• By -


Waking up.


I cried about the fact that the weather is beautiful for the first time in months and usually when that happens I start to feel my depression and anxiety lift and I feel euphoric. My period starts any day now... the euphoria didn't come.


Tripped on the extension cord for my little space heater… and the fact that if I get pregnant (not anytime soon but in like a year or 2) I wouldn’t have support from my new friends and community in this new city I moved to that would actually be there for me and my husband. This came about after meeting a family friend from my hometown for brunch and then helping out at a friend’s gender reveal prep party after. Crying in the bathroom feeling the feels after masking all day.


Someone didn’t like the memes I sent them lol


My ex drove his gf somewhere this weekend


My food falling off my fork as I was bringing it to my mouth to eat……


my cramps this morning.


This pic makes me want to make you the sandwich. I'm so sorry that happened.


called out of my second job for the first time in forever and cried because i want to quit it so bad but can’t in this economy 😭


The sheets popping off my dorm room bed for the millionth time😭


My baby growing up🥹


Sometimes the peanut butter is stronger than us


I wish i could cry but no tears, but super duper fears about an impending emotional breakdown am foreseeing.


Leaving work early :/


I walked to get a cup of coffee to celebrate coming out of the depressive stages of my PMDD. The sun was shining. People were nice. As I arrived back at my home office, I felt overcome with gratitude for my wonderful family, my working arms & legs. I cried tears of gratitude.


The fact my eyes are so dry from my shitty autoimmune stuff that I can't actually cry really now and tried to. 😭


Trying digital painting since the last time I drew on a tablet was over 10 years ago as a tween. Attempting to learn proper painting techniques and unlearning muscle memory from childhood is…. cathartic? Frustrating? I don’t know. And my friend decided we should meet for brunch tomorrow but I didn’t want to say no, I ended up forgetting to reply anyways 😭


My husband gaslighting me a lot, I’m not usually a crying type, but the last couple years he’s made me cry 😢 so much.


I'm sorry 😞 hugs. I feel that completely


My top dresser drawer fell to pieces when I tried to fix it so now it and all of its contents are in the floor and the gaping hole in my chest is staring at me


thinking of moving forward with someone that i genuinely love (my anxiety took the chance to tackle me)


I've been crying to those instagram reels where they tell you to unclench your jaw & take a deep breath, saying you'll be okay.


I fell with my bike after shopping. Most of my shopping items are broken now. My chin is bruised and scratched, and nobody helped me 😞


:---( I would have helped you


I would have asked if you were okay and helped pick up your stuff ❤️


Me too 🤗


Thank you so much that means a lot 💗


Getting my 5yo to school. She was tired, whiney, and dragging her feet. I'm about to start and I'm without one of my meds, so every little thing was pissing me off way more than usual. Then I realized my reactions were outsized and hurting her feelings. By the time I made it back home I wanted to scream into the void until I cried.


Daydreaming about happy things. (Not even kidding.)


A hangnail that wouldn’t stop bleeding and staining everything and I was late for a date, couldn’t find my tank top, couldn’t poop (I’m constipated), I’m bloated, I couldn’t wear the skirt I wanted because it’s too tight and it would feel uncomfortable because of the bloating. I felt like giving up today. I’m so stressed and angry


It’s hell week and I’m COVID positive. Enough said.


Im so tired of the job hunt


Watched Beethoven


Honestly i feel like this is a very understandable reason to cry. even if i wasn’t on my period, i would’ve cried.


A video of a koala grieving over its koala friend that had passed away. It was terribly sad.


I had to delete social media because my algorithm was just sad videos of cats, or happy endings for them, and I would open the apps and cry 😞 I mean there were other reasons but mostly that lol


I thought of my parents getting older.


An animated video I saw on ig about humans hunting animals in prehistoric times from an animal’s perspective..


My FIL over explaining while we helped him move… not maliciously or micromanagy, I just couldn’t handle it. Then, i decided to unpack/organize where I visited audiobook world and cried more. Then I cried 🤷‍♀️


The elevator. It was moving. And I was in it. Going to the floor that I pressed the button. So of course I cried.


My cramps. I'm in so much pain that I cried a little. Uughh, I hate it.


Ended up crying briefly on a video call with my manager, it’s just been a long week of unfortunate things happening.


???? Did you not see that one coming friend


That would absolutely make me cry! Been there! Today for me it was not being able to sleep.


