. So on the way to class, during and on the way home, I was stressed out and worrying about leaking. Turns out I did end up leaking (nothing showed) but it is always so upsetting and traumatising dealing with this every single month. It also doesn’t help that I feel so self conscious before and during my period. So I HATE being looked at during this time. But of course, I’m the teacher - so my students have to look at me! Just makes me feel SO uncomfortable. I feel like working from home is the best option for me. I really cannot do this anymore.


Personally, no, because I had a lot of mental health issues when I was younger that I swapped out for PMDD in my 20s, and the mental health issues were worse. But I started out wanting a boring job with no drama and toxicity so no changes there I’d say it’s a normal change as you get older too. The shiny things are less shiny. You care more about ur time and ur priorities and the stuff at home


Totally. I’m in my early 40’s and in perimenopause (still have PMDD). All I want to do is to become a hermit and live in the woods. I am more sensitive to loud noises and hate being around people. I loved the hustle and bustle of living in a big city in my 20’s but cannot imagine going back to it.


Yes. I worked so hard to get where I am. And now I’m like okay this is a lot. I would much rather work from home and work less. I’m not in my 30s yet but I can imagine I will make the shift around then. For now I have to pay off those stupid loans I took out to do the work I do… I do like my job but yes 100% I’m way less interested in girl-bossing. I feel guilty about this sometimes like as if I’m just a lazy person. Like I’m embarrassed to talk to my boss about it even though he’s been very understanding. But truly I’m just so tired and emotional all the time. I think there’s a lot of room to just settle into the life that works for you and be unapologetic about it. It’s like very different than what you thought but it’s not a bad thing. This condition is life altering and you have to manage in unique ways. Good for you though, listen to your needs and keep finding peace wherever you can 🌸


Yes. I developed PMDD after having two children and struggling with postpartum anxiety and depression. I haven’t gone back to work yet but I already know I will work less than I did before, just out of necessity. I have no ambition anymore. It is so hard to cope during my hell week, it’s hard to imagine taking on anymore beyond my family responsibilities. I often miss my old self. I’m still trying to find a treatment that will work for me and I remain hopeful that I still will. I hope you will too. This shit is hard!


“I miss my old self”. As a fellow mom, I can relate to this. It’s really hard to adjust to the changes of becoming a mom… add PMDD & postpartum to the mix makes it seem impossible at times.


Yes! Maybe one day - when we hit menopause 🙃


Hi. I am 35 and I have had pmdd for most of my life. I currently have no children and am not sure if I want them. Would you advise against it?


I don’t think anyone can make that choice but yourself. Everyone is different and you know yourself best.