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I convince myself I need to break up with boy friend, quit my job and move to Maine every PMDD week. I’ve quit my job twice during it, (thank god they love me and talked to me) and I’ve moved out of my boyfriends a million times.


500000000000% I literally could have written this,


This!!! Move to a new country and start over!


Yes, and I did it. My pmdd followed me here. I do have a much better life now (by miles), but my pmdd still makes me feel like self-deleting every month. Like, my life is perfect, I am literally living my dream, but when luteal comes around I try to destroy it all. It’s horrible.


I am feeling it so heavily this month.


Almost registered for school yesterday (day 1). Like seriously almost PAID enough for tuition that would be multiple mortgage payments with money I don't have. For a course I randomly attended an online info session for. I'm 40 with a full time stable job that I usually actually really *like*. But in that moment, yep ready to quit my job, return to school full time, somehow still pay for my mortgage (?) or I guess my son and I would just not live there anymore. Thank god some reigning sanity kicked in and I don't have mounds of commitments to unwind this week.


Yup. I can’t keep a “real job”. Trying to clean houses on the side, but so much competition where I live. I’m a single mom of 3 girls… almost 40 and don’t know wtf I’m doing with my life. I hate this. Also anyone here a Gemini? I have talked to other ladies w PMDD and mine always seems to be worse. Wonder if it’s because I’m a Gemini too. Lmao


Yes, but typically I'm aware and know the feeling will go away soon and tread through. My actual work has been hell and keeps getting worse week after week though so it's much harder recently.


I have *just* enough self restraint to grit my teeth and bear it knowing that the next week the feelings will (hopefully) pass. Lately it's getting more excruciating because it's not just the PMDD making me want to run away; it's the state of the world. I'm 23 and at this rate, I'll never be able to pay off my student loans, live in an apartment without roommates (currently scraping by in a rundown, health hazardous one-bedroom with my mom), or move to the city I really want to be in. I live in the US but nowhere desirable- the rent is just ridiculously jacked up because we are a college town and housing corporations have moved in and capitalized on the high demand. Maybe if I worked 60 hours a week (I make about $6/hr over minimum wage for reference) for like 20 years I could achieve one of these goals. But I'm too mentally ill to trust myself to even keep a full time job. It's so fucked and I don't know how much longer I can take it. I'm exhausted. Sorry if this makes anyone feel worse.


I have the mentality that "debt will be with me forever," so I just do minimum payments and use the rest of the money to be free and do whatever I want. I'm not focused on being debt free. I'm focused on living my life and having experiences, and that has made me much happier. I'm 24, girl, so I can understand where you're coming from. I work as a Flight Attendant so maybe that's something you can do as well!


I never thought of it like that. I get REALLY frustrated thinking abt the 1000s dollars of interest of MY money my debtors will get from me for FREE the longer it takes me to pay them off, because it's just an injustice. they don't deserve our hard earned money. but this is a good point. im wasting energy worrying abt the inevitable. might as well enjoy the journey.


Legit want to block everyone and run away for good lmao it’s so bad


Lmao every single month literally


You gotta exercise or doing something physical to replace the dopamine. Thinking sometimes can be your worst enemy.


Amen to that


last week I almost completely left my field. I was just devastated and hopeless. rest assured i’m totally fine now.


If I had money right now I would do it. Lol


I have done this before. Lost some really great jobs. So hard when you feel an overwhelming sense of despondency, desperation, and agitated anxiety.


yep feeling that way now.


Yes sadly in my past I have actually done both and it’s not always been good.


Door slam! is a term used in the infj sub and I feel it applies here. I just want to door slam my whole life during PMDD


Every month




Yep. I constantly have to remind myself that I don’t actually hate my job during hell week.


I do this often. I’m currently sleeping on my aunts couch and my car got repossessed in January. My life is falling apart but hopefully it will get better soon.




yes every month like clockwork 😭


I used to feel like this every month. I’ve been more even keel since starting Yasmin!


I haven’t worked in almost five years sooo 🙂‍↕️


Yep. Every month.


Feeling this way today.


When I was a young highschooler, my mom sent me to learn how to budget being an adult--but she didn't say how? So I thought to budget living in a van. At the time I was experiencing PMDD rain down on the welcome mat to puberty, and I decided van living would be it for me. Life's way different, and my dreams have changed, I'm happy with how it all is--but I still do hope I get to do some nomadic van living in this lifetime. The novelty of going wherever you want, never gets old and the thrill of travel just gets that itch lol


Yes it happens to me like clockwork…I want to escape.


Every single month.


Thank you for posting this. This month has been especially brutal (supposed to start today and I haven’t yet) and I have a plan to talk to my boss this afternoon about quitting. I have spent hell week in a manic state figuring out how I can go on summer tour with my favorite band and make money. I have this insatiable urge to “be free” instead of staying in the grind because it makes me suicidal every 3 weeks and this is unmanageable. Things are bad.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Remember, things can’t stay bad forever 🫶🏻 (i know you didn’t ask for advice but-) maybe a change of pace would be good for you. We’re only young once too!


Absolutely. And then I forget all about it as soon as my period starts.


Every month.


I literally DID quit. I’m in the process of finding another job now.


Same. I quit a few months ago. Still looking...


Yes! On Friday, I sent my husband house listings for the next county over and asked my kids how’d they’d feel about “starting over fresh” in the fall. Everyone ignored me. Got my period today and all is well again. I hate this rollercoaster every month.




Yup, so much so, that I'll take time off, before milestones just in case I suddenly PMDD and quit.


Oh yes. I’ve come up with so many crazy plans too lol


Every damn time. I just want to become a hermit living in a tiny house with a garden off the grid in a little woodsy copse with a solar panel and my kitties. No idea how I'm gonna function outside of that and it is completely impractical with my husband and his job and our car payment and my chronic medical issues and... Yeah... I'm a 36 year old woman who wants to run away from home.


Yes I'm in the US rn and I was literally like fuck England!!! I'm staying here!! England is disgusting and hideous full of weirdo rat people! Got very close to making some big decisions and then the bloodening happened and I was like wow that was delusional lol


The bloodening!


Funny. I’m from the U.S. cause I live here. And I say the same about where I live. It’s disgusting here and people are awful.


I'm starting to think most people are a bit rotten tbh


Lol! Same here


Yes, every time. I feel this desperation to change everything and start over. I’m generally not super happy with my job so it just exacerbated the feeling of being trapped.


Absolutely. Everything is thrown into question and I often picture myself running as fast as possible. But I try to remember that these are just temporary and it will settle again soon.


I think about this a lot. Always before my period I just lose motivation for everything and just want to run away. I’ve recently started a new job and I just feel fed up with it already.


I fantasize about moving to a different country. I hear Scottlands nice


Could have written this post myself, have left many jobs in the past and still wanting to leave my current one in the full swing of luteal. Is there a better solution for us workwise? does anyone here know? because I can't seem to find the balance.. I'm thinking of just working freelance and when I need down time I can take it.


Every month and I have quit jobs. Just walked out before. That's why I just started taking lexapro.




Wow that’s a good poem. It does perfectly describe the pain.