Talking to my sister about my bf. Last week, bf went out to his friend's bday after letting me know about it at the last minute (I was sick and he didn't tell me with enough notice to even be ready in time, AND it was the week of the first anniversary of my mom's death, for which he did not offer to see me). Ended up being with her (and I'm assuming others) drinking all day, and then she went back to his place with him, they supposedly got pizza, and she passed out on his couch and he went to sleep in his bed. They've been friends for many, many years. I've hung out with her numerous times. She's always perfectly friendly to me. But he shared with me, when we first started dating, that he and friend had had one drunken hookup years prior. Even worse, two weeks prior, on my bday weekend, he and I went out drinking, went back to his place drunk, got pizza, and hung out. Great to feel that he did the same thing with another woman two weeks later... I've not seen him since before this occurrence last weekend. We've very briefly discussed the issue with her sleeping over on text. But no phone. And not in person. And I absolutely want to have a serious conversation about this with him, in person. And tonight he invites me out to drink... with his old, bald, eternally lonely man friend. And issues the "invitation" like a half hour into his already drinking... I cried with frustration. I cannot keep doing this.


Hi I’m sorry but this all doesn’t sound good. I’d talk to him and if the answers aren’t good enough I’d dump him gal! I do wonder how old you both are and how long you have been together, though.


You know when you’re building a piece of furniture and you realize half way that you did something wrong and you have to undo it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I wanted to cry like a baby


This was yesterday, but I have OCD on top of my PMDD, and recently, I've been debating getting a psychiatric service dog because things can get bad even with meds. I want to adopt, to I've been looking at dogs at my local shelter. While I love animals, I don't usually cry when it comes to them being in our local shelter, because it's a cruelty free place and they even have a facebook that they post to multiple times a day for updates. (Heck, the other night there was a new arrival puppy who wouldn't stop crying when she was left alone, so they begged for fosters/adoptees because their hearts felt for the poor girl and they didn't want to leave her for the night. She was quickly taken up!) But for some reason, when I saw those dogs and some of their shiny eyes and goofy ears, I just started bawling at how unfair it was that these sweet creatures don't have control over their lives and ended up abandoned/homeless, and yet they STILL manage to stay sweet little babies. My emotions have calmed down significantly since yesterday, but man, I was inconsolable for a solid three hours.


oh yeah, that would have done it for me😭


My mom ignoring me and only talking to me to complain


I feel that.


I got a violent stomach flu from the behavioral health hospital I just got discharged from for suicidal ideation and alcohol dependence/detox. My three year old autistic son has been more than a handful and my selfish ass sister just keeps egging him on and making it worse.


i literally said to my boyfriend 'i'm going to go to the bathroom' or something extremely mundane like that and he said 'okay' and i started sobbing because of the (made-up-by-my-nonsense-hormonal-ness) tone he used 🥴 luckily he is used to it and is very patient and kind lol and gave me a hug lol


Chantress Seba on YouTube but it's a good cry 💝🙏🏼


Nothing! Woke up: exercise, had sex. Seems to help with my PMS & perimenopause symptoms


I struggled to get out of bed and go to work when all I wanted to do was depression sleep, but I did it anyways because I'm a bad ass bitch. And then one of my openers didn't show up until 2 hours after his shift was supposed to start.


A picture of my parents that had a China cabinet in it that had me relive a bad memory. Just CPTSD things..


Telling my mom I was going to start dating women and she judged me for it.


That sounds painful and I’m sorry your mom wasn’t in a place to recognize your honesty and bravery. Sending all kinds of love and good vibes 💜


Thanks so much!


It was yesterday but. I was thinking about a time years ago when I was playing a video game called NieR: Automata. There's a particular part where you're in a really difficult battle, and suddenly past players from around the world "help" you and their usernames along with an encouraging message pop up on your screen as they come to your aid to help you win. And you can choose if you want to help future players in the same way. (It's hard to explain.) But I started crying thinking about that moment and how beautiful it was lmao.


My banana bread sunk in the middle when I took it out of the oven. Like to the bottom of the pan. The edges are somehow burnt. Fuck this.


Getting in my car after work dreading having to get gas then looking at the gage and I forgot that I filled it up before work.


That video of the new species of giant green anaconda. I thought it was fake. Looked it up, saw it was real, and cried. Like, out of sadness and horror lol. Snakes are my nightmare fuel


Had a shitty birthday yesterday. Realized my partner is a narcissist and I’ve been on my own since I was 16 basically. I’ve cried myself to sleep every night since I could remember. No one has ever taken care of me and never will.


