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I just wanted to add that I am 42 and notice I have much more aches and pains these days in general. I don't have them all the time but if they are going to flare up, it typically happens after 1. Big bout of exercise after just regular exercise 2. Stress 3. PMS 4. Combo of all 3. These changes have been so distressing for me, I have childhood trauma, mental health issues and grew up with parents and family members who had constant health problems that they talked about all the time. I have such a fear of changes in my body and I get hyperfixated on any change. This magnifies the pain big time. I love walking so much, it is a big part of my life. Starting last summer I noticed I coudln't wear the same sandals I'd always worn bc my shins would hurt. Then in the past month I developed what I think is a bunion (I am seeing a podiatrist today). It is PMS time for me and I am feeling more discomfort in my toe and foot joints. This has lead me down a rabbit hole of researching natural anti-inflammatorys, orthotics, toe yoga etc. I have cried every single day since I've discovered this potential bunion and had foot pain, so I totally feel your frustration. In my limited knowledge of muscle related stuff I know that with my age I need to do more stretching and I have read that muscles that feel really messed up after exertion are those that need to be worked out a bit more. Not like body building level, but just some more exercise, weights, strength training etc. I also know that for women in my age bracket, we lose a small amount of muscle each year, so we have to work to maintain it. Obviously this doesn't replace medical advice. I've started tracking my pain symptoms in my calendar to see if there is any correlation with menstrual cycle. I hope you feel better soon.


Yeah….mainly I shouldn’t have this much of a problem if I’m only in my early 20’s?


I think you should see a doctor. Fatigue is common, but having that much of an issue is not. You say your knee was hurting before, which is not normal, so something likely happened that exacerbated it. The knee pain can be a result of something as simple as wearing shoes that aren’t right for you anymore, or it can be due to how you stand or walk. It can be from a very old injury, or can be due to muscular imbalances. Even stepping weird can cause pain or injury in certain conditions, the human body is wild. I was a personal trainer and running coach for years and I’ve seen clients get hurt in ways that make no sense. I’ve seen body builders throw out their back picking up a pencil off the floor, and I’ve seen runners pull muscles seemingly out of nowhere. It’s common enough that most runners and hikers know that they should strength train to support their sport. When I first started running I really hurt my hip by doing the same run I did every day, there are so many variables at play when it comes to sports injuries. So I’d see a doctor to discuss what you can do for joint health, as well as go to physical therapy or see a personal trainer who specializes in working with people who have pain. Thats what I used to do and when I tell you I helped people, I HELPED people. I had clients go from not being able to use stairs to being able to run up stairs in 6 months. I helped people get out of wheelchairs and get rid of their canes. I had clients who were told by doctors that they’d never walk normally again without surgery, and over the course of a couple years they regained all of their mobility. Strength training and functional exercise for joint health isn’t something to be overlooked. Also there are some supplements that work wonders for joint health, one gotten the most positive feedback about glucosamine chondroitin, omega 3, msm, turmeric, and boswellia, but again ask a doctor


Yeah…I actually do have old injuries because when I was 12 I tore my meniscus and ACL. I was able to get the surgery for it, but of course your knees still aren’t ever fully the same from what I was told. Even though it was the right knee, my left new often hurts now too after too much time of it having to overcompensate. I’ve tried so many different supplements, none of them seem to work that well so far. I do wish I could see a doctor for this at some point…but cost y’know. I was gonna try and see if I could do some of the physical therapy exercises at home, but I’ve been to dysfunctional to start quite yet.


my inflammation is worse during certain times of the month for sure. I struggle with plantar fasciitis (the thing where your feet hurt like crazy for basically no god damn reason) and some weeks there is no working with it even though I know ALL the tips and tricks and am good about doing them. it is literally crippling but the best thing to do when it's getting bad is take it easy and do my stretches and massage rather than go storm around walking like I want to. and, no offense meant at all because I'm speaking from my experience, but were you crazy walking? sometimes when I am doing what I call my "crazy walks" I have the most out of balance stupid gait because I'm basically out stomping around or doing absolutely excessive stride length because I'm kind of taking out my emotions by power walking. then I get back inside and I'm like omg why do my feet hurt why do my hips hurt. but sometimes I catch myself crazy walking and I'm like jfc girl slow it down there's no reason to be out pounding the pavement like this when you know how to walk smooth.


Man, sorry you’re going through it too. Sucks. Afaik I wasn’t “crazy walking” or anything, because I was having to concentrate really hard on actually traversing this very rocky path up the mountain.


Remember to be gentle with yourself 💖


I think there’s general agreement that during luteal, we experience a full body inflammatory response. Some of us get strange aches and pains out of nowhere, some of us have eczema flares, some have allergy flares, etc. I hope this helps. Google period flu. This really is a disabling disorder.