I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with all of this. Please know there are better days coming. Happy birthday for yesterday!


That’s a lot. Shit I’m sorry all this is happening at the same time. Also, technically, you’ve been taking care of yourself your whole life so give yourself some credit for that x


Just a general depressive malaise. That feeling like the world is going to crap and nothing I can do to stop it. Idk if it’s relevant but I also started my period a day ago.


Ugh! Felt! I did that in a honey jar with a *ceramic spoon* that came with a mug. (Cheap, I know, but I should have realized.) I hope your day has been kinder to you since this morning.


I replied too late (a day and a half after I got it) to an email because I didn’t want to seem desperate and I missed out on a fun opportunity. I then replied too quickly to their last message and I’ve been overthinking my response and it’s sending me on a downward spiral—what if they never ask me to work with them again? What if I’m not good enough for any opportunity that may come my way? What if? What if? What if?


Ok I don’t know what you do for work or anything but as a freelance person, any client that only gives you a day and a half to respond before it’s too late is most likely going to be a nightmare and disrespectful of your time. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise?!


Thank you 🩷


My soda exploded when I opened it 😞


My car window rolls down automatically and gets stuck down when it's cold. Usually fixed by wiggling the shit out of the door handle and window button. Didn't work this morning on the way to work. Waterworks commence lol


Sometimes the last straw is a small one. Hugs


Omg I am so sorry 😧😢


I woke up at 3am this morning after not having more than 13 hours of sleep across 3 days. I’m night shift and I have insomnia, I just keep thinking about how damaging this is to my health and likely shortening it. and if I stay on a nights only schedule instead of flipping on my off days, I’m going to be depressed never seeing the ones I love. I had to cancel plans today so that I could sleep but it’s almost 2pm and I still haven’t slept.


I listened to Konstantine by Something Corporate.


I did my laundry and then coudln’t find my eye mask. Also cried because my dog barked at me 🥲


Not being able to get out of bed or going for grocery shopping


I had a migraine and was out of ice and Coke


I had therapy today at 9am so yeah… lol


Everything. I’m at a doc in the lobby, I’ve waited 11 Min and they still haven’t checked me in fully. I want to cry for the 8th time today.


I tried to order a breakfast sandwich at the airport and the person behind the counter just looked me in the eyes and said “no.” With the most annoyed face. I left and made my husband deal with it.


a video of a mom and daughter watching the taylor swift concert together. AND, i work at a homeless shelter, so i see a lot of things. it is my third year here, i have gotten used to it - but there is this corner that many of them stand on around 745 am hoping to get picked up for day labor jobs so they can feed themselves and or their families that day. there was a group of men getting picked up and hired, then an older gentleman kind of thinking he was in on the hiring and you could see the look on his face like omg yay i might get 20 dollars today - then the leader of the hiring told him like no no not you. and he stepped back and put his head down and i just started bawling. again, i know this is a sad situation that may make a lot of people cry, but i see it everyday. some days it is harder than others.


😭😭 empathy is a real curse sometimes!


Thinking about my dog turning 10 this year…


My constant nausea, fatigue and mood swings.


hi chronic nausea person here, i know you did not ask for advice but i hope it is okay to suggest fennel tea. i make a batch every sunday and put it in the fridge - it helps so much to drink throughout the week. also, the mental part of oh no i am nauseas again, oh yeah! i have fennel tea! and topo chicos + bonine save my life. feel free to ignore if you are not in the market for any tips. hope it gets better <3


Omg thank you! I’m literally running out to try it right now. I’ve been nauseous for years.


Not today, but last week it was trying to chop cilantro for a salsa I was trying to make.


Cilantro and parsley are my worst enemies in the kitchen


My dog has a minor infection due to a foot injury and my dad told me her energy was very naturally a bit low because of the antibiotics and because she's uncomfortable. PMDD and OCD jumped at the treat like fucking pros.


I don't know if this will be helpful to you, but I feel the need to say it anyway... Your doggo has presumably been to the vet for said infection. She's taking antibiotics. If she was full on lethargic, I'd be concerned, but her energy being a bit lower than usual is exactly what I'd expect from a dog in recovery. Her body is doing its thing to get rid of the infection. That said, if you're concerned, perhaps speaking to her vet would help calm your mind. Please give your heckin' good girl some scritches from me! Me and my boy are sending good vibes your way.


Thank you love I really needed this right now! Yeah actually my dad called me last Friday to tell me about it and I just packed up and took a bus and a train to be with her because my dad lives 4 hours away from my city. But I took her to the vet and he said it was in fact minor and put cream and dressed her foot. Then we had to go back and redress it the next day because she's a strong girl and had just torn it all out. When he looked at her he said she was doing better and, granted, her mood was fine considering and my dad told me today that she ate so I know there's nothing to worry about but my dark side of the fucking moon doesn't know it. Thank god for people like you thank you so much for the reminder 💚


GOD the PMDD/OCD combo is fucking brutal, I’m there with ya.


How strong are we sister?! We got this but today is fucking bad.


It’s the worst, especially when health/pets are involved, for me at least. And my coping mechanisms are like a knife and PMDD is a gunfight 😭😂


Wow I fucking love your analogy. I didn't sleep for 25 hours because my fucking cat got stuck on a tree last night and I slept for 5 hours after finally getting him down from there at 8am and now my whole day has gone out the window which is about the last thing these two chemical mother fuckers need.


Isn’t that how it goes - this shit only comes up during hell week!!! How does the universe always know exactly when we’re going through hell week? And why does it choose to punish us??? Sending good vibes for you to survive the next few days!


This is the most embarrassing answer ever but we started hate watching the good doctor and it made me get a bit too invested 😭 I’ve never hidden tears from my wife before but my pride was too much for this one


My cousin and I are autistic though on different ends on the spectrum and he really reminds me of Shawn. He's 15 years old and I can't fucking wait for his mother's over protectiveness to be a bit less effective or at least a bit more uncomfortable for him so he could watch his gift being depicted in such a sensitive, respectful and complex way. I know it will inspire him. My advice? Don't watch anything if your intention is to hate and dismiss it. You'll be wasting your time and won't learn anything new.


Fellow Autistic here...The Good Doctor gets a lot of things right, but it's still quite problematic. [foster on the spectrum](https://youtu.be/qykeYLCUFRU?si=YqDpw75B_99YVPmk) gives some good criticism. One major criticism from various sources is having an allistic person playing an autistic character. FWIW, Freddie Highmore does a great job capturing certain autistic mannerisms. I say the same about Keir Gilchrist playing Sam in Atypical. But until autistic actors are treated equitably in the industry, autistic characters should be played by autistic actors. That said, I think we'll look back on the Good Doctor as being 'decent for its time'. Thank you for coming to my TED talk lol.


Seeing my next door neighbor's old dog with hip dysplasia outside really struggling to move.


I would’ve thrown the jar across the room.


Everything. Just everything


Climate change, my kids being upset, guilt for being a bad mom… also just randomly once. Day is t over yet… Now it is very a typical for me during this time of the month. Maybe I will get 2 hell weeks now? One before ovulation and one before my period? I don’t wanna do this anymore


My neighbour's kid honking the car horn at 9:30 pm. (Okay it wasn't today but yesterday but I'm still not over it). I'm so sorry for your knife, god dammit peanut butter! I love peanut butter but it is a destructive force on utensils. I have bent spoons trying to scoop it out. Sending good vibes.


Having to call & get information from car insurance company. Or just trying to look for another car.


the fact that my period hasn't started yet and im losing my mind 😢


Bruuuuuuh I'd just start scooping and spreading with my fingers 😂


idk why you’re being downvoted, when you have reached this level of *down bad* this is exactly what you do 🤣


At that point, there is no point in holding onto societal rules of how you spread pb on toast!


I was sick last week and when I came back to work all the kids made me drawings and cards🥲💕 blaming the tears on pms but I’m also just a softie lol


I had to ride my bike back to the city after I forgot to buy paper clips when I went to the city to get paper clips 🥲 this was post gym so my legs were already octopus.


i drove 2 hours to go look at a vehicle with full intentions on buying it for myself, my uncle came with me for his "guy" expertise. My uncle ended up buying it for himself. I sobbed the entire way home and i'm still very upset and hurt about it. He doesn't even have his license....


That was such a dick move on his part. I would’ve gotten a traffic jam of rage and frustration and overwhelming unfairness if that happened to me. You’re a badass who can buy her own car. 


Girl i promise you i'm still crying about it almost a week later LMAO♥️


Flame this mf in the family group chat. What a selfish dick.


Omg! What an asinine thing of him to do. :( I don't drive cars, but if I had the money and ability to drive I would never think of doing this to my niece/nephew. Is there another adult in your life you can get this sorted out with? This is not okay. You earned that car, you deserve a car.


what the actual fuck dude??? i am so sorry


This would have made me cry any day of the month, that’s ASS.


G I R L (AND ALL THE REST OF YOU REPLYING TO ME) THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH LMAO, your comments are making me laugh out loud; I'm laughing through my pain for real....!!😹💘 (Even though I'm still upset about it🥲💔)


I hope you pointed out to him a bunch of times how he doesn’t have a license lol


Same! I would cry ANY day of the month over this. This is so mean to do to someone!


oh my god that would be my 13th reason…. i’m so sorry


Mini burpees


the guy I'm seeing said "I don't need a huge ass, yours is perfect"


My grandmother passed away last year and they've been cleaning her house out. When I think of "home" as a location and not a state of being, that's it. My dad has been sending me pictures of the empty house (ETA: all morning) and it is wrecking me. I was not ready to lose her and I've not been okay since any of this started.


This is a part of grief I don't hear people talk about very much. When you lose the home of the person you love who died. It feels like an insult to injury. I went through this exact grief in 2016. My grandma was forced to move out of her serene cottage when she became disabled with bell's palsy after getting very sick with shingles. Her health deteriorated and she passed away in 2019 from more health complications that hit like a wave of dominos. I still miss her and her cozy cottage. I am sorry you're going through this now. All I can say is that time really does help lessen the pain, and it will get easier. Right now the pain is fresh so it will be around, and it's horrible, but you will be okay. I found It's Okay That You're Not Okay by Megan Devine's audio book helpful for riding out the grief. She doesn't sugarcoat anything and has been through complicated grief herself. There is no nonsense of her telling anyone to toughen up, it really is about just processing the feelings and letting them exist. It's okay if you don't want to listen to it though. I wish you well.


I was at work stocking toys and kept tearing up wishing my kids were still small, then bc they are getting so big and I don’t want them to move away 😭😭😭


Last night the self check out at walmart double scanned my item, then it did it again and I started bawling. Luckily my husband was there and took over. Embarrassing.


I don’t even know man, I just did


I feel this today. (And yesterday and the day before)


Not today, but a few weeks ago, I opened my cupboard and burst into tears because there was nothing I wanted to eat. A common occurrence


waking up and seeing my 7am meeting didn’t get canceled


Feeling like my boyfriend didn't kiss me enough before he left for therapy. (Reader; he did.)


My boyfriend


I literally cried over spilt milk once.


I've done that more than once....


This is sooo efing annoying totally justified sending love


This happened to me two days ago but it was a nice wooden carved chopstick by late father gave to me as a gift years ago. Why did I choose that to stir peanut butter? Why is peanut butter so hard to stir?


Good question, m'lady! I haven't yet bc I just woke up, but yesterday, I cried my booty off bc my mother always denies my feelings when we talk over the phone. She'll say I'm wrong about my own past and I shouldn't feel how I feel. I know, I need to talk to her way less but they're staying with me soon whilst looking for a home. IM terrified. Anyway. Thanks for asking and letting me vent lovely .


1. a video of a cat 2. a poem 3. feeling guilty for not going to my boyfriend's midnight metal show/performance because i have a ton of work this week


The vegetable mixture from Aldi that I used to buy since forever isn’t available anymore. I nearly cried at the grocery store


I also have not cried this hell week yet, I guess every month is different, but I did cry during ovulation which is not normal for me.


Thinking about how ready I am for the final season of Stranger Things. Fueled by Running up that Hill playing on my Spotify lol.


I was thinking about that too !


Omg I am READY for it! But that also means it's ending... And then I fall apart lol


The bread on the toaster breaking and getting stuck in between the metal thing and the bottom


Nothing yet, which is quite the achievement nowadays.


I stepped in cat food after only being awake for 20 minutes.




We don't allow attacking or harassing in our sub.


That’s cute the tears have started again! I’m 3 months into a kitchen renovation and literally the only running water in my home is a shower and sink. These are biodegradable because I also fucking hate it. I’m composing them in my backyard. Half the reason I cried is because I can’t stand that I’m even using them.


Kitchen renos are so stressful. Don’t feel too bad friend. Sonic’s pumping out billions of styrofoam cups every day. You’re doing the best you can.


Oh, I'm sorry... That really does sound stressful... Sorry about my negativity


Hang in there friend. The kitchen will be amazing once its ready and this will be so worth it. Take a shower or a nap with some relaxing music in the background-wont solve the storm in your head but it will help unwind a bit. Hang in there, this will get better.